It’s not just students who are having the scales fall off their eyes as they realize the horrible threat posed to continued prosperity by Bidenflation. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, almost the entire country views inflation as a problem. Joy Reid and “Lyin’ Liz” Warren must have been the ones that disagreed. In any case, here’s what Rasmussen found when it polled 1200 American voters:
Ninety-two percent (92%) of voters say that inflation is a serious problem these days. A Scott Rasmussen national survey found that just 5% disagree and 3% are not sure.
Those totals include 64% who consider inflation to be a Very Serious and 2% who say it is Not at All Serious.
The question that got that result was “How serious a problem is inflation these days?” Critics could argue that the question is a bit leading, as it asks how serious a problem inflation is and not if inflation is a problem but, still, the results are startling.
They’re shocking because they show that it’s not just Republicans, or even just Republicans and Democrats, that are willing to admit inflation is a threat. No, with 92% of those polled stating that inflation is a threat, voters across the political spectrum can see that Bidenflation is a serious problem for America.
Furthermore, 64% saying that it’s a “very serious” threat is even worse news for Biden as it means that the results can’t simply be waved away as a minor issue. If more than a supermajority of the voting public views the inflation caused by his policies as a very serious threat, then he needs to solve it fast or it will eat away at his support in the polls faster than the inflation voters are worried about eats away at their savings.
And the Rasmussen poll didn’t end there. It next asked “The Build Back Better plan would increase both government spending and taxes. Will that plan increase inflation or decrease inflation?”
The answers to that question, unlike the first question, might have been somewhat party affiliation-dependent. While 56% overall said that the massive “Build Back Better” spending package would increase inflation, 14% think that the legislative plan will reduce inflation, 9% don’t think the legislation will have any impact on inflation, and 22% are not sure.
So, Democrats could be viewing the legislation in a more positive, or at least ambivalent light, while Republicans and Independents view it more negatively. Given how Biden is doing in the polls, that would make sense.
Alternatively, the results could have been based not on partisan affiliation but rather on knowledge of the bill and economics. As Rasmussen notes in the article on the poll results:
Voters are not paying much attention to the Congressional debate on President Biden’s proposal. Just 19% know that the infrastructure bill has passed and the Build Back Better plan hasn’t.
Because of that, polling on the topic is heavily dependent upon how the proposed legislation is described. For the questions on inflation, respondents were told that it would increase both government spending and taxes. Nothing else was added to the question.
Other data shows that voters generally believe that more government spending leads to higher inflation. Fifty-seven percent (57%) see inflation as a tax on the poor. Just 23% disagree.
Based on that information, it’s very possible that the response to the Build Back Better bill and its potential impact on inflation could be based more on knowledge of what has passed and how government spending impacts inflation.
Whatever the reason for the results, they should be highly concerning to the Biden regime. Almost every American is worried about the inflation his policies are causing and a near-supermajority view his Build Back Better bill as something that will make that problem yet worse.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will – Trending Politics
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