Democrats used to gloatingly say “demography is destiny.” By that, they meant that as the US became more diverse, they’d become harder and harder to defeat, as minorities typically vote Democrat at a higher rate than they vote Republican.
Now, however, leftist insanity might mean that’s finally over; according to a recent WSJ poll, Hispanic voters are evenly split between the Republican and Democrat parties. Specifically, the poll found that:
One year after giving Democratic House candidates more than 60% of their vote, according to polls at the time, the Journal survey found that Hispanic voters are evenly split in their choice for Congress. Asked which party they would back if the election were today, 37% of Hispanic voters said they would support the Republican congressional candidate and 37% said they would favor the Democrat, with 22% undecided.
While that blank ticket result is encouraging, it’s not all we need to know. Sure, they might support a generic Republican ticket, but what about some of the more staunch conservatives and MAGA candidates, would the same result occur?
According to the poll, yes. In fact, more Hispanics
polled by the WSJ said they’d vote for Trump than said they’d vote for the generic Republican ticket, with the result still being about evenly split for Republicans and Democrats, which is a 20% drop for the left since the 2020 election:
And while some might claim the poll only found that result because the WSJ is known as a somewhat conservative outlet, it was managed by a Republican and a Democrat. So, theoretically, at least, the result can be trusted.
It matters because the Hispanic vote is one of the fastest-growing blocks in the American electorate. Already representing 1 in 8 voters, they will likely continue to grow and make up a larger and larger share of the vote. As
noted by the Liberal Patriot on Substack:
But consider further that, as the Census documents, the biggest single driver of the increased nonwhite population is the growth of the Hispanic population. They are by far the largest group within the Census-designated nonwhite population (19 percent vs. 12 percent for blacks).
[…]It therefore follows that, if Hispanic voting trends continue to move steadily against the Democrats, the pro-Democratic effect of nonwhite population growth will be blunted, if not cancelled out entirely, and that very influential Democratic theory of the case falls apart.
Furthermore, while both parties are currently focused on cultural policies, it’s economic issues that drove this result, with the poll finding President Trump having a 17 point lead over Biden on his economic platform, though Biden wins among Hispanic women. Still,
the poll also found that the demographic generally sees Republicans as being better able to handle economic policy:
Hispanic voters in the survey ranked economic issues as the priority for Mr. Biden and Congress to address. Hispanic men said Republicans had the better economic policy, by a margin of 17 points. Hispanic women, by contrast, said Democrats had better economic plans, by a 10-point margin.
[…]Hispanic voters saw Republicans in Congress as better able than Democrats to handle some economic issues, such as reining in inflation and cutting the federal deficit. They also saw Republicans as best able to secure the border.
So, while Democrats might have at one point been right to say that “demography is destiny,” that’s all falling apart in the face of their disastrous policies. It looks like the 2022 Red Wave might receive a major boost from Hispanics.