When the Council of Worms demanded he recant, Martin Luther famously responded by saying “here I stand, I can do no other.”
Jesse Watters, the comedy-focused Fox News host who has recently become Fauci’s public enemy #1, is saying much the same, refusing to recant or back down despite Fauci’s demands.
The background is that Watters, speaking at AmeriFest, told the crowd to “ambush” Fauci, by which he obviously meant that he thought that conservatives, if they see Fauci in public, should “ambush” him with tough questions.
Fauci, intentionally taking the comment out of context and refusing to think reasonably about it, demanded Watters be fired for his comments.
Watters, however, is refusing to recant and back down in the face of Fauci’s aggression. Instead, he decided to go ahead and blast Fauci again.
According to Newsweek, he said:
Watters said despite the increasing numbers of Americans being vaccinated, hospitalizations and deaths are up and colleges are “completely locked down” and that “you can bet blue cities and states will try to shut down schools as well.”
“To top it all off, (Vice President) Kamala Harris just admitted to the LA Times the administration didn’t see any of this coming,” he said. “Gee, you mean Biden’s scientific brain trust and Fauci and Collins couldn’t foresee any of this? Why am I not surprised?
“After all, these are the same clowns who thought funding dangerous experiments on that coronavirus…at the Wuhan lab was a grand idea.”
Fox has continued to stand by Watters as he stands against Fauci, correctly responding to criticism by saying that Fauci and Co. are taking his comments out of context and that he was calling for Project Veritas-style journalism, not a bushwacking.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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