A newly leaked video of Hunter Biden has raised concerns among the public, worrying about his well-being since he’s the son of President Joe Biden.
Another concern regarding the leaked Hunter Biden video is what’s going on with the media and how did this video appear to receive such little coverage on major news networks.
First, let’s talk about the leaked Hunter Biden video and what’s in it.
The video shows Hunter Biden looking like he just woke up, eyes look tired, and he seems to be a bit annoyed that someone called him that early in his morning. Sure, may people would be several hours into their work day, but Hunter Biden is relaxing and taking phone calls from a woman who he seems to be slightly annoyed with.
During the video, they discuss an opinion article that was released in 2019 by Maureen Dowd. This leads us to believe the video was likely recorded at that time, but of course, without a video timestamp of some sort, it is not definite.
Who is the woman on the phone? Many people on social media suggest the woman might be Hunter Biden’s deceased brother’s widow, a woman he tried to date, but clearly didn’t work out. Certainly, there wasn’t any morals involved in that decision, but Hunter Biden tried to explain why he did it and that explanation was kind of odd too.
At one point in the video, Hunter Biden begins smoking something that looks very suspicious. Many speculate it might be crack, but of course, the video does not provide any certainty of what was in that suspicious looking smoke device that Hunter Biden took a drag of and sat there in silence for a moment. If there’s anything we can say about the leaked Hunter Biden video, it’s that it certainly does not look good for his father Joe Biden.
One can only speculate what was in it, but we cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt what Hunter Biden smoked in the video.
This leads people to have concerns about Hunter Biden’s state of mind and if he’s facing any further problems with addictions. Given this video was likely released in 2019, we still have to wonder if any issues are lingering from Hunter Biden’s murky past.
Beyond that, this is the son of the president of the United States and not exactly a role model for anyone on the planet.
One might suspect that if this same video was released with Donald Trump Jr, that the media would be harping about it for weeks – but since it’s the son of a Democrat president, it’s like the media purposely ignores it.
In fact, some major news sites don’t seem to be talking about it much at all, which makes many of us wonder – why not?
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