Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

A liberal TikTok woman has gone viral after complaining that the only masculine men in the dating pool are conservative. While it seems silly to cut your prospective dating pool in half just because you don’t like someone’s politics, sadly, this is where we are in 2023. TikTok user @Ms_Petch dropped took to the internet and gave quite a hot take, and one that is sure to ruffle liberal feathers. Of course, we all know the lack of testosterone is primarily an issue for liberal men and, subsequently, the lack of masculinity. For whatever reason, whether it be poor parenting…

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The left has done all it can to silence conservatives in the past few years. From policing free speech, woke social media platforms silencing conservative voices, and video platforms like YouTube banning you if you dare run afoul of the leftist narrative. Now they are coming for the last bastion of conservatism that is still vibrant and alive with conservative voices. Automakers have been planning to build new electric vehicles without AM radio access. While they claim “interference” between electromagnetic frequencies from their motors and AM frequencies is the reason, the real reason is much more insidious. AM radio reaches…

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In yet another example of supposed “higher learning” being just an arm of the far left, a University of Cincinnati student failed a class assignment and was scolded by the professor for using a taboo term. Olivia Krolczyk says she got a zero on a paper that used the “forbidden” term in a class paper. So, what was the “forbidden” term? Apparently, at UC, you can’t acknowledge basic scientific facts. Olivia used the ‘biological women’ and got a zero on her paper for her trouble. Apparently, this professor doesn’t grade on the merits of the assignment, but rather on whether…

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Has anyone checked on California lately? How is the “Golden Coast” faring? Well, businesses are fleeing, and Hollywood stars are “peacing-out” on a regular basis, but hey, at least it isn’t on fire yet. The state has much of its problems to blame on Gavin Newsom. The smarmy Newsom has taken a state that actually had a budget surplus before he became governor and turned it into a massive deficit. Crime is out of control, homelessness is the norm, open-air drug use is rampant, and San Francisco is covered in people-poop. Great job, Gavin! So, what does Newsom do for…

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The hits keep coming for Anheuser-Busch. Just a couple of months after Bud Light ruined its reputation with an ill-advised partnership with Dylan Mulvaney, the stock continues to plummet, sales are in the toilet, and no end appears to be in sight. Now, the founders of one of the brands in AB’s craft beer portfolio have repurchased the brewery from the flailing company. Appalachian Mountain Brewery, a North Carolina company founded in 2011 by cousins Nathan Kelischek and Chris Zieber was sold to AB in 2021 and officially joined their beer portfolio. After the sale, the cousins remained involved in…

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Well, that didn’t take long. A mere 13 months after Chris Licht replaced Jeff Zucker at CNN, Discovery CEO David Zaslav confirmed that Licht is moving on from the failing company. In the 13 months that Licht ran the company, he addressed many things, including shaking up the on air talent, reshuffling programming lineups, and attempting to return the far-left news channel back to a more every, centrist position. Unfortunately for Licht, it wasn’t enough. Conservatives are simply NEVER coming back to CNN, and liberals were upset by he changes and started changing the channel. Couple that with a decided…

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Say what you want about Former President Donald Trump, but he knows an opportunity when he sees it. After the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir was so shamefully shut down while singing the National Anthem in Statuary Hall at the United States Capitol last week, the story picked up steam, and eventually made national headlines. The Capitol police stopped the children claiming the song is “considered a form of demonstration and/or might offend someone.” Of course, no one stops anyone from singing the black national anthem or demonstrating all over the National Mall, but it isn’t popular, especially in DC, to be…

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Ever since Joe Biden snuck into office, he has declared an open war on American energy. He has largely been successful, as gas prices have skyrocketed, home heating costs are insane, and America has never been more dependent on Middle Eastern oil. This all happened after President Trump had delivered unprecedented gains in America’s energy sector. We were energy independent for the first time, gas and oil were at the lowest point since the 90s, the strategic reserve was full, and the American economy was humming. Now, we stand on the brink of an economic collapse, and Joe Biden has…

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Welcome to the future, where big promises are made, and small returns are realized. At least in terms of electric vehicles, that is. So far, outside of Tesla and a couple outlier models, EV’s have been an unmitigated disaster. Balky technology, lack of a charging infrastructure, high cost, and the ever present possibility that the battery just might catch on fire have dogged the green energy sectors golden children. That isn’t to mention the range issues. It is understandable, to an extent, that companies are going to fudge on their estimated range. Automakers have been doing it for decades. When…

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The truth is out there. This time we might need more than Dana Scully and Fox Mulder to save us. People have been seeing lights in the skies since Biblical times, and probably before. There is more grainy footage, abduction stories, and bad still photography out there than you can shake a proverbial stick at. It is hard to unpack it all and decide if anything has any merit. Allegedly, Area 51, a top secret facility in Nevada, recovered a craft and aliens half a century ago, but the government has always staunchly denied it. More recently, mysterious orbs and…

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Probably the oldest mystery facing mankind is why are we here. Philosophers, scientists, holy men and scholars have postulated theories for centuries, but we are still no closer to knowing the truth. The second oldest would be, what happens when we die? Again, depending on who you ask, and what your belief system is, you will get different answers. One thing is for certain, we are here, and we are going to die. Beyond that, it is anyones guess. Except Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Terminator knows exactly what happens when we die. It’s not because he is actually a time traveling…

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Any concerns the American people have about Joe Biden and his physical and mental well-being were validated in a recent New York Times article that implied that White House staffers are treating Biden like the antique he is. It has already been well documented that Biden has a window of opportunity daily to work. He simply doesn’t do much early in the day and is too tuckered out later in the day. Biden has also been increasingly spending weekends working from his vacation house in Rehoboth Beach, New Jersey. While the left clutched their collective pearls at how much former…

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In yet another example of the clear difference between men and women, recently at an independent tournament in North Carolina, a group of older men, some retired, from the U.K. completely manhandled, pun intended, a team of former U.S. Women’s soccer players. The U.S. team was made up mostly of former U.S. National Women’s Team players, including Heather O’Reilly and Lori Lindsey, and was coached by the legendary Mia Hamm, but that simply wasn’t enough to compete against middle-aged, former Wrexham AFC players. The ladies came out of the locker room on fire, boasting and writing very big checks that,…

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Another far-left media personality is hitting the bricks. Chuck Todd, the long-time, far-left-leaning host of “Meet the Press,” will be stepping away after almost a decade of manning the once-respected weekend news program. Television news magazine programs, once the staple of network programming, are a dying breed. They used to be where regular people could tune in and hear the biggest stories from well-respected journalists. Now? Well, they are nothing more than leftist talking points for liberals that don’t have cable. Even the one-time industry standard, 60 Minutes is a shell of its formerly respected self. As for Chuck Todd,…

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California seems to be a lost cause. Politically the state is a liberal cesspool run by self-serving leftists trying to sow the seeds of division and discord. While there are still deep red pockets of California, particularly in Northern California, the larger cities have turned into post-apocalyptic hellscapes of crime, drugs, and homelessness. Major corporations and residents are fleeing the state en masse. Hollywood stars, sports teams, corporations, and anyone with the means are packing up and heading east. And who can blame them? Lower taxes, less regulation, less crime, and a brighter future await anyone leaving the so-called “Golden…

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Everyone knows it is a dangerous game to ask anyone, especially a woman, about their weight. Apparently, Air New Zealand doesn’t give one care about anyone’s feelings or their own safety, as they are weighing passengers before overseas flights. Look, no one wants to get on an 8-hour flight over a large body of water between two larger bodies of, well, water. However, it happens. It is just one of the drawbacks of flying coach, and in Joe Biden’s America, we have to save a buck any way we can! Now New Zealand Airlines is weighing passengers, but while that…

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Artificial Intelligence isn’t just on the horizon anymore. Nor is it science fiction. In fact, it is everywhere. Podcasts, movies, ChatGTP; artificial intelligence is here, and now. With all of the benefits of AI, there are undoubtedly going to be downsides. For instance, the current writers strike in Hollywood is a byproduct of studios and their desire to utilize more AI, thus eliminating the need for humans. In fact, the need for humans may be the ultimate issue with AI. More specifically, artificial intelligence may become sentient enough that it decides it doesn’t need us. Does that sound like the…

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Joker is back! No, not the would-be Batman killing Joker. Rather, tennis superstar Novak Djokovic, also knows as “Joker” by people that can’t pronounce his name. Since being bounced from international competition in many countries due to his refusal to take experimental medicine, Joker has been relegated to small, satellite tournaments. Now he is back in the big time, and ripping through the field at Stade Roland Garros in France, as the French Opens enter its mid round competition. The legendary Serb endured a marathon opening set before dusting Hungarian Marton Fucsovics 7-6, 6-0, 6-3 to advance into the third…

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Something is out there. Whatever your stance on alien life, and not the southern border type, one thing is abundantly clear; something is going on. While there may be a very good explanation, and a very good chance some of what we are seeing is either explainable phenomenon, or yet to be revealed military equipment, the government is still baffled by some of what they are seeing. Many of these recorded sighting feature objects with no obvious propulsion system, doing things that currently nothing we know of can do, including going underwater at high speeds. What is even more curious…

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Kim Jong Un, the self proclaimed “Supreme Leader” of the rogue, communist North Korean regime appears to be a fan of Supreme pizza as well. The megalamaniacal president of North Korea has been under a large microscope for some time because of health concerns particularly where his weight is involved. The tiny dictator, measuring in at a diminutive 5 foot 8, hardly has the frame to pack around three hundred plus pounds, but according to spies, is apparently tipping state-run scales around 308. That is a whole lot of Supreme Leader. North Korean state run media talks of closely…

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A stunning viral video is making the rounds that would make The Bandit and The Snowman proud! On April 24, the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office was responding to a crash on Highway 84, somewhere in the southern part of the state of Georgia. As officers were surveying the wreckage and responding in kind, the video shows a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed on the other side of the median in the two lane. Apparently, the driver of the vehicle was distracted or simply didn’t see a tow truck with its ramp down sitting in the inside lane. What…

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Amusement parks are supposed to be fun places where families and friends can gather, ride some rides, eat some food on a stick, and get a sunburn. That is unless you are at Six Flags Great American in Illinois. Apparently the main attraction there are the fisticuffs and wild teenagers terrorizing people and injuring cops in the parking lot. I don’t think I’m waiting in line for that ride. Monday night, at the park on the outskirts of Gurnee, Illinois, a massive fight broke out, resulting in k9 units and backup from other departments. As police attempted to disperse the…

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Zach Bryan has been on quite a roll as of late. “The Orange” singer has been headlining festivals and selling out shows, as his brand of Americana, and quirky hits like “All My Homies Hate Ticketmaster” have established him as one of the hot, up and coming new stars in country music. Bryan is an extremely fan-centric performer. He regularly connects with his fans during shows and even in public. He is known to give away his J-45 guitars, and even once invited a fan onstage to play sax after previously meeting the person at the airport. In short, he is…

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The old saying says “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater,” but for one migrant woman, she threw the baby out and kept the bath water. Lucia Garcia, 21, has been arrested for leaving her newborn baby in a NYC hospital trash can, claiming that she didn’t know she was pregnant, and thought it was just blood. Now, Garcia wants her baby back. Check this out. A mom from Mexico who was arrested after leaving her newborn boy in a bathroom trash can at a city hospital swears she didn’t know she was pregnant — and hadn’t realized she…

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Gavin Newsom raised eyebrows on Memorial Day by eschewing commemorating our fallen hero servicemen on Twitter in favor of a tone deaf political cartoon. The cartoon, which featured a child trying to reach books on a high shelf while guns are mounted on the wall pointed at him, was a weird, inappropriate attempt to make a statement about guns and conservatives wanting sexually explicit reading material restricted for children. Apparently, liberals are all in favor of kids reading about sexual, adult content, or so it would seem from Greasy Gavin’s Tweet. Naturally, and rightfully so, conservative Twitter had a field…

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Monty Python founder and comedy legend John Cleese is firing back at the woke factions calling for the famous “Loretta” scene from “Monty Python’s Life of Brian” to be removed. He is having none of it. In the scene, the People’s Front of Judea members are sitting in the Coliseum talking philosophy and strategy. The members, Stan, Frances, Judith, and Reg are talking about rights. As the conversation progresses, Stan keeps interjecting on behalf of women. When Reg asks Stan why he is “always on about women,” Stan informs the group he wants to be one. From that point Reg…

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Celine Dion is famous for the Grammy Award winning song “My Heart Will Go On,” and while her heart might go on, the show won’t. The 55-year-old superstar announced the cancellation of her “Courage World Tour” dates through 2024 and “will likely never tour again,” according to sources close to her. Since being diagnosed with an extremely rare neurological disorder, life has gotten hard for Dion. The songstress originally postponed several shows last December after being diagnosed with stiff-person syndrome, a condition that doesn’t allow for her normal breathing and movement on stage. The rare ailment causes spasms and muscle…

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Sometimes it is possible to overcome all of the odds. Even when literally every card is stacked against you, with a little perseverance, luck, and help, you can succeed. That is the American dream, and sadly that is in short supply lately. Eighteen-year-old Sky Castner, a graduate of Conroe High School in Texas, is making her community and family proud by overcoming the ultimate slow start in life and beginning preparations to attend Harvard Law. She is the living, breathing embodiment of hard work and persistence. She has overcome every obstacle in her life. The 18-year-old was born in the Galveston County…

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Statistically speaking, the lottery is a bad bet. Many criticize state lotteries for feeding off lower socio-economic folks, with the dream of hitting it big. Whatever the reason people play, someone has to win, right? Michael Schlemmer, of Corbin, Kentucky is one of those someones. He was running low on gas and stopped in at the Convenient Food Mart on US Hwy 25 West in Corbin, Kentucky. Once inside he bought $20 dollars of gas and a $20 dollar scratcher. So, why didn’t he put $40 in his tank? Probably cause he knew he was going to strike it rich! He…

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Recently the Los Angeles Dodgers disinvited a radical, anti-Catholic group from their Pride event. The group, called the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” are well known for mocking Christianity and Catholicism. They have hosted such events as Easter themed pub crawls that mock the 12 Stations of the Cross, and “sexy Jesus” competitions. In short, they are clearly anti religion. After pushback from LGBTQ groups in Los Angeles, the Dodgers caved and decided radical drag queens dressed as nuns were more important than Catholics and Christians, and for that matter baseball, as the whole spectacle has overshadowed what is supposed to be…

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Reparations are a hot button issue in most blue states, with Democrats making big promises to black voters, likely with no intention of following through. While most common sense folks know this to be the case, some black conservatives are sounding the alarm in hopes that other black folks don’t fall for the ruse. Former Princeton professor, Dr. Carol Swain, told Fox News Digital: “I would tell every Black American who believes that the Democrats will come up with a policy that will solve all their problems, and that money will solve all of their problems, to dig into the history,”…

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Hollywood veteran and outspoken AI critic Justine Bateman had some interesting observations about the use of artificial intelligence in Hollywood recently. The 80s star made her comments about the ongoing Writer’s Guild of America strike, which has shut down multiple productions, live shows, awards ceremonies, and caused the industry to come to a standstill. AI regulation is on their list of issues. The reason is clear. Many believe the studios have refused to budge in negotiations with the writers because they want to shed employees and programming in order to get lean. The best way to do that? Cheap reality…

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Florida man Jordan Rivera decided he didn’t want to wait in the bathroom line at his favorite bar, Banditos, in Port Charlotte, Florida last week and now will be giving one-handed high fives for the rest of his life as a result. Rivera surmised the situation at Banditos, and made the ill-fated decision to take a quick walk behind the bar and let nature take its course. Unfortunately, nature had something else in mind, as a 10-foot monster was waiting in the pond, and proceeded to rip Rivera’s arm off above the elbow. While Rivera survived due to the quick…

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The unhinged, leftist NYC professor that held a machete to the neck of a New York Post report and threatened to “chop” him has been arrested and charged. A smug, smirking Shellyne Rodriguez, 45, appeared proud of her actions as she was escorted out of the 43rd Precinct in the Bronx in handcuffs just after 11 a.m. — several hours after turning herself in over Tuesday’s caught-on-camera threats. The far-left professor had a cornucopia of anti-police tattoos on full display, including “FTP” (for “F–k the police”) inked on her fingers, as well as an image of brass knuckles and the boxing…

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By this time, everyone is aware of the damage Bud Light did to their image with the choice of Dylan Mulvaney as a brand rep. Even though it was a small payment and only six cans, the beer giant has taken billions in losses, and some insiders feat they may never recover fully from the fallout. So, what does retail giant Target do in response? They told Bud Light to hold their beer as they proceed to alienate the vast majority of their customers with offensive, inappropriate Pride month paraphernalia. Target, the Minneapolis based retail chain, place its Pride gear…

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The hits just keep coming for Bud Light. After pushing all of their chips to the middle of the table and gambling on Dylan Mulvaney and Alissa Heinerschneid to rescue the brand from “fratty,” out of touch culture, the fallout just a month and a half later is stunning. Not only has the brand and company lost billions, but the company has irreparably damaged the image of their signature product. It simply is uncool to drink Bud Light now. One would expect the firestorm to eventually burn itself out, but AB has more ominous storm clouds on the horizon, and…

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A Maryland father was brutally beaten to death by a mob of teens and adults as he was trying to protect his child from a middle school fight. Christopher Michael Wright, 43, was confronted outside his home by three teens and two adults that were looking for his fiancée’s 14-year-old son. Allegedly the teen was involved in a fight at the school earlier in the day, and the other teens involved and the accompanying adults were looking to finish it. Sadly, instead of being level-headed adults, they finished the fight, killing Christopher Wright in the process. According to the New York…

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The “punt god” is resurrected! Matt Araiza, the star college punter that was cut by the Buffalo Bills before training camp for rape allegations in college that he was recently cleared of, has been granted a second chance and is working out for the New York Jets. Araiza, a sixth-round pick in the 2022 NFL Draft, was cut by the Bills from a four-year, $3.8 million contract without even making a punt a week after a 17-year-old high school senior sued him and two San Diego State teammates. It is exceedingly rare for punters to even get drafted, and Araiza…

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Last week, the Montana Senate signed a bill to ban TikTok from civilian devices. The ban goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2024. It is a controversial move by the state, despite the fact that the federal government and many private entities have already banned the alleged Chinese spy app on company devices. For a podcast host named Kara Swisher and her producer Nayeema Raza, they have an issue with the law. They railed against it during the most recent episode of On With Kara Swisher. Who is Kara Swisher? I don’t know either, but she is making some very…

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Republican Senator from South Carolina, Tim Scott, has officially thrown his hat into the ring for the GOP nomination in 2024. Scott, who happens to be black, has a long list of accolades and qualifications. He is the first black senator elected in the South since Reconstruction – and the third overall, but apparently, in the eyes of the women on “The View,” that still doesn’t qualify him as a black Republican running for president. Scott had some words for the ladies and their inflammatory, race-baiting rhetoric. Whoopi Goldberg likened Scott to Supreme Court Justice and fellow conservative Clarance Thomas, apparently…

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