Bill Maher, a popular leftist podcast host and comedian who is seemingly getting more and more red pilled as time moves forward, had a conversation with legendary film director Oliver Stone, where the pair had a grand old time taking a proverbial machete to one of the lamest news outlets in the world, CNN. And let me tell you, they deserved every bit of the criticism they received. CNN used to be one of the premiere news organizations in existence, focusing on objective reporting and foregoing agenda pushing. At some point, they traded in journalistic integrity for being a lapdog for the Democratic Party.
According to Brianna Lyman of the Daily Caller, the two men talked about the 2020 presidential election during the “Club Random” program, with Stone boldly coming out and proclaiming his disbelief that former President Donald Trump fairly lost the race against Joe Biden.
“We believed all the east coast, the media, the elite that he was going to fail and both, yes, they were wrong. We would love to see them being wrong. Don’t we. The media elite, because they really went too far in hating and dumping on Trump. And people don’t like that in America,” Stone commented during the interview. “They did it too much.”
Stone nailed it. The mainstream media was so open with their hatred toward Trump that it was clear they had received marching orders to target him with all of their media coverage in an attempt to persuade the American public to vote against him in 2020. Of course, what really happened as a result of all the propaganda and narrative twisting was that folks got wise to the games being played by the media, thus they started to trust what they were hearing less and less. By pushing anti-Trump narratives, they actually created a more dedicated base of support for the former president.
In other words, the result of their effort was the exact opposite of what they were hoping for. That’s because there’s a rebellious streak woven into the very soul of the American consciousness. We don’t like being told what to think and who to vote for. Thus, the left put into play a plan that would supersede the will and voice of the people and cinch a victory for their candidate of choice.
“Well, yes, I was actually having this discussion about the CNN network recently,” Maher replied, “and you know, I want there to be a CNN in the world. You know, something that I couldn’t, I used to be able to count on them. And I still do–”
“What a joke,” Stone added.
“– Some of it, just give it to me straight doc, just give me the news. And, you know, they had this town hall with Trump about six months ago and it was, they kind of took a lot of flack for it,” Maher went on to say during the show. “But he was adored by the audience who were Republicans, I guess, and independents, I think they said both, but whoever it was, they f***ing loved him. And then the panel comes on after and they do nothing but shit on Trump and what a liar he is.”
“And as a viewer, I’m thinking, ‘You know what? I f***ing hate Trump. I know he’s a liar, but this is boring. First of all, we know it and you’re not trying to get at what I think would get a better audience for you, which is putting forward just the notion ‘why’. Why do these people, this entire audience of people, can we just – why do they like him so much?’” he said.
“What are you doing that is so off-putting if even if they don’t like him that much that they prefer him to you!” Maher concluded, with Stone in full agreement with his point.
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