Author: michael

The Democratic Party just got busted passing notes in class, sending out talking points to various lawmakers and maybe even others in positions of influence concerning Vice President Kamala Harris and her astronomic failure as the border czar during the current migrant crisis. I mean, this was the main task she was handed by the president and she failed miserably. And that failure is causing havoc and chaos all over the country with a dangerous and deadly spike in crime that she should answer for. One such Democratic lawmaker stated that they, along with a handful of their colleagues received…

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The editorial board for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch has officially endorsed St. Louis prosecuting attorney Wesley Bell in the Democratic Party primary against Congresswoman Cori Bush, who is one of the most high-profile members of the “Squad” in the House. That, my friends, is a big, big ouch. It means the board doesn’t feel satisfied with Bush’s performance as a representative and are ready to try something a little different. Of course, if they really wanted to go in a different direction they could go with a Republican candidate, but I digress. According to The Hill, the editorial board ripped…

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There are quite a few folks involved in the realm of politics that one could accurately describe as delusional. Like independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for example. Kennedy is seemingly under the impression he has a chance in he** of winning the 2024 general election, thus, he has officially weighed in on whether or not he would drop out and toss his support behind former President Donald Trump, who is the GOP presidential nominee. Obviously, the answer is no. Kennedy let the general public know his intentions in a post this morning on X, going on to say,…

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While leftist propagandists in the mainstream media might be trying their best to get us all to believe that every single Democrat is on board with making Vice President Kamala Harris the next president, reality is painting a very different picture. There are plenty of folks, it seems, within the party, even in the House of Representatives, who aren’t supporting Harris at all, a point made clear in a recent vote on a bipartisan resolution. The resolution “strongly condemns” Harris and other members of the Biden administration for screwing up the border crisis. Our vice president was tasked with this…

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Democrats finally got their wish last Sunday when President Joe Biden finally relinquished the party’s presidential nomination and delegates opted to make Vice President Kamala Harris his replacement, without a single say from the American voters. So much for all that talk about “democracy” right? Anyway, the left is really reinvigorated by having Harris on board, with many pundits and blue-haired feminist types on social media losing their minds and claiming that the vice president has all but sealed the deal for the presidency. Well, the left better curb their enthusiasm, according to a CNN data analyst who says that…

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If Democrats thought Vice President Kamala Harris was just going to waltz into the Democratic Party nomination and immediately take back the black vote and destroy former President Donald Trump, well, they are in for some serious disappointment. Even one of their own thinks there is quite a bit of ground Harris will have to make up in order to beat Trump. And given the fact the former president just survived an assassination attempt where he was shot in the face and immediately rose from the ground and pumped his fist in the air like a total bada** I’d say…

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Before President Joe Biden caved to the pressure pushed on him by other members of the Democratic Party, both in Congress and in Hollywood, and dropped out of the presidential race, but right after his horrific debate performance, a series of polls were conducted that reveal there’s not much of a difference between how Trump performed against Harris rather than Biden. In other words, Trump destroys both of them and leaves them in a heap on the ground, weeping themselves to sleep. I mean, is the outcome of these polls really that shocking? Biden is operating with two brain cells…

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A new report has revealed that the investigators assigned to the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump have been tasked with taking all the various bits and pieces of information about deceased shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks and fitting them together to find a motive for his actions, have now found a startling piece of evidence on his phone. Most of these guys usually have some sort of manifesto stashed somewhere that explains why they’re carrying out the heinous act they’ve been planning, but so far, at least as of this writing, one for Crooks is yet to be discovered.…

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A poll that was just published has revealed Americans believe that the folks who are most responsible for causing the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump last weekend in Pennsylvania are Democrats and the mainstream media, rather than mental illness. I got to say, I think the results of this survey are correct. For eight years, the MSM has spun false narrative after false narrative to transform Trump into the return of Adolf Hitler, despite the fact there’s nothing about him that is similar to the world’s most evil dictator. When you saturate people with hatred for Trump on…

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Talking heads on the left seem to be bound and determined to prove that liberalism is indeed a mental illness and it goes by the name “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” Which, apparently, has expanded to include former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate, JD Vance. Allow me to present to you very fine people, exhibit A. According to RealClearPolitics, Rachel Maddow, a host for extreme left-wing network MSNBC, recently discussed on her program how folks on the political right just love to use references to JRR Tolkien’s masterpiece, “Lord of the Rings,” taking a high dive deep into the waters…

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A member of Hot Air’s team of journalists — a publication that falls under the RedState umbrella — Karen Townsend, has passed away after being sent out to provide coverage of Hurricane Beryl and the flooding and blackouts that have come about as a result of the storm that smashed like a fist of iron into the great state of Texas. Townsend lived near Houston where Hot Air lost contact with her not long after the power went out. The blackout lasted over a week. During and after that time, the publication received no word whatsoever from Townsend. Then, on…

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The would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, who almost successfully shot former President Donald Trump during a political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, told his boss that he needed the day off due to having “something to do,” according to new reporters. If he had been denied this time off, there’s a chance he would have been at work on the day of the rally and the bullets he fired from his AR-15 that grazed Trump’s ear and ended the life of a former fire chief, would have never exited through the barrel of the rifle. According to the folks at Fox…

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The radical left seem to completely own the corner market on hypocrisy, a point made abundantly clear by MSNBC host Joy Reid, who had the intestinal fortitude to actually blame former President Donald Trump for the assassination attempt that was made on his life on Saturday during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. Trump was shot through the upper part of his right ear. One individual in the audience was killed and several others injured before the gunman was dispatched by snipers. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what we call “victim blaming.” Imagine telling a rape victim she deserved what she…

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Almost immediately following the atrocious performance delivered by President Joe Biden during the first presidential debate on June 27, Democrats — in government and otherwise — began demanding that he step down as the party nominee, citing obvious cognitive decline as the main reason he shouldn’t stay in the race. Hilariously, this is what conservatives have been saying ever since Biden took office in 2021, but we were just being “meanies” back then, right? It was beginning to look like the Democrats might actually stand a chance of convincing him to give up the position, but they’ve abandoned all hope…

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Just two days after being shot during an assassination attempt, former President Donald Trump conducted an interview where he provided an update about his injuries, going on to call the incident a “very surreal experience.” Man, this dude is a tough son of a b****, isn’t it he? If you’re a red-blooded American male, your heart swelled with pride and you no doubt got goosebumps the moment Trump pumped his fist in the air after taking a bullet to the ear and shouted, “Fight!” I know that was my reaction. A lot of us were already voting for Trump in…

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The Senate Judiciary Committee held a vote on Thursday, opting to reject a judicial nominee that allowed a male serial rapist who is transgender and deluded into thinking he’s actually a female, to be housed inside a women’s prison. Once again, the pure insanity and lack of common sense on display in our modern era completely blows my mind. How far we have fallen from being a once great society. It’s painful to watch the implosion. Here’s more on this ridiculousness via The Daily Caller: President Joe Biden nominated Sarah Netburn to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District…

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Ever since President Joe Biden’s abysmal performance at the first — and likely last — presidential debate against former President Donald Trump on June 27, the radical left has been in full panic mode. Why? Well, the performance Biden gave has made it completely impossible for Democrats to continue to ignore or bury the truth about the president’s cognitive decline. In short, they have to face the music. Their party nominee is not right in the head, probably suffering from Parkinson’s, and is not able to discharge the duties of his office. On top of that, they’re fighting against his…

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President Joe Biden is now adding a brand spanking new problem to his rather lengthy list, thanks for the most part to his obvious signs of cognitive decline and poor performance. That problem? His support in the very deep blue state of New York is slipping in a big, big way. In fact, some are even going so far as to refer to New York as a battleground state. It’s almost unfathomable to think that it could flip red in the election this November, but, given how things have gone for Biden’s reelection campaign thus far, there’s an actual possibility…

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Adding even more fuel to the fire that President Joe Biden is suffering from some sort of cognitive or neurological illness, a new report from The Washington Times has revealed that a neurologist and Parkinson’s specialist made a total of a dozen visits to the White House Medical Unit, according to official visitor logs. And we thought the debate performance was a bad look, right? Yikes. With all of the questions being raised by Democrats following the absolutely terrible debate performance Biden gave on June 27, this new revelation is not going to help the president defend his bid for…

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The Wisconsin Supreme Court issued a ruling on Friday that officials will be allowed to place ballot drop boxes all around their communities in the upcoming fall elections, which is an overturning of its previous decision just two years ago, which placed strict limits on their use. Well, I guess we’re going to be seeing some shenanigans this time around after all, aren’t we? What is so dang hard about having free and fair elections? Good grief. Here are more details on the matter from Breitbart: The court limited the use of drop boxes in July 2022, ruling then that…

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Van Jones, a hardcore leftist political commentator for CNN, stated on Wednesday during an appearance on “Anderson Cooper 360” that Democrats, in private, are talking about “how” they can replace President Joe Biden as their party’s nominee, “not whether” that is the course of action they should take. Given the horrifically bad debate performance he gave last week, I’d say that’s probably true. Democrats from the top of the party all the way to the common voters have turned against him at this point. According to Breitbart, Jones went on to say, “I am going to be honest. I mean,…

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Just when President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign didn’t think matters for their candidate could possibly get any worse after the disastrous debate last week, along comes a news story that reveals former Democratic Party supporters of the commander-in-chief during the 2020 election are bailing out on him this time around. We’ve seen a ton of that happening in the realm of political pundits, big time donors, and fellow politicians, but now former “rider-or-die” fans of his among voters are ditching him. In fact, according to a report from DNYUZ, “Jeanne Winograd, 72, a Democrat in Phoenix, is such a ride-or-die…

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Scott Jennings, a Republican strategist, delivered some bad news to the Democratic Party on Monday, stating that they were in a “nosedive” after the Supreme Court delivered a decision in favor of former President Donald Trump in his immunity appeal. There’s just something delicious about seeing the left in a downward spiral, especially after all of the damage they’ve done to our nation in recent years. The ruling from SCOTUS, according to The Daily Caller, said that the former president is “entitled to immunity” for “official acts” in a case brought against him by special counsel Jack Smith concerning Trump’s…

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Attorney General Merrick Garland is no doubt blowing smoke out of his ears after the Supreme Court ruled on Friday to limit the scope of a federal obstruction statute that was being used by various prosecutors to slap more than 300 defendants allegedly involved in the riot at the Capitol building back on Jan. 6, 2024, which includes former President Donald Trump. According to ABC News: Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the 6-3 majority, said the government must show in those cases that the alleged obstruction related to “impairing the availability or integrity” of “records, documents, or objects” used…

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Martha MacCallum, a host with Fox News, went head-to-head with Sen. Harpootlian, South Carolina Democrat, on Thursday after after he lobbed an accusation against her of employing the use of “bumper sticker” immigration rhetoric. Why in the world can’t the leftists in this country just address issues directly? Everything is always a back-and-forth battle instead of addressing the problem. Oh. That’s right. It’s because they LOVE some illegal immigration. It’s one of the only winning strategies they have at their disposal. via The Daily Caller: Harpootlian attempted to defend the border crisis occurring during President Joe Biden’s term by arguing…

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As we head into the very first presidential debate in the 2024 election cycle, President Joe Biden is looking to focus the messaging of his campaign on painting former President Donald Trump as a menace to democracy, a threat to the freedom and liberty we take for granted as a way of life in this country. Hilariously, it’s actually Biden and his leftist ideology that threatens to unravel the fabric of our nation. Biden also used this narrative against Republicans during the midterm elections in 2022, putting out a number of warnings in the week leading up to voting that…

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Say what you will about comedian and host of “Real Time” Bill Maher, but at least the guy isn’t afraid to slam his own side of the political aisle when they do stupid things. While I don’t agree with most of what he believes or says, there are a few issues where he hits the nail square on the head and drives that baby right through the wall. Recent comments he made concerning mistakes the Democratic Party has made going into the 2024 presidential election definitely fit that description. The comments came during an appearance that Maher made at the…

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Federal authorities are now looking into some private emails and records of trips that were made to China by Eric Adams and a key aide, who, by the way, had their private home raided, according to a new report from The New York Post. The article, by contributor Isabel Vincent, stated that federal prosecutors and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have pinpointed one particular trip that was taken by Adams that was funded by the Chinese Communist Party. My friends, that is most certainly not a good look for the mayor of one of the most important big cities in…

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A group of “experts” have stated that if former President Donald Trump should win another four year term in the White House, his bride and our first lady, Melania Trump, would be calling it her residence in name only and not actually spending a great deal of her time there. It might sound weird, but Melania was never big on being in the public eye the first go-around in the president’s mansion, so it isn’t surprising she wouldn’t want to actually “live” in the White House. Especially after all of the trauma and criticism she received just simply for being…

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Actor and comedian Jerry Seinfeld is proving why he’s had a successful career in the entertainment industry by still managing to make people laugh even while dealing with a brain dead liberal anti-Israel protester heckling him during live performances. This is becoming a regular thing for Seinfeld, unfortunately, but he’s making the best of these rude interruptions, proving that the best way to not let the loony left win is by rolling with the punches. According to Breitbart, the popular comic was performing in front of thousands of fans at a show in Melbourne, Australia’s Rod Laver Arena on Saturday…

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Strange things seem to be afoot at the highest court in the land — for those of you who failed civics in high school, if you even had civics in high school, I’m referring to the Supreme Court — as Justice Samuel Alito missed a second day of work on the bench last Friday (June 21), while his colleagues handed out several opinions, including one on the Second Amendment. It’s not a good sign that Alito is mysteriously absent from the bench with no reason provided for his absence. This could all just be a case of his being under…

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Just when you think the Biden administration could not be more shady in how it is “handling” the immigration crisis unfolding along the southern border, along comes TheBlaze with a report that reveals the Department of Health and Human Services does not require illegal immigrants who are under 18 years of age to submit information concerning their criminal records. Sigh. The Democrats really, really want new batches of leftist voters, folks. via TheBlaze: Last June, Robin Dunn Marcos, an HHS official, told the House Judiciary Committee that the department does not request complete background check information for unaccompanied alien children.…

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A heckler thought it was a good idea to attend a comedy show featuring the legendary stand-up comic and television star, Jerry Seinfeld, a master of the art of sarcasm, with anti-Israel slogans while he was performing in Sydney, Australia. Seinfeld proceeded to completely roast the individual as he was being booted from the venue. This is how you handle morons, ladies and gentlemen. What kind of idiot would dare to take on a stand-up comic, especially one who is known for their mastery with the serrated edge of wit like Seinfeld? This person must not have watched a single…

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On Thursday, former President Donald Trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers in Manhattan concerning the “hush money” case, which alleges that he paid off former pornstar Stormy Daniels as a means of keeping her quiet about an alleged affair they had prior to the 2016 presidential election. This, of course, was a total scam of a trial and most of us can clearly see that. The odds were stacked against Trump from the very beginning. Now that the verdict has been rendered, many are wondering whether or not the Supreme Court might have the authority to…

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President Joe Biden is in big, big trouble, y’all. I think it’s safe, at this point in his time in office, to say that his administration has been nothing short of a full-on dumpster fire. Have you seen how high inflation is lately? Of course you have. You’ve been to the local supermarket. You no doubt saw that when you ran that box of Cocoa Pebbles across the scanner the price of your favorite cereal likely went up by a sizable margin. If you’re anything like me, your whole grocery bill probably doubled. What’s infuriating is this isn’t due to…

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President Joe Biden’s chances of getting a second term in the White House continue to shrink by the minute. The man has done such a p*** poor job as our commander-in-chief that the vast majority of the Democratic Party doesn’t want him to be their nominee to take on former President Donald Trump in the November. I mean, liberals have pretty low standards, so this should paint a pretty clear picture of just how awful Biden has done since taking office. According to Breitbart: When asked if they would like Democrats to replace Joe Biden with another candidate in November,…

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Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time,” is a freethinker, despite leaning heavily to the left on a number of issues facing the country. What I mean by that is he comes to his own conclusions based on his own worldview, rather than going along with the groupthink of the radical left and the Democratic Party. Thus, he engages what liberals do on a case-by-case basis and really tries to look at the facts on certain things. Well, much more so than most progressives anyway. Maher recently spoke with CNN host Fareed Zakaria where he stated what we’ve all been…

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Earlier this week, a former top adviser who worked for Dr. Anthony Fauci when he was the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases bragged about how he deleted “smoking gun” email messages that were related to the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. This led to his being raked over the coals by the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic as he was subpoenaed by them to answer questions concerning his comments. The aide, Dr. David Morens, worked under Fauci between the years of 1997 to 2022. Now he will be compelled by law to provide…

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Given the lengthy list of gaffes, falls, trips, babbling, and general state of confusion that President Joe Biden consistently finds himself in, many folks were mystified by the fact that he would actually issue a challenge to former President Donald Trump, a man who is clearly still in possession of a fully-functioning brain, to debate him. Especially when you take a gander at his polling data which is pretty bad. And that’s putting it mildly. Why would he take a course of action like this that is all but guaranteed to result in his being utterly destroyed and humiliated? The…

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One of the sharpest constitutional minds in our country today is conservative pundit Mark Levin, who recently took to social media platform X to create a breakdown of how Alvin Bragg and the case he’s brought against former President Donald Trump could actually be destroying Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case in the Supreme Court. You know, given the fact these folks have turned the legal system into a weapon to use against anyone who stands against President Joe Biden, I couldn’t be happier that they are getting in each other’s way. The SCOTUS case that Levin is talking about is…

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