I don’t think it’s difficult to convince a regular American citizen that President Joe Biden’s administration is one of the worst in our nation’s history. All we have to do is look at the decreasing sizes of our bank accounts, the extremely high prices at the grocery store, and the fact that Los Angeles is burning to the ground, largely due to illegal migrants entering the country with reckless abandon thanks to an unsecured border, and we feel confident in making such a statement.
And a new poll from CNN of 1,205 adults, which was conducted between the dates of Jan. 9-12, has revealed that Biden’s approval rating as he leaves the Oval Office reveals he more unpopular than ever. I guess that means pushing an old man suffering from dementia into the role of the commander-in-chief where he mucked up just about every area of public life for the whole country wasn’t all that great of an idea.
Here’s more from The Western Journal:
Indeed, poll respondents gave Biden’s job performance an approval rating of only 36 percent, matching the lowest of his presidency. Meanwhile, only 33 percent gave Biden a favorable rating based on personal feelings about him. That nearly matched his all-time low of 32 percent personal favorabililty, which he “achieved” in June 2023. In other words, nearly two in three respondents disapproved of the president’s overall performance. But even more people said that they disliked him personally.
That sounds about right. A more incompetent, repellent, sanctimonious, self-aggrandizing tyrant has never occupied the presidency. An ever-so-slightly larger 38 percent of respondents called Biden’s presidency a success, but 61 percent judged it a failure. As one would expect, only eight percent of Republicans approved of Biden’s job performance. But among Democrats that number stood at a shockingly low 71 percent. Somehow, Biden believed he could win the 2024 election despite a negative rating from three in ten Democrats. Moreover — and this might rank as the most telling result of all — Biden’s approval rating among independents stood at only 31 percent. For context, in April 2021 Biden had a positive approval rating from a majority of independents.
Isn’t it simply mind-blowing that even after the train wreck that was the Biden presidency, he still has even a sliver of support remaining? This is comparable to women who simply cannot bring themselves to leave behind their abusers. It defies logic and reason. Yet, they exist.
However, for the rest of us, we can celebrate the results of the poll. A low favorability rating means that all of the efforts by the propagandists to paint Biden up as the greatest thing since sliced bread have failed miserably. People are waking up to what the radical left is really all about and they are rejecting it. It’s time for real, legitimate change.
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