A little before midnight on Monday morning, police in Austin, Texas received a call concerning a shooting or possibly a stabbing on the 2300 block of Douglas Street. Law enforcement officers found a victim suffering from “obvious trauma.”
The victim was raced to the hospital, however, he died shortly after arriving.
Early news reports of the incident didn’t reveal the name of the victim, but Alex Jones of Infowars soon learned the victim was one of his own reporters: Jamie White.
“We sent some people over this morning when [White] didn’t answer the phone. He’s always here early, loves to work, loves to fight tyranny, loves to promote freedom,” Jones went on to say in a video shared on X. “And when they got to the apartment complex, there was yellow tape everywhere and blood all over the parking lot.”
Once the family was notified of White’s death, Jones felt it was important to share the news with his audience, calling White the “best writer and reporter” at the news organization and an American “patriot.”
“This is pretty early on in the investigation, and the homicide unit will be releasing more information as they’re able,” said Leah Ratliff, public information officer for the Austin Police Department,” Leah Ratliff, a public information officer representing the Austin Police Department said, according to TheBlaze.
No suspect has been identified, but Jones claimed that the soft-on-crime and “defund the police” policies embraced by Democrats — especially district attorneys like Jose Garza of Travis County, Texas, who were elected to office thanks in large part to funding from leftist billionaire George Soros and his various activist groups — led directly to White’s death.
“I lay all of this squarely at the feet of these DAs and of the Soros crime syndicate and of the Democratic Party. They are the ones that administratively cut the police, prosecute the police, even in cases that are 100% clear to be lawful, legal activities. And then you wonder why we can’t get enough police,” Jones said in his post.
“You murdered Jamie White,” he added. “You opened the door. You created the climate. You created the conditions on purpose.”
The controversial conspiracy theorist went on to clarify that he wasn’t saying a left-winger individual murdered White, but that leftists in general, with their horrific policies, were transforming Austin into a “war zone.”
He then referred to Garza as the “worst” district attorney in the country and referred to him as a “communist.”
“He literally in Zoom meetings calls other city employees ‘comrades,'” Jones explained, speaking of Garza. “… He’s doing exactly what he was put in by Soros to do.”
According to various online tributes, White was born in 1988, which means he was either 36 or 37 when he died. “He won’t get to live out the rest of his life, now cut short. A young man,” Jones said of White. In his last activity on social media, White retweeted Elon Musk’s comments on the nexus of violence, liberalism, and the mainstream media.
Chilling that this was the last post he made on social media. It’s like an eerie foreshadowing of events to come. Jones later assured his fans and listeners that “justice” will be served and White’s memory will be kept alive.
“We pledge that Jamie’s tragic death will not be in vain, and those responsible for this senseless violence will be brought to justice,” Jones continued. “Jamie’s important work will be carried on through Infowars, our readers, and our cherished listeners.”
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