Democratic Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas is quickly becoming the most notorious member of the infamous “Squad” in the House of Representatives, going off on a rant about how “the person that should have been president” didn’t win on Election Day, which she believes was the result of racism.
I mean, what other excuse would the left use? This is their favorite reason to toss out when things don’t go their way. Obnoxious, isn’t it? Crockett made her outrageous claim during an address to a room packed with progressive activists on Monday evening.
Crockett was speaking at the Human Rights Campaign’s yearly gala when she recounted how it shattered her poor precious heart to hear former Vice President Kamala Harris’ concession speech the day following the election.
“I almost couldn’t get out of bed,” Crockett told the audience, dripping with melodrama like one of those try-hard kids from drama class.
“When I tell y’all – I’m getting emotional,” she added, her voice cracking, “I traveled this country because I knew, I knew it was going to be bad. I didn’t know it was going to be this f***ing bats***,” she continued as folks in the audience laughed. “But I knew. And I knew that the obstacles were going to be even greater because not only was it a woman, but it was a woman of color.”
There’s a little something that needs to be addressed and after the profanity laced rant above, now is a good time to do it. Crockett is a big fraud. She’s acting rather trashy and talking “ghetto” to make it appear she’s from the “streets.” You know, to win more black voters.
Which sounds racist to me, but hey, I’m just a white devil guy so what do I know?
In reality, Crockett attended a private school and was the daughter of a minister, so yeah, not exactly a “hood rat.”
What a fake. She didn’t drop f-bombs in speeches until recently in a pathetic move to look cool and relevant.
via Trending Politics News:
The accusation that racism played a role in her loss is not new, and it isn’t confined to just fringe elements of the far-left. Shortly after the election, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough accused Hispanic voters of racism by voting for President Donald Trump in record numbers.
“You and I have talked about this before,” he said in a discussion with Rev. Al Sharpton back in November. “A lot of Hispanic voters have problems with black candidates!”
Scarborough has since admitted that he traveled to Mar-a-Lago to engage in a “reset” of his relationship with President Trump. The bellicose blustering of Crockett is a sign that Democrats are still struggling to come to terms with the causes of their electoral defeat. Moderate members of the party like Congressman Seth Moulton (D-MA) have blamed Democrats’ unwillingness to distance themselves from extreme social issues like transgender athletes in women’s sports.
However, there are plenty more progressives in the House and the mainstream media willing to provide credence to Crockett’s claims. Shortly after the election, Sunny Hostin, co-host of the daytime ABC talk show “The View,” accused “uneducated white women” of handing the keys to the White House to Trump.
“Black women tried to save this country, again, last night — ninety-two percent of Black women voted for the vice president. You have Latinas in the seventy percentile voting for the vice president. What we did not have is the white women, who voted about fifty-two percent” for Harris, she remarked.
People have started to wake up in large numbers to the reality that all of the racial division that’s been ripping this country apart is the result of purposeful efforts from the left, perpetrated by sleazy politicians like Crockett. Money and power is what she’s after.
And if being slimy and fake gets that for her, well, she’s okay with that.
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