Documents are just now being revealed that show many American pediatricians have blasted the American Academy of Pediatrics, known as the AAP, for pushing puberty blockers on teens who claim they are of a different gender.
Funny how nobody knew about the complaints that doctors were making about kids being given these hormone-blocking drugs as a means of transitioning to a different gender. Which, by the way, you cannot do, because no pill or reassignment surgery is ever going to change your DNA.
Just throwing a little science into the mix. Don’t mind me.
According to The Daily Wire, “Furious pediatricians who are members of the AAP accused the AAP of changing its rules so that Resolution 27, which proposed a ‘rigorous systematic review’ of the AAP’s 2018 gender policy, was blocked. The proposed resolution did not advance at the AAP leadership conference in Chicago last weekend, the only resolution affected by new procedural rules the AAP set up earlier this year.”
Apparently frustrated, members went on to post their true feelings and objections to the AAP comment section for a separate resolution on the members-only portion of the organization’s website, according to information from a report published by the Daily Mail.
One of the comments that were posted said, “The AAP is endorsing great harm without high-quality or long-term evidence of benefit.”
The Daily Wire has more:
That comment added that the “transgender woman” who was the “country’s leading vaginoplasty surgeon” in some country reported that “100% of males put on the affirmative care/Dutch protocol lose all sexual sensation and function. They are stripped of the ability to ever have sexual intimacy or fall in love.”
“I am wholeheartedly in support of RESOLUTION 27, which interestingly, has been removed from the list of resolutions for comment,” another comment read. “I can no longer trust the AAP to provide medical evidence based education with regard to care for TGD individuals. This past year at the AAP national conference, ongoing debate on the matter was silenced egregiously.”
“Before promulgating gender-affirming care, with all of its ethical implications (irreversible bodily changes, sterility, etc.) … don’t we want to be sure this is the best path?” one pediatrician asked.
Julia Mason, one of the five authors of Resolution 27, told The Daily Mail, “’I’m really disappointed the AAP is being driven by ideology, rather than evidence. … They’re embarrassed that they’ve let young activist doctors get them on record in support of gender-affirming care, and now they can’t backtrack. They’ve suppressed my efforts and come up with new rules to hide what we’re trying to say from rank and file pediatricians.”
The report then goes on to explain that Resolution 27 requested the AAP to “undertake a rigorous systematic review of available evidence regarding the safety, efficacy, and risks of childhood social transition, puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and surgery, and to “update the 2018 guidelines for the care of gender dysphoric youth, based on the results of this evidence review, and in consultation with a range of stakeholders, including mental health and medical clinicians, parents and patients, with diverse views and experiences.”
The folks involved in the transgender movement and who support all of these radical treatments that involve transitioning from one gender to the other are pretending that what they are doing is a good thing, but in reality, they are hurting far more people than they realize.
Gender, or biological sex if you want a more accurate term, cannot be altered. The idea that you can do so is a lie. When a man tries to become a woman, he or she is becoming a walking deception, making harmful, undoable decisions about their body they are most likely to regret later in life.
It’s horrific to think there are folks out there encouraging someone to indulge their mental illness like this rather than seeking to resolve it in the right way.
Let’s hope that one day, people once again listen to the well-established scientific facts instead of just trying to stand up for the latest cause to earn woke points.
This story syndicated with permission from michael, Author at Trending Politics
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