California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom recently started a podcast and during the very first episode, he took an opportunity to criticize Democrats for spending the entirety of the 2024 election defending polices that were unpopular with American voters, such as DEI, transgender athletes, and transition surgeries for felons funded by tax dollars.
One of the few people who were sadistic enough to put themselves through the torment of listening to this podcast was a CNN top investigator. And thus began the liberal network’s massive takedown of California’s top dog.
Investigative journalist Andrew Kaczynski put out a “K-FILE” report on Thursday that reflected back on the numerous times that Newsom defended the very policies he’s now criticizing. And a whole lot of those were caught on video.
Former Vice President Kamala Harris has referred to those of Hispanic heritage as “Latinx” in many of her town halls and speeches. Perhaps we should refer to her as Chef Kamala given how many word salads she serves up in these long-winded, meandering addresses.
Newsom also employed the use of the term, despite the fact he now rejects it. Why? It’s growing more and more unpopular with Hispanic voters, according to Trending News Politics.
On the first episode of “This is Gavin Newsom,” the governor complains Democrats have an “out-of-touch fixation” with the term Latinx.
“Not one person ever in my office has ever used the word Latinx,” he claimed during the episode. “Where did that even – I just didn’t even know where it came from.”
Well, that’s awful strange, Gavin. Because there’s a video that shows you repeatedly using that phrase during press conferences and in social media posts while the COVID pandemic was in full swing.
Say, have you told a lie today? Only if your lips are moving, right?
“I hope we can really paint a picture in terms of our consciousness of how impactful this has been on the Latinx community,” he went on to say during a 2020 public appearance concerning the Covid-19 outbreak. He then made a promise to give $52 million in state funds to help the “Latinx community” get set up with medical services.
Just two years ago, he ripped Republicans for being fixated on “banning the word ‘Latinx’” rather than addressing gun control. A 2024 poll by Pew Research found just 4% of Hispanics use the term to refer to themselves, while 75% say the term should never be used.
Over a 20-year electoral career, Newsom has also advocated and signed into law measures to expand prisoners’ access to gender transition surgeries, according to CNN. Both positions were disavowed by the Democrat on “This is Gavin Newsom,” a show he launched in the wake of the 2024 election which has featured Charlie Kirk and Steve Bannon and is expected to feature other conservative luminaries in the coming months.
When Newsom was serving as lieutenant governor back in 2014, he “celebrated” a law being passed in California that allowed transgender students to compete in athletics according to the gender they identified as, Kaczynski p0inted out. He followed that up in 2020 when he decided to legalize prisoners having the ability to select housing that aligned with their gender identity instead of what they were assigned at birth.
“California’s Medicaid system, under a 2021 expansion by Newsom, began paying for gender transition surgeries for inmates who acknowledged their need for gender-transition care,” the report said. “One year later, he praised the Democratic governor of Utah for vetoing a law that would have banned transgender athletes from playing on teams unaligned with their biological sex.”
“Your governor said it right when he said, ‘Never has so much fear and anger been focused on so few people,’” Newsom remarked in 2022.
During his podcast episode with Kirk, Newsom called the transgender controversy a “90/10 issue” and said Harris exposed herself to criticism when she signed a 2019 pledge with the ACLU to advocate for taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgeries for felons. The Trump campaign released a devastating ad with the tagline “Harris is for They/Them. Trump is for you.”
“‘Trump’s for you, she’s for they/them,’” Newsom said, paraphrasing the message. “Devastating. And she didn’t even react to it, which was more devastating … people that are incarcerated and illegal and illegal incarcerated individuals getting taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgery. That is a 90/10 not an 80/20.”
“And then you had the video, that was a validator. Brutal,” he added.
A spokesman who represents Newsom — who bares a striking resemblance to Patrick Bateman from American Psycho — has declined to offer a response to the disparities that exist between the statements made on the podcast and his past comments and policy statements. However, the individual did offer up a defense of the governor’s expanded efforts to protect transgender youth and adults.
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