“Out of the mouth of babes”, precocious second grader Fiona Lashells, has been suspended a stunning 38 times from school for refusing to wear a face mask. She has become the face of resistance for every child in America after she recently confronted her local board in Florida.
The tiny tot, who just celebrated her 8th birthday challenged members of the Tampa Bay School Board, admonishing them for forcing her to wear a face mask or be suspended from attending class.
The 2nd grader appeared for a second time in front of the 7-member school board telling them directly how she felt, having her First Amendment rights violated.
During her appearance at the school board meeting, Fiona emphasized that kids wearing face masks all day gets dirty with guck and becomes a breathing ground for germs and bacteria, which in turn, defeats the purpose of wearing a mask in the first place.
“You can keep suspending me… I still have the right not to wear a mask,” Fiona went on to say during her comments, standing firm in the fight for her freedom, “It is not fair that I’m getting punished because you guys, the school board, are not following the law. That is not fair, it just isn’t right. I’m still going to stand up for what I believe in and nothing’s gonna change my mind.”
The spunky tyke continued; “Ok, yeah, I hope you all go to jail for doing this to me.” That comment drew an immediate round of applause from the huge crowd crammed into the meeting. However Fiona wasn’t finished, she added that her family was proud of her for standing up for what she believes in, along with her uncle in heaven. Before leaving the podium Fiona had a parting shot for the school board members, telling them that their rules “SUCK!”
Big extra big shoutout to the2d grader school girl who was suspended 38 times for not wearing a mask snd told the school board they belong in jail, the board dropped the mask mandate.. u see, DO NOT COMLPY
— alan dykens (@electricunives) November 12, 2021
Fiona’s mom, Bailey Lashells, told The Free Press that her daughter is “on a mission to take back, not only her rights but every American child’s constitutional rights from the tyrant school board.”
However, this tiny patriot is feeling the full wrath of the teachers union, along with the rogue school board, for taking a stand against the unconstitutional mandate, by purposely failing her, despite the fact she’s completed all of her assignments at home.
“Fiona is a strong-minded and fearless young girl who was ready to conquer the world at 7,” Bailey continued telling the newspaper. “Unfortunately, the blows just seem to not stop as she was recently told after completing every assignment her teacher will provide, that she is not only failing 2nd grade, but that there is no way she could catch up, per her teacher.”
Gov. Ron DeSantis passed an executive order that makes face masks optional in schools. However several progressive school boards in the state are defying the governor’s order, putting them on a collision course with DeSantis.
However, a just released report from News Nation has confirmed that the Tampa Bay School District will lift its mask mandate on November 15th.
The question regarding Fiona Lashells’ 38 suspensions and the school boards “UNLAWFUL” mask mandates must be addressed. Moreover, all those who participated in denying this child her rightful education must be held accountable.
Check out this little trooper!!
Girl suspended 38 times for not wearing a mask, may flunk out of 2nd gra… https://t.co/UW6ooDRH1t via @YouTube
— Rebecca (@becs1007) November 11, 2021
Governor DeSantis’ executive order makes clear that the Tampa Bay School Board was in violation of the law, in denying 2nd grader Fiona Lashells’ right to an education. The child has done “all the required” school work at home, and should be allowed to graduate to the 3rd grade. Governor DeSantis must intervene!
This story syndicated with permission from My Patriot Post
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