Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, during an interview on Fox New’s “The Ingraham Angle”, claimed that the numerous evening flights of illegal aliens/immigrants that the administration of President Joe Biden has been flying into his state are “effectively a mass human smuggling operation,” and that at least one of the migrants in question has since been accused of murder. ‘One of those people that Biden dumped ended up committing a murder in northeast Florida,’ DeSantis said. — The Western Journal (@WestJournalism) December 14, 2021 DeSantis noted that the Biden Admin has sent over 70 flights of migrants arrested at the U.S. southern…

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Rising inflation. Liberals burning down cities when they see “injustice.” A historic border crisis, with hundreds of thousands (if not more) of illegal aliens streaming into America unvetted. These are real problems. This “insurrection” nonsense is not something we should be focused on. And yet, here we are. From Fox News: The House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol voted 9-0 on Monday to recommend former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows for prosecution for criminal contempt of Congress after he refused to testify before the panel. The seven Democrats and two Republicans…

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Everybody should have seen this coming. Many Americans did, while others refused to acknowledge the truth when they went to the polling booths in November 2020. Now, we’re all facing the repercussions. Being a parent during the time of a liberal administration cannot be easy, especially when the world tilts further left on a daily basis. Joe Biden needs to go, no question about it! From Savage Takes: Fallon implied that Trump was not a classy president because he did not mingle with the elite. “It was great to see you there [the Kennedy Center],” Fallon said. “We gave you…

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It was just a matter of time before Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul followed outgoing Mayor Bill de Blasio’s harsh COVID-19 vaccine mandate on all private businesses in New York City. Hochul’s statewide imposition on all businesses, restaurants, and shops mandates that all employees and customers must either show proof of vaccination or wear face masks. Individuals who refuse to comply will face a $1,000 fine for each offense. The severe statewide mandate will go into effect Monday morning (December 13th). This will force more than 450,000 small businesses across the state, already struggling to recover from the year long lockdowns…

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  Even though I’m not a chef, I do watch a lot of cooking shows and get a lot of ideas to incorporate into what I see them making. Salmon is a quick meal to put in a skillet and sear on both sides with salt and pepper. However, this creamy installment will have your […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Most will never experience the emotional trauma of witnessing your life literally “go up in smoke” from a devastating wildfire, or the debilitating feeling that comes when realizing treasured family mementos and photographs will never again be shared or viewed. We are thankful for being alive without a doubt, but what comes next? Where will we go? For some, it will involve living with extended family members. For others, it may be a revolving door of temporary hotels, motels and emergency shelters. Those questions were floating through the mind of Woody Faircloth while watching news coverage of the devastating and…

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Most of America knows the faces of former President Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force. Dr. Athonth Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx spent a considerable amount of time in front of the microphone, with Dr. Birx eventually leaving the group. Dr. Scott Atlas was also a member of the task force and in his new book, “A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America,” he reveals previously unknown information on how and why things went terribly wrong in the task force, in their fight to combat COVID-19. “The American people need…

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The White House staff has been a mess from day one of the Biden administration, but their callousness and tyrannical attitude towards Americans who are not willing to take the rushed COVID jabs appears downright fascist in nature. White House press secretary Jen Psaki suggested Friday that it is okay for kids to eat their lunches outside in cold temperatures in an effort to maintain safety amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It appears she was addressing concerns over a video circulated online of kindergarten students socially distanced, masked, and eating outside in near-freezing weather in Portland, Oregon. Kindergartners are forced to eat lunch outside…

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So, this weekend I streamed a couple movies to do a single review. The first is an action flick, but the second I did because it’s the holidays and I was looking for a decent Christmas movie. Unfortunately, I still haven’t found that diamond in the rough. Most Christmas movies these days are just kind of bland and terribly acted or the stories are just cheesy. I know those of you that read the movie reviews are waiting for Spider-Man No Way Home, and don’t say that you aren’t. I live in a highly conservative state where the only thing…

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In life, we meet all kinds of people, with different personalities, and some with a pattern of characters flaws that we use to determine how much interaction we will have with them. Some, like Joe Biden, exaggerate a lot, which eventually includes telling “growing” stories and even fabrications used to keep the crowds listening. The problem for 340 million people in the United States, since last January, is the reality that Joe Biden has been the Chief Executive Officer of our Constitutional Republic. On August 18, 2021, Biden assured ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that American Troops Will Stay In Afghanistan Until…

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Israel’s King Solomon has been quoted millions of times since he penned Ecclesiastes 1:9 in 3rd-century BC – “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” As former President Trump appears to be ramping up a 2024 presidential run, the mainstream media is already reporting Fake News, hoping to throw frequent water on his un-official campaign’s fire. This is the same dishonest mob who under-reported or hid Joe Biden’s dismal campaign events in 2019-20. On Saturday President Trump and Bill O’Reilly held an event in Sunrise, Florida.…

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During a recent interview, twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton noted, “If I were a betting person right now, I’d say Trump is going to run again. He seems to be setting himself up to do that and if he’s not held accountable then he gets to do it again.” Hillary then added, “I think that could be the end of our democracy, not to be too pointed about it, but I want people to understand that this is a make or break point.” Because she can’t help herself and has always been a sore loser, Clinton added: “If he were,…

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First Lady Jill Biden. Ugh. Has a pretty horrible sounding ring to it, doesn’t it? The fact that lefties are pushing for Americans to recognize her as a doctor has the uninformed believing she’s an MD. She’s not. And what’s more? She apparently doesn’t believe Americans are smart enough to see things for themselves. From The Daily Wire: First lady Jill Biden laughed off questions about her husband’s mental fitness for office during a CBS News interview that aired on Sunday morning. When asked if President Joe Biden’s plummeting poll numbers bothered her, Jill Biden responded, “You know, I look…

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The left has taken control of all forms of media, except for talk radio. Even with Democratic President Joe Biden having full support also from Hollywood down to teachers in union-run public schools, the fact that his poll numbers are collapsing because of “misinformation” is an absurd excuse that must be called out. A CNBC poll released was Friday showed Biden with only a 41 percent approval rating. Americans gave him only a 46 percent approval rating on handling the coronavirus, and only 37 percent approved of his handling of the economy. Instead of taking responsibility for his performance, Biden…

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A TUMBLEWEED CHRISTMAS  (A true story.) As I was growing up my family moved constantly. And there were times that all of our worldly goods had to fit into the back of a faded red, Ford station wagon with no reverse gear. And I too had to fit into the back of that old station wagon…which often served as my bedroom. My parents were missionaries to the Navajo and Apache Indians and sometimes we lived like gypsies and that became my unusual/dysfunctional normal. Living on an Indian reservation there were many times I didn’t attend school at all and by…

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Shortly after the grand “hoaxster”, Jussie Smollett, faked a racially-based hate crime, radical Chicago State’s Attorney Kim Foxx was being contacted to intervene on the well-known actors’ behalf. As with other George Soros-funded judicial candidates, Foxx campaigned promoting a radical form of “criminal justice reform,” including no bail policies for almost every defendant and reduced sentencing.  As an SJW who won the election in 2015, her office in order to reward BLM anarchists adopted a “presumption of dismissal” for certain low-level charges. In the Jussie Smollett case, Foxx actually dropped all the charges against the actor, despite other prosecutors in…

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The way the United States can persevere a free and thriving Constitutional Republic is through the deconstruction of the federal government and by following the actions taken by Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida. Florida is governing in line with The U.S. Founding Fathers wanting a small federal government. In the 10th Amendment to the Constitution, the U.S. Congress assigned the majority of governmental power to the states. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” In response to President Biden’s…

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It appears that “sleepy Joe” has personally boosted the bottom line of one small apparel and accessories company during this challenging economic recovery period by simply being Joe Biden. The politically conservative firm capitalized on the president’s staggering unpopularity, along with a timely anti-Biden slogan of “Let’s Go Brandon” currently sweeping the nation. The saying has became emblematic of the hapless, bubbling, mentally deficient individual currently residing within the White House. The best way to spread Christmas Cheer..,…Is Singing “Let’s Go Brandon” for all the world to hear ! #LetsGoBrandon— Tony Paul (@TonyPaul45) December 6, 2021 Seth Weathers, founder and…

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During the cold fall and winter months, I always love making soup. It helps warm me up and makes me feel comfortable. This chicken and dumpling soup is the perfect thing for this season, and my whole family loves it when I make this. It also saves really well, so if you don’t have a […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Whenever I am craving something sweet, this is always my go to treat! These cookies are smaller, but they make up for the size with their richness. Let’s be honest, who cares about the size? You’ll probably eat the majority of these in one sitting. I usually have all the ingredients already in my kitchen, […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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By all reasoning, this should have been a tragic event. Consider the basic physics of the force of an 18-wheel semitruck weighing a minimum of 35,000 pounds empty running over and crushing a compact Nissan Altima weighing approximately 3,300 pounds. The odds of anyone surviving inside the Nissan, without sustaining massive life-threatening injuries, would be near impossible…unless divine intervention interceded. This horrific accident occurred on Tuesday, November 16th, 2021, at approximately 11:04am on the Skagit River Bridge in Mount Vernon, Washington. The State Police got an emergency call that a serious collision involving a large semi-truck on Highway I-5 had…

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The public school system has morphed from the Boston Latin School which was established as the first public high school in 1635 in Boston, Massachusetts to failing social justice portals of Marxism and low expectations, public schools, in 2021. The COVID pandemic has added an excessive amount of stress on the system as requirements to learn remotely has to lead to an increase in depression, suicides, and even lower grades. Parents are frustrated that schools are mandating vaccines for their children when less than 2 percent of children known to be infected by the coronavirus are hospitalized, and less than 0.03 percent…

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Look, I get it. We’re writing about Jussie Smollett which is keeping him fresh in everyone’s mind, but on occasion we writers do feel inclined to complete a story from start to finish. This may not be the last article about Smollett since we still have to find out what kind of sentencing he’s going to receive, but unless he serves actual jail time, no one is going to care. The biggest goal of this entire case was to put the liar on blast for faking a hate crime. It was to make it clear that the expenditure of government…

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Regardless of what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the U.S. representative for New York’s 14th congressional district, “AOC”, ignorantly said in an interview with The Washington Times, Los Angels IS in the midst of growing lawlessness. [Ocasio-Cortez] “a lot of these allegations of organized retail theft are not actually panning out.”  “I believe it’s a Walgreens in California cited it, but the data didn’t back it up,”  Crime has gotten so bad in Los Angeles the head of a police union in the city is warning tourists to stay away. “We can’t guarantee your safety. It is really, really out of control,” Jamie…

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What happens when over a hundred people, with different backgrounds, are packed into a commercial airplane for several hours? Complete strangers who are forced to wear masks, and with some drinking too much alcohol, occasionally, mental meltdowns. In early November, the Federal Aviation Administration reported nearly 5,000 incidents of unruly passengers so far in 2021, a large portion of which was due to mask regulations. The FAA had turned 37 of those over to the FBI, as the FAA does not have the power to prosecute criminal cases. In the latest example of an SJW activist gone mad, a Delta…

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The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was a mostly isolated huge, poor nation, with a sputtering economy and who was far behind the U.S. in technology and infrastructure. Politicians like then-Senator Joe Biden, downplayed China’s economic and military prowess even implying they were in need of help to modernize. Things have changed dramatically though as reports of China’s theft of U.S. technological and military intellectual property plus their entry into more markets, have China dominating in global manufacturing. In addition, their rapidly advancing military is making global leaders very nervous. The information is reporting Apple CEO Tim Cook did a secret…

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As a Californian, I have personally seen the decline in communities and an increasing lack of unity. A mass exodus of patriotic Americans has been underway for years while the state’s open border policies have backfilled them with millions of foreign nationals and illegal aliens who have not been required to assimilate into the traditional American system. As a result, California schools earn low grades compared to the nation. California ranked 38th among the 50 states and District of Columbia in 29 categories, according to the Wallet Hub study. 44th – Math Test Scores 38th – Reading Test Scores 32nd – Median SAT Score Instead of…

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It took less than two days for a Chicago jury to render their unanimous decision in finding former Empire actor Jussie Smollett guilty. On Thursday, Smollett was found guilty on five charges of staging a hate crime and lying to police. The swift decision by the jury stands in stark contrast to how WOKE politicians, Hollywood celebrities, and the mainstream media rushed to Smollett’s defense only hours after the 39-year old actor claimed he was viciously assaulted by two white Trump supporters shouting racist and homophobic slurs. Rather than allow investigators the time needed to probe the facts, self serving…

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A “feel good” Christmas story is usually the work of talented writers weaving a fictitious heartwarming story somewhere in Hollywood during the holiday season, perhaps appearing on a Hallmark Channel. However, this particular Christmas tale is true. Two tiny 4-year old twins in Liberal, Kansas, decided to do something special during the 2020 holiday season because of the unprecedented pandemic lockdowns. Faced with a somewhat gloomy Christmas away from loved ones, Leticia Flores-Gonzalez thought it would be a great idea for her young twin daughters, Luna and Gianella, to write their Christmas list letter to Santa. They then attached the…

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In who many Americans see as a power-hungry former politician, who still longs to be the president, former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is back and is still upset about her 2016 loss to former President Donald J.Trump. “In this lesson, I’m going to face one of my most public defeats head-on by sharing with you the speech I had hoped to deliver if I had won the 2016 election,” the former secretary of state said in an excerpt of her upcoming MasterClass lesson shared with “Sunday TODAY with Willie Geist” as part of an interview that will air on Sunday. Clinton…

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Months before Andrew Cuomo resigned back in August of 2021, it had become apparent that something inappropriate and potentially illegal had happened. The former New York Governor had a bad habit of touching women and saying things that are downright creepy coming from your boss. When you’re fully investigated by members of your own party, it’s pretty much the end for your career. If they won’t help you, who will? In Andrew Cuomo’s case the answer was his younger brother, one of the few stars of CNN, Chris Cuomo. At first it appeared that Chris told his bosses everything. He…

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The Phoenix metro area has experienced a huge amount of population growth, which has changed the political party affiliation percentages from heavy Red to Purple almost overnight. The city council has moved left and the city elected a liberal democratic mayor in 2019. As a result, on November 18th, the city of Phoenix used the excuse that because they have contracts with the Federal government, they must act as a federal contractor, implemented the Biden COVID-19 vaccine mandate, requiring all Phoenix city employees to be vaccinated by January 18, 2022, as outlined in Presidential Executive Order 14042. BREAKING: the City…

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During his 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden rarely left his Delaware basement. Instead of campaigning, he relied on Silicon Valley and the corporate news media to attack President Trump 24 hours a day. On Nov 3, 2020, Joe Biden was credited with receiving 81,282,916 votes nationally. President Joe Biden’s first job approval number came in at 57% (Jan 21-Feb 2), today he is at 42%. The problem for the Biden team is Joe’s poor performance in office. As a result of the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, massive inflation, and skyrocketing crime, ETC., only 16 percent of American adults in the latest NPR/Marist poll…

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During an interview with The Blaze on Wednesday evening, Kyle Rittenhouse called out President Joe Biden for calling him a “white supremacist.” Shortly after Rittenhouse was forced to defend himself and kill two radical left extremists, President Biden released a video where he suggested that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist. “I would like to sit down with the president and have a conversation with him and tell him the facts of what happened,” Rittenhouse said during the interview to show host Glenn Beck. “There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white…

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Melissa Tate grew up in Africa. At the age of nineteen, she came to the United States to attend college where she earned a degree in business administration. After working for a large bank for three years as an investment advisor, Tate started her own business. By age twenty-seven, Tate had a thriving small business with several employees. She is married to her college sweetheart and is, today, a mother of three. In recent years, Tate has been making a transition out of business and into politics. She has become a vocal conservative author and social media influencer. “My destiny…

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On Wednesday the U.S. Senate voted 52-48 in favor of repealing President Joe Biden’s federal vaccine mandate for private businesses. The vote was one in a recent series of losses for the struggling Biden administration. Last Tuesday a federal judge blocked the last of the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates for businesses, saying the government exceeded its authority with a requirement that millions of employees of federal contractors be inoculated. U.S. District Judge Stan Baker in Savannah, Georgia, said Congress did not clearly authorize the president to use procurement to impose a vaccine requirement on contractors that will have ‘vast…

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According to an Axios-Ipsos poll released on Tuesday, Democrats seem more than willing to wear face masks almost indefinitely. In fact, 82% of them would wear face coverings indoors. They fear the new COVID variant “OMICRON,” which has proven to be a much milder form of the coronavirus. Nevertheless, Democrats continue to mask up (as if they ever stopped). Simply take a stroll into any Democratic enclave and you’ll witness individuals wearing masks. Whether they are walking on a deserted street, inside their autos while driving, or sitting alone on a park bench with hardly a soul around them, they…

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  Here is my famous Mac and Cheese recipe. My mom used to hold the crown, but over a period of years I honed my skills and took the title from her. There’s a lot of love in this concoction and I hope that you have fun with it. You can use a 14 inch […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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This is the perfect meal for working families! It is my go to for those late nights where I don’t want to cook anything. It’s quick, easy, and kids will love it. All you have to do is toss all the ingredients in a pan, and the oven will do the rest. You will not […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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The concept of individual liberty and autonomy are part of the left’s battle cry when trying to defend the killing of babies in the womb, via abortion procedures. In their typical hypocritical positioning though, these same radicals insist that rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights, should not also enjoy the guaranteed ideals of individualism. Radicals like Brian Karem, an American journalist writing for Playboy and a CNN political analyst, don’t care what environment they are in when trying to enforce their SJW demands. Krem’s latest target was Dr. M. Anthony Harper, a White House investigative journalist…

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