Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

The Founding Fathers of the United States of America, feared the possibility of the new Constitutional Republic, eventually morphing into a tyrannical government. Included in the Bill Of Rights, the Constitution of United States of America 1789 – Amendment II, the founders added a further guarantee that the citizenry could arm themselves to defer a tyrannical government from infringing on their rights. “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Anti-gun activists are using a very small number of gun violence cases…

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Of all the attributes which make a public speaker effective, having a working knowledge of the material you are speaking about is paramount. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is known for talking off the cuff, which like former President Donald Trump, adds comments based on their content comprehension, enriching what was going to be a canned presentation. On Tuesday Governor De Santis while speaking from Oldsmar, Florida, criticized “Faucism” in the reported surge of the COVID-19 variant, Omicron, promising Florida will continue to “protect your freedom to make your decisions.” DeSantis briefly mentioned the emergence of the Omicron variant of the…

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For decades Hollywood has released dozens, if not hundreds of movies, featuring the implanting of computer chips into humans, typically with adverse results. During the same time period, however, innovators have identified areas they believe an implanted chip, using Artificial Intelligence and/or robotics, could be developed to improve the lives of people with physical disabilities around the world. Elon Musk said that Neuralink, Co-founded by Musk in 2016, is developing a chip that would be implanted in people’s brains to simultaneously record and stimulate brain activity. It’s intended to have medical applications, such as treating serious spinal-cord injuries and neurological disorders.…

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When my bestie made this for me back when we were teens, the very first thing I asked her was what made a casserole a casserole? Like every other sixteen year old, she shrugged and said, “I don’t know”. Well, let me tell you, a casserole has to be cooked in the oven to be […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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You may or may not have been affected by the great AWS (Amazon Web Servers) outage of December 7th, 2021, but thousands have; including a few large websites and their company’s online services. Several companies including Disney+, Amazon Prime, Amazon Music, Amazon’s Alexa, Ring, and dozens of others have reported outages. The ability to log on and use the various servers listed above has been mostly accessible to the majority of users across the United States depending on what they are trying to get into. For instance, Disney+ was being affected for a while, but it seems to be back…

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The White House press secretary position has to be a difficult job, especially when employed during a corrupt presidency. Going back a decade, VP and current President Joe Biden has been defending and appears to be hiding dirt on his, and his family’s, involvement with corrupt foreign officials including the members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). On Monday when the current White House Press Secretary Jenn Psaki was asked about Hunter Biden’s laptop, and his recent alleged divestment from a Chinese investment firm, she abruptly shut down the reporter trying to move on to another member of the press.…

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When President Biden was elected, even though contested by 80 million-plus Americans, the corporate media, Silicon Valley, and entertainment industries rallied in support of his radical agenda. After only 10 months though, Democrats on Capitol Hill are reportedly becoming increasingly worried that President Joe Biden’s cratering favorability ratings may lead to a bloodbath at the ballot box in 2022. Multiple members acknowledged to Politico over the weekend that the poll numbers underscore a changing tide in American politics that the party needs to respond to — and fast. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) called the president’s numbers downright “scary.” Why the…

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By definition, Anti-fascism is a political movement in opposition to fascist ideologies, groups, and individuals. Prior to World War II, anti-fascism was sometimes associated with communism. The globalists / Marxists in the U.S. education systems have promoted Karl Marx, who called for the deconstruction of established Capitalistic economies, in the pursuit of “equity”. Barack Obama & Hilary Clinton are part of the progressive left who has taught the ideology of Saul Alinksy, who also called for the “have-nots” to rise up and take from the wealthy, by force if necessary. In light of these 2 world views, and through the propaganda promoted by the corporate…

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Safety is the main concern for parents as they drop off their children at school each day. In addition to what curriculum they are using and what is being served in the school lunches, the school’s ability to keep their child (children) safe is paramount. So when a Southern California mother found out her son was poked with the COVID vaccine, without her approval, she became upset. Maribel Duarte says her 13-year-old son, a student at the Barack Obama Global Prep Academy in South LA, was given the COVID-19 vaccine in exchange for pizza at his school without her consent,…

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Vaccine Mandate madness has already shown us the worst in our leaders all over the country. None more so than the state of California where lockdowns continue for anyone who isn’t rich and famous or even just rich and a politician. The state that used to be a capitalist destination has been abused by high taxes, corrupt politicians, obnoxious actors and fraudulent CEOs for the past two decades at least. It’s gotten so bad in fact that there has been something of an exodus as podcasters like Joe Rogan and companies like The Daily Wire fled to traditionally red states.…

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During an interview with Blaze TV’s “You Are Here”, Kyle Rittenhouse opened up about the events that unfolded during his trial along with his life going forward after the trial. While speaking with Blaze Media’s Sara Gonzales, Rittenhouse blasted NBA star and race baiter LeBron James who made fun of him during his trial for crying uncontrollably. The moment of weakness for Rittenhouse came during the trial when he was explaining how a mob of unhinged leftists tried murdering him in the streets of Kenosha. LeBron James saw this as an opportunity to make fun of Rittenhouse, completely disregarding the…

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During an interview with Blaze TV’s “You Are Here”, Kyle Rittenhouse opened up about his life going forward after he was acquitted of all charges relating to the Kenosha shootings. At one point during the interview, Rittenhouse announced that his experiences in court had changed his plans for his future career. “I want to be a lawyer,” Rittenhouse said. “Yeah, I wanna go to law school.” “Did you just decide that during the trial, or is that something you’ve always wanted to do?” asked Blaze Media’s Sara Gonzales. “Uh, toward the end of the trial, I was like, I wanna…

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The trial for Jussie Smollett began Monday, November 29th, 2021. While many reading this article may not know who he is, the name might sound familiar. Jussie Smollett was a gay black man on a Fox television show called Empire. His sister, Jurnee Smollett, is a popular performer and has been in television since she was a small child, such as sassy Denise Frazer on Full House, and Hanging With Mr. Cooper. Why does that matter? Well, according to the prosecution against Jussie Smollett, the entire point of him filing false claims of bigotry and racism was for the publicity.…

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Remember when Joe Biden was running for president and said Donald Trump was racist for banning certain people from high-rate COVID countries from coming into America? Now that he’s president, Biden doesn’t feel the same way. Shocker, right? This is exactly why liberals cannot be trusted. They always say one thing and then do another. From Fox News: President Biden has imposed another coronavirus-related travel ban just hours after one of his top advisers cautioned that the U.S. didn’t have enough information to do so. On Friday morning, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Biden’s chief medical adviser, told CNN that the new…

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The world has gone mad. Everybody is so afraid to talk, act, or do the right thing under the Constitution because lefties will go bananas if they disagree with the sentiment. If Democrats remain in charge, the worst is yet to come. Check out this rant from CNBC’s Jim Cramer. It’s bad. From Right Scoop: Like Swalwell, Cramer is tired of the lawfully unvaccinated. He calls them “incubators for every variant to come” and says it’s psychotic for them to be allowed to just walk around in public. So he proposes mandatory vaccinations run by the military and says if…

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If you are a conservative and resident of Pennsylvania, it’s time to take a hard look at yet another TV star running for major office. This time, it’s “Dr. Oz.” This announcement seemingly came out of left field, especially since Dr. Mehmet Oz vocally aims to put “America first.” He is also running as a Republican (incumbent Senator Pat Toomey (R) is retiring). It will be interesting to see how it plays out. From Fox News: Well-known celebrity physician Mehmet Oz on Tuesday declared his candidacy for the Senate in Pennsylvania, joining a competitive Republican primary field in the crucial…

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Everybody should have seen this coming. Many Americans did, while others refused to acknowledge the truth when they went to the polling booths in November 2020. Now, we’re all facing the repercussions. Being a parent during the time of a liberal administration cannot be easy, especially when the world tilts further left on a daily basis. Joe Biden needs to go, no question about it! From The Daily Wire: A federal judge in Louisiana blocked Democrat President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for health care workers on Tuesday, issuing a nationwide injunction on Biden’s order. More from Daily Advertiser: Louisiana Western…

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Joe Biden has a very creative imagination. The man should have thought about a career as a screenwriter in Hollywood. After all, a lot of the stories he tells the American people are completely made up. You know, not true; Inaccurate; Non-factual. In other words, the man can lie with the best of them. How he finds the stones to regularly call himself Catholic is an absolute travesty. On Thursday, Joe once again proved why he cannot be trusted. From Fox News: President Biden said he met with former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and served as a liaison between…

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Fight or flight: it is a response from within the body during any given situation, especially when a person feels pressure or anxiety. Now, imagine you hear gunfire in a setting where you should not be hearing gunfire. Are you running away? Most likely. Tate Myre was different, though. He didn’t take flight. From Detroit Free Press: Ross Wingert, who coached Tate [Myre] in football and wrestling, was one of the first to reach the Meijer. In the middle of a chaotic scene, Wingert was told by multiple students that when the gunfire started, Tate ran toward the gunman. “I…

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Directly due to the policies of Joe Biden and a Democrat-controlled Congress, America is in far worse shape today than it has been since Barack Obama left office. We all knew that was going to be the case. Leftists knew it too, they just didn’t care to report the truth to the politically uninformed. Here’s a story “in defense” of Biden that you have to see to believe. From The Daily Wire: The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) faced widespread backlash on Thursday afternoon for bragging that President Joe Biden had caused gas prices to drop by 2 cents per…

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On Monday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki got heated after a reporter asked about Hunter Biden’s laptop as well as the Biden families backroom deals with China. “The Biden administration today put out a big report addressing corruption,” the reporter started. “I wanted to ask you two quick and hopefully pretty easy questions about that. Shortly after President Biden’s virtual meeting with the Chinese president, the First Son’s attorney said that he has finally divested from a Chinese investment fund controlled by state-owned entities. I was hoping you could commit to basic transparency about that transaction, including the name…

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A few weeks ago, conservative outlets broke the news that the Biden administration was negotiating to give a group of illegal aliens, whose children were separated from the adults during processing to ensure the adults were actually the parents and not human traffickers, big money. In addition to vetting the adults, the Flores settlement requires children to be released after 20 days while the adults are kept until fully vetted. After a barrage of calls, a group of Senate Republicans is seeking to ban President Joe Biden’s administration from carrying out a circulated plan that would provide border crossers, subjected…

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Regardless of the court battles the Biden administration is engaged in over Joe’s national employer vaccine mandate via OSHA, Bill de Blasio, a far, far left narcissist soon departing NYC mayor just announced private employers in the city must require all their employees receive the COVID jabs. This new mandate comes at the same time federal courts have temporarily blocked President Joe Biden’s federal vaccine mandate on companies with more than 100 employees from taking effect. This first-in-the-nation vaccine mandate on private companies is what Mayor Bill de Blasio calls a “preemptive strike” against the Omicron variant and a possible winter…

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Ever since bartender, socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) was unexpectantly elected to a seat in the U.S. House, many have been scratching their collective heads reacting to the neophyte politicians’ comments. Lately, Representative Cortez (D-NY) has been getting blasted for attempting to downplay the smash-and-grab crimewave in NYC, LA, Minneapolis ETC, that has been destroying retail outlets in several months. Last week, Ocasio-Cortez told the Washington Times, she dismissed stories about “organized retail theft”. “A lot of these allegations of organized retail theft are not actually panning out,” Cortez also said. “I believe it’s a Walgreens in California cited it, but…

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In what was one of the most effective parts of the Trump border policy and deterrents in fighting the invasion on the U.S. Southern border, the “Remain In Mexico” Program, is back but with a few significant changes. The Trump administration used the MPP program to return more than 60,000 asylum seekers across the border to Mexico. In what is good news for the majority of Americans who believe in border security, the reality is the Biden administration, especially  DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, are rabid globalists who have inserted some loopholes as they still fight this policy in the courts.…

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America is tired of Silicon Valley. Be it Apple’s anti-competitive behavior, Amazon’s destruction of small and independent businesses, and the relentless censorship from the likes of Google, Facebook, and Twitter, millions of Americans are now looking for any kind of alternative to our Big Tech overlords. For years, conservatives and libertarians have been working on projects aimed at providing these alternatives, ranging from social media networks all the way through to blockchain technologies aimed at replacing fiat currency. Here we will take a look at some of the most prominent of these developments. Social media platforms There are an array of…

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What should not be a surprise to anyone, the super-wealthy U.S. Speaker Of The House, Nancy Pelosi, is a control freak. The problem is, she has lost control of her party, which is causing a hostile work environment. She’s a total ‘control freak,’ but Nancy Pelosi has lost control of the ‘squad’ and of her own party, @AllAmericanJen tells Newsmax TV. — Newsmax (@newsmax) December 29, 2020 U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) once quipped that “Washington sucks.” House Democrats are starting to come to the same conclusion. Retiring Democrat Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI), in his apparent frustration to…

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Stephen K. Bannon served as the White House‘s chief strategist in U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration during the first seven months of Trump’s term. The host of the popular daily talk show and podcast, The War Room, became the first person in nearly 40 years to be indicted on a charge of criminal contempt of Congress last month after he refused to cooperate with the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection. Bannon who was smiling and streaming live as he turned himself into the authorities, before posting bail, promised his audience he would get to the bottom of the…

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A federal appeals court overrode a three-judge panel decision Wednesday, restoring an injunction blocking President Joe Biden’s “sanctuary country” orders as legal challenges continue. These so-called “sanctuary country” orders are directives by top officials in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The new guidance from acting ICE Director Tae Johnson instructed agents to not pursue illegal aliens for arrest and deportation until they have been convicted of aggravated felonies against Americans — crimes such as rape, murder, child pornography, sexual abuse of a minor, trafficking firearms, and theft. It also requires ICE agents to…

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As with the Parkland, FL school shooter, another disturbed student in MI, displaying signs of having a sociopathic disorder, was allowed to attend public school, giving him access to students, resulting in a mass killing. Instead of asking the tough questions, like why was he allowed to attend the school, political opportunists immediately blamed the gun and resumed their attempt to advance stalled tough gun legislation, which if passed, would not have stopped this shooting. Ethan Crumbley, the 15-year-old suspect accused of opening fire at his Michigan high school in Oxford, about 40 miles north of Detroit, pleaded not guilty…

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Bennie Thompson, Chairman of the Marxist, partisan, January 6 committee appeared on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Wednesday evening. He actually told the far-left host that Americans who exercise their 5th Amendment right, are guilty of crimes. Thompson’s statement goes directly against the Constitutional right of citizens to not be forced to speak (testify) against themselves. In The Constitution of United States of America  –  Amendment V “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or…

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The nationally respected police force, NYPD, which even had a fictional popular TV series built around it, has lost a lot of its MOJO as the city has cut its budget and Mayor Bill de Blasio has continued to criticize them in a sign of no confidence. As BLM was causing havoc around the U.S., more than 5,300 NYPD uniformed officers retired or put in their papers to leave in 2020 — a 75 percent spike from the year before, department data show. Over 1,000 more have followed suit in 2021. Now NYPD Police Commissioner Dermot Shea and another top…

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It was simply a matter of time, before a far left city decided to go to the extreme and allow non-citizens to vote within their local elections. It could have been anyone of the three major WOKE cities; San Francisco, Los Angeles or New York City. According to Breitbart News, New York City may soon have the infamous distinction of allowing non-citizens the right to vote, in essence diluting hundreds of thousands of American citizen votes while ensuring that foreign nationals decide local elections. The plan, hatched by progressive Democrats, would allow non-citizens the right to vote in the big…

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Chris Cuomo, one of the “stars” on news network CNN, has been suspended for an indefinite amount of time as of November 30th, 2021. This suspension came after Chris lied about just how far he went to help his brother, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, through the scandal that prematurely ended his career. Chris Cuomo allegedly used his work’s resources and his connections to help determine who former Gov. Cuomo’s accusers would be, how many there might be and who they’d spoken to. “The New York Attorney General’s office released transcripts and exhibits Monday that shed new light on…

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The world has changed dramatically since 2019 when we first heard about a deadly virus originating from China.  Since then, millions of people, both young and old, around the globe has succumbed to COVID-19. In America alone, over 764,000 people have died, with hundreds of thousands more fighting for their lives.  One of those individuals was 56 year old Donna Crane, from Port Orange, Florida, who tested positive, even though she and her husband Gary had been vaccinated a week prior to receiving the bad news. Appearing on the nationally syndicated Good Morning America show, Donna re-lived her life threatening…

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The Biden’s tried showing off their Christmas stockings hanging from the fireplace for each of their grandchildren in a Twitter post shared by U.S. political reporter for the Daily Mail, Emily Goodin. The fireplace had 6 stockings over the fireplace for each of the Biden grandchildren however they seemed to forget about their seventh grandchild, Hunter Biden’s child he had out of wedlock. Trees in state dining room decorated with old photos of first families. Stockings on fireplace have names of Biden grandkids — Emily Goodin (@Emilylgoodin) November 29, 2021 The Western Journal reports: According to Marie Claire, Biden has…

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While making a statement before the January 6th committee, RINO Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney made a direct threat against former President Donald Trump. The threat came as Cheney was addressing the committee, asserting that Trump will be met with “criminal penalties” if he lies. “President Trump continues to make the same false claims about a stolen election, with which he has misled millions of Americans. These are the same claims he knows provoked violence in the past. He has recently suggested that he wants to debate members of this committee,” Cheney said. “This committee’s investigation into the violent assault…

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During a visit on Thursday to a public transit facility in Charlotte, North Carolina with Pete Buttigieg, Vice President Kamala Harris had another cringeworthy moment. During their visit, Harris promoted the new infrastructure bill which would give $ 1 billion for public transportation and $109 million for electric vehicle charging in North Carolina till 2027. At one point during the trip, the pair toured the Charlotte CATS bus garage to check out the electric buses. Harris couldn’t contain herself as she jumped into one of the buses and honked the horn, singing: “The wheels on the bus go round and…

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Dr. Keith Ablow, Hunter Biden’s therapist, asserted that President Joe Biden does indeed have dementia according to materials found in Hunter Biden’s laptop as described in the new book, The Laptop From Hell, by New York Post columnist Miranda Devine. In January of 2019, Ablow offered to give a weak endorsement for a Joe Biden presidential campaign: “‘Any man who can triumph over dementia is a giant. Think what he could do for our nation’s needed recovery.’ Dr Keith Ablow.” “Perhaps he can help us remember all we intended to be as a people since he can now remember his…

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During an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, Senator Rand Paul called for the jailing of Dr. Anthony Fauci for costing lives due to the COVID outbreak. Paul unleashed on Fauci, stating that the left-wing doctor should be thrown in prison “for 5 years” because he lied under oath. Paul did note however that the reality of Fauci going to prison was slim considering swamp member Merrick Garland would certainly protect the rogue doctor. “Fauci should go to prison for five years for lying to congress,” Paul asserted. “They [the DOJ] have prosecuted other people and they have selectively…

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