Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

To understand the laws in our country is no simple task. There is a reason why it takes lawyers about six to seven years worth of schooling to become a lawyer. Just like a medical student will not learn of every single technique, ailment, or treatment; lawyers don’t come out of law school knowing every single law on the books either. As a matter of fact most laws are written in massive bills that can be hundreds of pages long with so many provisions and jargon packed in that it’s hard to tell what the actual topic of the law…

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The White House and corporate America have come to find out a few things the hard way. One glaring example is the public protest from Americans who love liberty, who are willing to give up everything to the threat of losing their Constitutional rights. Southwest Airlines, in response to requests from the Biden White House, sent an edict to their workers demanding they take the COVID-19 vaccine or lose their income. Even though the company and their employees’ labor union vehemently deny that a large number of employees called in sick in protest, a big U-turn was just announced following…

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For devout Christians the appearance of the Blessed Virgin, whether appearing in person as an illuminated figure or through various religious statues, her presence on Earth usually symbolizes a forewarning of perhaps some future event. The most publicized was her appearance on May 13th, 1917 in Fatima, Portugal, to three shepherd children, in which the Blessed Virgin through a series of other apparitions told the children of 3-secrets. Two of which were revealed; “a vision of heaven and hell, the end of WWI, the beginning of WWII, and to pray for the conversion of Russia. The third wasn’t revealed until…

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The January 6th witch hunt marches on with the Democrats trying to prevent former President Donald J. Trump from running again in 2024. The U.S. House Select Committee is targeting Mr.Trump’s closest allies trying to compel them to answer questions from loose canyons like Rep. Adam Schiff D-CA). The same guy who lied and mislead America for over 2 years pushing the debunked Russia Hoax. Today outspoken and successful media personality Steve Bannon, and former top adviser to President Trump, surrendered to the FBI on Monday on two criminal contempt charges for refusing to cooperate with the select committee probing…

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Migrants heading towards the United States are reportedly provided with packets from “nonprofit organizations” instructing them in how to continue breaking immigration law by circumventing TSA guidelines and how to enroll their kids in American schools without being detected. The secretive clandestine operation, according to Texas Congressmen Lance Gooden, instructs and encourages illegal migrants in how to navigate through the issues of assimilation along with illegally bypassing national security guidelines concerning the thorny issues of vetting and documentation. During an appearance on Monday on Fox & Friends, Gooden revealed that he was contacted by a whistleblower from San Diego. The…

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In what may be the most important midterm elections in U.S. history, the Democratic Party is in a panic as it prepares to defend its narrow House majority in 2022. With Joe Biden’s Marxist party dramatically trying to deconstruct the U.S. via open borders, tyrannical COVID mandates, and currently attempting to pass 3.5T a “human infrastructure” spending bill, a GOP victory would bring the democratic radical agenda to a screeching halt. According to an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Sunday Republicans currently have the largest lead in the generic congressional ballot they have had since 1981. “As things stand, if…

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Only in Washington D.C can you insist the world will end in 12 years unless radical cuts in oil and gas usage are implemented immediately, but then turn around and push to have a massive amount of oil released into the U.S. economy for usage before the end of the year. The cause for the left’s hypocrisy this time, politics 101. Their decision to call for the release of oil from the national reserves follows a massive drop in Biden’s polling numbers. On Sunday Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called on President Biden to make use of emergency petroleum reserves…

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It was by all accounts, an open threat hurled at New York’s mayor-elect, Eric Adams, by Black Lives Matter co-founder, Hawk Newsome, during a heated exchange on Wednesday at Brooklyn’s Borough Hall. The two had agreed to meet, to apparently iron out some pressing differences before Adams was officially sworn in on January, as New York’s 110th mayor. The sit-down was originally scheduled behind closed doors.  However, the radical group decided to live-stream the meeting to perhaps blindside and embarrass the mayor-elect, who acknowledged he had nothing to hide. After the two had met for awhile, a defiant Newsome emerged…

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During an interview on Thursday with Fox News host Sean Hannity, Kyle Rittenhouse’s mother, Wendy Rittenhouse, unleashed on President Joe Biden after he “defamed” her son last year by falsely calling him a “white supremacist.” “President Biden don’t know my son whatsoever, and he’s not a white supremacist,” Mrs. Rittenhouse said to show host Sean Hannity. “He’s not a racist. And [Biden] did that for the votes.” To this day, there is no evidence that Kyle is or was a white supremacist. Breitbart reported: “As Breitbart News reported last year, Rittenhouse was smeared by Democrats and the media as a…

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As Democrats’ hopes and dreams of wrongfully ruining Kyle Rittenhouse’s life begin to diminish, the Left is beginning to grasp at straws in an effort to change the upcoming result of the trial. During the trial on Thursday, Judge Bruce Schroeder’s referred to “Asian food” which sent the left into meltdown mode as they accused him of racism, arguing that this was enough evidence for a mistrial. As Judge Schroeder dismissed the court for lunch, he appeared to mock the supply chain crisis while commenting on Asian food. “Let’s hope for one o’clock, I don’t know, the uh, hope the Asian…

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With resistance by truck drivers to Biden’s COVID vaccine mandates growing stronger everyday, a trade union association representing 97 major labor unions issued a stark warning to “sleepy Joe” to ease up on his draconian decree or face an even worse supply chain disaster in the coming months. A November 3rd open letter was sent to the administration by the International Foodservice Distributors Association.  They asked for “flexibility for transportation and supply chain essential workers, particularly truck drivers who spend most of their time in their trucks and have minimal contact with colleagues and customers.” The letter made clear that…

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The fact that Joe Biden has the marbles to call himself “Catholic” while doing nothing but lying for a living speaks volumes. Like 11 out of every 10 of his peers, Joe has a very hard time telling the truth. And yet, still, millions and millions of Americans voted for this man to become president. What does that say about them? Shameful. Here’s the latest on this stooge and his administration, via CNBC: The White House on Monday said businesses should move forward with President Joe Biden’s vaccine and testing requirements for private businesses, despite a federal appeals court ordering…

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Like any Democrat in power, Joe Biden has people on his team who wake up thinking of new lies to tell the American people in an attempt to cover for bogus policy issues. It seems as though Biden, quite literally, has no clue what he’s doing as president. He literally does not know what is going on. Good going, lefties. Big win here. From The Daily Wire: A memo issued by Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl asks U.S. military personnel and DoD civilians who have immediate family members requiring help to leave Afghanistan to contact his office, NBC…

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It is without a doubt “a made for TV moment” as defendant Kyle Rittenhouse took to the stand Wednesday morning in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  No sooner did the court proceedings begin, Circuit Court Judge Bruce E. Schroeder had to abruptly call a halt to the trial, ordering the jury out of the courtroom. He then lambasted Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger of committing a “grave constitutional” error by choosing to stay silent before Wednesday’s testimony. However, that was just the beginning of what was to become a series of reprimands by Judge Schroeder towards prosecutor Binger, threatening the likelihood…

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Kamala Adolf Harris is a very scary woman. Not only did she fail her way to the top by sleeping with a man in power to attain power, but she knows very little of which she speaks – just like Joe. On Monday, it was announced that Harris would meet with world leaders about the border crisis. However, NOT America’s historic border crisis. Go figure, right? From Right Scoop: Fox News reports that Kamala is going to Europe to “take part in a conference on Libya and ending the surge of migrants escaping the war-torn country and crossing into Europe…

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The Golden State has some of the toughest gun laws in the Union, including universal background checks and an “assault weapons” ban since the 1990s. The problem is a majority of California’s cultural and judicial policies have encouraged illegal immigration and government dependence. Out of these, a growing criminal population has now exceeded the ability of some local police departments to provide timely protection for law-abiding citizens. The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) tweeted a release Tuesday advising city residents to “cooperate and comply” when being robbed. The release begins: Due to an increase in violent street robberies, Robbery-Homicide Division has…

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Once again, LeBron James, The four-time NBA champion jumped into the Twitter universe, this time to mock the 18 years old Kyle Rittenhouse for crying while on the stand as he defended himself against multiple homicide charges in the most famous trial in years. “What tears????? I didn’t see one. Man knock it off! That boy ate some lemon heads before walking into court.” Rittenhouse was being questioned by his defense attorneys when he broke down, crying uncontrollably, as he detailed the events of the night he shot and killed two rioters in the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin. “What tears????? I didn’t see…

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During his SiriusXM show on Tuesday, radio show host Hoard Stern claimed that he would beat former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race if they were to run against each other. The comments from Stern came as he was explaining that the key to defeating Trump is by playing a portion of his phone conversation with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger from January. “What I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state,” Trump said. Stern claimed that there is “no…

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Once again, Americans are trying to figure out what President Joe Biden is saying, especially when compared to what he told them only a few months ago. In addition to Joe’s incoherent ramblings, his speeches are written as though he never said the opposite, which anyone with an Internet connection can verify within a few minutes. Mr. Biden now admits that inflation is ‘worrisome,’ even though three months ago he dismissed the skyrocketing costs as ‘temporary’. “Everything from a gallon of gas to loaf of bread costs more,” Biden said during a speech promoting his infrastructure bill. “And it’s worrisome,…

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There’s an old idiom, to never allow “a fox near the hen-house” and yet that’s exactly what is currently being done to America’s economy. By allowing a corrupt, incompetent, and incontinent 78-year old swindler and his Democratic cronies to hide, cheat and swindle the American taxpayer out of their hard earned money, that would embarrass even a “three-card-monte” conman. According to the U.S Chamber of Commerce, Biden and his ilk of corrupt Democratic legislators are playing fast and loose with their “Reconciliation” package using “gimmicks to cover up well over $1 trillion in additional spending.” The Chamber of Commerce…

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American civics changed quite a bit throughout the 20th century and we are feeling the effects of it in the 21st. As a result of the accepted lawlessness, the growing abuse of the legal precedent of “prosecutorial discretion” has thrown jurisprudence in a tailspin. Since taking office, President Joe Biden has used his prosecutorial discretion to stop the enforcement of most immigration laws pertaining to our southern border. As a result, the Border Patrol arrested a record 1.66 million illegals on our Southern Border, in the 2021 Fiscal Year alone. Now in Joe’s “Build Back Better Act,” a $1.75 trillion…

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With the advent of the Internet and the subsequent explosion of information, AI and robotics have been utilized and are targeted to take more routine jobs from humans moving forward. Instead of demanding students in our public education systems to work harder, getting prepared to be employable for evolving and new technologically based jobs, the social justice warriors are demanding huge public sector unions require their teachers to start grading subjectively, dumbing down the system. In August 2020, L.A. Unified School District directed its middle- and high-school teachers to change the way they had evaluated students since the start of…

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Since the beginning of Joe Biden’s entry into the Democratic presidential primaries through today, his mental lapses and loss of awareness have been concerning to many Americans. In an attempt to prevent President Joe Biden from displaying his loss of mental acuity, Joe’s handlers have limited his events, made sure they are fully scripted and restricted who in the press can ask the president questions. Even with all their efforts, Joe goes off the rails sometimes anyway. Now this week, in what should have been a simple press opportunity, Joe hosted the NBA champs at the White House. Instead, Mr.…

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For the past 30 years, the left has been using politicians like former VP Al Gore and former President Barack Obama to advance the idea of “climate change”. In 2008 Barack Obama shared the left’s position that measures must be put in place to bankrupt the coal energy industry. In line with The Great Reset and United Nations 2030 Sustainability Goals, John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s climate envoy, said there would be no coal in the United States by the end of the decade at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland. “By 2030 in the United States, we won’t…

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During the trial for Kyle Rittenhouse on Wednesday, Judge Bruce Schroeder unleashed on the prosecutor who was questioning Rittenhouse. “Why would you think that that made it for you without any advanced notice bring this manner before the jury?” Schroeder slammed. “I am astonished when you began your examination by commenting on the defendants post arrest silence. That’s basic law, that’s been basic law in this country for 40 years, 50 years, and I have no idea why you would do something like that.” “I don’t know what you are up too,” he slammed. WATCH: NOW – Judge in Rittenhouse…

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Running up to and especially following the shellacking the Democrats took in the recent Virginia statewide elections, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have been feeling the heat trying to get something significant passed through Congress, taking the spotlight of the failing Biden agenda. After months of internal fighting, the far-left members of the House acquiesced to the pressure too with most of them joining in passing the massive infrastructure bill on November 6th. What did not also come up for a vote on 11/6 was the pork-filled, Marxist reconciliation bill. Speaker Pelosi’s November 15th…

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As someone who lives in California, the stress and toll the fascist leadership out of Sacramento has taken on the people of the Golden State, are immeasurable. Hundreds of businesses in the Fresno area where I reside have closed or significantly scaled back over the past 18 months. We have some of the worst-performing public schools and violent crime and domestic abuse crimes also increased during the prolonged mask-wearing and at times locked down central valley city. Unlike Florida, our state has kept us in masks, and last month Governor Newsome tried to take credit for our infection rate dropping.…

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The re-aligning of the world’s economic power structure is being promoted as a cooperation of the nations towards reaching the globalists 2030 objectives. The reality is China, Russia and India are not playing fairly with the rest of the “children” while the Biden administration struggles to maintain its symbolic leadership position in The Paris Agreement. China by far is the worst polluting nation on Earth but as with their culpability of developing COVID-19, participating in stealing intellectual property, and imprisoning the Uyghur population, the CPP is not experiencing any repercussions for their actions. In response to the huge number of…

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Columbia University employees should be careful about the pronouns they use, as intentionally employing incorrect pronouns is considered a violation of the study house’s non-discrimination policy, according to a video posted on the college’s official YouTube channel. The video, titled “Why Pronouns Matter,” which lasts nearly two minutes, says that “research shows that using someone’s correct pronouns has a big impact on their mental health and well-being.” “While many use she/her and he/him pronouns a growing number are using other pronouns like they/them xe/xem ze/hir per/pers and ey/em,” says one of the voiceovers at the beginning of the video. “You…

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On Monday, President Joe Biden had an interview with a local Cincinnati news outlet about his infrastructure bill. During the interview, Biden shockingly admitted that life under his presidency was terrible. “There’s a lot of anxiety, gas prices are up exceedingly high,” Biden said. Biden has no plan to make life better for Americans. WATCH: The Biden infrastructure bill is packed with far-left agendas including addressing “racist bridges.” Check out what Yahoo News reported: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said on Monday that his agency would use a portion of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill to address racial inequities in U.S. highway design. Why it…

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While introducing Democrats at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi scolded the audience after they failed to clap for her and other representatives. The Speaker was introducing several lawmakers when the embarrassing moment took place. “Good afternoon, everyone,” Pelosi started. “Uh it is really an honor to be here with our Distinguished Delegation from the House of Representatives. I want them all to stand so you can see who they are. Congressman Earl Blumenauer, McCallum, McCollum, Pingree, Keating, Bonamici, Brownley, Huffman, Lowenthal, Beyer, Boyle, Espaillat, Casten, Escobar, Ocasio Cortez, Levin Negus.” “Uh thank…

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During a press conference on Saturday, President Joe Biden had a screaming meltdown after a reporter asked him about his comments relating to paying illegal aliens $450,000. “If, in fact, because of the outrageous behavior of the last administration, you coming across the border, whether it was legally or illegally, and you lost your child — You lost your child. It’s gone — you deserve some kind of compensation, no matter what the circumstance,” Biden said as he raged and waved his finger. “What that will be I have no idea. I have no idea.” WATCH the meltdown below: .@POTUS…

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According to Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, President Joe Biden released a “long and loud” fart in front of her at the Glasgow COP26 climate conference. Camilla was horrified and shocked and “hasn’t stopped talking about” the fart since it took place: “It was long and loud and impossible to ignore,” an insider told the Daily Mail on Sunday. Check out what Breitbart reported: Ironically he has earlier pledged that one of the most important things society faces in the near term is to “reduce our methane emissions as quickly as possible.” At the diplomatic reception, which was originally supposed…

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Vaccine mandates. Inflation. A plummeting economy. Historic border crisis. Afghanistan debacle. The list of failures doesn’t stop with the Biden administration. It’s like the Energizer Bunny, it keeps going and going and going. Check out this hilarious new poll from the not-exactly-right-leaning outlet USA Today. From Right Scoop via USA Today: What do Americans want President Joe Biden to do now? We asked them. In the new USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll, we asked 1,000 registered voters to name the single thing that was most important for Biden to do in the next year. And here are the results… 1.Resign/retire/quit – 20%…

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It appears that Biden’s Justice Department is, once again, illegally targeting conservative journalists. According to the New York Times, the FBI, “America’s KGB,” raided the home of investigative reporter, James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, early Saturday morning as part of the Justice Department’s overreach into another Biden kid’s missing personal property. This time, Biden’s 40-year old daughter Ashley Biden, much like her older drug addled brother Hunter, lost, misplaced, or had her diary supposedly stolen. An FBI spokesman confirmed its agents had performed law enforcement activity by ransacking O’Keefe’s apartment in Mamaroneck, New York. The FBI had also raided…

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Bill de Blasio is a baaaddd man – and certainly not in a good way. The soon-to-be former mayor of New York City is, and always has been, an absolute menace, hellbent on destroying NYC. It is good for the city that de Blasio is on his way out, but it’s not exactly fantastic that Eric Adams is on his way in. Anyways, here’s the latest on Bill’s devilish ways. From The Daily Wire: The New York City mayor announced the initiative last week. Under the program, money will be provided to kids, between the ages of 5 to 11,…

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CBP just released statistics on who’ve they apprehended this fiscal year and those statistics are far from cheery. According to CBP’s data, not only has the total number of migrants crashing over the border swelled to the size of a tsunami, but also many of those returning had previously been deported. First up is the recidivism rate. To CBP, that’s defined as the “percentage of individuals apprehended more than one time by the Border Patrol within a fiscal year.” During the Trump years (2017-2020), it had its valleys and peaks but was an average of just 13.5%. Under Biden, that…

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In less than a year the Biden administration, in conjunction with the entertainment and education systems, have dramatically divided Americans. COVID and the border have been two contentious issues under Biden. A significant percentage of liberty-seeking Americans decided to not take the COVID shots. Others who did not want to, but because of financial or other considerations, have been forced to take the jabs against their will. In addition to the Covid mandates, the Biden administration is limiting the ability of DHS and the U.S. Border Patrol to enforce U.S. immigration laws. The subsequent open borders have led millions of…

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The most coveted dish (and recipe!) for Thanksgiving is, of course, the turkey!  There are so many variations for a Thanksgiving turkey that you could browse the internet for weeks and continue to find more and more to look over.  It’s hard to decide which recipe to use because they all sound amazing.  I use […]

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Unlike many Western nations, the United States Of America has settled on only two main political parties. With only two directly opposing parties trying to govern, gridlock is guaranteed. In what I have used to argue that America is no longer the U.S.A, the number of states becoming purple and eventually blue has increased. The GOP representatives from these states tend to be left-leaning anyway, and thus the Republican party is not united. The Democrats on the other hand are united, except on rare occasions when their far-left members, who are trying to deconstruct the American culture, pushes for dramatic…

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