Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Leaders have foresight. They can see things coming before they happen. President Trump was very good about that. Joe Biden, on the other hand, is very similar to his former boss, Barack Obama, in that he leads from behind. Not only is America stumbling with bumbling Joe at the helm, but so is the world – especially the people of Afghanistan, at the moment. If Biden was a good man, he’d resign immediately. LOOK: Here’s more on the situation… As panicked Afghans watched Taliban fighters roll into the capital city of Kabul Sunday, sealing the collapse of the…

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Joe Biden is not a leader, never has been. That much should’ve been proven clear to every single American (if it wasn’t already) when the “commander-in-chief” remained silent for days after the Taliban overtook the country of Afghanistan. Now, the middle eastern nation is in a world of hurt. And Biden’s policies are directly to blame. Period. From Right Scoop: He claims he only had two decisions, either to pull out based on Trump’s agreements or to fight the Taliban. I think that’s a strawman argument of false choices. He didn’t have to pull out the way he did and…

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The chaos in Afghanistan may in fact be the last straw that finally brings this administration down. The cumulative mishandling of our immigration policy, our economy, the pandemic, crime, and now Afghanistan, by the Biden White House, has finally called into question Biden’s competence and more importantly his ability to actually lead the nation, for another 3 years. Former President Trump witnessing the unfolding disaster over the weekend called on Biden to “resign in disgrace” over his handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal and other issues. In a prepared statement Trump wrote, “It is time for Joe Biden to resign in…

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The switchboard on Sunday morning over at the White House was apparently shut-down as a number of news outlets attempted to reach the administration for their reaction at the devastating chaos being played out at Kabul airport. Up to 80,000 people have jammed the terminal with thousands fleeing across the runway attempting to board the military aircrafts slowly taxying on the tarmac. News outlets including Fox News attempted time and again to raise someone in the White House only to be told by auto message that the administration was on vacation. Frustrated Fox reporters were finally forced to send…

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The crisis at the U.S./Mexico border is far more nuts than anybody imagined – and getting worse by the day. Then again, most people knew that Joe Biden was in over his head (whether his supporters will ever admit it or not). Things are so bad, in fact, that a federal judge is telling Joe to knock off the nonsense and bring back the big boy policies. But will he listen? That is the question. Or…does Joe allow the cartels to continue to run amok? From The Daily Wire: A federal judge ordered Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration late on…

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Being a high-powered liberal is a one-way ticket to easy street. You don’t have to have morals or convictions or abide by laws or any sort of rules whatsoever, because those things are for the little people. Time after time, America-haters like Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, and countless other Congressional lefties get a pass for something that would most likely end the career of a Republican. Ultimately, not only is journalism dead but it poisons the mind of the uninformed on an hourly basis. From Washington Free Beacon: Former president Barack Obama shrugged off the concerns of scientific experts…

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The state of California has once again made sexual perversion legally acceptable within the “Golden State” thanks to Democratic State Senator Scott Weiner. The California lawmaker defended the law that he authored Wednesday during a town-hall event saying “I’m really proud of the law.” Adding, “It’s a really positive step forward.” The “law” Titled SB 132, actually allows biological transgender males into women’s prisons, without any regard for a woman’s civil rights. In fact the nutty lawmaker actually criticized “real biological” women who oppose being housed in with “biologically equipped” males. Weiner also took the occasion to criticize legislation…

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The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. On April 30th, 1975, the American backed South Vietnamese capital of Saigon fell to the advancing invading North Vietnam Communists. The image of American embassy personal fleeing to the rooftop of the American compound to be airlifted by helicopters out of the country is a stark reminder of how a foreign policy fraught with political uncertainty and without a cohesive military end-game can quickly unravel. Fast forward to the present; the breaking news that Taliban insurgents have taken Kandahar and Heart,…

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If this sounds familiar that’s because it is. Just last week the CDC also falsely claimed publicly that Florida’s COVID-19 infection rate had skyrocketed with nearly 135,000 new infections making the “Sunshine State” the leading state within the country with 20% of all new cases. However within 24 hours the CDC was forced to admit they were wrong; someone at the health agency “mistakenly” combined MULTIPLE days into one. We now have a media outlet also attempting to clean-up their public “miscalculation” falsely claiming that 5,800 children were hospitalized in Texas with COVID-19. In an article published by the Texas…

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It was by all accounts a sleazy immoral hit job by a supposed prime time news anchor who once again trashed the good name of a murdered patriot. On Wednesday MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace decided to again slander the name of Ashli Babbitt. The 49-year old California native who hosts “Deadline” was in a prolonged agitated state regarding former President Donald Trump’s visit with both the mother and husband of the late 14-year Air Force veteran. Babbitt was the only person senselessly gunned down as she entered the Capitol building on January 6th. In a prepared statement the former President…

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The former commander-in-chief took to social media Wednesday, slamming the Democratic budget (thanks to 19 RINO’s), calling it a “communist plan to destroy America.” A frustrated Trump along with a majority of Republicans issued a formal statement through his Save America PAC, urging Americans to “wake up”. Adding, “Good morning, America! While you were all sleeping, the Radical Democrats advanced a plan that will be known as the $3.5 trillion Communist Plan to Destroy America.” Trump said. Trump continued; “This legislation is an assault on our nation, on our communities, and on the American Dream. It destroys our borders and…

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It was a remarkable dramatic moment as a young fifth-grade teacher took to the mic at a board meeting Tuesday afternoon at Loudoun County Public School. The institution has become a hotbed for the radical curriculum known as Critical Race Praxis (as well as those who oppose it). The principles of the controversial teaching divides young minds based on the color of their skin pigmentation. Educator Laura Morris began softly speaking about her love for teaching and watching her fifth graders blossoming under her tutelage. She reminded those in attendance that she has been teaching at LCPS for the past…

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Joe Biden was speaking, so look out because some asinine quotes are heading your way. For example, Barack Obama’s former vice president literally said he would not deport illegal aliens for drunk driving. His words. Think about that for a minute, because it’s a pretty big deal. How many Americans have died from reckless, intoxicated, illegal alien drivers? Has Joe considered the fact that nobody would get hurt (or killed) by an illegal if there weren’t any illegals in the U.S.? How can Democrats support this kind of rhetoric? WATCH: Even MADD (a left-leaning outlet) wasn’t pleased with bIDEN……

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This is not the “dream” that Martin Luther King Jr. had in mind. He wanted all people to come together; to love each other and get along no matter the color of their skin. The problem is that liberals don’t seem to understand much of anything when it comes to… well, anything – especially history (and American history, in particular). Why is it so hard for lefties to accept that when minorities are given handouts it actually holds them back by directly implying they aren’t capable of achieving anything on their own merit!? It is, in fact, implicitly racist. Check…

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Gavin Newsom now holds the crown as dopiest governor in all of America, considering New York’s Andrew Cuomo finally resigned in light of multiple sexual harassment scandals. While Cuomo is making news for stepping down as the CEO of the Empire State (as well as his deadly COVID policies), Newsom keeps getting caught being a gigantic hypocrite (and is facing a potential recall) and making all the wrong moves. Check this out, via The Daily Wire: An investigation by a Sacramento television station found California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom allegedly crafted policies to help the Pacific Gas and Electric Company…

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Yes, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki really said those words about the Taliban you read in the title above. This is how far gone these lefties are now. They are absolutely deluded. To honestly believe that Joe Biden earned the most votes of any presidential candidate in U.S. history has to be the sickest joke played on the American people since Barack Obama was first elected back in November 2007. Unfortunately, every person Biden surrounds himself with has more than a few screws loose. WATCH: More from Right Scoop: For my two cents I would add…

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It appears that those Democratic lawmakers who are currently AWOL will be returning back to the state Capital in handcuffs. On Tuesday, Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan reportedly signed civil arrest warrants for the 52 or so legislators who skipped town rather than doing their sworn duty and voting on the Republican authored bill concerning voting integrity. The Democratic lawmakers actually abandoned their jobs while the legislative assembly was in session and flew away to Washington, D.C. There they promptly infected a number of their colleagues because they didn’t follow mask protocol when flying. According to the Texas Tribune, the…

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The drama being played out in New York finally came to an end on late Tuesday morning as an emotional Andrew Cuomo realized that he could no longer withstand the relentless call for him to resign. It was either that or he would face impeachment, so he resigned. The solemn, haggard looking governor finally accepted his fate stating, “Wasting energy on distractions is the last thing that state government should be doing. And I cannot be the cause of that.” “Given the circumstances, the best way I can help now is to step aside and let government get back to…

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Federalism deals with the separation of the federal government from state governments. There is a reason for it. It is to meant keep things in check; to have a division of power. Therefore, when the Biden White House says it is looking to override orders from governors of certain states simply to continue pushing the nonsensical COVID-19 lie, eyebrows should be raising all over the nation. At the end of the day, the only thing Joe and co. care about is complete and utter control. From New York Post: President Biden said Tuesday that his administration is examining whether he…

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A whole heckuva lot of people who got “the jab” to prevent becoming sick from the “Chinese virus” seem to be catching it. Isn’t the whole idea of a vaccine to prevent illness? In that sense, then, COVID vaccines have failed tremendously. Of course, lefties will blame people who aren’t vaccinated for any and all of their problems – but that’s another issue entirely. Outspoken GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene recently found herself in Twitter jail simply because the platform absolutely hates dissenting opinion (and facts). From The Hill: Twitter has suspended Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) for a week after…

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Chalk one up for religious liberty thanks to a Texas judge who blocked Joe Biden’s egregious “Transgender Mandate”. This newest nonsense would have required doctors to abandon their religious convictions along with their Hippocratic Oath. It would force them (in some instances) to perform surgical mutilation of prepubescent children under the guise of so-called “gender transition” surgeries. Judge Reed O’Connor on Monday granted a permanent injunction on doctors who believe it’s morally wrong to abort a baby or perform controversial gender transition surgery especially on children. O’Connor’s written ruling states that doctors are “to be exempt from the government’s requirement…

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Governor DeSantis seems to be anticipating the CDC’s absurd flip-flopping on the extent of the COVID-19 threat. Because of this he decided earlier this month to sign an executive order banning school districts from instigating mask mandates. On Monday, the governor went a step further by releasing a written statement making it abundantly clear, anyone who violates his lawful ban, will have their salaries withheld indefinitely. The statement from the Governor’s office read in part, the state board of education could, “move to withhold the salary of the district superintendent or school board members, as a narrowly tailored means to…

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Lori Lightfoot is a very bad public servant. As mayor of Chicago, the openly gay elected official has done nothing to benefit the citizens of her city. Yet, Lightfoot remains intent on bashing police officers and banning white reporters from pressers (among other highly notable issues). Think about those things for a second. They are kind of a big deal. Check out what a whole bunch of police officers did when Lori walked into a hospital after a couple cops were shot. From Chicago Sun-Times: Mayor Lori Lightfoot was given the cold shoulder by CPD rank and file about midnight…

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There’s a more than decent chance that Donald Trump will run for president for the third consecutive time in 2024. If for some reason he doesn’t, the man Republican should seriously look at is Ron DeSantis. The former Congressman and current governor of the Sunshine State does not take guff from liberal reporters, telling it like it is. He speaks truth to facts and remains a stalwart conservative. Floridians should be thrilled to have him in charge. Check this out, via New York Post: The Florida governor’s office said it may withhold the salaries of public school officials who institute…

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It would appear that a few brave Republicans are finally growing a backbone and not waiting for 2022 in attempting to save America’s sovereignty. They’re finally enacting Articles of Impeachment against Director of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, and hopefully soon against President Biden. Arizona Congressmen Andy Biggs on Friday announced his intention to file articles of impeachment against Mayorkas, for his willful mishandling of the humanitarian crisis at our southern border, created by the Biden administration. In a prepared statement Biggs announced his plan: “Secretary Mayorkas is a threat to the sovereignty and security of our nation. As a result…

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Former President Trump blasted the 18 Republican senators Saturday for signing on to the so-called “bipartisan” Infrastructure Bill authored by the Democrats. Number 45, as usual didn’t mince any words, focusing his displeasure on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. “If Mitch McConnell was smart, which we’ve seen no evidence of, he would use the debt ceiling card to negotiate a good infrastructure package. This is a 2,700 page bill that no one could have possibly read—they would have needed to take speed reading courses,” Trump began. “It is a gift to the Democrat Party, compliments of Mitch McConnell and some…

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If you have yet to receive a COVID-19 vaccination, there’s a highly decent chance that you don’t plan to get one anytime soon. But what if the federal government forced you to take the jab? What if it became mandated? Even if they didn’t make getting the shot a requirement, all Congressional lefties would have to do is make sure every single business in America refuses service until you’re vaccinated. It’s a scary time, folks. From The Daily Wire: U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, a Democrat from California, recently told a Los Angeles television station that the nationwide increase in COVID-19…

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You read the headline above, right? Does it come as any surprise? If so, it really really really should not. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s highest paid government official, is nothing more than a raging liberal activist. To call out one group of people for holding a large gathering while ignoring another is the very definition of hypocrisy. It’s also classist, in a sense, considering the Sturgis bikers are most likely Trump supporters. What a joke this man is. From Fox News: Social media users piled on to Dr. Anthony Fauci for what many felt was a double standard when…

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“Momma always said, stupid is as stupid does.” That may be a famous quote from Forrest Gump, but it really should be the motto of the Democrat Party. To honestly believe that a man can be a woman just because he says so should be enough to land a person in a psych ward. However, we’re living in an ever-increasing liberal world – despite definitive scientific facts backing the differences in chromosomes. Things are getting weirder by the day. From TheBlaze: Female prisoners and women’s advocacy groups pled with the state of California not to implement a new pro-transgender law…

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Private jets, celebrities, and hypocrisy galore! Those were the themes of Barack Obama’s 60th birthday bash at his $12 million Martha’s Vineyard mansion. Remember, people, you’re not cool or in-touch or “woke” unless you support politicians who hate the police, the military, babies, and America in general. Check this out, via Daily Mail: Seen from the sky, these exclusive pictures and video show the sprawling set-up of Barrack Obama’s 60th birthday celebrations – and on the ground some of the crème de la crème of the entertainment, sports and political worlds are starting to arrive. With canopies and catering stations…

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The above headline is actually a snarky spin-off to a little known 1981 flick titled “The Incredible Shrinking Woman” starring Lily Tomlin as suburban California housewife. She accidentally ingests a toxic chemical that begins to reduce her in size, ultimately shrinking her to the size of one’s index finger. Unlike Tomlin, our illustrious Vice President hasn’t ingested any toxins in reducing her stature. She’s managed quite nicely to do that all on her own. You’ll recall that Harris actually dropped out of the 2020 presidential race before the primary voting even began. She spent in excess of $39 million dollars…

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Imagine being forced to get “the jab” to keep your job. Would that sit well with you? Also, is that the new norm in the United States of America? If something like this can be imposed, what’s next? How much further can liberals take this nonsense? How much further will Americans allow liberals to take this nonsense? Check this out, via NBC News: United Airlines will require its 67,000 U.S. employees to get vaccinated against Covid by Oct. 25 or risk termination, a first for major U.S. carriers that will likely ramp up pressure on rivals. Airlines including United have…

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This is the type of thing that can happen when a beta male is in control of the most powerful country in existence. And all it does is make America look weak. But Joe Biden doesn’t care. His goal is control, just like it is for the rest of his fellow socialists. What’s next? A nationwide mandate, albeit in a roundabout way – like having to show a vaccine “passport” when entering a restaurant? For shame. From Right Scoop: [Reporter Emerald] Robinson explained that while reporters were sitting in the daily briefing today, they all got an email from the…

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First Lady Jill Biden. Ugh. Has a pretty horrible sounding ring to it, doesn’t it? The fact that lefties are pushing for Americans to recognize her as a doctor has the uninformed believing she’s an MD. She’s not. And what’s more? She apparently doesn’t surround herself with the kindest people. From The Daily Wire: Reports surfaced in June surrounding Vice President Kamala Harris’ apparently “abusive” office, catching the eye of the office of President Joe Biden. Now, adding to the rumors of chaos, reports have surfaced about the allegedly abusive nature of first lady Jill Biden’s office. An advisor to…

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If you are a Republican living in Maryland, we’re sorry. This news won’t come as a big surprise to you, unfortunately. As usual, RINO Governor Larry Hogan is pulling a liberal tactic by attempting to shame people into getting a covid vaccine. Funny, though. Doesn’t it seem as if those who were vaccinated keep getting sick, while the unvaccinated remain…fine? Hmmm. That might be a theory worth researching. From US News: ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Urging people to “just get the damn vaccine,” Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced new vaccination requirements for state employees who work in congregant settings with…

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Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch has recently filed several separate lawsuits against President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS), along with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In both instances the lawsuits are targeting the government’s refusal to publicly disclose the crimes committed by released criminal aliens. Also up for investigation is the number of infected COVID-19 aliens being released into the United States. The lawsuits contend after taking office in January, Biden and company willfully ended Trump’s successful “Remain-in-Mexico” program which had highly reduced the number of illegal aliens entering the country. The former president ended…

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This is what can happen when liberals are in control at any level of government – hypocrisy is rampant, while Americans finish last and are put in harm’s way. The problem is that Democrats crave complete control. If they don’t get it willingly, they’ll do whatever it takes. Literally, whatever it takes. Check out this horror story taking place in Texas… More from Fox News: The stunning numbers come amid increasing concerns from Texas and elsewhere about the potential impact of the massive numbers of migrants coming to the border on the efforts to control the COVID-19…

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Remember the McCloskeys? They are the couple who stood in front of their home armed with guns to protect it against Black Lives Matter protesters who broke into their gated community. The liberal media freaked out, accusing them of racism and everything else under the sun. Then, the husband and wife found themselves in trouble with the law – undoubtedly due to partisan hackery. On Wednesday, the McCloskeys finally got the last laugh. From The Daily Wire: Republican Missouri Governor Michael Parson on Tuesday pardoned Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple who brandished guns while Black Lives Matter…

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Play silly games, win silly prizes. Well, in this case, don’t win any prize because you’re actually not a world-class athlete after all. Wah wah! Don’t feel bad for Gwen Berry for not medaling at the 2020 Summer Olympics, however. Though she represents America as a hammer-thrower, the woman is not proud of her country. In other words, she never should’ve worn the Stars and Stripes in the first place (HAHA, first place). It’s unfortunate that far too many people these days, like Gwen Berry and USWNT star Megan Rapinoe, don’t realize how good they have it in the U.S.…

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Every American who follows politics knows that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is a disgrace, whether some are willing to admit it or not. The man has done nothing positive for the Empire State, while espousing socialist viewpoints to the uninformed. On Tuesday, Cuomo finally got busted for doing something wrong. And this is something he probably won’t recover from. Get ready for a resignation speech any day now. From TheBlaze: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo violated federal and state law by sexually harassing multiple women and threatening retaliation against a former employee who made a public complaint about his…

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