Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Life “needs to be hard” for Americans who refuse to receive a COVID-19 vaccination shot, says doctor and CNN medical analyst, Leana Wen. Those are her actual words. The problem is that you know she isn’t joking. Unfortunately for Wen (like every single one of her liberal peers) she downed the entire jug of Kool-Aid and never looked back. And she wants you to know that you are the problem for not following behind the other sheep. From Fox News: CNN medical contributor Dr. Leana Wen suggested Saturday that life needs to be “hard” for Americans who have not received…

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A woman who was charged with hitting a George Floyd protester with her SUV finally received the verdict from a Denver jury. The woman was found guilty of a reckless driving charge, a misdemeanor. HOWEVER, the jury also found her not guilty of assault in the charge of hitting the protester with her SUV. Attorneys who represented the defendant, a Jennifer Watson, made a statement on social media saying she should not have been charged in the first place, according to Fox News. “Ms. Watson should not have been charged. We appreciate the jury’s verdict of not guilty to the…

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Putting every single American (and non-American) into a box based on race is the modus operandi of the left. If liberals are not talking about race in some form or the other, they aren’t breathing. And what better place to start race-baiting than in schools, therefore indoctrinating the minds of impressionable children? This is disturbing. From Fox News: More than two dozen public schools and school districts are pushing what critics say is a toxic kids’ book that features a “[W]hiteness” contract with a devilish figure. A list published Thursday shows districts or individual schools in more than a dozen…

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CPAC is off to quite a start this year with Donald Trump Jr. mocking CNN and Hunter Biden, but nothing will top this card that someone was passing to some of the guests. The card details the 7 steps it would take to restore Donald Trump as president, in days, not years or decades or millenniums. The card was posted on Twitter by Forbes reporter, Andrew Solender, who stated: “CPAC attendee sent me this pic of a card they were handed about a “7-pt. plan to restore Donald J. Trump in days, not years,” which involves installing Trump as speaker…

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I wish this was a joke. Kamala Harris continues the clown-show and biggest rip-off of American tax payers as she does her best impression of a vice president. This time, the unskilled Democrat tried to slap down voter ID by suggesting one of the most ridiculous things we’ve ever heard. This is a comment that was literally as dumb as can be and explains why Kamala Harris polled so low when she ran for president. Kamala Harris’ new shining moment happened during an interview on BET where Harris was asked about any chance she would compromise on allowing voter ID…

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GOP Sen. Rand Paul states he will lead the charge against mandated masks on planes and file legislation to repeal the mandates, giving people their facial freedom back while traveling in the air. Rand Paul stated, specifically: “When the Senate returns to session, I will be introducing an immediate repeal of the mask mandate on planes. Enough! Time to stop this farce and let people travel in peace!” Looks like someone is going after the airlines and many of us have a lot of questions about these masks, lately. It was a very simple tweet, to the point,…

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Trump derangement syndrome is still very strong with lefties in our country. President Donald Trump has been out of office for nearly seven months now, but some people still refuse to acknowledge all the good the man accomplished for the United States in just four short years. The biggest problem with liberals is that they are highly hypocritical, which isn’t exactly a great characteristic. To top it off, if you don’t agree with a leftist’s point of view – LOOK OUT! After a man had his MAGA hat stolen at a baseball game on Friday evening in New York, the crowd…

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If a person as resoundingly abhorred as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) can become a member of Congress, then literally anybody can do it. Don’t give up on your dreams, kids! That being said, nobody should look up to AOC as a role model for a whole host of reasons – far too many to list in this article. Simply put, the woman is a “good Democrat.” On Friday, AOC, a major proponent of, well, everything that goes against America’s values, said something incredibly silly – even for her! From The Daily Wire: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) stated that “climate change” was…

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Leave it to one of the Bidens’ to come up with yet another clever but corrupt “get rich” scheme while Papa Joe resides in the White House. However, this time it isn’t simply cashing in the family name and making corrupt (and lucrative) deals in communist countries. On this occasion, the former drug addict son of the President has devised an ingenious way of trading off the Biden name by suddenly becoming a “working artist”. He’s now selling his scribbles to “anonymous buyers” for a paltry $75,000-$500,000 per piece. The question on everyone’s mind is does the “big guy” still…

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The culture war took another decisive turn Wednesday, when American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten took to the podium at the annual AFT TEACH Conference. There she vowed to defend Critical Race Theory (CRT) at all costs.The 63 year old educator said that the teacher’s union “will defend any member who gets in trouble for teaching honest history.”Weingarten doubled down in her criticism during the virtual conference. She blamed Republican legislators and concerned parents for the overwhelming backlash taking place at school board meetings around the country. These outbursts concern the racist overtones within the CRT curriculum which proclaim…

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Even though ratings for many Hollywood award shows are sinking faster than the Titanic, the woke culture in the entertainment industry keeps swinging farther left and they’re paying the price. This time it was Hollywood’s Kevin Sorbo, another actor sick of how the woke nonsense is essentially ruining the entertainment business and sports, and Sorbo spoke out about it mightily in an interview. In particular, Sorbo targeted Marvel Comics and their upcoming show called “The United States of Captain America.” Sorbo points out that the show, a spinoff based on Captain America, is about the American Dream – but suggests…

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Disgraced Gov. Andrew Cuomo had some nerve to say “we know how to deal with an epidemic… we want to do with gun violence with what we just did with COVID” and that was all it took for Hollywood legend James Woods to obliterate the failing Democrat governor with one single sentence. While Gov. Cuomo’s scandals over the past few months seem to have gone hush, likely because liberal media won’t hammer Cuomo for being a alleged dirtbag like they would to Trump. But James Woods just wasn’t having it and let Cuomo know in an instant. To make this…

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Everybody knows the name “Michael Avenatti” for a couple of reasons, but mainly because he represented Stormy Daniels after she claimed to have had an affair with Donald Trump. However, over the years Avenatti has proven to be a “good” Democrat (and even considered running for president in 2020). He has been indicted numerous times in multiple states for tax evasion. He even accused then-SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh of spiking drinks back in college (as if he knew the truth). In summation: Avenatti isn’t exactly a great guy. On Thursday afternoon, the disgraced lawyer was sentenced to two and a…

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Rarely photographed Barron Trump, who recently turned 15-years-old, just reached a new physical high with his height being listed at 6 feet 7. Donald Trump himself is 6’3″ and Melania Trump is 5’11” – so it’s very easy to see where Barron’s huge height comes from. Meanwhile, Eric Trump is no longer the family tower, as he’s only a mere 6’6″. Barron is now being referred to as the “new Trump tower” on NY Post, who managed to sneak some photos of the living legend. He looked every inch of it on Wednesday when he stood head and shoulders over…

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