Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

President Joe Biden continues to make bad choices for his administration and White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is one of them. She proves why, once again, by referring to Justice Clarence Thomas by the wrong name, calling him ‘Judge Thompson.’ The White House corrected her wrong-name mishap on their website by crossing out the incorrect name and adding the correct name. If there was ever a clown show at the White House, then it’s quite clear that Biden and his administration are the clowns running the show and it’s not a good thing for America. WATCH Jean-Pierre make the…

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The handgun carrying 22-year-old who took down a gunman, 20, who opened fire in a shopping mall in Indiana on Sunday murdering 3 people has been lauded as a hero by most, but gun control advocates say he should not be called a “good Samaritan”. Elijsha Dicken, 22, had been in the Greenwood Park Mall with his girlfriend when Jonathan Sapirman began to shoot at people in the food court with a rifle in what appears to be a random attack, but this is not confirmed. Pedro Pineda, 56, Rosa Rivera de Pineda, 37 and Victor Gomez, 30, were all…

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As Britain endured the hottest day in the record of the country today, firefighters described “absolute hell” as 40C heat gave way to destructive wildfires across the country. Homes in London went up in flames and residents were evacuated as the blazes tore through the Southeast of the country. More than 400 firefighters were on hand to tackle what they have described as a “major incident”. More than nine dangerous blazes raged in London this afternoon, which have destroyed at least five homes so far. The heatwave has also caused serious electrical problems in the Northeast of England, with many…

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We all know the saying what goes around comes around. It’s something some of us were taught as youngsters, we’ve heard it in songs, and seen it on the big screen. Some funny videos on social media show instant karma, and some of us have even experienced it. However, karma has hit very few as hard as it did Daniel. Upon waking up from a coma that lasted two years, Wanda Palmer pointed to her brother, Daniel Palmer III who is 55 years old as being the person who tried to kill her back in 2020. Wanda was found by…

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I am really tired of the expression “not all heroes wear capes”. Of course they don’t! Spider-Man doesn’t wear a cape. Neither does Iron Man or the Hulk. Of course, not all heroes are fictional characters either. Police, fire, first responders; all REAL American heroes, along with our brave armed forces members defending our country. The best stories however are when everyday people step up and save lives. No special powers. No special training. No radioactive spider bites (if only). Sometimes, ordinary people rise to the occasion and put their own wellbeing to the side in order to help their…

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The city that never sleeps is now an epicenter of weekend violence that doesn’t seem to end but increasingly gets worse. On Sunday night alone, at least twelve people were shot across the city, including a 13-year-old girl and her mother while walking their dog. Two other people were also stabbed in separate incidents as the bloodbath spread throughout all five boroughs. The new, New York City. At least 12 shot, 2 stabbed during bloody Sunday night in #NewYorkCity. via @nypost #NewYork #NYC #NY #Crime #Safety #PublicSafety— John Burnett (@IamJohnBurnett) July 18, 2022   The young 13-year-old girl and her…

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If you live here in America, you better enjoy your freedoms – while you still can. Despite our great nation being run by a bunch of circus clowns, we’ve still got it good here. Sure, the people are divided, and mothers are fighting to keep on killing their babies, we might have kicked God out of school, and now our kids are being indoctrinated with things that shouldn’t be taught to them, among many other things – we still have it good here when compared to other places. For example, we aren’t being locked up and given food that is…

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Enes Kanter Freedom lashed out at LeBron James over his Brittney Griner remarks in a trailer for the latest episode of his HBO show “The Shop.” James was heard in the trailer wondering if the U.S. supported the detained WNBA superstar and raised the possibility that if he were in her situation, he would wonder if he would even want to return to the U.S. James asked, “Now, how can she feel like America has her back? I would be feeling like, ‘Do I even want to go back to America?’” Later, James attempted to clarify by saying that his…

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Firebrand blondie Tomi Lahren absolutely shreds WNBA player Brittney Griner, asking why would she want to return to America, a nation unworthy of her own patriotism. Griner pleaded guilty to breaking the law in Russia and has been detained since February. Many Democrats are pleading for America to get involved and get her back, but it appears that an even bigger group of Americans are saying “to heck with Brittney Griner, she broke the law! Do the crime, do the time” and want her to stay in Russia, particularly because she hated on the National Anthem. Lahren got some laughs…

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When a reporter asked President Joe Biden if he regretted his fist bump with Mohammed bin Salman,  Joe Biden reacted angrily, pointing out that the question was completely irrelevant. He noted that reporters frequently focus on trivial details, so he wasn’t prepared to respond to such questions. WATCH JOE BIDEN RESPOND IN ANGER: What happened? What tried to be a handshake ended up as a fist bump. When he arrived at Al-Salam Royal Palace for meetings with bin Salman, President Joe Biden chose an outstretched closed fist to greet the man. In the days preceding up to the controversial meeting…

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Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia disputed that he halted negotiations on some items in the Democrats’ reconciliation legislation. Later he added that he “only wanted to see July’s inflation numbers before signing off on the green energy items in the spending bill.” Reports on the night of July 14th said Manchin had stated to Democratic leaders that he was unable to support the climate-related items in the Democrats’ reconciliation bill. On July 14th, Joe Manchin claimed in a radio interview that he told Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that he was concerned inflation did rise from May to June…

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In the wake of the Supreme Court’s repeal of Roe v. Wade, the landmark case that authorized abortion rights in the United States, many states have severely restricted or outright banned abortions. While some of these new bans have yet to be tested in court, abortion is now banned in as many as 10 states and many more are expected to follow, according to the New York Times. In addition, some Americans are concerned that the Supreme Court will overturn other reproductive health rights of Americans. Most notably, Clarence Thomas’ concurrence in the recent Supreme Court case indicated that he…

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Just when you think they can’t possibly get any more hypocritical, the Sussexes go one better. As Prince Harry, 37, stepped up to give a speech about poverty during the UN’s Nelson Mandela Day commemoration, the Hollywood glamor couple have come under serious scrutiny (again) about their own lavish lifestyles. Harry was the speech-giver of honor at the event in New York yesterday. The woke prince touched on numerous topics including the Covid 19 pandemic, [redacted], climate change and poverty – but many have pointed out that the pair rarely practice what they preach! During their time in New York,…

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One thing after another comes with these democrats of America. They want and need to carry out their sinful nature – or rights. Along with the recent Roe v. Wade Senator Ted Cruz has lifted his head to suggest we should take another look at Obergefell v. Hodges. Over on his podcast, Cruz mentioned that the Texas legislator contrasted the Obergefell to Roe v. Wade, which the Supreme Court ruled on last month – ending 50 years of the sweet old murdering of unborn children. He believes that this topic should be treated the same and not ultimately be outright…

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  Summer in this city is not all that pretty but rather an assault on one’s sense of sight and smell. And the smell is getting terrible. Walking around the Big Apple these days, you can smell some of the foulest odors that are indescribable, according to one disgusted New Yorker. “Every morning I smell like a rancid smell, like rotten food that has been sitting there for a while,” said Justin Colon, a porter at a Times Square office tower. Tech worker Jaiden Williams, 37, described the city’s stench as “gnarly and cadaverous.” “No matter what you do —…

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We’ve heard about the heart-healthy benefits of fatty fish like salmon. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure, and are a good source of essential vitamins and minerals. In grocery stores or even fish markets you’ve walked past icy shelves of layered pinks and oranges, pieces of […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Joe Biden has been slammed for Britain-bashing as he made unsensitive remarks about Britain’s relationship with Ireland. As the president wrapped up a two-day visit to Israel during his tour of the Middle East, Biden announced a $100 million aid package to Palestine to help fund a new hospital. During his speech to the Palestinian people, Biden showed his anti-British stance by comparing the conflict between Israel and Palestine to Britain’s relationship with the Irish: “My background and the background of my family is Irish American, and we have a long history of — not fundamentally unlike the Palestinian people…

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An amendment that was proposed to a bill in the United Kingdom would make it mandatory for all users of social media to be granted a ‘truth score’ that pre-determines how accurate their posts are. The amendment, which would censor content that is “legal but harmful,” was pushed to be added to the already abhorrent “Online Safety Bill” by MP John Penrose of the Conservative Party. The bill would censor content that is “legal but damaging”. The new proposed bill has many citizens of the United Kingdom comparing the new bill to George Orwell’s 1984 novel which depicts a branch…

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A monkey ripped a four-month-old baby from the arms of his parents and threw him off a roof to his death last week. The incident took place in a rural village in India. It all started when Nirdesh Upadhyay was standing on the terrace of his three-story home in the rural village of Dunka with his wife along with their infant son. Upadhyay and his wife were just having a relaxing time on the roof terrace on a Friday evening when a slew of monkeys climbed up onto the roof and surrounded them. The couple attempted to scare the monkeys…

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A federal judge blocked Joe Biden’s administration from pushing through a rule that would allow transgender workers and students to use school bathrooms based on the gender that they selected. This rule would apply to sports teams too, letting them play for the opposite teams while using the opposite bathrooms. Judge Charles Atchley Jr, from the Eastern District of Tennessee, promptly blocked it. Biden’s assistant secretary of health, Rachel Levine, a biological male, responded with the following statement and social media user quickly accused Levine of promoting “empowerment” through transition. In my opinion, Levine is promoting child abuse while working…

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Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is feeling the backlash after her husband Paul purchased over $1 million worth of computer chip stocks weeks ahead of a major Congress vote related to – you guessed it – computer chips. Rep. Elise Stefanik was one of the most vocal leaders in the slamming of Paul Pelosi, saying this purchase and their connections to Congress certainly don’t smell right. WATCH the video about Paul Pelosi’s purchase: Rep. Elise Stefanik didn’t hold back when speaking poorly of the Pelosi family who finds ways to make tons of money while Nancy works in government and…

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President Joe Biden had another major gaffe, this time calling American soldiers selfish, despite literally being willing to give up their own lives for America. Biden was speaking at the GCC + 3 Summit Meeting when he said the following: “We’ll always honor the bravery, the selfishness [sic] — selflessness of the — and the sacrifices of the Americans who served, including my son, Major Beau Biden, who was stationed in Iraq for a year.” WATCH Joe Biden mess it up: Biden’s full remarks as provided by the White House: 2:09 P.M. AST THE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you.  It’s good to…

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The legendary Gwen Stefani from the band No Doubt is back folks, but the woke mob is trying to go after her for some appropriation nonsense – but it’s a good thing they failed miserably because everyone loves Stefani and knows the ‘woke mob’ is a joke. Here’s the video and it’s a good one: Gwen Stefani is in a new music video with Jamaican singer Sean Paul and it’s called “Light My Fire” and a handful of woke communists tried saying Gwen was appropriating black culture. Except, she’s literally in the video with a BLACK SINGER and it’s his…

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The moment many Americans have been waiting for has finally come. According to a recent report that was released on Monday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who serves as the chief medical officer to the President of the United States, has indicated that he plans to step down from his position prior to the conclusion of President Biden’s term in office. Politico reported on Monday, that Fauci has indicated that he intends to step down from his position within the federal government at the conclusion of Vice President Joe Biden’s term. Fauci has served in the federal government for more than half…

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Actress Melinna Bobadilla (who?), one of the cast members on the Netflix series “Gentefied” and “Orange Is the New Black,” claims she was kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight after defending a woman whom she says was being “slut shamed” by a flight attendant for her revealing clothing. Bobadilla tweeted: “Hey friends just got pulled off a @SouthwestAir flight [because] I advocated for a young woman being shamed and harassed by an employee for wearing a tank top that was deemed too revealing.” She added that the employee “became defensive when I asked about what rules the young woman was breaking.” The…

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It seems like the Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck story has been a thing most of my adult life. Mostly I pay no attention to celebrity romances, marriages and such. Just doesn’t interest me. Occasionally though, a couple grabs my attention. Lopez and Affleck seem to be genuinely decent people. Neither are overtly loud or political, which is important these days, and neither have had any huge public scandals. I don’t care so much about the public scandals, but the political aspect sticks with me. I can’t count the number of bands and artists and actors that have been ruined for…

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It’s got to be hard to be a comedian these days. Heck, it’s even hard being a smart ass that likes to tell off color jokes to his work associates. You literally have to scope out who is within earshot, gauge your prospective audience, and even then, it’s probably best to just walk away. It’s true; comedy is under fire in America. However, this time I’m not talking about what you think I am. No one is butt hurt (yet) today over a Chris Rock or Dave Chappelle joke. No, at one Charlotte, North Carolina club, comedy was LITERALLY under…

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Hillary and Chelsea Clinton are now officially documentary filmmakers. In a press release issued by both Apple TV+ and an Instagram post, Hillary Clinton announced on July 14th that she will be hosting an eight-part documentary series called “Gutsy” for the streaming service, with her daughter Chelsea. The documentary series will be following the mother-daughter duo as they engage in conversations with women who inspire them as they continue to make positive changes in their communities and set the path for those who will come after them. Apple TV+ released an intriguing statement promising viewers a chance to see “Hillary…

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The legendary Gwen Stefani from the band No Doubt is back folks, but the woke mob is trying to go after her for some appropriation nonsense – but it’s a good thing they failed miserably because everyone loves Stefani and knows the ‘woke mob’ is a joke. Here’s the video and it’s a good one: Gwen Stefani is in a new music video with Jamaican singer Sean Paul and it’s called “Light My Fire” and a handful of woke communists tried saying Gwen was appropriating black culture. Except, she’s literally in the video with a BLACK SINGER and it’s his…

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A fleet of 52 yellow school buses in a mobile procession protesting gun violence visited the residence of Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. The mile-long convoy to Cruz’s office was led by gun control advocacy organization Change the Ref, stopping first at Cruz’s Houston home in the protest dubbed, “The NRA Children’s Museum.” According to a press release from Change the Ref, the buses contained 4,368 empty seats, a reference to the number of children who were killed by gun violence in 2020. The release states that supporters of Change the Ref said they want Cruz to implement universal background check…

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Dozens of the math textbooks that were sent for approval were rejected, the Florida Department of Education announced, because they did not meet the state’s new standards, with claims that the rejected books contained content that could be considered ‘critical race theory’ or linked to liberal indoctrination. MUST WATCH VIDEO: 54 textbooks submitted for the state of Florida’s approved list have been rejected by the Florida Department of Education. The department claims that the books were rejected because they contained prohibited topics, such as Critical Race Theory. The department’s release stated: “Reasons for rejecting textbooks included references to Critical Race…

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Donald Trump is heading back to Washington later this month for the first time since leaving office, Axios has learned. Why it matters: The planned visit by Trump on July 26 – to headline an event for the America First Policy Institute – occurs as the January 6 blockbuster committee hearings add to speculation that his hold on the Republican Party may be weakening. A new poll shows that nearly 50 percent of the party’s core voters want a new GOP presidential candidate in 2024, with a growing number pledging to abandon him if he wins. The House Select Committee…

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As DC’s homeless problem spirals further out of control, Mayor Muriel Bowser explained the crisis is worsening due to the never-ending influx of illegal immigrants ascending onto the city. The issue was discussed on CBS’ Face the Nation on Sunday and as host Margaret Brennen suggested that the illegals were being bussed in from Texas and Arizona in droves. Bowser admitted that it has become a “significant issue” and went on to blame the federal government for duping the migrants onto the buses: “Well, this is a very significant issue. We have for sure called on the federal government to…

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A gunman armed with a rifle shot and killed three people and injured two others including a 12-year-old girl in a shopping mall in Indiana on Sunday, but the terror came to an end when a 22-year-old shot the suspect with his handgun. The young girl involved is said to be being treated for minor injuries including a cut on her back and the other wounded individual also sustained no life-threatening injuries and is in a stable condition in hospital. Those shot were all young people – in their 20s and 30s. Two were female. Greenwood Police Chief James Ison…

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It is a sad day when one of the Founding Fathers who helped shape the United States Constitution gets kicked to the curb to make room for some more absurd woke history, making James Madison take a back seat to slavery and racism. NEW from me and Mary Kay Linge: The woke makeover of James Madison’s historic home of Montpelier was even more extreme than Jefferson and Monticello. “I was kind of thinking we’d be hearing more about the Constitution,” one baffled dad said — Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) July 16, 2022 American flags are no longer flying high at Montpelier,…

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This past week was the worst on record since the pandemic started in 2020 for the metal copper. Unfortunately, this is an inevitable sign that a recession is on the horizon and right around the corner. Fed crashed copper in 3 months! — Jeb Handwerger (@goldstocktrades) July 15, 2022 Copper is widely known for its use as a significant component in electronics and motors and is often used as a forerunner of economic well-being on the stock market trading floor. This week though, it fell as low as $6,953 a ton on the London Metal Exchange on Friday. The…

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Biden finally came face to face with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince yesterday, the president’s meek attempt to hold the controversial leader to account for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi was smacked down. The president came under fire for putting gas prices before human rights as he paid a diplomatic visit to Saudi this weekend. Upon meeting Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) on Saturday, Biden feebly managed to mention the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed by Saudi authorities in Turkey in 2018. Many speculated if the president would mention Khashoggi’s murder at all during his…

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The unelected bureaucrats in Brussels have announced that the block will take member state Hungary to court over its supposedly ‘anti’ LGBT laws. Last week, the European Commission announced it would sue the Hungarian government over a bitter stand-off between right-wing prime minister, Viktor Orban and the liberal dictators in the EU. The so called ‘anti LGBT’ law in question relates to Hungary protecting its children from being exposed to material relating to hyper-sexual content and transsexualism in schools. The bill was proposed in 2021 and includes stricter action against those convicted of pedophilia and limits content which “promotes or…

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You would think strolling through a country club’s golf course would be a safe place to be but that wasn’t the case for an elderly woman in Florida. Police reports have revealed an elderly woman from Florida was killed by alligators after falling into a pond at a country club. According to witnesses, the woman accidentally slipped and fell into the pond located at the Boca Royale Golf and Country Club in Sarasota County. As soon as the woman fell, she immediately struggled to get out of the pond and that’s when things turned worse when two alligators attacked and…

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