Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Kayleigh McEnany announced on Twitter and Fox News the following: “My husband,@GilmartinSean, and I are THRILLED to announce that I am almost 4 months pregnant with our second child, making Baby Blake a big sister. God has given us another incredible blessing! Thank you to @FoxNews @OutnumberedFNC for allowing me to share this wonderful news!” WATCH her announcement: My husband, @GilmartinSean, and I are THRILLED to announce that I am almost 4 months pregnant with our second child, making Baby Blake a big sister. God has given us another incredible blessing! Thank you to @FoxNews @OutnumberedFNC for allowing me to…

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Kathleen Buhle, the ex-wife of Hunter Biden, appeared on mainstream news outlets to promote her upcoming memoir release “If We Break,” and broke her silence, but it was difficult for Buhle to escape Biden family controversies, as she sat down with CBS’ senior culture correspondent Anthony Mason to detail the chapter of her life spent with Hunter. “CBS Mornings” aired the interview, and delved into Buhle’s life as a Biden and her marriage to Hunter before probing into his shady business dealings. Buhle claimed she knew nothing of the shady goings-on during her marriage with the president’s son from 1993…

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Former President Donald Trump’s former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has unveiled that she’s been blessed with another pregnancy. This will be her second child, and they couldn’t be happier. The good news comes to the 34-year-old, who has a two-year-old little girl, Blake, with her husband Sean Gilmartin whose 32, and is currently focused on growing her family during Outnumbered – which she just so happens to co-host – making mention to those around her that she couldn’t be more excited to have another expansion to her brood enter this world. “So, my husband Sean Gilmartin and I are about four-months…

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Elon Musk has purged some of his staff from SpaceX after a letter accusing his Tweets of being “embarrassing and distracting” was circulated. Just hours after Musk Tweeted he had voted for Texas’ Republican candidate Mayra Flores on Wednesday, the letter was posted around SpaceX’s internal email accounts. Clearly with a political bee in their bonnets, the disgruntled workers wrote they thought they company should distance itself from Musk’s “personal brand”, should “be more inclusive” and should uphold a “zero asshole policy”. It went on to say that “SpaceX fails to apply these principles to the promotion of diversity, equity…

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A Floridian woman who found Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley’s private diary discarded in a half-way house in Palm Beach is being investigated by the FBI for selling the material. The diary contains some shocking content including Ashley revealing how she used to take showers with her father, the senator, Joe Biden as a little girl which she speculates could have resulted in her sex addiction: “I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate),” she wrote in a January 2019 entry. Ashley, 41, has struggled with drug addiction in the past, and…

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Local government in Washington DC trolled the Saudi Arabian embassy by re-naming its street after murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The local council voted to change the name last year to ensure the Washington Post contributor’s memory and death “cannot be covered up”.   Sarah Leah Wilson, the executive director of DAWN, a pro-Arab democracy organization which was founded by Khashoggi said: “We intend to remind the people who are hiding behind these doors… that we hold them responsible and we will hold them accountable for the murder of our friend.” The well-timed piece of trolling comes just before Joe Biden’s…

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On June 9th, two Americans were captured during a battle against Putin’s war machine. They were serving alongside the Zelenski’s regular army units. Andy Huynh and Alexander Drueke are believed to be the Americans captured. A source close to the situation told The Daily Telegraph, “We were out on a mission, and the whole thing went absolutely crazy, with bad intel. We were told the town was clear when it turned out the Russians were already assaulting it.” The unnamed source says that he believes the men were taken out by an explosion. He was unsure if the blast came…

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After studying the DNA of remains found at an old burial site, experts say they have located the origin of the Black Death plague and determined that it originated in an area of Kyrgyzstan. Philip Slavin, a researcher who was a member of the team who has reportedly discovered the origin of the Black Death stated that his team managed to actually put to rest all the centuries-old debates regarding the origins of the Black Death. NEW: Black Death origin mystery solved… 675 years later — Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) June 16, 2022 The Black Death was the first outbreak of…

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There isn’t a lot that surprises any of us these days when election season comes around, so perhaps a looming paper shortage shouldn’t surprise any of us as well. And apparently, Election officials are now facing delays and paper shortages as they order the paper and envelopes they need to run elections this year. Paper ballots create a paper trail that makes a full forensic audit possible. So what are we told now? There’s a shortage of BALLOT PAPER!?? What a freaking JOKE! #CutTheCrapShow @OANN @TuckerCarlson @dbongino @gregkellyusa @JovanHPulitzer @FoxNews @KariLake @DonaldJTrumpJr— Viveca Culver (@MontanaFinn) June 16, 2022 Obstacles…

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Hollywood put Southern California on the map. The films it has churned out for over 100 years and TV shows it has pushed on the public for almost that long have enchanted the world. However, more recently we have been subjected to a changing narrative from Tinseltown: leftist ideology, woke values, and incessant lecturing from people whose job is to entertain, not indoctrinate. If nothing else, Hollywood is full of hypocrisy. One example of this hypocrisy has been leveled at TV show “Friends” star Jennifer Aniston, who recently opined about today’s newfangled Internet celebrities who are “famous for basically doing…

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Is the FBI being upfront and forthright about what role it did or didn’t play in the January 6th, 2021 Capitol protest that the left is still using to hammer the GOP and Republicans? No, no it isn’t, as was exposed in a recent hearing in which Senator Ted Cruz questioned the FBI’s Jill Sanborn about the FBI’s role in the Capitol riot and Sanborn was predictably unhelpful and unwilling to answer. Cruz kicked things off by being direct, asking: “I want to turn to the FBI. How many FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of…

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Tom Hanks was filmed yelling in the face over an over-excited fan as he and his wife left a New York restaurant last night. Tom, 65, screamed “back the f—off” as he and his wife Rita Wilson, 65, were mobbed by a group of over-aggressive fans. Rita was knocked over outside the Midtown restaurant where the couple had been dining that evening. As they came out of the restaurant onto the busy NY street, a large crowd formed around them with one fan accidentally knocking Rita off her feet. She struggled to stand as the fans swarmed around Hanks, prompting…

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The show “Reliable Sources” on CNN with the left-leaning host Brian Stelter suffered its lowest-rated episode since at least September 2019 on the 12th of June, when a mere 580,000 viewers sat down to watch the struggling program. Ratings were also doing bad five months ago: “Reliable Sources” also had trouble with the advertiser segment of adults aged 25-54, averaging only 73,000 viewers in the critical category. The program of Stelter has lost around 13% of the audience that viewed the program that precedes it, “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” and has lost about 25% of Zakaria’s viewers among that demographic. This…

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History was made in more than one way by Mayra Flores when she won a special congressional election. She’ll be the first woman in Washington D.C., who was born in Mexico to serve as a Republican in Congress. While also, she’s helped the GOP secure its most-desired dream for this year in South Texas: a Republican will represent the Rio Grande Valley in Congress, for the first time since Reconstruction. Texas Monthly stated: “Mayra Flores won a special election to serve as the first Republican in the U.S. House from the Rio Grande Valley since 1871—though she’ll have a tougher…

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The issue of non-citizen voting will be determined in Ohio, with House Legislative Joint Resolution 4 (HJR 4) passed by the state Senate on June 1 and putting the measure on the November ballot. Related video shows investigation results: Sponsored by Republican state representatives Jay Edwards and Bill Seitz, the bill would prevent local governments from allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections. The legislation comes as a response to some localities allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections. “In 2020, the Village of Yellow Springs exposed ambiguity in Ohio’s Constitution when it attempted to allow non-citizens the right to…

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Not good – is what the latest inflation figure looks like. “The Labor Department on Friday said the consumer price index, a broad measure of the price of everyday goods including gasoline, groceries and rents, rose 8.6% in May from a year ago. Prices jumped 1% in the one-month period from April,” as reported by Fox News. Essentially, being asleep at the wheel is why prominent GOP voices ripped Biden and his cohorts for. While inflation continues to hit record highs, in a seemingly alternate universe, the Biden Admin continues to celebrate a booming economy. And when Biden is not…

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Joe Biden is a senior citizen that wasn’t required more than a year of high school math. Of course, when Joe went to high school, they were all probably using slate and a piece of coal and counting on an abacus. Yea, he’s old. So, when Biden talks about inflation and postulates reasons why we are seeing 40-year highs and how to make it come down, his suggestion gives most of us brain freeze. Of course, you’d think he would have enough semi-competent people around him to help figure this out. Nah, we are screwed. What’s the story? Per National…

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Every kid loves candy, but not every kid can eat it. In addition, some children have allergies to red dye or corn, and these children cannot enjoy a nice commercially bought piece of candy. Below is corn syrup and a dye-free recipe to keep your little ones healthy. For this recipe, you will need a […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Oregon’s drug people are spiraling out of control as overdoses increase and as many as 1 in 5 adults have an addiction to hard drugs. Experts say Oregon’s decriminalization measures are contributing to the problem. According to Fox, the streets of Portland resemble a drug market, and cops are so overwhelmed by the extent of public drug use and dealing that they are forced to turn a blind eye. Hard drugs like heroin, methamphetamine, crack cocaine and synthetic opioids like Fentanyl are rampant on Oregon’s streets. 1 in 5 adults in the state are addicted to substances and experts say…

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Anyone alive and conscious in March remembers a certain iconic moment, at least pop culture wise. When The Fresh Prince, Will Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock for poking fun at his awful wife Jada Pinkett, the internet went up in flames. It was a welcome respite from the awfulness going on in the country politically and economically thanks to Joe Biden. Three months later, an unexpected hero is getting his unslapped  face out there and reminding everyone about “the slap” and his role in it, ostensibly to take everyone’s mind off of the 5 dollar a gallon gas? Probably not.…

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A prepped pantry is well-stocked, organized, and rotated through regularly with three to six months worth of food for the household. A prepped pantry can help a family get through a job loss, financial hardship, supply chain shortages, and rationing on the shelves. Just two years ago, it would seem inconceivable for most Americans that there would be rationing in our grocery stores or empty shelves due to supply chain shortages. However, now that we know this is possible and happening in some places, we must prepare for that by having a prepped pantry. This way, we can purchase items…

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In his opening statement on Tuesday, Joshua Schulte, a former CIA programmer who is in court for the second time for allegedly leaking a vast trove of classified secrets to WikiLeaks, accused the federal government of engaging in a “witch hunt” against him. Former CIA agent Joshua Schulte, who’s representing himself in his trial before the federal court in Manhattan, asserted to the members of the jury that even though investigators have picked him out as the perpetrator, they actually still do not know who was responsible for the worst leak in the history of the CIA. Accused CIA leaker…

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A casual internet search of suicide and trans drugs will easily yield results from left-leaning media outlets that suggest gender therapy drugs help to prevent suicide amongst transgender youths, and in some cases, lowers the risk of suicide in youths who are already confused about their gender. The research conducted by the Heritage Foundation, however, points to the contrary. A study by the Heritage Foundation reveals a higher likelihood of youth suicide in states that allow minors to receive puberty blockers for gender affirmation without parental consent than otherwise. The study, written by Dr. Jay Greene, comes in response to…

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Only two weeks after Abbott’s factory in Michigan began the production of baby formula after months of a national shortage, flooding has forced the suspension of production. The large production facility in Sturgis, Michigan, is the largest baby formula producer in the US, producing major brands like EleCare and Similac. However, replenishing the barren stock numbers will now see another setback as the plant has completely closed due to severe flooding caused by a storm. Parents have scrambled to snatch baby formula from store shelves over the past few months as supplies became increasingly scarce during the Covid-19 pandemic due…

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At the Islamic Center of San Diego in Clairmont Mesa, an outfitted gatekeeper remains before a locked entryway. Walls and surveillance cameras encompass the structure, while bullet proof glass lines the playground. For Imam Hassane, they’re currently an important piece of religious practice in the wake of present day. “Yes, we want to be and to look like a welcoming place. Everybody’s welcome anytime. But, at the same time, given the fact of what’s going on around the nation, we have to do our best to secure and keep our people safe.” Adding the additional layers of security costs a…

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The Biden administration has been less than a rousing success, right? Bidenflation, high gas prices, high energy prices, skyrocketing food, seems that everything old Joe has touched has unraveled. Unable, or unwilling to plug the holes in the proverbial dyke, it seems as if the country is about to implode on itself, regardless of how well Biden says we are doing. The only thing plentiful since Joe took over are shortages. From chicken wings to potato chips, “bare shelves Biden” has been synonymous with the current economic situation. One particular, crucial item no person who menstruates ever saw becoming a…

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Here goes Muriel Bowser, failed disgrace of a Democrat mayor, again. Not only does she preside (poorly) over the 700,000 citizens of the District of Columbia, but she manages to make stupid, attention-seeking political decisions when she should be focused instead on her crime-ridden, deteriorating city. Mayor Bowser, like many lefties, craves change. Change is good, right? Progress! Well, if it fits your political narrative, I suppose that’s true. If it’s generally bad for the rest of the nation, and not in line with the founding fathers’ vision, then screw it, let’s do it anyway. Here’s the story via the…

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Chris Worrell, a Jan. 6 prisoner who was released by a federal judge after being denied cancer treatment for eight months,  is now “in dire straights,” according to his girlfriend. Worrell was arrested and charged on March 10, 2021, with offenses related to his presence at the US Capitol On January 6, 2021.  According to the March 10, 2021, criminal complaint filed against him,  Worrell is charged with knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds, engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building, and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. .@RonPaulInstitut: RT @RonPaul:…

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A photograph from a traffic stop out of North Carolina has helped to restore faith in humanity for many people all around. “It was a really beautiful moment for me to see this take place between my dad and the officer,” Ashlye V. Wilkerson said. Ashlye, 39, was driving her dad, Anthony Geddis, nicknamed Tony, who’d recently finished a series of chemotherapy treatments at the University of Duke Medical Center, back home over in Columbia, South Carolina. “We heard a siren and saw a blue light coming behind us. I immediately looked down and to the sign on my right…

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The Bloody Mary is the classic brunch cocktail, with the Mimosa a close second. What makes the Bloody Mary so popular may be because it is a meal in a glass. Salty, briny, and bursting with tomato flavor flecked with spice, the liquid is accompanied with garnishes that range from a simple celery stalk or […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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The first plane set to deport dozens of illegal immigrants from Britain to Rwanda was held on the runway last night by a last-minute legal intervention from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party government struck a deal with Rwanda earlier this year as Britain’s Home Secretary Priti Patel came under increasing fire from the British public for failing to deliver election pledges to sort out the country’s migrant crisis. The African country agreed to take in an unlimited number of asylum seekers deported by Britain for a fee. Johnson said he had predicted an army…

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I typically don’t listen to any type of worldly music or keep up with any celebrities. Especially now a days when its full of sinful nature talking about sex, killing, and even some just straight up saying blasphemous things. I’ve heard people say they only listen to this type of music because they like the ‘beat’. However, it matters what you consume. It matters what you allow into your life, and whether you only pay attention to the beat, or embrace it in full, spiritual warfare is going on and you’re feeding you flesh. I could go on and break…

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As old President Joe Biden seems to be slipping cognitively, in addition to literally slipping on the stairs of Air Force One as it happened again recently, the whole world is left wondering who is really in charge at the White House. Is it the weary chief of staff Ron Klain making the behind-the-scenes calls? Is it the fellow White House counsel Steve Ricchetti? Or is it first lady Jill Biden? But then there’s another worrisome prospect: the “smartest man” Joe Biden ever knew, his son, the crack addict turned blowgun artist Hunter Biden. Hunter’s friends say he discusses the…

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Border patrol agents who were falsely accused of “whipping” Haitian migrants as they attempted to illegally enter the US last September are set to be disciplined by the Department of Homeland Security. The footage was circulated of agents on horseback allegedly striking fleeing migrants with ‘whips’ as they patrolled the Del Rio, Texas section of the border last summer. The claims the officials had used the whips to hit the Haitians were soon debunked, and the truth was revealed that the horsemen had been using long reins to control the horses and were ‘herding’ the migrants, but no one was…

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History was made last night when Republican Mayra Flores became the first-ever Mexican-born Congresswoman to serve in the House after a special election in Texas. Flores, the daughter of a migrant worker who qualified as a respiratory care practitioner, snatched the traditionally Democrat stronghold, beating Dan Sanchez at the polls to secure a historical win for the GOP in South Texas. The special election held in the Hispanic region of Rio Grande Valley came after a Democratic rep. Filemon Vela resigned from her post to become a political lobbyist and is further evidence of the Mexican and Latino communities gradually…

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Things aren’t going well for Vice President Kamala Harris. Her polling numbers are abysmal (even lower than Sleepy Joe’s), her gaffes and sophomoric platitudes persist without any sign of abating, and she can’t even do the one job to which she was assigned (she’s the Border Czar, remember? How’s that going?) And now she can’t sell enough tickets for people to come to see…her! The Democrat National Committee’s (DNC) Woman’s Leadership Forum fundraiser featuring VP Harris had to be canceled last month due to poor ticket sales. While the event is traditionally held in the fall, the DNC decided to…

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An incident involving two El Monte police officers and one suspect left all three individuals dead. The suspect died on the scene, and the officers were rushed to the LA County USC Medical Center. Both officers tragically succumbed to their injuries and passed away at the hospital. The officers initially arrived on the scene after being called for a possible stabbing. After arriving shots were fired inside the motel as well as outside in the parking lot. Although not yet identified, one of the officers was a 22-year veteran of the force and the other a rookie with less than…

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The 1990s ushered in transformative music of all kinds. Grunge made a huge splash with the likes of Nirvana and other garage-based bands from the Pacific Northwest. Hip Hop and nascent rap culture were going mainstream with NWA and crossover hits from Aerosmith and Run DMC. Teenage boy bands were certainly not a new phenomenon, but commercial successes like NSYNC and Backstreet Boys took the world by storm. And what males of a certain age could forget Britney? However, the 1990s music scene would not be complete without a trip down memory lane featuring Chili’s iconic, brain-sticking tune featuring their…

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In Mark 12:31 the Bible says “And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” This is simply to guide us in learning that we would need to work on ourselves first so that we can show kindness to our neighbors as we would do unto ourselves, or in other words ‘treat others how you’d want to be treated’ is a more simple way to understand it. While the Bible in this way means everyone when it talks about your neighbor, this actual neighborhood did just this…

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It’s unclear what’s going on with Maxine Waters in this video, but her presence next to Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sparked a reaction from users on social media, specifically with people asking “what’s wrong with Mad Maxine?” WATCH the video: What’s wrong with Mad Maxine 😂😂 — Real Mac Report (@RealMacReport) June 14, 2022 Democrat Maxine Waters can be seen in the video with an expressionless face, making almost no facial movement, and just staring into the teleprompter, space, or blankly into another universe. It’s unclear if she was tired, woozy, or boozy from hanging out with Democrat…

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