Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Sometimes the good guys win! Even in 2022 America. The victories sometimes seem few and far between, but slow progress is being made. As a result, W’s are being stacked, and woke companies are feeling the heat. It’s possible, but consumers have to hold these companies responsible, and we must take them to task with our dollars. If we all pay attention and act, change is possible. So what’s the latest W? Check this out from Fox News: State Farm quickly distanced itself from a program that pushed books about gender fluidity on young children Monday after a new ad…

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The court case that has all of America’s mostly undivided attention, Depp V Heard, rolled on recently with a key character witness for Depp coming forward. Kate Moss, model and former girlfriend of  Captain Jack, testified regarding accusations that Depp abused her back in the 90s. According to Outkick: Heard had previously stated when detailing an altercation on a staircase between Depp and her sister Whitney Henriquez that she recalled a rumor in which Depp did the same to then-girlfriend, Kate Moss. Heard used the rumor as an excuse for striking Depp in the face — she claims Depp was…

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At the point when Kitana Garrett gave birth to her first baby out of the blue in her house at only 25 weeks pregnant, two first responders who showed up at Garrett’s home to help her were credited with saving the newborn’s life. Half a year later, in March, Garrett named those two first responders, Jamie Roan and Cody Hill, as the godparents of her little girl, Za’myla Camilla Miracle Garrett. “All I can say is thank you a million times because they are a blessing God has sent,” Garrett, 23, told GMA. “They didn’t give up, so I feel…

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A viral video on TikTok has spotlighted a New Jersey family taking a huge step forward. They said they didn’t think their story would acquire worldwide attention but are glad to share their mixed family’s story and extraordinary bond with others. Gabriella Ruvolo shared a video of her and her twin sister, Julianna, asking their stepmother to adopt them on Mother’s Day. The sisters used a photo book to convey the message and were right next to Becky Ruvolo when she read the burning question. The Ruvolos’ heartwarming video was posted on May 9 and set to Coldplay’s 2000 hit…

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This two-year-old superhero pup named Indy is helping the battle against poaching and wildlife crimes. Dogs 4 Wildlife first prepared the spaniel as a Bush Meat Detection dog. In Africa, poachers kill large numbers of endangered animals consistently. Rhinos, for example, are poached at a rate of one every 12 hours, and it’s on track to likely increase by 356% by the year 2030. Additionally, poachers kill 96 elephants in Africa every day. That’s where our hero comes in. Indy has now been sent to Mankwe Wildlife Reserve in South Africa to find and indicate stored shrubbery meat and animal…

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We’ve had many stories where our furry companions – particularly dogs – have helped save human lives. Sometimes, the pups have an instinct to help those in danger, but with specialized training, the dogs can really hone their abilities to their finest and help more effectively and efficiently.  There are many types of specialized training programs for dogs. This could be from tracking dogs to disaster dogs, or avalanche dogs, among many more. However, this story centers around water-search dogs, wherein an exceptional program is helping some precious pups to learn to swim out into deep waters and drag someone…

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Wanting to meet more rabid leftists whose life goal is to dismantle capitalism, a Toronto man came up with the capitalist idea of starting a small business to lure in like-minded progressives. Gabriel Sims-Fewer opened The Anarchist Cafe as a worker-owned and operated co-op where every employee receives the same pay, and all business decisions will be made democratically. Sims-Fewer claims the response to the downtown cafe’s opening has been overwhelmingly positive and hopes he can inspire others to open similarly structured businesses. Billing itself a “specialty coffee shop,” The Anarchist says it is not only anti-capitalist but also an…

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Amber Heard broke down in tears in the courtroom yesterday as she spoke about the ‘smear campaign’ directed at her, which has left her life and career in tatters. Heard, 36, told the court that she feels people have forgotten she is human and said she is “harassed, humiliated and threatened every single day.” The Aquaman actress claimed that Depp’s fans want to microwave her baby. Heard criticized her former husband’s antics in the courtroom, putting on her usual bizarre display of contorted faces. However, throughout the 7-week-long defamation trial, Depp smiled and laughed with his legal team, even drawing…

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A fantastic network of hidden ancient cities and pyramids have been found in the depths of the Amazon by scientists using specialized lasers to see through the foliage. Using LiDAR or light detection and ranging, the scientists were able to map 26 ‘lost’ cities built by the Casarabe people in the Llanos de Mojos forest in Bolivia between 500 and 1400CE. The settlements span over 4,500km squared and feature some fascinating structures never before seen in the region, including 5m high terraces covering 54 acres and 21m tall conical pyramids. Only 15 Casarabe sites were previously known, and this recently…

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Elon Musk went on Twitter to deny charges in a media story that he allegedly harassed a flight attendant on a VIP plane in 2016, daring his critics to prove any of the allegations are true, calling them part of a well-timed ‘politically motivated hit piece.’ Musk’s SpaceX paid $250,000 in 2018 to resolve a sexual assault allegation from an anonymous private jet crew who alleged Musk of exposing himself to her, according to Business Insider. Per the post, an anonymous report says to be a buddy of the flight staff. According to the story, the friend gave testimony as part…

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In a recent interview, Khloé Kardashian stated she can handle the online scrutiny, but one claim that irritates her is a rumor that she’s had 12 face transplants. “It did use to bother me when people were [saying] I’ve had 12 face transplants.” ‘Oh, my God, I have?’ I exclaim. “That’s crazy,” she stated Tuesday on Amanda Hirsch’s “Not Skinny But Not Fat” podcast. Kardashian, 37, claimed she had only had “one nose job” and couldn’t understand where the myth came from. “It didn’t bother me. It offended me,” she said. “I just couldn’t figure out why people thought that.…

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In a tweet about two years after the Minneapolis Black man’s murder, the Washington Post falsely stated George Floyd was shot & murdered while in police custody. “On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was shot and killed in police custody. His death sparked outrage, wide scale protests and calls to change policing. Two years later, what has—or hasn’t changed,” The tweet from the Washington Post on Monday included a link for readers to share their comments. WATCH video about the error: The post was quickly deleted and replaced with a fresh tweet asking, “Tell the Post: How have things changed…

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The sheriff’s office made available all files related to the continuing investigation of hundreds of bits of proof, including footage of actor Alec Baldwin practicing with the antique pistol that killed filmmaker Halyna Hutchins in October. In an interview on Tuesday, Mendoza made it clear that no one has been absolved of any potential criminal negligence. “It’s too early to rule anything out right now,” on Tuesday’s Today show, Mendoza stated, “I don’t think anybody’s off the hook when it comes to criminal charges.” He noted that significant evidence in the inquiry, such as the FBI study of the pistol,…

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Most Pennsylvania power consumers are about to feel the pinch of rising energy costs. On June 1, the state’s main electric utilities will pass through significant price rises from power generators. As per the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, energy charges, which account for roughly half of a typical household electric bill, are scheduled to rise by as much as 46 percent in some sections of the state. PPL Electric is raising electric rates by 38 percent, from 8.94 cents per kilowatt-hour to 12.37 cents per kilowatt-hour, across its region that runs from the New York border through Maryland & includes…

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reacted angrily to a San Francisco archbishop’s choice to restrict her from receiving Holy Communion because of her pro-abortion attitude, & questioning the Catholic Church’s response to death penalty supporters. He also said she’s risking danger to her soul, and her response was met by critics saying she’s a bad leader. On “America’s Newsroom,” Fox News contributor & theologian Jonathan Morris justified the decision, accusing the preacher of “politicizing” her beliefs while continuing to advocate for abortion. “What Nancy Pelosi is doing is… politicizing her faith by saying, actually, I’m right, and I’m going to go…

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Socialist luvvy Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has gone into full-blown lefty toddler meltdown after Elon Musk mocked her in a Tweet last month. She’s so fuming about Musk’s comments – and presumably, his public announcement that he would be switching his vote to Republican from now on didn’t help – she says she wants to swap her $46,990 Model 3 Tesla with a different electric brand of car: “At the time, it was the only EV that could get me from New York to Washington on like one, or one-and-a-half charges,” she told Bloomberg. She had bought the car to travel between…

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Suppose conversation over the breakfast table has been lagging a bit lately. In that case, you may need to change what you eat, according to a Swedish company that has produced a new cereal intending to get more people talking about periods. Yes. Those periods. Intimina, a feminine care company based in Stockholm, has developed “Period Crunch,” a raspberry-flavored cereal whose shapes resemble the entire female reproductive system, to encourage people to talk more about menstruation. Hence, the conversation about women’s monthly cycles becomes normalized. However, the company surveyed more than 2,000 people and found that 48 percent of girls…

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Billionaire Elon Musk is in a huge battle with billionaire Bill Gates and now claims the computer nerd has spent millions on a ‘dark money fund’ in hopes to make Musk look bad and take him out. In other words, Musk accuses Gates of paying people to criticize him. This fiasco heated up when Musk responded with a simple “sigh” tweet in response to an article that claimed the Gates’ foundation has donated “hundreds of millions of dollars” to multiple groups working to get advertisers to boycott Twitter if Elon Musk takes over amid the pending purchase. Daily Mail stated…

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Ricky Gervais is setting the Internet on fire with several jokes that some claimed to be anti-transgender during his new Netflix special called SuperNature. The jokes caused a massive amount of people to laugh as Ricky Gervais pointed out the absurdity of it all in just a few quick jokes. Some people in the LGBT crowd claimed they might cancel their subscription, but it seems like Netflix doesn’t really care and would find more subscribers due to the millions of people likely to laugh at the jokes. WATCH Ricky Gervais tell the jokes (language warning): What did Gervais say: “I…

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A  69-year-old woman took out a home intruder this week in Florida and stated that she would easily do it again to protect herself and loved ones, but that she also asks God for forgiveness in taking a man’s life. The Orange County woman told her story about the terrible experience of shooting the home intruder who busted into her residence. Her name is Virginia Morrison and she’s 69-years-old and shouldn’t have to deal with home intruders, but this one clearly picked the wrong home to target, as Morrison wasn’t messing around when she took him out for good. WATCH:…

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! An alleged-burglar broke into someone’s home and found out the hard way that it was a really bad idea. The husband and wife in the residence heard some footsteps and when they investigated, they found the suspect snooping around the home. That’s when a shootout happened and the husband won. This situation took place in California and involved the Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies who arrived and found the suspect deceased on the premises. WATCH the news report: The official report stated: “The homeowner said he heard footsteps inside his house around 4 a.m.…

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US President Joe Biden condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and reiterated the US’ support for Kyiv during his opening remarks at the start of the Quad summit. “We’re navigating a dark hour in our shared history,” Biden said, as he sat facing the leaders of India, Japan and Australia. “The Russian brutal and unprovoked war against Ukraine has triggered a humanitarian catastrophe. And the innocent civilians have been killed in the streets and millions of refugees are internally displaced, as well as exiled. And this is more than just a European issue, it’s a global issue,” Biden added. He then…

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America-hating Brittney Griner is nearing one hundred days of a very valuable lesson. Namely, the country she hates so much isn’t that bad after all.  Griner, imprisoned since February on charges of illicit possession of cannabis products in Russia, faces up to ten years in a foreign prison. As the months go by and neither hyped-up media coverage nor a meeting with the most forgettable Secretary of State in history, Anthony Blinken, has moved the chains downfield, Cherelle Griner is initiating a full-court press to have Brittney returned home. Appearing on ABC’s Good Morning America, wife Cherelle made a desperate…

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When you see zucchini overflowing at grocery stores and farmers’ markets, you know that summer is not too far away. But, while it is available in stores year-round, the humble zucchini is at its best during the warmer months, and what better way to prepare it than on the grill. Zucchini, or courgette, doesn’t have […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Boriska Kipriyanovich, aged 24 years old, claims to be a reincarnated Martian out to save humanity. In an interview, his mother, who is a doctor, said that she always had a feeling there was something special about Boriska. What parent doesn’t? The lady was right, but in what way? She stated that he was able to read, draw, and paint at eighteen months old. Boriska attended kindergarten at the tender age of two. His teacher noticed that he had an extraordinary grasp of language and writing. In an interview, his teacher from kindergarten said that she was astonished by his…

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Army Times has learned that a retired Louisiana National Guard captain was permitted to resign after a general court-martial found him guilty of “motorboating” a subordinate soldier at an informal promotion ceremony while stationed in Jordan in May 2021. No one thought this would happen! According to court documents obtained by Army Times, Capt. Billy Joe Crosby Jr., a logistic commander who was deployed abroad with 256th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, was originally prosecuted with violent sexual contact & behavior becoming an officer. Crosby was the commanding officer at a Jordanian outpost. Crosby’s “behavior is not in line with the…

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While swimming in the ocean this summer, it’s essential to keep in mind there may be some other critters in the water. Besides the typical jellyfish sting or the occasional nibble at the toes by little fish, there can be sharks in the ocean too. Shark attacks are very rare. However, when they do occur, they are often fatal. We aren’t a shark’s preferred food, so it’s not like they go looking for humans to eat. The easiest way to avoid a shark attack is to stay out of their habitat, but sometimes we find ourselves in situations we didn’t…

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President Joe Biden is accused of delivering a ‘divisive’ speech that was partisan in nature. The speech was in response to the mass shooting that took place at a Texas elementary school. Critics, however, were not happy with Biden’s speech as they believe he missed a chance to unite the country, but instead used it to attack Republicans. Read President Joe Biden’s speech in full: 8:41 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Good evening, fellow Americans. I had hoped, when I became President, I would not have to do this again. Another massacre. Uvalde, Texas. An elementary school. Beautiful, innocent second, third,…

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Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of ‘The View,’ has now threatened violence if she hears another Republican senator say their heart was broken or mention “thoughts and prayers.” WATCH Whoopi say it on video: Whoopi Goldberg was reacting to the sad news of a school shooting that happened in Uvalde, Texas, at Robb Elementary School, where at least 19 students and two adults were shot dead. The shooter, an 18-year-old, was also shot dead by a border agent who rushed into the school. Goldberg was talking about how she’s tired of hearing politicians give “thoughts and prayers” and she specifically mentioned…

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Billionaire Elon Musk is in a huge battle with billionaire Bill Gates and now claims the computer nerd has spent millions on a ‘dark money fund’ in hopes to make Musk look bad and take him out. In other words, Musk accuses Gates of paying people to criticize him. WATCH: This fiasco heated up when Musk responded with a simple “sigh” tweet in response to an article that claimed the Gates’ foundation has donated “hundreds of millions of dollars” to multiple groups working to get advertisers to boycott Twitter if Elon Musk takes over amid the pending purchase. Daily…

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President Biden was out of touch, as usual, and welcomed record-high gas prices, exclaiming that the pain at the pump was part of the US economy’s “incredible transition” away from fossil fuels. Americans are not happy and many of them lashed out at Joe Biden and his failing administration. WATCH Americans react: “[When] it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,” Biden said at a press…

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President Joe Biden was blasted by MSNBC opinion columnist Zeeshan Aleem for his latest “bumbling” foreign policy statement on Taiwan. Some people called it a gaffe, others did not. However, this is so bad that even leftist networks are shunning Biden over his remarks. WATCH what Joe Biden said on video as he gets shredded: The president’s claim that the U.S. would “militarily intervene” if China invades Taiwan that the administration had to walk back was bashed by Aleem, who said that it’s part of a “troubling pattern” that could “unwittingly” signal to U.S. adversaries that the country “is…

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Footage has emerged of frantic parents waiting outside Robb Elementary in Texas, deliberating whether to storm inside to save the kids themselves as they felt authorities were too slow to act. It is unclear when the footage was shot, but it shows terrified and distraught parents screaming at cops to do something as the crazed gunman had barricaded himself in the school where he had murdered 19 children and two teachers. The first call to 911 was made at around 11:30 that morning, yet gunman Ramos was not shot dead by authorities until 1 pm. Outside the school, cops struggled…

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Unconscionable tragedy struck the once-quiet community of Uvalde, Texas, on Tuesday morning. Situated eighty miles west of San Antonio and just over fifty miles from the U.S.-Mexico border, Uvalde was a place hardly known to anyone outside the tiny Texas vicinity before yesterday. However, in the span of a few minutes, the name has become synonymous with so many other fateful towns like Columbine and Sandy Hook. As of this writing, nineteen children and one teacher have died from gunshot wounds, more still in critical condition. The barbarity of this shooting is unquestionable. What is noteworthy is how Salvador Ramos,…

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Full disclosure. I love the NFL. I watch it. I attend games, and I write about it. It dominates my life from August until February. I like it that way. However, I am also fair and will call B.S. when I see it. Guess the NFL’s phone should be ringing about now. Indeed the entire country knows of the tragedy that took place in Texas on Tuesday. So it’s hard not to be affected, even if you weren’t directly impacted. For myself, I have mostly avoided the news cycle today. First, it’s just plain depressing, and secondly, I knew the…

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Josh Duggar finally faces the music for his sick sexual fantasies and inappropriate behavior. Josh Duggar has been the center of multiple scandals starting in 2015 when it was revealed he had molested four of his sisters. This led to TLC canceling the parent’s show “19 Kids and Counting”. Although authorities investigated the allegations in 2015, once they came to light, it was determined that the statute of limitations had expired. After it became public that Josh Duggar had previously assaulted his sisters, he apologized, and then shortly later, he had to apologize to his wife for cheating on her…

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The Australians elected a new Prime Minister on Sunday, but who is Anthony Albanese, and what does he stand for? The son of a single mother who never knew his father as a child, Albanese’s background is far from typical where politicians are concerned. Nevertheless, the close result also marked a significant change in Australia’s two-party system and a united rejection of Scott Morrison’s Liberal Party. Albanese, 59, had a humble upbringing in an inner-Sydney suburb. He was the son of a single mother who had disabilities: “It says a lot about our great country that a son of a…

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An amazing silverback gorilla has been caught delicately patting an itty bitty groundhog during feeding time at the Detroit Zoo. Considering how cute groundhogs can be, we don’t blame him for pausing for some pats. The gorilla appeared to be having a great time and goofing off. In the wild, gorillas’ feelings are communicated  through various things such as body language, vocalization, and facial expressions. And while young, they can be likened to children monkeying around or horse playing given that they enjoy rolling around, doing somersaults, and playing tag. The silverback, named Kongo, is seen cautiously lowering his arm…

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Everyone loves how cute and cuddly koalas look. They bring smiles to the faces of many but are considered endangered. This is because of mass habitat loss from multiple things including, but not limited to, drought, bushfires, and disease. As of 2021, the total population has fallen below 100,000 to around 92,000, per the Threatened Species Scientific Committee. That’s why WIRES has stepped in. Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service Inc (WIRES) has announced a three-year award to the Koala Health Hub (KHH), a University of Sydney drive to help koala care, the executives, and examination. The award will support…

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Moving in fast (or slow) is a super-cute three-toed sloth brought back to its child after it was found crying on the beach stranded. You might wonder if there are other numbered toed sloths, given that the mother and child in this story are both three-fingered sloths. It turns out there is! There are two different sloths, the two-toed sloths, and you guessed it – three-toed sloths. However, between the two, there are six other species: Hoffman’s two-toed sloth, Linnaeus’s two-toed sloth, Pale-throated sloth, Brown-throated sloth, and Maned sloth, and Pygmy three-toed sloth. Separated from its mother, the baby sloth…

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