Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

The White House has yet again cleaned up another President Biden mishap. During Biden’s “ghost gun” banning speech, Joe confirmed again that he is unfit to serve as the nation’s Chief Executive Officer. On Monday, President Biden said, “Imagine had the tobacco industry been immune to prostitute being sued, come on.” Yes, Biden added the word prostitute, in the middle of an absurd statement trying to compare the legal culpability of the tobacco and gun industries. Biden has made several false and misleading gun control statements such as: “Most people don’t know: If you walk into a store and you…

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As the United States re-opened following a year of draconian lockdowns, states like California & New York, slow-walked the easing of their policies, and the Biden administration continued to push for a national vaccine mandate and left in place the mask requirement for those taking public transport. In spite of all the data, the Biden administration announced that the nationwide mask mandate for public transit will be extended another two weeks. On March 24, 2022, Airline CEOs said the mask mandate ‘makes no sense’ The extension of mask mandates has prompted some rank-and-file House Republicans to take legal action against…

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In 1949, English author George Orwell, published his dystopian novel,1984, as a warning against coming future totalitarianism. At its core, 1984 features Winston, who lives in Airstrip One, formerly London, in a country now known as Oceania. Winston has a low-level government job working at the Ministry of Truth, where he rewrites old newspapers to keep them consistent with the Party’s current plans. Shortages of chocolate, for example, are now archived as surplus. For decades, Orwell’s predictions have been coming to pass. The modern-day radical Democratic party has been working feverishly to take down statues, and paintings, and has been working…

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The abortion issue is one of the most unthinkable, and really inexcusable of all the issues dividing our nation. The advancement in technology allows Americans to see the development of the baby in the womb the entire term. With the enhanced surgical techniques, surgeons have been able to successfully complete surgeries on babies, long considered to not be viable by medical and legal professionals. Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt just signed an almost universal abortion ban Tuesday by making the procedure a felony. Medical emergencies are the only exception to the bill. This comes after the Oklahoma House passed the legislation on Tuesday by a…

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What’s going on in India? On one hand, the Indian Prime Minister is coming out of nowhere and claiming that he can stave off the feared world food crisis by exporting Indian agricultural products. So that’s good, if surprising. On the other hand, news just broke that four men in India were arrested for raping a lizard. The Hindu reported on that story, saying in a startling article that: Four persons were arrested for allegedly raping a Bengal monitor lizard in Sahyadri Tiger Reserve (STR) in Maharashtra, a forest official said on Wednesday. […]”During the investigation, the forest officials found…

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NOT READY When a feminist student asked Charlie Kirk what he would say to feminists who believe that men who desire to be seen as women should be entitled to all the rights and privileges thereto, Kirk was able to shut down her feelings-based argument with only a few, simple questions that she was unable to answer. Kirk was speaking at the University of Arkansas as part of TPUSA’s “Educate Don’t Mandate” tour in March when the student asked, “what would you say to feminists, specifically those— I think you would consider biological women— who are in support of trans women being able…

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Note: This is satire, not fact. Treat it as such. For the longest time (since 2017, right after the bad orange man was elected) , the Washington Post’s slogan has been “democracy dies in darkness.” Never mind that America is technically a republic rather than a democracy (who could expect journalists to know such an inconvenient detail?), never mind that the Washington Post is known for pushing the leftist regime’s talking point on pretty much every issue, never mind that it’s owned by a billionaire with an obvious interest in silencing some news, the Washington Post won’t let democracy die…

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Note: This is satire. Most quotes and statements within it are made up. They’re jokes, not to be taken as facts and fact-checked Well, America’s most famous African-American visionary, Elon Musk, just announced that he’s planning to buy Twitter at a heft premium as a way of supporting free speech online. He said as much in a letter to the Twitter Board of Directors, announcing that he wasn’t interested in a board seat and would rather just buy the company to do what he wants with it. Unsurprisingly, the criticism of Elon and general far-left panic about the issue was…

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NOTE: The following article is satire. It’s not meant to be taken as the truth. It’s a joke. While Team Biden generally is sticking to its guns and going along with the “Putin price hike” story about why inflation is at levels not seen in decades, there’s one member of the Biden brood that’s breaking ranks and calling out inflation as a problem. That would be the president’s son, Hunter Biden. Hunter, the lawyer turned painter who was kicked out of the Navy for repeated cocaine-related incidents, is furious about the inflation level, particularly as it relates to his inhaled…

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Survivors of the NYC subway shooting have described the terrifying moment a ruthless gunman pulled weapons including an ax and a gun from a duffle bag before opening fire on passengers. One man said the attacker quipped “oops, my bad”, before reaching into the bag and deploying a gas canister, filling the subway car with smoke, before opening fire on the panicking passengers. It was a miracle no one was killed during the terrifying ordeal, but ten passengers were hit by the spray of bullets as the gunman fired around 33 shots. Fitim Gjeloshi, a passenger in the subway car,…

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The terrorist who stabbed British MP David Amess twenty times as he greeted constituents outside a church reportedly looked “smug” and “satisfied” as the politician lay dying, an eye-witness testified to the court. The remorseless murderer winked at the jury as the judge sentenced him to a full life term in prison. According to reports, Ali Harbi Ali, 26, wanted to get to Syria to join Islamic terror group ISIS, but instead settled on targeting a conservative politician in Britain. Sir David Amess was a devoted Christian and member of Parliament for the British Conservative Party government. Ali had made…

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On March 1st, 2022, the Communist regime in China made it illegal to share religious content online unless you have applied for a special license. Under the new law, the 5 officially sanctioned religions, Three-Self Church Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Daoism, Buddhism, and Islam are able to apply for the special license. According to The Christian Institute, Christians unassociated with the state sanctioned churches are raising the alarm. Bob Fu, founder of religious freedom group ChinaAid, said: “If you post any religious-related content on the Internet without a license, it’s declared totally illegal.” He added, that even with a permit, sharing…

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Last week Tesla CEO and SpaceX founder Elon Musk made a surprise purchase of a 9.2% stake in Twitter. This immediately made Mr. Musk Twitter’s biggest shareholder after purchasing $2.89 billion worth of stock, according to a regulatory filing revealed on Monday by the Securities and Exchange Commission. According to the SEC filing, Musk owns 73,486,938 shares of common stock out of 800,641,166 Twitter shares. That means, Musk now owns nearly 10% of Twitter. Twitter announced on April 5 that Musk would join its board of directors, but this week said he had decided not to. Before the announcement that Eleon…

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A Christian college in Indiana decided to racially segregate its diversity and inclusion discussion sessions despite historic struggles to end segregation by color throughout the recent past. An English professor at Anderson University took to TikTok to defend the university’s choice to segregate the class into two groups – ‘’students of color” and “white students”, arguing that the move was justifiable and admirable: “White people do this thing where we create spaces that are ‘white only’, not by statute, but by default. The circumstances allow the space to continue to be white only”, said white professor Elizabeth Boltz Ranfield. She…

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The point of the 2nd Amendment isn’t to preserve access to the tools necessary to go hunting, nor even to give you the right to defend yourself from criminals, though both of those ancillary effects of it are certainly important and good to have. No, the real point of the 2nd Amendment is to give you the right to defend yourself from a tyrannical government and the tools necessary to carry out such a defense. Predictably, Biden completely missed that and falsely characterized the reason for the 2nd Amendment during his recent pro-gun control speech, saying: And I know it’s…

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Schools in New Jersey have approved lesson plans which tell children as young as ten that hormone blockers are a way to “manage puberty” and that masturbating “a few times a day” is a good way to relieve stress. In one lesson, fifth grade students will be shown videos and provided with information about taking puberty blockers as a way to manage changes. The animation entitled ‘Puberty and Transgender Youth’ tells students: “Whether you identify as male, female, gender-queer or something else, you’re perfectly normal, and there are lots of ways to manage puberty so that it can be a…

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Activist group Black Lives Matter were backed into a corner yet again over the transparency of their finances after it emerged the charitable organization had used loyal supporter’s money for yet another luxury mansion which its leaders used to host champagne parties and dinner parties. The six bedroomed estate in California which features a pool, mini film studio and sprawling 3.25 acres of grounds is estimated to be worth an eye-watering $6 million. The 6,500 square foot mansion was paid for by donations sent to the group from supporters around the world. While the group now claims the property was…

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One church in Chicago has gone full woke and has stated that it will be observing Lent by refraining from singing any hymns written or produced by white musicians in order to “fast from whiteness.” During Lent in 2022, the First United Church of Oak Park will do a combination of “giving something up” by refraining from using songs composed or composed by white people, and rather focusing on music from several other cultures, according to the church’s announcement. A church in Chicago is “fasting from whiteness” during Lent by not using any music created by white people —…

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When it comes to unlikely pets, hippos have got to be near the top of the list. Weighing up to nearly 10,000 pounds, hippopotamuses are one of the deadliest species in Africa. Well known to be aggressive and attack humans, the huge water-dwelling animals are responsible for around 500 deaths every year – more than any other mammal on the African continent. But one hippo seems to break every rule in the book. Meet Jessica, a gentle, human-loving hippo with a story that has touched millions of people’s heart all over the world and even inspired Animal Planet to create a special…

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In a confusing turn of events, 19-year-old James Jackson was able to walk out of jail due to a clerical error. On Monday, Jackson was cleared to stand trial. The following day, he was arraigned under a grand jury indictment. This meant that he was assigned a new case number. During the transition, Jackson was released from jail by mistake. The L.A. County DA’s Office released its statement of the incident on Friday. Mr. Jackson was mistakenly released from custody by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Our office is working with the Sheriff’s Department to ensure Mr. Jackson is…

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LaQuedra Edwards was at the grocery store in Tarzana, California, buying lottery tickets from a California Lottery Scratchers vending machine. She was about to choose the games she wanted to play when, as she put it, “some rude person” bumped into her. ABC reported Edwards’s statements. According to Edwards, the impact of the stranger bumping into her caused her to push a number on the machine that she did not intend. Out came a $30 200X Scratchers ticket — which she had no intention of buying. “He just bumped into me, didn’t say a thing and just walked out the…

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A couple weeks ago I penned an article detailing the FBI’s role in keeping the group together that was ultimately accused of plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. As of Friday, the four men on trial for the alleged attempt on Michigan’s governor were cleared of all charges. Defendants Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta were acquitted of their charges. Meanwhile, verdicts could not be reached for defendants Adam Fox and Barry Croft, and a mistrial was declared in their cases by US District Judge Robert Jonker. It was Croft’s defense attorney Joshua Blanchard, who I wrote had made…

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It is amazing what the Biden administration is doing to bi-pass existing immigration laws. And to the surprise of many Americans, they appear to be getting away with dozens of work arounds resulting in an unfathomable number of illegals being allowed to enter and work inside our sovereign borders. To now further compound the invasion issue, as there is already a huge backlog of millions of recently caught illegal aliens, the Biden administration is now preparing to rescind Title 42, a policy barring many from crossing the border. As a result, the admin is making preparations for an another massive…

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Even in the highly partisan U.S. Senate, the invasion of illegal aliens and “migrants” seeking asylum on our southern border has exceeded anyones expectations, flooding border states, like Arizona, causing even their pro-immigration politicians to say, time out! As a result, a bipartisan group of Senators have introduced a bill to block President Joe Biden from lifting another Trump-Era immigration policy in May. The group includes Senators James Lankford (R-OK), lead Republican on the Border Management Subcommittee of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), Chair of the Border Management Subcommittee of the Senate Homeland Security…

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The founders of our nation spent a considerable amount of time and effort in writing and ratifying the United States Constitution. Its over arching framework included a small federal government and manageable number of primarily sovereign states. The 10th Amendment says: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” A massive problem has arisen on the U.S. Southern border in recent years. Democratic presidents have used executive orders and administration changes to allow millions of illegal aliens in to the…

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Donald Trump, in the coastal battleground state of North Carolina following previous weekend speeches in Georgia and Michigan, continues stumping in toss-up regions while also promoting his hand-picked candidates in contested races. This weekend, he got a huge boost from the presence of MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. Lindell made a huge splash with his introductory remarks. Speaking in front of a huge and engaged crowd, Lindell invigorated the audience with his steadfast commitment to investigate the truth behind the 2020 elections and inspired them with the possibility of a bright American future built upon a more enlightened electorate and the…

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An ex-CIA officer and top forensic neuroimaging scientist has claimed that during his time working with the CIA, hundreds of servicemen suffered brain damage and some even died after encounters with UFOs. Detroit Professor Christopher Green worked with the CIA since the 1960s and in 2010 he was commissioned to conduct research and to produce a report paper on behalf of a $22 million top secret defense program set up to monitor UFOs. Green was assigned to study and record incidents which resulted in individual’s suffering injuries after close encounters with unidentified crafts. In an exclusive interview with the Daily…

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Well, they’ve shown their hand, folks. Democrats in two of the nation’s most far-left states have introduced legislation that could effectively legalize infanticide by preventing law enforcement from investigating cases of infant death. This proves what many of us have assumed all along — that the left has absolutely zero regard for human life. California’s AB 2223 and Maryland’s Senate Bill 669, both introduced in February, feature similar language. It’s long been abortion advocates’ warning that if pro-lifers had their way, every miscarriage would result in a criminal investigation. The bills, of which Maryland’s is named the “Pregnant Person’s Freedom…

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Right-wing French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has said she wants to completely ban the wearing of religious face-coverings including Muslim’s burkas from French streets. Le Pen, 53, said the law would prohibit Muslim women from wearing head scarfs in public spaces and would be enforced by police the same way wearing seatbelts is and said those in violation of the law should be fined. “People will be given a fine in the same way that it is illegal to not wear your seat belt. It seems to me that the police are very much able to enforce this measure,”…

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Billionaire businessman Elon Musk has had a busy week. After buying a large stake in Twitter’s shares, this Thursday, Tesla made the exciting announcement that its new Cybertruck will be available to buy from 2023. At CyberRodeo in Texas yesterday, Musk revealed the protype of the model, which will feature doors without handles which instead open via smart sensors. The futuristic-looking vehicle was driven onto the stage by Tesla’s designer Franz von Holzhausen and is likely to set buyers back about $39,000. “I think this will be our magnum opus, and you can see some of the changes we’ve made…

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Two members of Jill Biden’s Homeland Security team were reportedly unmasked as fake agents who had, for unknown reasons, showered security service workers with luxury gifts. The two fraudulent workers named as Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, 36, were arrested on Wednesday evening as the FBI stormed their luxury apartment building in Southeast Washington. The FBI were photographed by social media users taking numerous boxes out of the apartments. While posing as members of the team, Taherzadeh and Ali, whose nationalities have not yet been revealed, wooed Secret Service agents by buying them expensive gifts including high end electronics…

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Former President Trump, spoke to Breitbart News before the premiere of Rigged: The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump, a documentary that analyzes the hundreds of millions of Zuckerbucks that were funneled to local election offices in mainly Democrat-leaning areas around the nation before the 2020 election. Trump, as could be expected, thrashed the effects of the Zuckerbucks and brought up claims of voter fraud during his interview with Breitbart, saying: “It’s a law that one form or another—whether it’s state or federal—it shouldn’t be allowed. This should not be allowed. I’ll tell you what else shouldn’t be allowed–is…

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U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson stuck his neck out pretty far into the “cancel culture guillotine” when he was giving an interview. He spoke about gay rights, sex changes for children, and transgender people in sports in the interview. He had this to say on the issue of transwomen competing against biological women. “I don’t think that biological males should be competing in female sporting events. Maybe that’s a controversial thing to say, but it just seems to me to be sensible.” The BBC reported that the LBBTQ+ charity Stonewall responded to Boris’ comments. In response to Johnson’s comments, LGBTQ+…

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The January 6th protests gave the left a huge amount of ammo for use against the GOP. The reason for the amount of public interest and support for the investigations was because the alleged crimes took place as the Electoral College votes were being certified by the U.S. Congress. With it, the Democrats established a January 6th House Select Committee (witch hunt) in June, 2021, to investigate what they call an insurrection / domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol. This has also allowed them to prolong the narrative for as long as possible as they try to keep former…

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Well, Obama, the former president whose incompetence as an executive is outweighed only by Biden’s, is back, as we saw when he drew all the attention at an event where both he and Biden appeared. What does he want now that he’s back? To control online speech, apparently. He said as much in a recent event with Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg, saying that the government needs to “grapple” with the crazy people on the internet. Perhaps he needs to “grapple” with the First Amendment. If you for some reason choose to watch the above interview, you’ll hear him say at…

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In a latest move to further alienate the Sussexes from an already very hostile public, Meghan now wants to trademark a word which has been used in the English language since the 1540s. Meghan’s representatives made an application to the United States Patent and Trademark Office last month in a bid to prohibit the use of the word in various contexts. If the patent is approved, companies in the entertainment industry including TV shows, podcasts, DVDs, CDs and streaming services would not be able to use the word “in the fields of cultural treatment of women and stereotypes facing women”.…

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America today is more politically polarized than ever before. Donald Trump’s presidency, the rise of Black Lives Matter, and two very different takes on the correct handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a left/right split so prominent and divisive that we really are living in two tribes. With each passing day, the left is determined to double-down on eternally increasingly radical social and legal changes which have mutated well beyond the quest for a reasonable, rational desire for equality and fairness and have turned into crusades which defy even the realms of basic science. Resist their regressive agenda,…

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With gas prices surging some people are finding it hard to fill up their tanks but one church in Richmon, Virginia is solving that problem by giving out free gas. Last Saturday alone  Speaking Spirit Ministries donated over $10,000 worth of fuel to those in the Richmond community who are in need. Pastor Fred Wyatt told WRIC, “With rising gas prices, we wanted to be able to do something special; we wanted to be able to assist our community. So we’re looking forward to today; we know it’ll be a blessing to many.” Speaking Spirit Ministries isn’t the only church that is handing out free gas but churches all across America are doing the same thing. Last Saturday, more than 300 people on the west side of Charlotte received $35 gas cards from Pastor Brian Carn of Kingdom City…

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In a very unpopular move, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security is moving forward with ending former President Trump’s CDC Title 42 emergency order. Their plan, reviewed by Breitbart Texas, acknowledges ending Title 42 will probably result in an additional surge in illegal migration along the southwest border. An increase is the numbers is already taking place, possibly in expectation of the administrations move. In March, Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 200,000 migrants. The plan predicts that DHS’ current processing capabilities will be overwhelmed and require an increase in the use of “broadscale release mechanisms”. Texas Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX) told Fox…

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Almost everyone knows Lynyrd Skynrd’s classic song “Sweet Home Alabama” well the band has a new song but this time they are singing about the great state of Florida. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is receiving an exclusive song dedication from music legends the Van Zant brothers in recognition of his leadership. The song “Sweet Florida,” penned by Johnny Van Zant, lead vocalist of Lynyrd Skynyrd, and his brother Donnie Van Zant of 38 Special, celebrates DeSantis’ efforts to keep Florida free from Democrat control. The Van Zant brothers, who were both born in Jacksonville, said DeSantis represents everything they believe…

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