Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

One of the major concerns for many in the United States is the growing threat of China and Russia. In addition to their increasing military prowess, their cyber warfare, and intellectual property theft has led to huge jumps in their technology helping them almost catch up with big tech companies in Silicon Valley. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which is officially the Communist Party of China (CPC), is the founding and ruling party of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Prior to the 1970s, China was a poor nation with hundreds of millions of its citizens living in poverty. Things began to change…

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The democratic party has morphed into a far-left, pro-social justice, pro-criminal, and pro-abortion socialist political party. With some of their constituents running teachers’ unions, big tech, big media, and entertainment companies, the democrats messaging propaganda is being distributed 24 hours a day. As the 2022 poll numbers have dramatically shifted towards the GOP, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) just pulled out the democratic election playbook consisting of the race card, racial justice, and fighting for “women’s rights”. The Senate just tried passing a piece of legislation on Monday afternoon that would have codified Roe v. Wade, overturning many…

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Not only is Chuck Schumer a vicious leftist that wants to implement all manner of tyrannical laws, particularly gun control laws that restrain your sacred right to keep and bear arms, but he’s also openly contemptuous of those that pray for the recently departed victims of violent crime. Oh yes, the media doesn’t report on that, but back in March of 2021, almost a year ago now, Schumer went ahead and did both in one statement, calling for tyranny while also mocking those that pray for the victims of violent crime. Watch Schumer’s horrific remarks below: “No more hopes and…

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In an interesting turn of events, more and more far leftists are starting to worry about a potential President Donald J. Trump second term, starting on January 20th, 2025. Things looked promising, at first, for the globalists who pushed former Vice-President Biden into running for the Oval Office in 2020. Since being elected though, the incoherent Biden has spent only part-time in the White House, and part-time at home in Deleware. Those chosen to run the various administrative departments for the White House, including the Department of Homeland Security, have been unabatedly wreaking havoc on existing U.S. immigration and other…

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When we think of someone suffering from an occupational hazard, it’s usually thought of as an unforeseen accident suffered at the workplace. Seldom do we think of someone knowingly choosing a job, career or profession that in time would likely end their chosen vocation by an expected physical abnormality suffered at birth. Nevertheless, that’s exactly the dilemma that faced Karren Visser when she was just a child knowing that her rare degenerative eye condition would likely get worse as she grew older, and perhaps end forever her passion for photography. Her parents first became aware of her sight problems when…

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Repurposing has become all-the-craze within today’s society. Popular TV shows like “Flea Market Flip” and “American Pickers” have become a vital part of our pop culture, where celebrity hosts along with ordinary people, salvage and recycle old and at times discarded items, transforming them into new, useful and unique objects. One of those discarded items appeared in a real estate promotion catching the eye of a British woman named Elizabeth Strutton, who had always dreamed of owning a WWII bunker. Strutton and her husband, Mike, saw an advertisement in a real estate office window for the barely visible heavily fortified…

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On Capitol Hill it appears that every decision comes down to one thing, staying in power. The democratic party promoted Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and the defunding of the police during 2020-2021, but then suddenly stopped when they started losing special elections, as the electorate voted to remove them out of office for these and other reasons. The left is nervous as polls are showing that the Biden administration’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and COVID vaccines mismanagement are setting up a probable red wave in the upcoming mid-term elections. In a recent Washington Post/ABC poll, published Sunday, found that President Bidens’s…

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Since the beginning of COVID when it first came in vogue for us all to wear masks everywhere we went, parents and professionals alike have been concerned that this “new normal” would have some negative effects on children, along with other pandemic mitigation policies like closing schools.  Anyone who dared to speak against the narrative of universal masking, especially of children, had their aversions pooh-poohed by the media and government science bureaucrats and were accused of not putting safety first. It seems we may have finally received some confirmation that there was merit to those concerns, though. Earlier this month…

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It’s a fair question to ask. Why should a soft, out-of-shape blob of a person dictate decisions affecting the health and wellbeing of others? It stands to reason that anyone not able to take care of themselves properly is the last person you’d want to try taking care of someone else. More pointedly asked: Why should Bill Gates determine the medical fate of the world when he is the last person worthy of making sound personal health choices? No doubt most sane people have wondered this for years. Why does Bill Gates get to decide what vaccines you and I…

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Despite predictable rollbacks to federal, state, and local mandates in the wake of trucker convoys and deflating poll numbers for Democrats, there has nevertheless been a quiet effort to institute questionable technology with devastating future consequences. The obvious and concerning question ought to be: If Covid is going away (and it is, for all intents and purposes), then why are we just now introducing and implementing QR-code technology that can house one;’s vaccination status? The article eerily answers that question in a way that should alert everyone’s Spidey senses. The propaganda from Forbes ran with the headline “A National Vaccine…

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The notoriously super-woke US women’s national soccer team brazenly wore wristbands to support trans-gender rights for children. Numerous team members could be seen wearing the white wristbands which said ‘’protect trans kids” during the game between the US and Iceland on Wednesday. Clearly attempting to make a political statement on the pitch, the team decided to wear the bracelets during the game in Frisco, Texas after the state’s governor Greg Abbott sent a letter to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services urging them to list using hormone blockers and other transitioning related medical procedures on children as acts…

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They say dogs are man’s best friend, but Molly Loyale has gone one step further – she actually married a dog! Well…technically her husband Spencer, 28, is a human but likes to dress up like a dog. The couple spend their down time as two alter-ego canines called Daring and Pepper. They wear bizarre costumes and even play-act as dogs in public with others who are a variety of other human-animals. Speaking to Closer, Molly, 27, said she and her doggy companions found lockdown particularly difficult as they were unable to schedule puppy play dates in the park, instead having…

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Prior to the mid-1990s, most information about the citizenry was kept in files, such as employment records, physical tax returns, and medical records maintained by local physicians. With the advent of affordable computers, industries started their migration over to everything digital. It was sold to the public as a more efficient way to keep data and a great way to save a huge amount of paper from going to the landfills. What most people were not taking into consideration while going digital was the future risks of their personal information being used for nefarious reasons by criminals and government officials.…

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Another week is upon us and as we reflect on what our failing president said in the past seven days, you have to believe Joe Biden suffers from cognitive dissonance issues. The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. What Are The Signs You Might Be Experiencing Cognitive Dissonance? General discomfort that has no obvious or clear source. Confusion. Feeling conflicted over a disputed subject matter. People saying you’re being a hypocrite. Being aware of conflicting views and/or desired but not knowing what to do with them. On Friday, Joe…

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Rural voters might be fading in importance as America’s cities grow bigger and bigger (then again, flight from cities thanks to crime and Covid could reverse that trend), but how those rural voters view issues is still a major bellwether of what the “American” thing to do is. Why? Because the independent farmers and small business owners that make up rural voters are some of the last vestiges of the Founders’ vision of America; they, by living the hard life required for those trying to scrape a living out of the dirt, are the yeomen praised by Jefferson and viewed…

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Chad Prather, the conservative comedian and commentator who is running for Governor in Texas, was recently censored by Facebook, a terrifying instance of Big Tech involvement in elections. The censorship would have put him in so-called “Facebook Jail,” meaning he couldn’t post or otherwise create Facebook content until election day, something Prather announced on Twitter: 8 days before Election Day and I get put into 7 days of Facebook jail. Seems legit. #prather2022 — Chad Prather (@WatchChad) February 21, 2022 Reporting on that suspension, the Texas Scorecard said: On Monday, media personality and Republican candidate for Texas governor Chad Prather…

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Well, the far left chalks up another victory on Capitol Hill. Liberals for several months have pressured Supreme Court Justice Bryer to retire prior to the 2022 mid-terms election expecting the Democrats to lose control of the U.S. Senate. Here’s a photo of Demand Justice’s billboard truck outside of Union Station. — Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) April 9, 2021 With a liberal succeding Breyer, who was appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1994, the balance of the court’s current 6-to-3 conservative supermajority, would not change. So what is the main qualification for the person replacing Bryer, a white male? She…

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The funny thing about those on the left is they have for decades pushed for radical reforms hoping to change the United States into a socialist state, like Europe, but now are freaking as voters and members of their own party are jumping ship. Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is warning Democrats there may be impending danger for this year’s midterms after last week’s San Francisco school board recall election sent shock waves across the nation. A Tuesday op-ed from the former mayor warned Democrats of the “seismic challenge” ahead, saying that the party is headed for doom…

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Far left-leaning media outlets are speaking with a spokesperson who has deflected so many questions that it is becoming an issue for her in Washington D.C., yet are courting her to potentially join their broadcast team anyway. Yes, Jenn,’ I’ll circle back’, Psaki, the “White House press secretary has reportedly been shopping around in recent weeks for a job with a national left-leaning news network. A former deputy communications director for the Obama administration and CNN commentator, Psaki is being “feverishly courted” by CNN and MSNBC to bolster their failing ratings, Puck reported Wednesday. ‘I’ll circle back’: Psaki’s non-answers become a ‘growing…

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It is confirmed, technology is advancing faster than many of us could have ever imagined. In what has been predicted in many sci-movie movies, to millions of moviegoers on the big screen, technology is not a friend of humanity, and probably will be part of its collective downfall in the near future. A huge overreaction by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government, which is still publically seething against those involved or who supported the Canadian “Freedom Convoy”, is being reported by concerned Canadian citizens. The government, which is targeting those whom they claim illegally brought the country to a standstill…

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Boater Scott Thompson was convinced he was “going to die” after he accidentally tumbled overboard into the frigid Pacific Ocean waters, while his boat was still in gear, leaving him stranded in the middle of the night miles away from Santa Barbara Channel. Thompson immediately realized after a huge wave rocked his boat sending him head first into the sea that he had made a rookie mistake. “I was taught by the best urchin divers in the business about safety, but for whatever reason, I was careless, and did not take the boat out of gear,” he wrote in a…

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Something didn’t sit well with Instacart shopper Jessica Higgs after she delivered groceries to the elderly customer who seemed pale and unsteady on his feet and didn’t look well when he answered the door to pick up his food order. The Georgia mom said she received the order from a woman who was ordering food for her elderly dad, along with instructions to just leave the package on the porch, according to Instacart policy. However, after witnessing the elderly man’s physical condition, she became alarmed that he may be in immediate danger. Higgs shared the story of her recent delivery…

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Uncle Ted is hopping up in his big rig and joining the People’s Convoy. In a recent interview with Newsmax, rock star singer Ted Nugent stated that he will join the People’s Convoy which will consist of truckers and other patriots driving from California to Washington DC to protest against Biden and vaccine mandates. Early in his interview with Newsmax, the singer to the hit song White Buffalo stated that he supports Canadian truckers protesting against vaccine mandates in Canada. He would go on to say that Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro Jr. and the truckers protesting his authoritarian overreach…

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The Canadian police are starting to crack down on the Freedom Convoy protest and what they are doing to demonstrators is absolutely frightening. A recent video that has gone viral shows the Candian Mounted Police on horseback charging towards a group of protestors in Ottawa and even trampling an old lady. The officers on horseback who trampled the old woman kept moving and didn’t even check up on the woman if she was alive. The elderly woman wasn’t the only victim of Trudeau’s latest declaration to basically treat any trucker or demonstrator in Ottawa as terrorists but the Ottawa police…

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While Trump supporters are rotting in federal prisons for “trespassing” into the Capitol Building, a BLM activist that has been charged with attempting to assassinate a mayoral candidate is now walking the streets. Louisville’s  BLM chapter has just collaborated with Louisville Community Bail Fund to pay bail for BLM activist Quintez Black, who has been charged with attempted murder after he allegedly shot at Democratic mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg. On Wednesday, BLM Louisville reportedly handed a payment to the Louisville Community Bail Fund to deposit Brown’s bail, just after reports claimed Brown attempted to kill Greenberg inside the candidate’s campaign…

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A Louisville BLM activist has just been identified by the Louisville Metro Police Department as the suspect in the attempted shooting of mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg. Activist Quintez Brown, 21, was just charged with attempted murder and four other counts of endangerment after Brown was reportedly linked to the attempted shooting of Democratic mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg. According to LMPD, Brown allegedly fired multiple shots into Craig Greenberg’s campaign office on Monday. The police report would state Greenberg was unharmed but a bullet did graze his clothing. The gun that was used in the incident was a 9-millimeter handgun. Brown…

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In February of 2020 during New York’s Fashion Week, the “glass-ceiling” was once again shattered into millions of tiny pieces when 24-year-old model Sofia Jirau, stepped onto the runway, joined by 17 other young women as the first-ever Down syndrome model employed within the internationally acclaimed Victoria’s Secret stable of models. “One day I dreamt it, I worked at it and today it’s a dream come true. I can finally share my big secret,” Jirau wrote on her Instagram in Spanish, alongside a black and white photo of herself sporting a bra from the company. “I am the first Victoria’s…

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While Freedom Convoy protesters have remained calm and peaceful throughout their lengthy campaign, leaked messages from Canadian cops show the officers joking about their colleagues battering peaceful protesters and trampling them with police horses. The messages were uncovered by Rebel News, and have not yet received official verification. In them, officers connected to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police appear to gloat about a video in which a Mountie knocks an elderly woman to the ground with his horse and then forces the animal to trample over her. In the group chat one officer allegedly exclaims: “Just watched the horse video…

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A woman who travelled to Bali, Indonesia is lucky to be alive after a video went viral of her unwittingly cradling one of the world’s deadliest animals. Kaylin Phillips shared the video on her TikTok account, where it racked up millions of views and thousands of comments as shocked viewers were amazed at her narrow escape. In the video, Phillip wrote text explaining that she was ‘’unknowingly’’ at the time holding the tiny but deadly venomous animal, which can be seen crawling over the palms of her hands as she stands in shallow water. Phillips posted the caption: “called my…

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During their daily talk radio show last week, the nationally recognized team of Buck Sexton and Clay Travis, who have taken over the time slot formerly filled by the late radio legend Rush Limbaugh, zealously promoted their upcoming scheduled interview with former President Donald J. Trump. The team has an interesting dynamic to it as Buck is a former CIA agent and history buff while Clay is more known in the sports world as the founder of On Tuesday, President Trump hosted their interview at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida. In addition to the lingering questions concerning…

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Just like the false expectations promoted by anti-Trump politicians during the Russia Hoax investigation under Robert Mueller, the Manhattan District Attorney’s promise to dig deep to find fraud in former President Trump’s taxes is coming up empty too. Two prosecutors leading the Manhattan District Attorney’s criminal tax fraud investigation into Donald Trump and his family business have abruptly resigned, it was reported on Wednesday. In the surprise move, Attorneys Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz just stepped down from the case after new Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg expressed doubts over moving forward with a case against Trump, the…

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An amazing organization based in Washington, D.C. is assisting military families to cover the cost of airfare so they can be reunited with their loved ones. Luke’s Wings started its mission in 2008 and is still going strong today. It all started with assisting patients at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on their travels back and forth to see their families and friends back home. Since then, it has expanded from operating 19 flights per year to operating more than a dozen flights every day. Over the course of the year, they’ve covered more than 12,000 flights for children.…

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The world was worried for Queen Elizabeth’s health last week when it emerged the 95 year old had tested positive for COVID-19, but insiders say the Her Majesty is eager to get on with her work. Although Queen Elizabeth has been triple-jabbed, she seemed to contract the virus a few days after a meeting with her son, Prince Charles, who tested positive two days after the meeting. Charles’ wife Camilla, who is also triple vaccinated, gave a positive test result four days later. Palace insiders eased public concerns on Sunday when they announced that the Queen, who will turn 96…

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Leading up to, and especially following Hillary Clinton’s loss on November 8th, 2016, the massive tech companies in Silicon Valley publically and privately decided to enact plans that would assist progressive candidates in getting elected moving forward. The most notable politician who has been subjected to their increased censorship has been former President Donald J. Trump, who was suspended by Facebook on Jan. 7, 2021, for 2 years, and permanently removed from Twitter on Friday, 8 January 2021. What has frustrated those who have also been sentenced to Facebook Jail, has been the lack of clarity on what the rules…

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Let’s be perfectly clear about one thing: Black Lives Matter (BLM) does not care about police brutality. BLM cares only about one thing; Power. The latest display of silence on the part of American and Canadian chapters provides the starkest illustration of this sentiment yet. Senator Tom Cotton noticed this as well on a recent appearance on Fox News: “When it was radical environmentalists shutting down pipelines in Canada, Justin Trudeau called for patience and dialogue. now that it’s conservative truckers protesting his Covid-19 mandates, he’s invoking emergency powers and using authorities that are typically designed for terrorist groups… and…

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It couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of people. Our entrenched Washington Establishment, rich off the labor of taxpayers and clueless in their belief that more government is the answer, is staring down a convoy that one organizer is likening to a “giant boa constrictor”. If executed, the American version of the trucker protest could snake its way around the Beltway and stop highway traffic altogether. “A trucker convoy heading to Washington, D.C., plans to shut down the Capital Beltway later this week in protest of wide-ranging issues such as fuel prices, vaccine requirements and immigration.” Don’t get our…

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Here we go again. Newly-sworn-in mayor Eric Adams of New York City has taken the tried-and-true playbook from Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Cori Bush, and seemingly every other black Democrat lawmaker by deflecting from objectively abject policy failures by blaming white journalists for simply misrepresenting his achievements. Someone who was touted as being tough on crime – and by extension level-headed and centrist – compared to his opponents, as well as the recently-departed buffoonish slob Bill De Blasio, sure has quashed those ideas in short order. He’s devoid of good ideas but replete with animosity. This is terrible for New…

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It shouldn’t come as a surprise that globalist tyrant Justin Trudeau feels comfortable admitting that one of the countries he most admires is China. If he could, there is no doubt he would emulate social credit scores and mandatory vaccination for the formerly-free Canucks. The frightening answer, hidden within Trudeau’s trademark calm, lighthearted, and reassuring delivery, addressed the question of what country he might like to see modeled more at home. America? The UK? Any country where freedom is valued and the individual lives of its citizens made better? No, no, and no. Instead, the man known on the internet…

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Like a scene from a disaster movie, you can imagine a deafening blast followed by the infamous mushroom cloud associated with a nuclear impact. Twitter is stunned at this interactive map reveals what would actually happen if a nuclear bomb was dropped in your area, but the US government’s AI systems go above and beyond. The terrifying simulation map allows you to ‘try out’ different sized bombs on any location around the world. Simply drop a pinpoint on the globe, select your bomb, click the ‘detonate’ button, and the NUKEMAP will estimate the impact including number of casualties and radioactive…

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Despite Big Tech and Big Government’s attempted one-two punch to shut down the Freedom Convoy, spirits and efforts among freedom-loving patriots remain high. Even after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s invocation of the War Powers Act for the first time in Canada’s modern history, countless truckers and their allies remain in Ottawa. Now, they can count on the support of MyPillow and its CEO, Mike Lindell, to keep their fight against tyranny alive. Today, Lindell announced that he would set off with a convoy of his own, loading up trucks from his Minnesota warehouse and departing for the Canadian capital replete…

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