Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

In New York City, non-citizens can now vote in local elections. Yeah, that actually happened. In California, might as well give illegal aliens free health care! This is what can happen when the patients are allowed to run the asylum. And they’ve made it pretty clear to us all: 11 out of 10 Democrats do belong in a mental facility. Sexual harassment allegations took down New York’s Andrew Cuomo. Let’s all hope that California’s Gavin Newsom is also forced to leave office before he, too, can cause any more damage. Check this out, via Fox News: California Gov. Gavin Newsom…

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On October 30th, 2021, an intimidating man in both size and demeanor named Jason Jones entered the Catskill Police Precinct, and became highly aggressive and combative with police. At one point, the man gets ahold of a large, ethyl-alcohol-based hand sanitizer and proceeds to pump the liquid all over himself. The drunk and angry man continues to be combative as officers struggle to determine how to handle the situation. Ultimately, an officer is forced to fire his taser gun. What happens next is all too obvious to anyone who recognizes that the alcohol in the sanitizer may not evaporate or…

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President Ron DeSantis. That has a nice ring to it. If Donald Trump doesn’t run for office again in 2024, the Republican governor of Florida needs to give it some serious thought because he would have a ton of support across the nation. People see Ron as a leader, and in comparison they see Joe Biden as a dunce with a stiff gate. The “46th president of the United States” is a literal walking joke. At the end of the day, DeSantis is getting stuff done for the people of the Sunshine State – whether some can see it or…

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You don’t become a Supreme Court justice by chance. You actually have to be a very intelligent and well-respected American. Go ahead and check out the bios of any man or woman sitting on the high court and you’ll see they were, for example, first in their class in high school, college, and law school – or chief of this or president of that. Smart, smart people. Therefore, Sonia Sotomayor, a Barack Obama appointee, should know exactly what she was saying while speaking from the bench about COVID-19. She knew. There’s no question about it. Yet, she didn’t care. That’s…

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Recently, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky was put to the test and participated in an interview with Fox News. Fox News host Bret Baier didn’t give the CDC director any softball questions like she’s used to answering either. At one point Baier asked Walensky, “Do you know how many of the 836,000 deaths in the U.S. linked to COVID are from COVID or how many are with COVID, but they had other comorbidities? Do you have that breakdown?”. The CDC director surprisingly replied answering the question by saying “Yes of course with omicron we’re following that very carefully. Our death registry…

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Hold on Georgia, President Biden is getting medicated up and will be on his way to see you on Tuesday. The administration is hoping Joe will act energetic and as though he actually cares about the Peach State’s new election integrity laws. The media is using words like “dramatic”, angry and determined to fight back again the racists trying to suppress the minority vote in the state. Biden was scheduled to appear with one of his favorite girls in the state, Stacey Abrams. He speaks highly of her every time he travels to the state. “Stacey, if we had ten…

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There are corrupt activities taking place in our government yet no one is getting held accountable for them. One main issue is the constant flow of information coming out of the shadows showing Dr. Fauci’s fingerprints all over the COVID grants, the companies coordinating the virus research in China ETC. U.S. Senator and Doctor Rand Paul has directly accused Fauci several times of lying about funding the “gain of function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Newly uncovered documents reveal that EcoHealth Alliance, a Fauci-funded firm that spearheaded the Gain of Function research in China and helped cover up the…

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In today’s fast-moving culture and news cycle, it is easy to experience information overload. Some people can clear out their memory and do more research on the stories that pique their interest. These are the people you see at school board meetings calling them out from trying to advance overt racism in the schools through a far-left propaganda curriculum called, Critical Race Theory (CTRT) Those behind the Critical Race Theory (CRT), including Ibram Kendi and Robin DeAngelo, get paid a lot of money to speak at WOKE corporate training sessions on race. With forced and intentive audiences in front of…

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My Oh My how fast things can change in America, on a dime. What started out as a live sports interview following a NASCAR race has turned into a national movement. In spite of the Social Justice Warriors at NASCAR trying to put an end to the reach of the driver behind the FJB movement, a huge deal was just announced which is sure to have the Biden team losing their collective leftist mind. NASCAR rejected the sponsorship of LGBCoin for a car driven to be driven by Brandon Brown over the ‘Let’s go Brandon’ chant. According to Yahoo! Sports,…

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“Trump derangement syndrome” did not end when Donald Trump left office. It has continued on to this very day and may still last for years (if not decades) to come. The entire purpose of the January 6 Committee is to nail the 45th president for what happened at the Capitol Building on that day in 2021. But the outcome is already predetermined. That’s what’ll happen when a committee of anti-Trumpers is stacked with lefties and RINO’s. But the biggest problem with this whole thing is that it is entirely fabricated on lies – just like everything else for which Democrats…

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How Joe Biden sleeps at night is unclear. We know he’s fond of going to bed early at night, but no word on how he lives with himself with the perpetual lying. How any Democrat sleeps at night is a mystery that may never be solved. During a trip to Colorado in an attempt to comfort those who lost their homes in the wildfire, Biden pivoted to a more “progressive” issue. Because that’s what these folks wanted to hear right now, right? This situation right here is exactly why Joe’s handlers don’t let him speak in public (or to the…

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It isn’t exactly a secret why many (if not most) Americans don’t trust the media. The MSM makes it very, very easy to not trust them – it’s as if it’s almost intentional with how poorly they “report” the news. In the end, what people in the media say or write means next to nothing. What matters is what happens at the ballot box. Check this out, via Right Scoop: You’ll recall that lefties took a transcription error and tried to make hay with it. They claim Gorsuch said something he didn’t say, in order to distract from something that…

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Around eleven am eastern time on Sunday, January 9th, 2022, a fire started on the second and third floors of a high-rise apartment building in the Bronx. It quickly spread out of control and managed to injure dozens and has killed 19 people so far, 9 of which were children. The smoke itself has been determined to be the killing factor as it suffocated and trapped dozens of residents above where the actual fire was burning. The building which has been up since the 1970’s is 19 stories and houses 120 units of which the second and third floors are…

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Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Esmail Ghaani, commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force, threatened last week that Iran will seek to avenge the death of Qassem Soleimani, the former commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force, and it will happen “within” the United States, the “ground for the hard revenge” will come from “within” the homes of Americans. Ghaani, who replaced Soleimani, spoke during the second anniversary of Soleimani’s death, which Iran has labeled as “martyrdom.” The Iranian General underscored the republic’s dedication to avenging the general’s death. Soleimani was killed in a January 3rd, 2020, U.S. strike in Baghdad,…

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The majority of the American population still enjoys the freedoms afforded them in the U.S. Constitution and wants to maintain free speech and debate in the public square. To do this the education system must teach facts and let the people decide for themselves what to make of the information. In a new poll, which contradicts the radical fake news (propaganda) pushed by the major media outlets, Seventy-two percent of Americans believe that students should be taught both the “truth about slavery” and that America was founded on the lofty ideals of “freedom, equality, and self-governance,” according to a new Scott…

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On Sunday the liberal, untrustworthy director of the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) had to respond to blatantly wrong statements made by one of the radicals on the Supreme Court which made were during oral arguments concerning the Biden COVID vaccines mandates. In a rare moment, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky contradicted Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s incorrect claim that there are 100,000 pediatric COVID hospitalizations on Sunday. Justice Sotomayor, a liberal Associate Justice appointed by former President Obama, exaggerated the number of severe COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations among children as she attempted to convince conservative Supreme Court justices that President…

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Legendary comedian and actor Bob Saget was found dead in his Ritz-Carlton hotel room on January 9th, 2021, at approximately four o’clock that afternoon. The sixty-five-year-old had just tweeted in the very early morning hours shortly after a performance in Jacksonville Florida with Tim Wilkins about how “addicted” to standup comedy he was, as he’d just performed the night before to a live audience. The comedian even plugged his website for fans to check out upcoming shows and dates for 2022. There is no doubt that the comedian had no doubts about being around to continue to perform as made…

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CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, sat down with the satire site, The Babylon Bee, and made a lot of interesting claims throughout his interview. For the most part, the Babylon Bee writes articles that poke fun at political leaders and goes by the motto “Fake News You Can Trust”, due to the fact they create completely satirical articles. However, in the interview with Musk, there was no fake news being spoken, but rather the Good News. The interview was conducted by the CEO of the Babylon Bee (Seth Dillon), the Editor-in-Chief (Kyle Mann), and the sites’ Creative Director (Ethan Nicolle).…

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This is the kind of report you expect to see from a third world country. And yet, here we are. Due to radical liberal policies, America is no longer what she once was. In the 21st century, stuff that really should matter doesn’t. Yet, things that never should have ever mattered do. Everything is upside down. Check out this story. It should scare you. The Washington State Board of Health may soon amend state law to authorize the involuntary detainment of residents as young as 5 years old in Covid-19 “internment camps” for failing to comply with the state’s experimental…

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Before she was the chief executive of Michigan (nice going on that one, Michiganders), radically far-left Governor Gretchen Whitmer was a radically far-left state senator. Despite criticizing the January 6 U.S. Capitol Building protesters to no end, Whitmer somehow forgot to mention that she was proud of leading the resistance when Michigan’s State Capitol was overrun by crazed know-nothings back in 2012. What’s most wild is that libs like Whitmer forget that the internet is here to stay and their hypocrisy will always be on full display. From 100 Percent Fed Up: On January 6, 2021, Joe Biden VP candidate…

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Everybody knows that Democrats do whatever they have to do to “secure” election victories. Whether it’s ushering illegals into the country, turning them into citizens and making them dependent on government, or being uber-sneaky at the ballot boxes on Election Day itself. All that matters to libs is keeping power. To a Democrat, nothing is “America first.” All that matters is pushing a socialist agenda – no matter the cost. Check this out, via Newsmax: Congress is back in session this week and even though COVID is spiking, schools are closing again, and the economy is crippled, the Democrats in…

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If there was a ranking of White House first ladies (and historians were honest about it), Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama would most likely be ranked one and two in terms of least liked. Neither woman understood the role of first lady and it showed – and still shows. Instead of retiring on a beach house while counting all the millions she and Barack “earned” after leaving the White House, Michelle remains intent on staying in the public eye. But why? Who is begging for her to come back? Michelle Obama fired off an urgent message about this year’s midterm…

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There’s nothing left to say when it comes to Chicago’s liberal public school teachers. When even a far-left radical like Mayor Lori Lightfoot is chastising the Teachers Union for failing children (and to do their job), you know something is up. The thing is, these teachers honestly don’t care. At least, most of them. And when the ones who show up actually try to teach, this doofus below will do what he can to “out” them and make them pay. What a guy. From Fox News: A Chicago Teachers Union delegate has vowed to “report” union employees who show up…

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi almost got seriously injured while finishing her speech at former Senate Majority leader Harried Reid’s memorial service. Pelosi was concluding her speech and about to put her mask on, when she lost her balance and almost fell to the ground. The 81-year-old lifetime Democrat was able to catch and save herself from a hospital trip. Watch the moment it happened right here: Nancy Pelosi stumbles and almost falls at Harry Reid’s memorial service… Should’ve put mask on before leaving the podium lol — Mark Wayne (@MarkWayne52) January 8, 2022 You can see in the video…

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Due to their blatant anti-worker policies, Democrats are very, very bad at creating jobs. After all, the party’s entire modus operandi is to make people dependent on the government. If a person has a job and can take care of themselves, those aren’t the type of Americans the Democrat Party cares for. Here is the December jobs report, via Fox News: The Labor Department said in its monthly payroll report released Friday that payrolls in December rose by 199,000, sharply missing the 400,000 jobs forecast by Refinitiv economists. The unemployment rate, which is calculated based on a separate survey, dropped…

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As Russian and Belarusian armed forces are being deployed to Kazakhstan in a desperate attempt to stop rioters who are furious with Kazakhstan’s government for doubling the price of petroleum gas, reports have now surfaced that the  Ex-security chief of Kazakhstan has now been arrested for treason. A statement from Kazakhstan’s National Security Committee declared that former Security Chief Karim Massimov was arrested for treason.  There were no further details on why Massinov was charged. Massimov was not only the former Security Chief, but he was also the former Prime Minister for close to a decade. Here’s where things get…

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An alleged militant of the terrorist organization Antifa was arrested in Florida on January 6th for having a pipe bomb in his possession.  Garrett Smith, 22, was wearing a black bloc(Antifa’s signature attire) and acting very suspicious outside a conservative rally that was located outside Pinellas County Courthouse. Police spotted Smith running away from the rally, causing officers to approach Smith and resulting in a foot chase. Smith never got the chance to detonate the homemade bombs. After his arrest, police searched his parent’s home where Smith resides and found more homemade bombs with a “direct action checklist”. A man…

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Democrats and left-leaning organizations love to put people in boxes. For example, if you’re black you have to be a liberal. No if’s, and’s, or but’s. Dems don’t understand that not all groups think alike. They don’t care that there’s such a thing as autonomy; as being independent. To the left, the thing that matters most (next to being in power) is race and how to divide people based on skin color. This story does nothing except further split a country in half. From Free Beacon: In New York, racial minorities are automatically eligible for scarce COVID-19 therapeutics, regardless of…

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This story would be comical if it wasn’t so sad. This right here is exactly what can (and will continue to) happen when leftism rules the world. Democrat policies aren’t just bad news for conservatives. They are just as bad, sometimes worse, for liberals themselves. The biggest problem is that the legacy media refuses to report the truth. It is downright pathetic, at this point. In reality, America’s biggest problem are liberals. Until sanity comes back to play in a major way, the entire world will continue its downward slope into social madness. When it’s all said and done, there will…

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Have lefties ever asked themselves, “Gee, I wonder how many shots it’s going to take until I’m fully vaccinated per the CDC’s never-ending updates?” Probably not, which is a big problem. See, Democrats know how to keep the uninformed dependent on government (therefore keeping libs in power). It’s all about spreading misinformation, along with controlling the media, Hollywood, and education. How so many millions of people can remain blind to the obvious is a question for the history books. If we’re being real, things are not looking good for America – or the world. Not at all. From Epoch Times:…

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We have fallen so far as a society that people now get suspended and/or “cancelled” from their jobs or social media networks, simply for telling the God’s honest truth. Since an extremely small number of Americans might be offended by a few words (no matter how many facts are baked into a sentence), people are losing their livelihoods. Matt Walsh was the latest conservative to feel the full force of Twitter. See if you can find a single thing wrong with what he typed. From The Daily Wire: The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh on Friday night was suspended from Twitter…

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The January 6 Committee was put together for one reason: to bar Donald Trump from ever seeking office again. Democrats are scared to death. Liberals know they’re going to lose the House and (hopefully) the Senate later this year. They also know that Joe Biden is the least-liked president in modern history, after just one year in office. As usual, the left is doing everything in its immense power to strike Trump first, but you know he’s not going to let it slide. Here’s Trump’s latest message for liberal radicals, via Newsmax: What we witnessed yesterday was the last gasps…

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If there was ever a bass-ackwards statement, this one takes the cake. Anderson Cooper knows, deep down, that conservatives love their country and will do whatever it takes to protect her values. To think otherwise is a complete delusion. Yet, the CNN anchor continues trying to cause a stir to get attention and bring ratings back to his fledgling network. Nice try. From The Daily Wire: Anderson Cooper told CNN’s viewers that “other networks” — presumably Fox News Channel and Newsmax — are actively “promoting” a second Civil War in the United States and “relish the idea of the destruction…

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Recent pictures of Trump’s former US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, have set Twitter ablaze. Pompeo, who was a bit on the heavier side during his time as Secretary of State, has lost some major pounds. Reportedly, 90lbs to be exact. According to Pompeo, one day he stepped on the scale and was shocked to see he was close to 300lbs. After coming to the realization that he was almost 300lbs, Pompeo decided enough is enough. That is when he started his weight loss journey. The next day, Mike started on a strict diet and coupled that with a workout…

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As Russian paratroopers are pouring into Kazakhstan in an attempt to quench an uprising amongst demonstrators who are furious with Kazakhstan’s corrupt government for doubling the price of liquefied petroleum gas, a picture of Joe and Hunter Biden has resurfaced that show them with a Kazakhstan oligarch and the former prime minister of Kazakhstan. A picture of Joe and his son Hunter Biden was posted on an anti-corruption website the KIAR (Kazakhstan Initiative On Asset recovery). The picture featured the “Big Guy” Joe, his son Hunter, the former Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Massimov, and a Kazakhstan oligarch Kenes Rakishev.…

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Little did Kristy Irby realize when she left her home with 2 ½ year old daughter Alley on Tuesday, that she would soon be submerged in her vehicle, begging God to save their lives. The near tragic event began as Kristy drove down the narrow country road in Pelahatchie, Mississippi. While speaking on the phone with her husband, a young deer suddenly sprang out from the dense forest and on to the slippery roadway directly in front of her car. The young mom instinctively swerved away from the deer while jamming on her brakes. This caused her to lose traction…

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Even before the COVID Delta variant infection rate began to decline, the mainstream media had started building the fear factor for a new strain, only showing minimal symptoms, the Omicron variant in South Africa gained international attention. In the past month, Omicron has shown to be very contagious, averaging 586,265 daily cases in the U.S. over the past 7 days. This spike has led progressive governed states, like New York, to re-instate their draconian COVID measures including vaccine passports and schools returning to in-home learning. This has led millions of Americans who want to go back to normal living again,…

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At one time the education profession was respected and considered crucial for the success of children. As members of the local communities, teachers, and administrators would work with the parents to ensure the students received a quality education. In recent years though, many of those involved in education have veered way to the left and have taken on the role of social justice warriors and COVID enforcers in the name of equity, and as part of the group-think. In Houston, a mother, and teacher, was charged after authorities allege she placed her 13-year-old son in the trunk of her car…

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We all know people who are great at tipping and those who aren’t. We know people who will not tip, we know people who do so excessively. In America getting paid with tips is the bread and butter of thousands of citizens. Depending on the restaurant and the type of people that the establishment caters to, one can make anywhere from poverty level earnings to six figure earnings. Tipping has also become a heated debate many times through the past thirty or so years. Among what’s complained about is whether or not you should tip the waiters in cash only,…

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The January 6 “insurrection” at the Capitol Building in Washington DC was a protest that went way too far. Why officers were allowing people to enter the building still makes little sense. Then again, not a single person has actually been charged for “insurrection.” That’s a problem, considering Democrats continue to frame the narrative that way. What’s key, though, is that all liberals are hypocritical in ways that can only be described as comical. From Breitbart: As the media fawned over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) commemorating the January 6 Capitol Hill riot on Thursday, few remembered when she praised…

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