Author: will

Many on the corporatist, RINO “right” are trying to pretend that Trump is hugely unpopular and that he’d never win a primary, much less a general election. They push either mostly MAGA people like DeSantis, claiming he’s the “new Trump,” or some sniveling Conservative, Inc. type like Milquetoast Mike Pence. Of course, just like with WMDs in Iraq or Jeb! having a chance against Donald Trump, those types were wrong yet again; Trump has a 40-point lead over anyone else that might try to be the GOP presidential candidate in 2024. That comes from a McLaughlin & Associates survey, which,…

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One of President Trump’s greatest and most important accomplishments was his pushing through the Section 301 tariff scheme, which imposed billions of dollars of tariffs on goods coming from Red China. After decades of elite insouciance toward China, the Section 301 tariffs breathed a new life into American industry, bringing back jobs and investment that otherwise would have been shipped overseas to the new Evil Empire, Red China. Well, the elites didn’t like that. Not one bit. Though the tariffs were great for the American worker, bringing as they did a manufacturing revival and putting a hurting on the Chinese…

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Well, one of those things we joke about, the elite using 1984 as an instruction manual rather than a warning, has finally come true in one of the most literal ways possible: it was just slapped with a “trigger warning” by the University of Northampton in the UK. Yes, the left literally and unironically gave a warning that the book about freedom and free speech is dangerous. Or, as Auron MacIntyre put it on Twitter “The most famous story about dystopian speech codes now comes with a warning telling students it doesn’t conform to dystopian speech codes.” The most famous story about…

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Watch this ad and, while watching it, try to remember that someone actually thought that creating this and then running it was a good idea: Lol just saw this — Acyn (@Acyn) January 22, 2022 Yes, the claims it makes are, without exception, are dumb and baseless. And yes, it looks absolutely horrific; as Ben Dreyfuss put it on Twitter, “This ad looks like it was made on their phone at 3am by someone drunk in an Uber on their way home.” Bingo. Those facts are bad enough and would make the ad well worth laughing at. But, even…

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Other than the gulags, what the Soviet Union was perhaps known best for were its lines of subjects stretching around blocks, waiting for rationed goods that were never available in the quantities in which they were needed, much less wanted by the subjects of the Evil Empire. Now that rationing and those lines might be coming to America; the DC mayor is calling for citizens of the district to engage in “voluntary rationing.” Yes, really, that was announced on Twitter, where the DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management account said “If you’re hitting the grocery store to prepare for winter…

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You might think that Kyrsten Sinema would be cheered by her fellow Arizona Democrats for acting like a moderate and making it at least possible that they could be re-elected despite Arizona’s generally conservative attitude and the massive wave of anti-Brandon sentiment that’s sweeping the country. While that would be reasonable to think, it’d be wrong; the Arizona Democratic Party’s executive board just voted to censure Sen. Sinema for daring to stand up to Brandon and preserve the filibuster by voting with Republicans to keep it in place. The Arizona Democratic Party, apparently looking at a present difficulty rather than…

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Beginning yesterday, January 22nd, all truckers crossing the Canadian border, whether Canadian or American, have to be vaccinated. That mandate will surely cause headaches both for the truckers themselves and the customers they deliver goods to as 15% of Canadian truckers and 50% of American truckers are unjabbed. In fact, the problems are already cropping up. As the Calgary Herald reported of a Calgary grocery store struggling under the added burden of dealing with supply shortages caused by the mandate: The produce warehouse in Northeast Calgary routinely received two or three trucks a day to restock their shelves. Now, when…

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Think that traitors and spies that engage in espionage activities on the behalf of the CCP should, at the very least, be locked up so that they can no longer steal US technology or secrets to send back to their overlords in Red China? Well, Brandon and his DOJ disagree. While they’re fine with locking up January 6th protesters indefinitely and sending in the police to arrest people for not wearing a mask, punishing Chinese spies is just a bridge too far for the modern FBI. You see, there’s a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor that was seeking federal grants,…

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The RINO types like to pretend that if conservatives actually push through the abortion restrictions the base wants, then they’d become radioactive and unelectable. According to polling, that RINO lie couldn’t be farther from the truth; it’s the domestic WMDs in Iraq. A survey of 1,004 adults conducted by Marist Poll found that a massive 71% of Americans are in favor of some form of abortion restrictions. In fact, only 17% of Americans think that abortions should be allowed under any circumstances and a further 12% think that think it should be allowed during the first six months of a pregnancy.…

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Devin Nunes, formerly a stalwart conservative Congressman and now the CEO of Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social, discussed the battle against Woke Big Tech with Breitbart, describing it as the “battle of all battles.” After briefly discussing the platform and saying that it’s likely coming out by the end of March, Nunes transitioned to the general topic of the fight against Big Tech. To begin with, he discussed why Truth Social is able to find employees that are highly skilled but don’t want to work for Big Tech, saying that:  “We have people from every corner of the United…

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Sometimes, when your little project gets caught letting one of its key members sexually harass young boys, it’s time to admit you might not be the good guys and move on to greener, less-disgraced pastures. But the founder of the Lincoln Project, the place where John Weaver the pedophile harassed young boys, didn’t seem to get that memo. Instead, he, a supposed conservative, took to MSNBC’s “TheReidOut” to attack real conservatives. While on that idiotic program, he, speaking of non-RINO Republicans, said: “They’re trying to throw so much friction into voting and all the sand into the machine, especially in…

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On Thursday, Afghanistan’s Taliban-controlled central bank announced that it had received $32 million in cash from the UN, which is now, bizarrely, sending cash aid to prop up the Islamist, terrorist regime. That cash apparently came as part of a UN pledge to deliver $20 million weekly to the Taliban until March of 2022. It is meant to inject liquidity into Afghanistan and help the terrorist-controlled nation fend off an economic collapse. As Reuters reported back in November of 2021, the US withdrawal did place a severe strain on the Islamist state’s banking system, and that the UN, worried about the end…

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After Trump made one comment about why people shouldn’t lie or be ashamed of their jab status, the media lost its mind gleefully reporting that Trump and DeSantis were feuding. All the usual suspects, from the MSM regime toadies at the Washington Post to acerbic, anti-Trump conservatives like Anne Coulter were happy to say that Trump and DeSantis were fighting. They’re not, however; neither man, when asked, has had anything negative to say about the other. DeSantis was the first to push back on the rumors and fake news reports, saying that they were nothing more than a “fabricated media…

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While the State Department attacks Russia for daring to say that the West is full of degenerates, Brandon is pushing to make it even easier to kill unborn babies. Watch Psaki proudly announce that here: This is pure evil. Jen Psaki says Biden is “continuing to work with Congress” to pass a bill that removes nearly ALL restrictions on abortion, imposing abortion up until birth. — Kambree (@KamVTV) January 21, 2022 Here was her full statement on the issues, part of which can be heard in the video. It comes from the January 21st press briefing: Tomorrow also marks…

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I suppose, after seeing the rainbow flag wave over the embassy in Kabul, it shouldn’t be that unexpected that the US is attacking another nation not for doing anything wrong, but for claiming to defend family values. Yes, you read that right. As part of the State Department’s propaganda war against Holy Russia, a bureaucrat came up with this anti-Western gibberish and pushed it out, I suppose thinking that Americans would be proud to die on the streets of Kharhov if it meant defeating one of the few remaining nations that champions family values. Here’s what the State Department propaganda…

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Are you pissed off with Team Brandon for being the exact opposite of King Midas (everything Brandon touches to shit rather than to gold)? Well, then Jen Psaki has a message for you: “Go to a kickboxing class, have a margarita.” I kid you not. That’s actually the message that the demented moron in the White House is having his lackey say. You can watch that here: White House guidance for Americans who feel “pissed off”: “Go to a kickboxing class, have a margarita.” — Benny (@bennyjohnson) January 21, 2022 Her full comment was “So my advice to everyone…

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Don’t want illegal immigrants to rampage through the country at will, often having their housing and lawyers paid for with your tax dollars despite the damage they do to our country? Well, then Trump was your man. In Trump’s America, the illegal immigration problem was mostly solved and the issue that remained was how to deport the ones that were already here. In Brandon’s America, however, asking for the government to keep the border secure is far, far too much to ask. Instead, he’s going to let them flood over in whatever numbers they want while the agents of the…

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Netflix used to be a service that you could log into and watch your favorite shows or movies for as long as you wanted to without needing to sit through tiresome commercials or ads. While that aspect of it still exist, though many of the best shows that used to be on it have departed for other streaming services, Netflix is now known for something different: creating woke TV. There was “Cuties,” which sexualized children in a disgusting manner. There was Narcos, once a great show, that was turned into a girl boss show in the latest season (because the…

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Think that the vicious criminals who rape 10-year-olds should be, at the very least, locked up for a long, long time and have to suffer what they may in prisons? Well, you’re not alone; most sane people would also respond affirmatively. Unfortunately, many of the leftist DAs that are turning America’s cities are not sane. They, instead of focusing on protecting law-abiding citizens from the horrific acts of violence committed by demented, evil criminals, are worried about “rehabilitation” and treating brutal thugs with kid gloves. One example of such pro-criminal sentiment comes from LA, where DA George Gascon is hesitating…

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While Jordan Peterson decimates the woke movement with words, absolutely thrashing it in a National Post op-ed, the Florida Senate is stepping in to wreck it yet further, in Florida, at least, by keeping it out of schools. According to its summary, “[t]he bill specifies that subjecting any individual, as a condition of employment, membership, certification, licensing, credentialing, or passing an examination, to training, instruction, or any other required activity that espouses, promotes, advances, inculcates, or compels such individual to believe certain specified divisive concepts constitutes unlawful discrimination.” Additionally, the summary states that “The bill defines individual freedoms based on…

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Jordan Peterson might be best known as a cultural commentator, but he’s also a long-time professor that has taught psychology at the University of Toronto for years. Now, however, that’s all over; furious at what he called the “appalling wokeism” of the school, he resigned and walked away from his year’s-long employer, likely for good. But he didn’t just walk away in silent resignation, as many have done when their employers go woke. Rather, he wrote an op-ed in the National Post in which he lambasted to the school’s wokeness and explained his reason for leaving. To begin, Peterson explained…

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While businesses continue to work hand in hand with the vaxx pushers to make employees take the Fauci ouchie in some form or another, many Americans are angry that their employer can give them a “take a jab or be fired” ultimatum. They’re not alone; people are also furious that businesses are trying to mandate the vaccine for their customers and stand against that too. That’s according to a poll conducted by The Economist and YouGov found that 50% of Americans opposed business vaccine mandates, with only 38% of Americans, on average, believing that businesses should be able to mandate…

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Former President Donald Trump recently released a book about his presidency called Our Journey Together. Much-hyped and full of amazing photos of the former president and his many accomplishments, it’s already sold 200,000 copies, though the number sold has been limited by supply chain issues, with Breitbart reporting that “Democrat President Joe Biden’s supply chain shortages are preventing publishers from printing the books fast enough.” Still, Trump is working to hype up the book yet further. To do so, he recently hosted a press call with numerous conservative media outlets including Breitbart, which helpfully provided a transcript of some of the…

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Nasty Nancy isn’t just a career Democrat politician that’s now in a tight spot because Brandon the Bumbler could knock down the house of cards that she has delicately constructed over the past few years. No, the Wicked Witch of the West is also a renowned real estate and equities investor, owning tons of valuable buildings and making stock trades so good that they’d make Warren Buffett blush. Of course, the implication is that she uses her political knowledge to time those trades, as we saw with her making a mint off Tesla stock, which was bought shortly before the…

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America’s companies seem fully intent on selling wokeness rather than products. Whether it’s changing their corporate image to a rainbow version on social media (except on the Middle East-focused accounts), hiring based on “diversity” rather than merit, or pushing any other form of leftism via what decor is chosen, what messages are promulgated on corporate America, and what causes (like BLM) are donated too, corporations are pushing leftism in any way they can. That’s a major problem for them, because a recent poll showed that Americans would much rather their corporations sell products rather than wokeness. That poll, conducted by…

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Though Brandon might have claimed that 89% of store shelves in the US were full during his disaster of a presser, America’s businessmen are having to deal with reality rather than words and the reality is that their shelves are not full. One such person is Giant Food president Ira Kress, who sent out what was surely a humiliating email to the store’s shoppers, explaining that supply chain issues were making it near-impossible for the store to fully restock its shelves. Explaining the issue to customers, he said “As our entire region manages through yet another very challenging period caused…

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Democrats are dropping out of their 2022 races before those races even begin, claiming this or that as their noble reason why. However, we all know the real reason isn’t “family” or “health” or whatever else they might claim, at least in many of the cases. No, it’s disgust with how poorly the year has gone under Brandon and, in many cases, a complete unwillingness to try to face what’s sure to be a Red Tsunami that washes over the Swamp in 2022. While the total as of yesterday was 27, along with the widely rumored but not yet announced…

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One of the more disappointing aspects of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial was that the judge, James Comey’s daughter, kept the names in Ghislaine’s “little black book” secret. As TIME reported on the book around the time of the trial: Most of the contents of Government Exhibit 52 has been redacted from court filings. But in a Nov. 12 filing, federal prosecutors contended that the book contains “compelling evidence” of Maxwell’s guilt. The filing alleges that the book includes “dozens of pages of contacts, including family and friends of the defendant.” Furthermore, the government alleges the book would show Maxwell “kept…

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Hot off the heels of his attack on Brandon’s voting bills, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin is at it again, this time defending the filibuster and attacking those that are trying to nuke it. He did so while speaking to reporters on Tuesday night, saying “I just don’t know how you break a rule to make a rule.” That comment came as part of a discussion when a reporter asked if he would support imposing a “talking filibuster,” an idea raised by Chuck Schumer recently. Specifically, Schumer said “If the Senate cannot protect the right to vote which is the…

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We’ve all seen the horrid videos out of California, where masses of drug-addicted hobos camp on the streets, shooting up drugs and relieving themselves in full view of all around. While the Golden State was once known for its beauty, now it’s known for the throngs of homeless that shoot up heroin on the sidewalk. Unfortunately, the problem isn’t confined to California, though it might be at its worst in some of California’s coastal cities. No, DC is now full of homeless encampments, dark places where drug-addicted menaces prowl what used to be gorgeous parks and streets. Similarly, Denver, New…

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Brandon, in his speech in Atlanta about “voting rights,” compared everyone who doesn’t support his radical agenda to segregationists and Confederates, saying: “So I ask every elected official in America, how do you want to be remembered? Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?”  As could be expected, that speech wasn’t taken kindly by those who don’t want to radically change how America handles elections…

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Brandon and his oatmeal-fueled brain cells are furious at Sen. Manchin for not supporting a radical “voting rights” bill, so the far-left has attacked and slandered Manchin recently, saying he “doesn’t care about” blacks and comparing him to segregationists. Manchin, however, isn’t backing down in the face of such vicious criticism. Rather, he’s digging in his heels and fighting back against Team Brandon and the rest of the radical left. Most recently, that became obvious when Manchin spoke to reporters and said that  Americans already “have the right to vote” and that though people pretend “like we’re going to obstruct…

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That 14-point swing from the Democrats to the GOP over the past year is having major, major results in polling before the 2022 election. Now, thanks largely to Brandon’s utter incompetence, the American public is looking like it will vote overwhelmingly in favor of the GOP come November of this year; though the leftists might want to pretend otherwise, it’s looking like a major red wave is inbound. That’s because Rasmussen Reports just polled 2,500 likely American voters and found, with what it says was only a two-point margin of error, that the GOP is up a massive nine points on a…

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CNN randomly decided to add yet more credence that it’s the “communist new network” on Tuesday when it posted an article implying that it might be time for the government to control gas and food prices, instituting price controls because people are paying “too much” for those products. The crazy article begins by presenting inflation as a problem, which is certainly correct, but then also implies that price controls, a “tool” of socialist and communist governments, might be the solution, which is beyond wrong. People are paying a lot more for food, gas, cars and services, and inflation isn’t over…

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Sen. Marshall, the brave Republican from Kansas that’s shone like a star recently in his attempts to direct a spotlight on Fauci’s finances, finances that include investments in Red Chinese companies, is refusing to pull any punches as his narrative proves itself correct and Fauci’s conflicting narrative proves itself unsurprisingly incorrect. Speaking on Hannity, Sen. Marshall went after the weasel-like and highly paid bureaucrat, saying: “Yeah, Sean, I think we’re over the target. You know, based upon Dr. Fauci’s defensive posture and just visibly shaking during that. This weekend, we were able to prove that Dr. Fauci was wrong, that…

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Speaking to CNN, Olympian Michael Phelps refused to make a definitive statement one way or another on the issue of biological men competing in women’s sports, saying that the issue is “complicated” and that the Olympics must ensure that whatever rules they do decide on create a “level playing field.” During the interview, Phelps was asked about the issue presented by Lia Thomas, the transgender swimmer at U Penn that dominated women’s swimming this season until defeated by another transgender swimmer. When asked about that situation by CNN host Christiane Amanpour, Phelps said “I can talk from the standpoint of…

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While many pro-athletes, especially in the NBA and NFL, at least present themselves as radical leftists, some are patriots. One such patriotic NBA player is Enes Kanter Freedom, a man so excited when he earned his US citizenship that he changed his last name from “Kanter” to “Freedom.” He, while others in his sport and on his team have remained silent about the genocide against the Uighurs going on in China, a major market for the NBA, or even defended the reprehensible actions of that communist state, has spoken out and verbally attacked the new evil empire. And that includes…

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Brandon, in all the genius allowed him by his two or three functional brain cells, decided that the best way to protect Americans from the ravages of illegal immigration is to…bus and fly illegal immigrants from the border to various other spots around the nation. Apparently, the Western Roman Empire wouldn’t have fallen had the Ostrogoths and Visigoths been welcomed in and shipped to every important part of the empire, the more the better! Who would have known without Brandon’s brilliance to guide and protect us? I’m sure the catch and bus policy will work tremendously at keeping Americans safe,…

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News recently came out that the cloth masks many are forced to wear when walking inside a restaurant, sitting on a plane, or in many other public areas, are not particularly useful if used for protection against Covid-19. Not all masks, mind you, the NYT says the N95 masks are more effective, just the cloth ones that have become ubiquitous. Curiously (or not), the New York Times, a regime media outlet if there ever was one, was, unlike other outlets and individuals that have been reporting on the general ineffectiveness of cloth masks for up to two years now, wasn’t…

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Think that voting over who controls the republic or states within the republic is supposed to be an action that only citizens of those states or this republic can participate in? Well, think again, because radical leftists across the union are trying to create a situation where anyone can vote. Yes, anyone. The biggest headline about that came from New York City, which recently voted to let about 900,000 non-citizens vote. As the Washington Times reported about a month ago, when that repugnant idea was being considered: The measure would allow noncitizens who have been lawful permanent residents of the…

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