Author: will

Now that Ghislaine Maxwell has been found guilty and an American judge has opened the door to Virginia Giuffre’s suit against Epstein associate Prince Andrew, her lawyers are pressing him even harder, now demanding that he show evidence of his inability to sweat. You see, Guiffre, in her allegations against Prince Andrew, claimed that she distinctly remembered him sweating profusely while at a nightclub with her in 2001, an event that occurred before one of the three times that he allegedly raped her. Prince Andrew, however, has claimed that Guiffre is lying, and that his inability to sweat proves it.…

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Rep. Cammack, a staunch conservative from Florida who has previously ripped Biden for his weakness toward China, struck out at Team Brandon again, this time for his negligence in dealing with the trafficking threat posed by the drug cartels. Those comments about the utter disaster his policies have caused at the southern border came during an appearance Rep. Cammack made on Fox News Channel’s “Fox News Live” program, during which she said: “This is the ‘Where’s Waldo?’ administration. No one can be found. No one wants to take responsibility. You have a border czar in VP Harris, who has done…

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On January 3rd, 2020, President Trump exacted revenge for the many American and Iraqi soldiers and civilians killed by Iran’s notorious Quds Force when he killed Iranian General Soleimani via drone. While the targeting killing of the thuggish IRGC commander was much cheered by those in American and around the world that remember Iran’s depredations in the region, many Iraqis were less pleased by it, tied as they are (through organizations like the Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Forces, or PMFs/PMUs) and harbor resentment about it to this day. They’re now protesting us and threatening to burn down the American embassy in…

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Never a nation to bow to civilized horror at certain ways of waging war or controlling a populace, Red China is pushing its transhuman research one step further: now it’s engaging in neuroscience research meant to help it develop “brain control” weaponry. As the Epoch Times, which reported in-depth on the CCP’s research into this transhuman weapon of a dark future, said: Once believed to only exist in science-fiction movies, the weaponization of the brain has been discussed by Chinese military officials for years. And Beijing is spending billions each year on neuroscience that could draw these scenarios ever closer to reality.…

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When discussing the fact that he’ll likely have to cancel his shows in Canada due to it’s jab mandate, Rogan doubled down on his claims he won’t get vaccinated, insisting it makes no sense for him because he already has antibodies. Speaking about Canada’s jab rules and his unvaccinated status, Rogan said he doubts he “can even get into the country. I’m not vaccinated, I’m not going to get vaccinated, I have antibodies, it doesn’t make any sense.” Further complaining about jab mandates, Rogan said: “I don’t think I can go. Even if I do go, I don’t trust that…

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A commonly heard refrain is that the US has an “over-incarceration” problem. Focusing on the raw number of people imprisoned, critics of the criminal justice system claim that far too many people are locked up for too long, many of them for relatively minor offenses, and that they need to be set free. Even President Trump bought into that, signing a bill called the “First Step Act,” derided by many on the right as the “jailbreak bill.” However, some Republicans are growing more willing to push back on the over-incarceration narrative, noting that, in reality, the US probably locks up…

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The CIA isn’t just involved in faking Russian collusion stories about Donald Trump, it’s also involved in many, many more devious projects overseas. One such horrid project recently came to light; the CIA, supposedly to reveal psychopathic traits and research schizophrenia, tortured 311 Danish orphans. The Free Thought Project, reporting on that, has this to say: According to a new documentary out of Denmark, which interviewed former victims, the Central Intelligence Agency secretly carried out experiments on 311 orphaned children. The experiments were meant to reveal psychopathic traits and map out the link between schizophrenia and heredity. According to the…

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Jake Tapper’s producer recently appeared in court over allegations that he engaged in “sex crimes involving children.” That producer’s sick proclivities was outed by Project Veritas, which released audio and text evidence of him fantasizing about having sex with the underage daughter of his fiancee. Despite the horrific nature of his alleged crimes and the media uproar those crimes have raised, Jake Tapper has remained silent; the CNN star whose producer is apparently a pedo has released no formal statement about the situation. While that’s concerning, it’s apparently not out of the ordinary for those involved in this salacious, horrific…

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Fauci appeared on ABC Sunday and ended up discussing the topic of applying vaccine mandates to air travel. While discussing that, Fauci had this to say: “A vaccine requirement for a person getting on the plane is just another level of getting people to have a mechanism that would spur them to get vaccinated.” Watch him here: “Anything that could get people more vaccinated would be welcome,” Dr. Anthony Fauci says when asked by @jonkarl about potential vaccine requirements for domestic air travel. — This Week (@ThisWeekABC) December 26, 2021 That’s right, the jab mandates aren’t about “the…

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One of the prime reasons conservatives are searching for conservative alternatives to PayPal and other banks is that banks have taken a note from social media companies and have started deplatforming conservatives and others that don’t align with their woke values. They and their fellow tyrants at the credit card companies will stop conservatives from using their credit cards, prevent conservatives from owning or opening a bank account, and otherwise do their best to keep conservatives out of the economy. Now, apparently, that includes denying mortgage applications on the basis of political leanings. Listen here to audio from Rebel News,…

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China’s genocidal dictator, Xi Jinping, apparently has some wisdom he wants to impart on the world, and it’s not about a subject you’d expect; it’s human rights. That’s right, the genocidal dictator, the worst human rights violator in the world by a large margin according to the State Department, is writing a book that contains his “discourses on protecting and respecting human rights,” according to Chinese state media. The China Daily, regime media for the CCP, reported that: A book with extracts from President Xi Jinping’s discourses on respecting and protecting human rights demonstrates how China conducts its people-centered approach…

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While Joe Biden takes the path of France in 1940 and surrenders, the German government is taking the same path it did in those dark days and is traveling farther down the dark path of tyranny. However, while the German government might want to further embrace tyranny, placing restrictions even on vaccinated people, the German people are having none of it. Rather, they’re standing up for what is right and demanding an end to the absurd Covid restrictions, restrictions that have not only reestablished tyranny but also pushed tens of millions back into grinding poverty. In fact, as the Epoch…

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According to the World Bank, the worldwide Covid response, much of which consisted of lockdowns and other economy-killing activities, pushed nearly 100 million people back into poverty. In a blog post, which updated its original estimates on the deleterious effects the Covid response might have, the World Bank had this to say: [B]ecause the pace of reduction [in poverty] is similar to what we expected before the pandemic spread, the recovery taking place will not be sufficient to close the gap the pandemic is estimated to have caused in 2020. Globally, the increase in poverty that occurred in 2020 due…

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Democrat judges in Harris County, Texas (the Houston area), have repeatedly placed violent criminals on bond, letting them roam free for a trifle despite being likely to cause severe social harm. And to be clear, these aren’t people that bumped into someone at a bar or got in a minor fistfight; the Democrat judges let at least 113 people charged with capital murder out on bond, letting them back on the streets despite being accused of murder. Capital murder is the worst crime one can be charged with, carrying with a sentence of either death or life in prison. These…

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Well, now we’ve seen it all; a pedophile transgender arrived for his (her?) court appearance wearing an elf costume. Oh and he (she?) believes he’s a 5-year-old. As Breitbart reports: Janiel Verainer, 60, of High Street, Chatham, arrived at Maidstone Crown Court court in a green and red outfit with a festive cardigan and an elf-styled Christmas hat and bells.  The Daily Mail adds that: Verainer also sucked her thumb during the hearing and was allowed to sit in the public gallery, rather than the traditional dock.  A lot to pack in here. A thumb-sucking paedophile who claims to identify…

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The War on Christmas continues unabated around the world, with that having a much deadlier meaning in other nations than it does in the US. In those nations afflicted with the plague of Islamist terrorism, the threat of harm for daring to worship Christ is a real issue. The Congo saw a suicide bombing with 8 killed on Christmas day. Violence against Coptic Christians is a recurrent problem in Egypt. And now, the “religion of peace” is a threat to Christians in France, where parishioners had to be protected by the police when leaving Christmas Mass. Watch that here: French…

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It’s not just the prices of goods that constantly fluctuate in price, such as beef and gas, that are rising under the Biden regime. While those might be some of the most pronounced, as they’re seen by Americans around the nation trying to fill their tanks or feed their kids, even the prices of some goods known for being a certain price are being inexorably pushed up by Bidenflation. Dollar Tree, for example, recently announced that it had to hike its prices, with most goods now costing $1.25. Similarly, even the New York Times is reporting that $1 slices of…

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Republicans have finally rediscovered their spines and are standing up to the cities and states that gleefully encourage a departure from American norms. In fact, Rubio, usually not a conservative stalwart, and others released a bill that would act to reign in those jurisdictions that are letting non-citizens vote. The others supporting the bill include senators more known for their conservative attitudes, including Steve Daines of Montana, Thom Tillis of North Carolina, John Kennedy, of Louisiana, Rick Scott of Florida and James Lankford, R-Oklahoma. Announcing the bill, called the Protecting Our Democracy by Preventing Foreign Citizens from Voting Act, Rubio…

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Those chanting “defund the police” might as well be chanting “death to the police,” because cops didn’t just lose their funding this year, they also got killed in record numbers. That’s according to the National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Fund, which reported that 2021 was the deadliest year on record for American cops, many more of whom were killed in the line of duty this year than in previous years on record. And how many deaths is that? Well, as Just the News reports: In 2021, estimates range from 358 to 477 officers killed in the line of duty. Both numbers are still significantly…

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Ted Cruz, though he hinted that he might run in 2024, has mainly stayed out of the news recently. His Senate colleagues, especially Senators Kennedy and Paul, have been seen in the news and on Twitter, decimating Brandon’s radical nominees and tearing Dr. Fauci to bits. But, as Fox reports, though Cruz might not have been as visible as some others, he’s been working diligently to put Brandon’s appointees on the defense whenever they’re brought before the Senate. For example, back in March, Sen. Cruz voted against Kristen Clarke’s confirmation to serve as assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights…

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Jim Jordan, appearing on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures” program, had some harsh words for the Brandon Administration, which he said has “done everything wrong. Beginning his remarks, he warned that “Elizabeth Warren seems to be hinting at price controls.” And what does that mean for the average American?  As he put it, “And we know what that will do. That will only exacerbate the problems we see out there.” That is, of course, the opposite of what the average American wants. As Jordan put it, “So, in simple words, I think the American people would like — they’d like…

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The pandemic of government waste is as bad as ever, if not worse. In fact, as Rand Paul hinted at in a hilarious, Festivus-themed Twitter post, the problem of the government’s proclivity to spend wastefully is a terrible one: A LOT of problems – you’ll hear about them tomorrow #Festivus — Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) December 22, 2021 Later, Paul released what he called the “Festivus Report,” a document that details the most egregious examples of government spending over the past year. This year’s Festivus Report details over $52 billion in wasteful spending, $52,598,515,585 to be exact. Here are…

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In a stunning rebuke, a New York court slammed the New York Times in a Friday ruling, blasting it for its tactics and for having improperly obtained and published legal documents belonging to Project Veritas. Notably, the court said: Here, the court’s protective order does not act as an impermissible prior restraint on the Times. As important as the First Amendment’s protection against prior restraints is, on the present facts, the erosion of the attorney-client privilege is a far more imminent concern. Continuing, it remarked that attorney-client privilege must remain strong for justice to be properly served, saying: “What is…

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Psaki is terrible. Just terrible. Whereas Democrats are usually pretty good at lying, she can’t even do that well. Most recently, her inability to even lie correctly was seen when she attempted to claim that Team Brandon had “saved Christmas.” Saying “Christmas gifts are arriving on time this year. Good news. We’ve saved Christmas! And that is because President Biden recognized this challenge early, acted as an honest broker to bring key stakeholders together, and focused on addressing practical problems across the global supply chain” during a press conference Wednesday. She also tweeted out an NYT article about Christmas gifts…

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President Brandon, who is now apparently so senile that he’s willing to say “let’s go Brandon” on the phone, isn’t a favorite of the Democrats anymore. While Pelosi and others might gush about him in public, it’s growing more and more obvious that the left might be looking for a way to dump him. And even if that can’t happen before 2024, a Yahoo News survey found that only a small fraction of the Democrats want Joe to run in 2024. In fact, what it found was that a shockingly low 32 percent of the Democratic Party wants Slow Joe…

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As leftists in America continue to display their “virtue” by pearl-clutching over such non-issues as ableism in Elf, real evil continues to transpire unabated around the world. In the Congo, perhaps the worst event that could be expected from the Christmas season happened, with a suicide bomber striking a popular spot in Beni and killing eight, including himself. 20 more were injured from the attack. Among the notable casualties, there was an officer in the country’s 22nd Brigade killed, along with two young girls two young boys wounded. Many more suffered serious fractures or other debilitating injuries. Police later had to…

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The criminal insanity in LA continues, this time at a Rite-Aid. There, a woman wielding a pickaxe yelled at customers and robbed the store, using the mining tool as a weapon. Watch her here: As you can watch in the video, the deranged woman drags the basket full of goods she presumably intends to steal across the floor of the establishment, wielding the pickaxe as she does so. Also, some of her comments are audible. For example, at one point she says “I’m not f*****g around,” to an employee who attempts to get her to stop as she grabs at the…

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Like the Jacobins of the French Revolution, the Jacobins of America’s woke present are quick to send anyone or anything that even slightly contradicts their narrative to the guillotine. The Jacobins of Robespierre’s day knocked the heads off not just the aristocrats, but even the statues of kings that are part of Notre Dame; the Jacobins of today come after not just people with whom they disagree, but even cultural products with which they have the slightest disagreement. Most recently, that Jacobin attitude has meant their attack on Will Ferrell’s hilarious Christmas movie, Elf. To the woke, even that heartwarming tale…

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The purge of the unvaxxed from the Armed Forces that began with the Air Force purging 27 airmen is continuing, this time in the Marine Corps. Now, the once-valiant Corps, the descendants of the fearless men that stormed Iwo Jima, waded into red-hot streams of machine-gun fire at Belleau Wood, and blew right through Saddam’s forces is so scared of the Chinese flu that it’s getting rid of everyone that won’t take the jab. And while some speculated that its “get the shot or get fired” threats weren’t genuine, it’s making it all too clear that the threat was real;…

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Can state attorneys and the courts, full of judges appointed by Trump, force Brandon to restart construction of the border wall, or at least finish it in certain places? State attorneys in Texas and Missouri think so. As Just the News reports: As Texas and Missouri attorneys general ask a federal court to require the Biden administration to immediately resume building the border wall with funds allocated by Congress, the Department of Homeland Security announced it was using the funds on environmental projects instead. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt sued the administration in October.…

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Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee might not be one of the highest-profile conservative voices out there, but he sure does know how to make brilliant points when he’s on air. Most recently, he did so on Fox and Friends, where he expounded on how every part of the Biden catastrophe, from supply chain holdups to skyrocketing Bidenflation, means that Americans are getting a lump of coal for Christmas. Watch him here: As you can hear in the video, when asked “Is President Biden possibly headed for a lump of coal on Christmas with broken promises?” he says: “Well, he certainly…

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Service-based companies are gonna hate it when Covid is finally over with and they can’t use it as an excuse for providing poor service anymore. One such industry that’s heavily relying on the “Covid” excuse is the airline industry, which canceled 2000 Christmas Eve flights, many at the last moment, then went ahead and started blaming Covid for the cancellations. And, though that’s a worldwide issue, it impacted the US quite negatively. As Just the News reported: More than 2,000 Christmas Eve flights worldwide have been cancelled at the last minute as a result of the surge in Omicron variant…

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It’s not just the Daily Beast that’s turning on President Brandon the Incompetent. At this point, he’s gotten so bad that even CNN is directing its megaphone of criticism toward him and calling him out for his many shortcomings. In fact, CNN slammed his low approval ratings on air, then compared him to Jimmy Carter: CNN just ENDED Biden on LIVE TV, calling his polling on the economy “TERRIBLE” and comparing him to *Jimmy Carter* WATCH. — Danny De Urbina (@dannydeurbina) December 23, 2021 As you can hear in the video, senior data reporter Harry Enten says: “Look at…

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While the feckless RINOs in GOP leadership push demented ideas like making the Republican Party platform pro-transgender, a few men around the world are eschewing that weak, fake conservative manner of acting and are instead standing up for those traditional values that the GOP used to defend. Surprisingly, one such man is Russian president Vladimir Putin. He, during a marathon of a year-end Q&A, an event which lasted about four hours (can you imagine Brandon taking and answering questions for 4 hours?), blasted Western “gender obscurantism.” According to TASS, Russian state media, Putin said: “I adhere to that traditional approach…

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Apparently, schools in Michigan have decided they don’t need better math programs, English programs that actually teach students to read and write, or any of the other basic aspects of education that America’s schools are sorely lacking in, as shown by our continual decline in world education rankings. Instead, teachers and administrators there think students need…wait for it…more BLM and “equity” based programming! Because the most important thing you can teach a young pupil, apparently, is to hate his or her country. The most egregious example of that trend is from Farmington Public Schools, a school district near Detroit, which…

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As Brandon’s aides get depressed just in time for Christmas, the Department of Defense is apparently trying to win the award for worst timing, announcing a cut to the living allowance it gives troops just in time for Christmas. That’s according to Stars and Stripes, the military newspaper, which reported that: Thousands of U.S. troops will lose a monthly cost-of-living stipend beginning Jan. 1 because fewer locations across the lower 48 states — including the Washington, D.C., metro area — qualified as excessively expensive living areas, according to a Pentagon announcement Wednesday. About 48,000 troops will lose the adjustment as…

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While humor, hope, and optimism defined the Trump  White House, filled as it was with pro-American politicians focused on building the best path forward for their homeland, President Brandon’s dismal White House is far more defined by doom and gloom. And it’s not just Brandon’s statement that this will be a deadly winter for the unvaccinated that’s turned Christmas cheer into a gloomy depression. In fact, according to Politico, despite it only being a year into Slow Joe’s presidency, comradery is so lacking in the White House, and the atmosphere is so depressing, that many aides are considering leaving. Commenting…

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Bette Midler made waves with her claim that all of West Virginia is “poor, illiterate, and strung out.” That claim, fired off after he refused to back the Build Back Better bill and meant as an insult against Manchin, quickly backfired on her, drawing the ire of many West Virginians. One such pissed off West Virginian is Bo Copley, a coal miner who went on Fox and Friends to voice his displeasure over Midler’s remarks. Watch him here: As you can see in the video, he first jokes about her irrelevance, saying “I think my first reaction was, ‘Bette Who?’…

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While the Chinese drill their Navy and practice launching their Air Force at Taiwan, the US remains focused on what it thinks counts: wokeness. That’s right. Rather than practicing bombing runs, developing new tactics to send Red Chinese ships to the bottom of the sea, or developing new strategies to swat their planes from the air, our Air Force is zeroing in its focus on pronouns. As of December 20th, the Air Force and Space Force will allow Airmen and Guardians to include their pronouns in the signature line of emails. Here’s what the absurd announcement said: “Official signature blocks…

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The UN has never been an organization particularly known for its effectiveness, nor for its consistency. But, though it rarely completes a mission and has such liberal luminaries as Syria on its human rights council, there are some things even the cynical wouldn’t expect it to do. One such thing is to hire the Taliban to defend its facilities. But, guess what. That’s exactly what it’s considering doing. News on that comes from Reuters, which reported: The United Nations is proposing to pay nearly $6 million for protection in Afghanistan to Taliban-run Interior Ministry personnel, whose chief is under U.N.…

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