Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

If you were a Catholic (and not so Catholic) kid growing up in the late 50’s and 60’s, there was another rock-star besides Elvis Presley dominating the pop culture landscape of the day. His name was Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, a handsome, charismatic Catholic priest (later Archbishop) who captivated both TV and radio audiences around the country with his eloquently skilled homilies of the gospel. Dressed in full priestly regalia, he would usually begin his sermons reading from scripture, pausing moments later, to explain to his viewing audience the meaning of what he had just read, with charm, wit, grace,…

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It’s officially Christmas Season. For me and my family it was the moment Halloween ended with a brief break for Thanksgiving, but for the rest of the civilized world, Black Friday is the beginning of Christmas music, hot chocolate, Christmas trees, lights of gold, red, and green.  And, of course, there are the movies with the same basic storyline about a rich workaholic falling in love with someone who reminds them not to be so busy with work but remade about six different ways from Hallmark. This is a yearly ritual. I don’t mean that they repeat the same six…

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In the twisted world of the rich and powerful, sexual predators like former film producer Harvey Weinstein and “Financier” Jeffrey Epstein were able to commit and/or coordinate heinous sexual crimes for decades, and out in the open to a degree. Alleged sex trafficker Epstein’s accusers are insisting the billionaire’s private paradise of Little St James in the US Virgin Islands was a center of an international sex trafficking ring. The New York Times obtained more than 2,000 pages of Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) records just days before Epstein’s ex-girlfriend and alleged co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell is set to start trial on November…

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The much-missed and greatest talk show host of all-time Rush Limbaugh would every year, retells “The True Story of Thanksgiving” to his millions of listeners. 2021 is the first year the U.S. celebrated Thanksgiving without Rush performing this annual tradition, but the EIB, Bo Snerdley, Rush’s producer for 30 years who now hosts a daily podcast covering Rush’s career, and countless numbers of Americans across the nation, brought the True story to Thanksgiving to his fans again. The 99.8 percent always right conservative radio host, delivered his last Thanksgiving rendition on November 24, 2020 — roughly three months prior to…

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Under former President Donald J. Trump, nations who were opposed to the USA, including Communists like China, understood they were not considered friends nor trusted allies. After Mr. Trump met with and reset their nation’s relationship, North Korea’s Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un, threats against the U.S. dropped to propaganda pieces inside their sealed-up borders. Even prior to Joe Biden becoming the 46th President of the United States, the Biden crime syndicate had a history of doing business with the CPP. Since taking office, President Biden has relaxed some Trump restrictions while continuing his decades-old insistence that China is not our…

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Happy post-Thanksgiving America. U.S. stock markets opened sharply lower Friday morning as investors reacted with the fears of a new Covid variant found in South Africa but now spreading to Asia and Europe. After the opening bell, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by as much as 1000 points, or around 2.8 percent, Why the panic? A new Botswana variant has been discovered in Southern Africa. This virus has 32 ‘horrific’ mutations is the most evolved Covid strain EVER and could be ‘worse than Delta’ — as expert says it may have emerged in an HIV patient British experts have…

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Forrest Gump’s mother (played by actress Sally Field) was absolutely correct when she told her son “Stupid is as stupid does.” It doesn’t really mean anything, other than the fact that some people will never learn (and that you really can’t fix stupid). During a segment on CBS, a guest contributor said families should consider taking rapid Covid tests in their garages before Thanksgiving dinner. Yes, for real. This isn’t a joke. This, right here, is how far gone these people are now. They are completely off the rails! From Fox News: A CBS guest suggested in a Thanksgiving segment…

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Liberals will always find a way to defend criminals. It’s what they do. They prefer to side with the bad guys, simply because they feel all cops are out to get minorities or all whites are bad or America is and always will be racist, yada yada. But how do you continue pushing for gun control when innocent folks are, by and large, the ones being slaughtered by career criminals with guns? It is pure insanity. From The Daily Wire: The Democratic mayor of Philadelphia blamed Republicans in the Pennsylvania State Legislature for the epidemic of violence as the city…

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They are the least-liked president and vice president in American history and haven’t even held office for one full year. People might think that things can only get better for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, but how is that possible if they stay the course with asinine policies that hurt U.S. citizens on a daily basis? Simply put, Joe and Kamala are completely off the reservation – just as everybody knew they would be (whether some folks are willing to admit it or not). Here’s the latest on the tension between the commander-in-chief and the woman a heartbeat away from…

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NFL superstar J.J. Watt has done a lot for the communities in which he has played football over the years. For example, after a hurricane wrecked the south a few years ago, the future hall of famer raised something like six figures toward relief. Now, Watt is set to pay for the funerals of those murdered by the career criminal who plowed into a Christmas parade crowd in Wisconsin – where J.J. grew up and later played college ball. Classy move. From New York Post: The Arizona Cardinals defensive end, a Waukesha native who graduated from Peewauken High School and…

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Former President Trump on Wednesday granted a waiver on the attorney-client privilege clause to his long time friend, former New York Police commissioner, Bernard Kerik. It opened the door for the outspoken 66 year old, Newark, New Jersey native to testify before the Democratically controlled congressional committee investigating the January 6th Capitol riots. Trump’s magnanimous gesture, however, had a not so subtle hidden agenda. Allowing New York’s 40th Police Commissioner an opportunity to actually testify, not on the January 6th Capitol riots, but on the numerous irregularities concerning the 2020 Presidential Election. The former president had previously admonished the committee’s…

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It appears there may be quite a few empty shelves during this upcoming holiday season, thanks in part to “smash-and-grab” looters descending once again over the weekend on upscale department stores in San Francisco. Governor Newsom responding to the steady stream of flash-mob looting targeting high-end stores in the Bay area of San Francisco called on mayors within the state to “step-up” and hold shoplifters accountable. Newsom, who is actually part of the problem, attempted to divert attention away from his own dismal record towards local officials, stating during a visit on Monday at a vaccine clinic in the Mission…

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What was founded in 1865 in London, England, as both a protestant Christian church and an international charitable organization, the Salvation Army has now embraced Critical Race Theory. Its first “red kettle” was set up in Oakland, California in 1891 and since then millions of people have dropped coins and bills into their kettles while a smiling person repeating ” Merry Christmas” rings a handheld bell perpetually. Unfortunately, this Christian organization, like many others who have drifted away from the sole purpose of advancing the Gospel, is now embracing racist ideology peddled by anti-white activists including Ibram Kendi. The organization…

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Just today, November 24th, 2021 twelve jurors in Georgia found Gregory and Travis McMichael and Roddie Bryan guilty of the various nine total charges each for the event that ended in the death of Ahmaud Arbery. “Jurors found Travis McMichael guilty of malice murder, four counts of felony murder, two counts of aggravated assault, false imprisonment and criminal attempt to commit a felony. “The jury also found Greg McMichael guilty of four counts of felony murder, two counts of aggravated assault, false imprisonment and criminal attempt to commit a felony. Jurors found him not guilty on charges of malice murder. “Finally, the…

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As a former Catholic, now a Protestant, I can remember my years in their parochial schools learning basic Catholic church doctrines. I can assure the world, that the idea of replacing Jesus Christ with a man, in this case, George Floyd, who police arrested a Total of 9 Times, mostly on Drug and theft charges, would be considered abhorrent, rejected, to say the least. Floyd, a black man who was arrested for attempting to use a counterfeit bill to buy cigarettes, died on May 25, 2020. His death was attributed to being intoxicated with fentanyl and having recently used methamphetamines…

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Wow, can you say thanks but no thanks, this Thanksgiving? Far-left activists, posing as television journalists, are making fools of themselves on Thanksgiving Eve. In their struggle to not be turkey scrooges, they are giving terrible advice about how to handle COVID issues and how to cover the extra costs from the inflation caused by Biden’s policies. How To Handle COVID-19  Starting with CBS, a Psychologist, Lisa Tamour, actually shared how Thanksgiving hosts could make the tricky COVID situation “fun” on “CBS Mornings.” She actually suggested in a Thanksgiving segment Wednesday that Americans should consider having appetizers in the garage until…

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Wow, can you say thanks but no thanks, this Thanksgiving? Far-left activists, posing as television journalists, are making fools of themselves on Thanksgiving Eve. In their struggle to not be turkey scrooges, they are giving terrible advice about how to handle COVID issues and how to cover the extra costs from the inflation caused by Biden’s policies. How To Handle COVID-19  Starting with CBS, a Psychologist, Lisa Tamour, actually shared how Thanksgiving hosts could make the tricky COVID situation “fun” on “CBS Mornings.” She actually suggested in a Thanksgiving segment Wednesday that Americans should consider having appetizers in the garage until…

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Perhaps the most profound analysis within the Kyle Rittenhouse case came from the 18-year old defendant himself during his first in-depth interview with Fox’s own, Tucker Carlson. Rittenhouse lamented how different it would have been if the exact same circumstances had existed on that infamous August night, if he was black. The media would have no doubt treated him differently, and he most likely would not have been prosecuted by an overzealous district attorney attempting to railroad him. Ironically, according to Fox’s own, Tucker Carlson, the same set-of-circumstances currently exists behind the Waukesha Massacre, and the mainstream media’s reluctance to…

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This should come as no surprise. When businesses are forced to pay higher wages (or if their costs go up in any way) they will then have to pass that cost on to customers. Simple economics 101. Despite this extremely basic fact, Democrats continue to remain oblivious. And this sort of thing is only the beginning if liberals remain in power. Not good! From Breitbart: President Joe Biden’s 30 year-high inflation has caused Dollar Tree to raise prices by 25 percent on the majority of its products, the company announced Tuesday. After 35 years of offering consumers, often “low-income consumers,”…

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Bill de Blasio is a bad man – and certainly not in a good way. The soon-to-be former mayor of New York City is, and always has been, an absolute menace, hellbent on destroying NYC. It is good for the city that de Blasio is on his way out, but it’s not exactly fantastic that Eric Adams is on his way in. Anyways, here’s the latest on Bill’s devilish ways. From New York Times: New York City lawmakers are poised to allow more than 800,000 New Yorkers who are green card holders or have the legal right to work in…

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. And right now, liberal politicians nationwide are taking home all of the prizes due to their absolutely ridiculous policies. How is it that some people are still so blind? Is it that hard to see how the leftist way of governing does not work? What a shame, man! From The Hill: A Long Island emergency room on Monday announced its temporary closure due to a reported nursing shortage. According to a local Fox News affiliate station, Mount Sinai’s Long Beach Emergency Department made the announcement stating that many of its healthcare workers who were…

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The new definition of “insanity” needs to be changed to: anything liberal politicians say. Because who are we kidding? These lefties are completely out of control! Also, how will mask mandates inside private homes be enforced? Was that even a consideration? Highly doubtful. From The Daily Caller: Santa Cruz County, California, is imposing an indoor mask mandate beginning Sunday night which requires residents to wear masks in private settings, including homes, regardless of vaccination status. The mandate applies to gatherings of those who live in a different homes but meet together in one location, and it was imposed in light…

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Most of us have our own unique stories in how we’ve dealt with COVID-19 for the past 15 months. From wearing face masks, to keeping a “safe distance” away from others, to perhaps working from home for the first time. Still, others have experienced personal tragedies from this worldwide pandemic, striking loved ones and those individuals with compromised immunities, especially the elderly, the most vulnerable group within our society. Bettina Lerman, 69, was one of those elderly individuals stricken with the deadly disease which has claimed tens of thousands of lives around the globe, mostly within that senior population. The…

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CNN host, Dana Bash, learned a valuable lesson over the weekend when she apparently attempted to blindside Virginia Lieutenant Governor-elect Winsome Sears. The no-nonsense businesswoman and former United States Marine Corps veteran, was pressured by Bash to reveal whether she was fully vaccinated or not. “During the campaign you encouraged people to get vaccinated but you are not saying whether you are vaccinated. Do you want to say now?” Bash asked. The 57-year old, Jamaican born, former Virginia House of Delegates Republican didn’t flinch. “As I said, America, if it’s about nothing else, it’s about liberty, it’s about being able…

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When the California Riverside School for the Deaf varsity football team began the season, they assumed they would suffer another humiliating defeat. After all, for seven straight seasons the Cubs hadn’t come close to a winning one season.  In fact, rival teams were guaranteed an easy victory every time they played the hapless team. Furthermore, they were resigned to being permanent underdogs suffering embarrassment, scorn and contempt, even from their home fans who had simply given up on them. Moreover, they had given up on themselves, believing their collective handicap of being deaf had permanently sealed their fate as a…

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During the past few 18 months of COVID-19 lockdowns, progressive politicians have abused the emergency powers designed to protect their citizenry. Instead of looking out for the welfare of their citizens, they have used their extra authority to control the population, and at times arrogantly lived in violation of their own edicts. Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order on Nov. 15 extending the COVID-19 emergency rules he initially put into place in March of 2020. The rules are now scheduled to expire in March of 2022. Just a week after extending California’s COVID-19 state of emergency, Newsom left…

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Sunday in Waukesha, WI, the city was hosting a Christmas parade with parade-goers and participants having a great time celebrating the holiday season. Unfortunately for them, a domestic dispute involving a serial felon, Darrell Brooks Jr, 39, who was released on bail just 2 days prior, was ending with him fleeing, getting into his Red SUV. One neighbor claims his ex-girlfriend was seen ‘running away with no shoes and a black eye’. After fleeing the scene, Brooks, who has since been charged with five counts of murder, plowed into the parade-goers, leaving behind what responding police officers said left a…

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**Graphic Images Warning** From the very beginning the tragedy that occurred in Waukesha, Wisconsin has been rife with questions. Number one, of course, is why did 39-year-old Darrell Brooks kill and maim those innocent people with his vehicle? What sort of excuse could the BLM activist possibly have for injuring and killing so many people who were trying to celebrate Christmas? On November 21st, 2021, the city of Waukesha, Wisconsin held a Christmas parade in which hundreds of people gathered to watch or participate. And then a red SUV flies down the route and plows into the masses, killing five…

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The carnage that took place over the weekend by a career criminal, who willfully plowed his SUV into a crowd of people celebrating the upcoming Christmas season, killing 5 innocent people and injuring over 40, (several in critical condition), should never have been free, walking the streets of Waukesha, let alone behind the wheel of a vehicle. Darrell Brooks, 39, has a rap sheet dating back to 1999, yet “progressive reformer” Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm, decided to free Brooks.  Brooks was accused of running over his estranged girlfriend last month and was out on bond a mere 48…

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After three years of former President Trump’s energy policies, the United States Of America was energy independent and an exporter of oil and natural gas. The price of raw crude had plummeted prior to a small rebound leading some operators to stop drilling as they were losing money per barrel. The was so much stored that oil companies at one point sold the oil at a loss because the cost of storing it was unsustainable. With oil below zero, Trump to create Strategic Petroleum Reserve historic buying opportunity After a year in office, the Biden energy plan has flipped all…

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During an exclusive interview released on Monday night with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Kyle Rittenhouse opened up about a variety of topics after he was found not guilty last week. At one point during the interview, Carlson asked Rittenhouse if he felt that the government will protect him from threats against his life due to the fallout from the trial. “Are you confident that the government will protect you from these threats?” Carlson asked. Rittenhouse replied, “I hope so, but we all know how the FBI works.” WATCH: Tucker: “Are you confident that the government will protect you from…

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These leftists will not stop until the entirety of American history is erased. All of it. And they will leave no stone unturned. Nothing is safe. Nothing. Not even a statue that has remained in the same spot for the past eight decades. From The Daily Wire: A statue of President Theodore Roosevelt will be relocated from the front of the American Museum of Natural History, where it has stood for more than 80 years. The Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Foundation announced in a press release Friday that the statue of the President, Naturalist, and Founder of the National Park…

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Like any Democrat in power, Joe Biden has people on his team who wake up thinking of new lies to tell the American people in an attempt to cover for bogus policy issues. It seems as though Biden, quite literally, has no clue what he’s doing as president. He literally does not know what is going on. Good going, lefties. Big win here. From Right Scoop: Last night Trump was on with Mark Levin to discuss his new book and took a few minutes to discuss the Afghan withdrawal, calling it the most embarrassing moment in US History and explaining…

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President Joe Biden has been lying throughout his nearly 50 years in political office. Most recently, “Joe told a New Hampshire crowd of “having had a house burn down with my wife in it — she got out safely, God willing.” In fact, the Associated Press reports, it was a minor kitchen fire, with no damage visible from the outside. Biden claims he was offered a job by an Idaho lumber company; they have no record. He claims he “used to drive” an 18-wheeler — it didn’t happen.” So when President Biden’s Democratic party tells America that their Build Back…

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As crime is skyrocketing across the U.S., pro-criminal activists have a friend in the White House. President Biden’s administration is working on ideas to keep dangerous individuals on our streets, leading to more crimes, all in the name of racial justice. Their call to end cash bail comes at a time when FBI data show an unprecedented rise in violent crime “We are also committed to increasing federal oversight and accountability for police departments and prosecutors’ offices to address systemic misconduct, including gender bias and sexual misconduct,” reads part of a 42-page White House report entitled the National Strategy on Gender Equity…

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How is this possible in America 2021? According to court documents, a 39-year-old with a long rap sheet, including violent crimes, was recently released from jail and has been was charged for the ‘mass casualty incident’ that took place Sunday in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Darrell Edward Brooks Jr. has been arrested as a suspect after his red Ford Escape plowed into a holiday parade. So far, five have been confirmed dead, more than 40 injured. One question on everyone’s mind is why this violent felon was even out of jail. Brooks is a career criminal with multiple priors and was released from…

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Young Kyle Rittenhouse stood quivering as each of the 5-counts was read aloud, and with each “NOT GUILTY” verdict, the teenager’s body shook uncontrollably, until the final 5th count of “NOT GUILTY” was announced, Rittenhouse crumbled to the ground in an emotional heap, struggling to breathe. Regaining his balance he slumped into his chair weeping, still struggling to breathe, as an attendant handed him a bottle of water. Regaining his composure momentarily, he hugged his attorney until he, once again, broke down in tears, the verdict perhaps not fully registering in his brain. It was an emotional and riveting moment…

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Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib appears to think it is a good think that pedophiles, human traffickers and other dangerous criminals will be let out of prison under her new prison reform bill. “The BEATHE Act proposes emptying federal detention facilities within ten years,” Axios’ Jonathan Swan said to Tlaib in an interview. “To what extent have you wrestled with any potential downsides of releasing into society every single person who’s currently in a federal prison?” Tlaib started out by blabbering utter nonsense, stating that people think radical-left politicians want to “release everybody” which led Swan to strike back, stating that…

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Since Cain killed Abel, the world has experienced hate and violence in varying degrees. Racism, a characteristic of those who hate others because of their immutable attributes, has now moved from the local neighborhoods, up to and including some in Biden’s White House administration. Hundreds of millions of humans have been killed by communism, world wars, slavery, and more recently gun violence in urban areas and violence committed by domestic terrorists including BLM and ANTIFA. The fake news network, CNN, just followed up on the Kyle Rittenhouse “not guilty” verdict by leading with an op-ed from John Blake proclaiming there is…

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Jimmy Hoffa, born James Riddle Hoffa in 1913, was once the most famous man in the country. He started off as a Teamster  who had some business dealings with several organized crime leaders back in the 1930’s. Eventually he was arrested and imprisoned for a number of crimes including jury tampering, attempted bribery and fraud. This didn’t change his status as something of a hero for helping to unionize the bulk of the working class at that time. Hoffa’s prison sentence of 13 years began in 1967 and had he stayed in prison, he might still be alive today. However,…

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