Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

‘Let’s Go Brandon!’ is triggering libs at an increasing rate. The naughty euphemism initially caught fire after a ‘journalist’ attempted to hide the fact NASCAR fans were yelling ‘F*** Joe Biden’ when Brandon Brown won his race at Talladega. Now that the phrase has caught on nationwide, it’s become a force of nature. And radical leftists, who appear to have been born without a sense of humor, are not pleased. So, a House Republican obviously fed up with Speaker Pelosi’s nonsensical floor mask mandate decided to add a little color to Monday’s proceedings by wearing a ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ mask.…

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When it’s all said and done, Kamala Harris will not be remembered favorably. “First female vice president” or not, this is a woman who slept her way to the top. Literally. If you don’t know the story, go check out former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown’s thoughts on the issue. Not only has Harris accomplished nothing aside from failing her way to the top, but she has to be one of the least-liked politicians in American history. Her witch’s cackle can’t help matters much, either. Rather than focusing on real problems that affect every single citizen of the United States…

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If the vast majority of liberals one day woke up and decided to be good people, then the United States wouldn’t be facing a single internal issue. But the problem remains: the white liberal is the most dangerous threat facing the nation, bar none. Check out this crowd 10,000 strong chanting “Let’s go, Brandon,” while demanding an end to covid mandates. From Fox News: New York City municipal employees are marching across the Brooklyn Bridge Monday against the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The protest, which is set to end in front of City Hall on the Manhattan side of the bridge,…

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New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is taking a page out of the California recall election and saving his worst for last. The governor, who is now running neck-in-neck with Republican Jack Ciattarelli, intends to implement draconian mandates. But only when and if he gets re-elected. Project Veritas captured the nefarious plan on video. It shows Wendy Martinez, a senior adviser for Phil Murphy, explaining that they won’t jeopardize Murphy’s re-election by implementing an oppressive and unpopular vaccine mandate before the election on November 2nd. “He’s [Phil Murphy] going to do it [vaccine mandates], but he couldn’t do it before the…

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On Monday, Joe Biden proved that he really doesn’t care about the potential of spreading Covid. After giving a rambling, incoherent speech, Biden coughed into his hand and then shook hands with multiple people without wearing a mask. So much for “taking every measure possible!”. Watch below: So here we have Biden, who shames Americans on a daily basis if they don’t wear masks, getting germs into his hand and then spreading it to people throughout the crowd. How is that “safe”? As always, Biden follows the old adage of “Rules for thee, not for me!” During his speech today,…

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The Biden White House has finally addressed the viral “F*** Joe Biden” chants and is claiming that they are completely unaware of the viral trend. “Administration officials sought to downplay the phenomenon, and at least one claimed to be unfamiliar with the ‘Let’s go Brandon’ chant or its cruder cousin, though they are now chanted everywhere from football stadiums to concert arenas to local bars,” The Washington Post reported on Saturday. White House spokesman Andrew Bates, who must live under a rock, claimed, “I had never heard of that chant until you explained it to me.” “I guess I’m not spending…

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Ever since Joe Biden was installed into the White House, he took repeated jabs at Florida for “not following the science”. Biden even attempted to cut off supply of the life-saving Monoclonal Antibody treatment, but thankfully Governor Ron DeSantis took matters into his own hands and personally ordered enough supply for his people. Now, Biden and the Democrats are eating major crow. The latest numbers show that Florida now has the lowest Covid infection rate in the country. Take that, Biden! Look below: Florida now has the lowest covid infection rate of any state in the country. Compare the media…

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Only in the 21st century would this be a story worthy of uproar. That’s how far society has fallen – not “progressed” – over the decades. To literally get in trouble for calling a human male who dresses up like a woman a “man” is pretty bass-ackwards if you ask anybody in their sane mind. If a person can “identify” as another sex and is then taken seriously by half of the world, then why can’t people identify as a storage locker or a fictional character of a friggin’ cruise liner? The answer is simple: Because it doesn’t make sense!…

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When bad people are put in positions of power (by other bad people), it isn’t so crazy to expect bad results. In fact, it should be expected. As the Democrat Party turns more and more communist by the day, these types of story’s aren’t likely to dissipate anytime soon. Wake up, imbeciles liberals – before it’s too late! From The Daily Wire: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said during an interview on Sunday that “there is a plan” to get unvaccinated essential workers “education and counseling” so they will feel comfortable getting vaccinated. Fox News liberal anchor Chris Wallace asked, “As…

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Sometimes all it takes is a spark to change the tides of history. And that spark may have been provided by the unlikeliest of heroes: Brooklyn Nets star player Kyrie Irving. On Sunday, protesters crashed through the barricades at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York bearing an American flag and shouting anti-vaccine mandate slogans like “no more mandates!” and urging the NBA to “let Kyrie play.” Watch the explosive moment: The anti-vaccine mandate protesters were wearing shirts like “Freedom over Fear” and “Stand with Kyrie” as they stormed towards the arena while security finally gave up trying to stop…

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On Sunday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was finally forced to tell the truth about the inflation crisis in our country. “We are going through a period of inflation that’s higher than Americans have seen in a long time, and it’s something that’s obviously a concern and worrying them, but we haven’t lost control,” Yellen told the far-left anchor Jake Tapper on CNN. Previously, Yellen had claimed that inflation was just “transitory” and that it would go away rapidly. Obviously, this was a lie. Watch her new admission below: “When do you expect inflation to get back to the 2…

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You have to be a very, very, very ignorant person to watch CNN with a straight face. It doesn’t matter who the liberal network has speaking on screen because ultimately, it’s somebody who’s lying about something. Remember, these CNN goofballs are getting paid to spew lies. Facts mean nothing to them. Check out this 100% real headline: Here are some funny reactions… VIDEO: H/T: Right Scoop

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You almost can’t make this story up. Almost. Then again, when dealing with liberal politicians, anything and everything is on the table. It’s pretty amazing how a fence on the southern border is absolutely immoral in the eyes of lefties, yet they have no problem building expensive ones around their own homes. Makes you wonder, do liberals know that walls keep you safer? If so, why do they get one and we (the American people) don’t? Check this out, via The Daily Wire: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is building a nearly half a million dollar security fence around…

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Dr. Anthony Fauci, the public face of the nation’s Covid response, is coming under increasing fire for his unlawful behavior and funding of unethical biomedical research. Lawmakers are now lining up to call for the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) chief to resign for lying to Congress about funding risky ‘gain-of-function’ research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In addition, there are new reports that 24 lawmakers are demanding an investigation into the doctor funding unethical research on beagle puppies to test anti-parasitic medication. The research, conducted in Tunisia, involved caging the puppies with flesh-eating sand flies…

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Speaker Nancy Pelosi continued to push her debunked narrative that January 6 was a Trump-led “insurrection,” rather than a riot fueled by extremist groups. Pelosi appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper, who uncritically allowed Pelosi to spin a yarn about the riot. Tapper’s framing was that maybe Steve Bannon and other Trump allies should go to jail for defying the partisan committee’s subpoenas. Watch: “The House voted to hold Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress for ignoring a subpoena. Do you think people who refuse to comply with Congressional subpoenas should be prosecuted by the Justice…

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Michael Myers wasn’t even this cruel. Sure, the fictional Halloween serial killer enjoys slicing up people like he gets paid to do it – but the guy didn’t drug dogs and stick their heads in cages so they’d be eaten alive by insects! Remember, the “man” behind this operation is none other than the highest-paid public official in America. And boy, does the media love them some Dr. Fauci or what!? You know, despite the fact he may have committed perjury and has been wrong on pretty much everything regarding covid. From The Hill: A bipartisan letter demands answers from…

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Barack Obama has signaled not-so-subtly that the Democrats fully intend to cheat in the Virginia governor’s election. In front of a modest crowd at a ticketed event at Virginia Commonwealth University, the former president endorsed gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe and emphasized repeatedly that voters can cast their ballots for him in the mail or at drop boxes. “Before we start anything else, I want to remind you and everybody who’s watching, you don’t have to wait until November 2nd to cast your ballot,” he said. “You can vote early, right now. Either by mail or in person.” “Don’ be lollygalling…

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During an interview on Friday with Fox News, former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard sounded the alarm about the “establishment elite,” highlighting the consequences for people who fail to bow down to their ways. Gabbard explained that you are either with the elite or you are not and if you’re not, they will slander you, silence you and “demonize you.” Gabbard also explained that they are hungry for more power. “Yes, this really comes down to the reality, Will, that the American people are facing some incredibly serious challenges,” she said. “And really what we need right now are competent and…

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The National Instiute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, funded cruel experiments on dogs as young as six weeks old in order to test anti-parasitic treatments, according to a letter signed by 24 lawmakers. The experiments, conducted in Tunisia, deliberately infected dozens of beagles with disease-causing parasites to test an experimental drug. The heinous, ethically dubious experiments were funded by Dr. Fauci’s division at the National Institutes of Health, the non-profit group White Coat Waste Project found in its investigation. “Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab…

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Joe Biden recently spoke publicly (a very rare occurrence and for good reason), so you just know he said something completely asinine. This time, the former vice president said he visited the southern border (implying he has gone during his time as president), which is 100% patently false. How Press Secretary Jen Psaki tries to defend Biden is laugh out loud embarrassing. Psaki said to Fox News reporter Peter Doocy, “Well Peter, as you may have seen there’s been reporting that he did drive through the border when he was on the campaign trail in 2008.” WATCH: This administration…

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ZeroHedge, in a recent article, reports that: Chinese tech giant Huawei paid Democratic lobbyist and donor Tony Podesta $500,000 to lobby the White House during the third quarter – the same period in which the Biden DOJ struck a deal to allow Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou to return home from Canada, where she was awaiting extradition to face criminal charges in the US. Whether Podesta spirit-cooked up Wanzhou’s release is unknown, however the White House says they had nothing to do with it – and that the company is still subject to trade restrictions. ZeroHedge’s information is confirmed by a lobbying disclosure Podesta had to file…

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If you don’t know the story behind “Let’s go, Brandon” by now, then you might be living under a rock. But real quickly, here’s the deal… A racecar driver named Brandon Brown was giving an interview after a victory. The crowd in the stands was chanting “F*** Joe Biden!” The intentionally ignorant reporter told the driver that people were chanting “Let’s go, Brandon!” Obviously, that’s not what they were saying (video below). Check out this clip of Florida Republican Bill Posey laying in to Biden and ending his speech in an epic way. WATCH: Here’s the longer version……

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President Biden has been hit with formal impeachment charges and has been accused of “treason.” The Articles of Impeachment have been filed in the House of Representatives. The impeachment charges were announced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Friday. “I have introduced House Res. 57, these are Articles of Impeachment on President Biden,” Rep. Greene said. “For abuse of power in regards to his willingness to use his position of power to aid his son Hunter Biden in his business dealings.” “I have also introduced another Article of Impeachment on President Biden, which is H. Res 597,” she continued.…

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Ever since the 2020 election came to a close Mike Lindell has been spreading the word of the many discrepancies that have come to light since the ballots closed and Biden declared himself victor. He’s gone on tours across America spreading the word that he believes something fishy happened to get Biden in office, and for his trouble has been slapped with a hefty $1.3 billion lawsuit. However, Mike isn’t alone. Dominion Voting Systems seems to be suing anyone who thinks that perhaps something was off with the last election. They’ve gone after Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Fox News, Newsmax,…

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The CDC is doing their best Dr. Fauci impression by suggesting that they will move the goal posts yet again when it comes to the Coronavirus vaccines. Earlier this year, they said “just get vaccinated and you’re set!”. Then it was “get vaccinated but please keep wearing your mask”. Now, they are getting closer to changing the very definition of “fully vaccinated” in the near future to include booster shots. (This will never end) So even if you ARE “fully vaccinated”, you won’t be for long! Look below: .@CDCDirector says right now the CDC’s definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ is unchanged…

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During Friday night’s “Town Hall” on CNN, Joe Biden had a rough go of it. It was bad. One of the most cringeworthy moments is when Anderson Cooper had to literally save Joe after the 46th President forgot the city of Long Beach, CA. “I was able to go to the private port where — 40 percent of all products coming into the United States of America on the West Coast go through Los Angeles and — and — oh, what am I doing here?” Biden said, forgetting the name of Long Beach, CA. “Is it Long Beach or —”,…

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It hasn’t been proven just yet, but there’s a pretty decent chance that Brian Laundrie killed his fiancé, Gabby Petito. After a nationwide manhunt that included the likes of Dog the Bounty Hunter, Laundrie was finally captured on Thursday afternoon. Well, parts of him were captured. In reality, Laundrie probably became ‘gator food after putting a bullet in his head (but that’s pure speculation, as of now). Here’s the scoop, via New York Post: Brian Laundrie’s remains were found at a marshy nature reserve near his parents’ Florida home, the FBI confirmed on Thursday, bringing an end to the six-week…

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If his lips are moving, there’s a more than decent chance he’s lying. Such is the life for a liberal who has made a career out of being a politician. Joe Biden is among the worst people ever elected to high office. The results of his policies prove it on a regular basis. But this lie about the January 6 “insurrection” at the Capitol Building is as bad as it gets. From Breitbart: President Joe Biden used the occasion of the tenth anniversary celebration of the Martin Luther King, Jr. monument in Washington, DC, to again condemn supporters of former…

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The Biden administration recently settled a lawsuit between the Justice department and ex-FBI official Andrew McCabe over his unceremonious firing by former President Trump. The former FBI deputy director was a key player in the Russia collusion investigation and was found to have lied and misled investigators multiple times. Last week, the FBI reversed McCabe’s firing, and settled a lawsuit he filed claiming that he was terminated from his position for political reasons. McCabe will not only be able to officially retire, but he will receive his pension and other benefits, which include approximately $200,000 in missed pension payments. The…

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The Democratic Party is so afraid of parents rising up against radical school boards that it is banning videos of them from being shown at House committee hearings. On Thursday, Ranking Member Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) of the House Judiciary Committee got into a squabble over a House ‘protocol’ due to an objection made to such a video being shown at the hearing. “Mr. Chairman, we have a video we’d like to play,” Jordan said. Then he repeated his request. Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-PA), however, objected to the showing of the video, pointing to a…

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So, here’s the deal. The far-left School Board Association went to the White House to talk about implementing CRT in schools. Then, a letter was sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland (which said CRT should be taught in schools). See the problem there? Check this out, via Free Beacon: The country’s largest school board association collaborated with the Biden White House before sending a controversial letter calling on the FBI to investigate parents as potential domestic terrorists, according to previously unreported emails. The emails, obtained by Parents Defending Education through public records requests and reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon,…

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YouTube has begun purging its massive video platform of all video versions of “Let’s Go Brandon.” The Google-owned video service, one of the largest websites in the world, has banned the popular song, censoring rappers such as Bryson Gray, Tyson James and Chandler Crump in the process. Bryson Gray, who became famous for his viral ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ rap video, had his video banned by YouTube according to Gray. The excuse that YouTube gave was “medical misinformation.” Bryson Gray revealed that YouTube banned his video in a tweet. I can’t post on YouTube for a week. If they also ban…

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On Thursday, Rep. Jim Jordan grilled Attorney General Merrick Garland over his controversial policy to target parents who oppose critical race theory at school board meetings across the country. Garland wants these parents banned from meetings because he falsely claims that they are “threatening” board members. However, Garland has absolutely zero evidence for this. In fact, his only “source” is a simple letter from the National School Board Association. In response, Jordan scorched him. “First sentence in your memo — the very first sentence you said, in recent months there’s been a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, threats of violence,”…

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Joe Biden has spent 9 months calling Trump supporters “terrorists” for simply protesting the Capital on January 6th. However, when one of his own supporters travels across the country to actually murder a sitting House Representative, Biden’s response is “meh”. Yes, the Biden Department of Justice refused to arrest a man who traveled to Washington D.C. with the intent on killing Gaetz. In response, the Florida rep went off. “I thank the gentleman for yielding because I think someone may be trying to kill me. And if they are successful, I would like my constituents and my family to know…

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Attorney General Merrick Garland is the nation’s top law enforcement official. It is his duty to enforce the laws faithfully and without prejudice. However, the attorney general’s partisan agenda is made even more explicit when examining his family ties. In 1987, the New York Times reported Merrick Garland’s marriage to Lynn Rosenman, who took the name Lynn Garland. She is the granddaughter of Samuel Rosenman, a judge at the New York Supreme Court who had served as Special Advisor to Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman. In the Times’ announcement, it provides the background that Lynn Garland worked for…

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The record-breaking vote-getter in the 2020 election Joe Biden, who we are told got a fantastical 81 billion trillion million votes, appears to be in a bit of trouble were his presidential re-election bid to be launched today. In a matchup against former President Donald Trump, which the lamestream media has spent more than four years in a rabid blood vendetta smearing, Biden gets obliterated in the critical demographic of independents. “A Grinnell-Selzer poll found that Trump leads Biden with a 45% to 28% margin among Independent voters in a hypothetical 2024 presidential election,” the Daily Caller noted. “Exactly 20%…

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The Biden White House has admitted to working with social media giants like Facebook on flagging posts they deem unacceptable. In other words, censorship. There’s no two ways around it. It is politically-motivated censorship at the highest level, all because liberals think they know what’s better for you than you do. This is what happens when Leftists take control of government. They attempt to take control of every aspect of our lives. Let’s hope President Trump comes back strong in 2024. From Right Scoop: What we’ve been waiting on is finally here. President Trump just announced a new media and…

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Who needs free speech when you can have censorship, the left would argue. With censorship, nobody gets their feelings hurt…ever. Right? Check this out and try not to be completely enraged. From CBS Los Angeles: Dozens of Netflix employees and their supporters staged a walkout Wednesday in Hollywood to protest the transphobic comments made by Dave Chappelle in his latest comedy special released earlier this month by the streaming giant. The walkout and protest took place at around 10:30 a.m. in the 1300 block of Vine Street, a few blocks from the Netflix building at Sunset Bronson Studios off Sunset…

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During a rambling speech in Scranton on Wednesday, Joe Biden accidentally said he was Vice President for 36 years. Not 8 years, but 36 years. “I’d ride every day, I commuted every day for 36 years as Vice President,” Biden said without noticing his error. Watch: WATCH: Joe Biden thinks he was vice president for 36 years. — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 20, 2021 During the same speech, Biden also told a debunked story about an Amtrak worker, which he has repeated 4 different times during his presidency. Biden says the conversation took place “7 years into” his vice…

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Leftists constantly say that WNBA players should be paid the same as NBA players, yet they constantly ignore that the women’s league just doesn’t get ratings. Nobody watches the games. And with low ratings comes with lower revenue. With lower revenue comes lower player salaries. It’s simple economics, but the left is clearly immune to logic and reason. Yes, LeBron James makes $37 million per year while the top WNBA player only makes $200k, but it comes down to the revenue generated for the league and the sport. Leftists fail to comprehend this. That brings us to the WNBA Championship…

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