Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Sure you can get queso out of a jar or out of packet. You can drive to your favorite sit-down Mexican restaurant, but with just a little bit of time and effort you can make something that will blow those out of the water. But be warned! If you make this and bring it to […]

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As one of many midwesterners who love the Windy City, and are huge fans of the professional sports team in Chicago, IL, the increasing crime and very high gun violence keeps us from ever considering moving there. In an attempt to shake things up recently, the community elected the city’s first lesbian, Native American mayor, Lori Elaine Lightfoot, in 2019 as the 56th mayor of Chicago. Lightfoot made several campaign promises on how her administration would combat and reduce the violence, especially the growing number of gang shootings on the Southside of the city. Unfortunately for everyone she has performed…

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is trying to make sure that Republicans never win another election. On Thursday, the Democrat announced that he would set a vote for next Wednesday to begin debate on election laws. “We cannot allow conservative-controlled states to double down on their regressive and subversive voting bills,” Schumer said in a letter. “The Freedom to Vote Act is the legislation that will right the ship of our democracy and establish common sense national standards to give fair access to our democracy to all Americans.” The New York Times reported: In his letter, Mr. Schumer said that Democrats…

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Video clips from Joe Rogan’s Wednesday show went viral after he confronted CNN “doctor” Sanjay Gupta over his networks repeated lie that Rogan took “horse dewormer” when he had Covid in August. Rogan grilled Gupta like he had never been grilled before, and it left him squirming in his chair. After getting absolutely obliterated by Rogan, Gupta went back to his “safe space” on CNN to get comforted by his buddy Don Lemon. The two men then went on to double down on the lie that Rogan took the animal version of ivermectin. They once again failed to mention that…

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The Democratic Party is on borrowed time controlling the U.S. Congress. The radical Democrats’ agenda is increasingly out of touch with the concerns of American voters, who are pining to punish the Democrats at the polls. A budget blowout estimated at nearly $5 trillion, a federal takeover of elections, sicking the FBI on concerned parents who oppose Critical Race Theory in their schools, and an obsession with endlessly relitigating a Jan. 6 riot mark an extremist agenda that is about to get a colossal rebuke. Then there is Covid. President Biden promised that he would solve the pandemic. But as…

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Imagine voting to put a man in office who clearly doesn’t have your best interests at heart; a man who calls himself Catholic yet believes killing babies is acceptable; a man who feels that raising taxes on virtually all Americans is the right thing to do. How is it possible for any Democrat politician to earn a single vote, let alone hundreds of thousands to millions? It literally does not make sense. Anyway, here’s the latest on Joe being Joe and doing his best to harm the United States. From Fox News: At least 160,000 illegal immigrants have been released…

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If Katie Couric is a journalist, then Joe Biden is a good president. Neither statement is true. In fact, Couric is nothing more than another out-of-touch celebrity. She’s an opinionist – if that’s a word. Nothing more. Couric has no intention of relaying the facts to the American public, like a true reporter. Instead, she needs you to know that she’s a far-left whack job intent on pushing the liberal agenda. Check this out, via National Review: In her newly released memoir, Going There, Katie Couric writes that she edited out comments from Ruth Bader Ginsburg, in which the Supreme…

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You’d think that an organization called the “National Council on Family Relations” would be pro-family, or at least not actively anti-family. You’d be wrong. As The Federalist reports, “Despite its name, the National Council on Family Relations is looking to destroy American families. It claims that the nuclear family – consisting of father, mother, and children – is merely an extension of white supremacy.” Such a dire claim is, in fact, mostly substantiated by NCFR’s own words. In an announcement for a May 2021 webinar, NCFR said: Like White privilege, family privilege is an unacknowledged and unearned benefit instantiated in…

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When Joe Rogan got Covid in August, many on the left wanted him to get severely ill. Much to their dismay, Rogan not only recovered, but he recovered within a few days. Rogan said he took monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, and various other drugs to combat the Chinese coronavirus. When the media heard that he took ivermectin, they began lying through their teeth by saying that he took a “horse deworming” medication. This, like everything else they say, was fake news. There is a human version and an animal version of ivermectin. Rogan was PRESCRIBED the human version by an actual…

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In the modern world of toilet paper shortages, grocery store shelves being empty, and ships being kept offshore unable to deliver goods, we can no longer count on food being something you’ll always have access to. With this in mind, it’s a good idea to have food stored in a shelf-stable manner for times that the supply chain goes down, natural disasters strike, or civil unrest erupts anew. The easiest and best way to do this is with beans and rice. While this may seem like nothing but carbs, beans and rice together form a complex protein that will nourish

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Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving is being crucified in the press for being a disgruntled NBA player who is selfishly clinging to a purportedly unscientific viewpoint on the Covid vaccines. The Nets star, who has famously held heterodox views such as believing the world may be ‘flat,’ is refusing to get with the program, so the narrative goes. He is a stubborn curmudgeon who refuses to comply with a perfectly reasonable vaccine mandate. Same old Kyrie. But the truth is a lot more complicated than the usual suspects in the mainstream press are portraying it. According to a report by…

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Another day, another struggle with the human language from Joe Biden. While addressing “supply chain issues”, Biden began his speech by reading a few names off the teleprompter. That didn’t go well. No, not at all. “I’m joined by the executer(?) director of Los Angeles, and uh, Long Beach Gene Soroka, and uh, Mari-uh, Mario Cardono,” Biden began, needing to close his eyes in concentration to say the word “Mario”. “Uh….I misspoke, I apologize”, he said off camera to the man whose name he butchered. He then introduced another man, but he seemed to string his entire name and title…

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One side dish that speaks to my soul is Baked Beans. To me, they are their own food group. They can be a side, the main dish, or even dessert! My favorite way to eat them is using Potato Chips as the vessel to deliver them to your mouth! This works great when you are […]

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If it wasn’t for the exceptional reporting from Fox News’ Bill Melugin, the American people would still be in the dark about the border crisis. The Biden administration has been trying to cover up it’s failure at the border, but these newly leaked documents are sounding the alarm on the whole thing. According to bombshell documents obtained by Fox News, “At least 160,000 illegal immigrants have been released into the U.S., often with little to no supervision, by the Biden administration since March – including a broad use of limited parole authorities to make more than 30,000 eligible for work…

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The sooner lefties wake up and realize that tranny’s are mentally disturbed individuals, the quicker America can get back on her feet. Too much of this “woke” nonsense is literally crushing the country on a daily basis. People get fired, harassed, beaten, you name it, all because half of the population of the United States refuses to accept the science behind chromosomes. Of all things, friggin’ chromosomes!? Sad. From The Daily Mail: A Virginia father who went viral after being dragged out of a Loudoun County school board meeting and arrested for protesting its proposed transgender policies has now revealed…

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The day of reckoning has come for now-former NFL head coach, Jon Gruden. Despite signing a contract worth $100 million over 10 years, the man known as “Chucky” for his similarities to the killer doll is out of a job. You probably know why. He sent an email – 10 years ago. Some people feel that Gruden’s apparent hardcore racism was just oh, too much to handle! Now, the team he coached before the Las Vegas Raiders, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (where he won a Super Bowl), is set to take him out of its “Ring of Honor.” LOOK:…

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Van Jones and the entire team at CNN are beginning to panic because their beloved Joseph Robinette Biden is completely failing as President of the United States. The economy is on the brink of collapse, inflation is skyrocketing, innocent Americans are being murdered in Afghanistan, Covid is still raging through the country, and it feels like a big bubble is about to explode. As a result, Biden’s approval rating is in the high 30s/low 40’s. That’s bad, REALLY bad. In response, Van Jones went onto Fredo’s poorly-rated show on CNN to assess the damage. Needless to say, the fanboys over…

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Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R), who very well might have been the Republican nominee for president in 2016 had Donald Trump not run, is one of those incredibly smart individuals who has learned and forgotten more about America and its history than most people will ever know. Ted ain’t no slouch. White House Press Secretary and compulsive liar Jen Psaki learned the hard way on Tuesday that messing with Cruz is not a very good idea. WATCH: Ted’s response… Ted for the win? Yeah. VIDEO:

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Joe Biden’s approval rating is 10 points lower than that of Barack Obama. The current president’s data was compared to Obama’s numbers during the same time in office. According to approval rating averages calculated by RealClearPolitics (RCP) and Fox News, Obama’s approval rating on October 11 during his first year in office was 53 % with a disapproval rating of 40 %. Currently, Biden faces an average approval rating of 43 % with a disapproval rating of 52.3 %. Since September there has been a rapid drop in President Joe Biden’s approval rating and popularity. The Democrat’s strategy to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan was one…

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Southwest Airlines employees are now organizing a “peaceful protest,” according to a flyer from a Southwest employee shared by Human Events senior editor Jack Posobiec: Just got passed this flyer from a Southwest employee #FreedomFlu — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 13, 2021 “Let your voice be heard,” the flyer says. “Please join your Southwest Cohearts, vaccinated or not, in exercising your first amendment right to a peaceful protest of the recent Covid-19 vaccination mandate.” “Freedom not force,” the flyer underscores, noting that it is scheduled for Monday, Octobert 18 at 8:30 a.m. “All who believe in medical freedom…

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A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction against the State of New York’s enforcement of a vaccine mandate that threatens the mass firings of thousands of health workers and public servants. The court ruling was announced by the Thomas More Society, which is defending a group of  17 health care workers who object to New York State’s vaccine mandate on religious grounds. Judge David Hurd granted their request for an injunction, which stops the state from enforcing the policy, on equal protection and First Amendment grounds. “Since its ratification in 1791, the First Amendment has protected religious practitioners from…

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Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters is claiming that her Twitter account was “erased” and claims that she knows “who has done this.” The comments from Waters were immediately met with mockery considering Waters was tweeting from her account that was allegedly “erased.” “I have been hacked and my Twitter account has been erased. I know who has done this. I will take care of this. M Waters.” Waters’ tweet said on Tuesday morning. I have been hacked and my Twitter account has been erased. I know who has done this. I will take care of this. M Waters. — Maxine Waters…

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On Monday, Fox News’ Steve Doocy brought on Dan Bongino to react to the tragic wave of murders that have taken place in the Democrat-heavy New York City over the weekend. In response, Bongino held back no punches. “New York city reeling from another violent weekend. An oncology nurse is dead after being knocked to the ground by apparently a homeless mugger many times square,” Doocy reported. “‘The New York Post’ in their op-ed page blaming city leaders for her death and demanding an into their soft on crime policies saying, “Enough. Every day of their added delay ups the…

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Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Monday issued an executive order forbidding the imposition and enforcement of any vaccine mandate in the State of Texas, including those issued by private employers or by public agencies. “No entity in Texas can compel receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine by any individual, including an employee or a consumer, who objects to such vaccination for any reason of personal conscience, based on a religious belief, or for medical reasons, including prior recovery from COVID-19,” the executive order states. “I hereby suspend all relevant statutes to the extent necessary to enforce this prohibition.” “The maximum fine…

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During an interview at the 22nd annual New Yorker Festival, left-wing comedian Jon Stewart said that President Trump has a “very good chance” of getting re-elected President if he decides to run in 2024. “I think he’s got it — he’s got a very good chance. And they’re smarter about it,” Stewart said. “The danger of the coup — again, Jan. 6 is the TV event moment of it. It’s the special that came out. And that’s what all the TV networks were focused on.” “He’s [Trump] brilliant at understanding what will drive the television narratives,” Stewart added. “But what…

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There is a new YouTube series featuring Kamala Harris, and it is every bit as authentic as the Vice President. Just behold Kamala Harris’s cringeworthy NASA video, where she disingenuously tried to excite kids about science: “So, I’m very excited about the Space Council, we’re going to learn so much as we increasingly, I think, are curious and interested in the potential or the discoveries and the work we can do in space. So, that’s one of the things I’m most excited about. But the other, you guys are going to see, you’re going to literally see the craters on…

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Three months ago, the Taliban had nothing. Now, thanks to President Joe Biden, they have the entire country of Afghanistan, $83 billion of United States military weaponry and now have millions of dollars of “aid” coming in as a gift from the Biden administration. “The U.S. has agreed to provide humanitarian aid to a desperately poor Afghanistan on the brink of an economic disaster, while refusing to give political recognition to the country’s new Taliban rulers,”  The Associated Press reported. “The statement came at the end of the first direct talks between the former foes since the chaotic withdrawal of U.S.…

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Hollywood celebrities are obsessed with “defunding the police”. They believe cops are racist and that they are “murdering minorities for sport”. This language has been amplified by AOC and the Squad spouting these same talking points…and it is absolutely disgusting. However, one Hollywood legend is taking a different stance. Morgan Freeman appears to be one of the only celebrities that doesn’t want to see total anarchy in our streets. “I’m not in the least bit for defunding the police,” Freeman said during an interview with Black Enterprise. “Police work is, aside from all the negativity around it, it is very…

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Southwest Airlines had the marbles to claim that 1000-plus flights were canceled over the weekend due to “air traffic control issues.” The real reason, of course, is that controllers are refusing to be used as guinea pigs. Simply put, they refused to be blackmailed into getting vaccinated. Not only are hospitals suffering from a lack of staff thanks to vaccine mandates, but now the problem is spreading to other vital industries. And this is the exact result of what can and will happen when you allow lefties to run the nation. From Fox News: Southwest Airlines canceled more than 1,000…

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Everywhere he goes, “president” Joe Biden is greeted by dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of people chanting “f*** Joe Biden” “Let’s Go Brandon!” LOL – funny but true. On the flip side, President Donald Trump only seems to attract crowds in the thousands – all of which have people showing tremendous support for doing such a fantastic job during his one term as POTUS. While Biden continues to tear America down with his BS policies on a daily basis, future 2024 presidential candidate Trump is looking to bring her back strong. LOOK: VIDEO: H/T: Right Scoop

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The Centers for Disease Control, after nearly two years of panic-inducing reporting on Covid-19, is finally being called out by lawmakers who are pressing for a grand jury investigation into alleged statistical manipulation by the public health body. Oregon state Senators Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum, who preside in a state known for some of the most heavy handed Covid policies in the nation, filed a grand jury petition to look into the CDC’s unlawful ‘hyperinflation of death certificate reporting.’ Just the News’ John Solomon recently reported on the development. The grand jury petition was launched in mid-August, but a…

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A federal judge has denied that natural immunity from prior Covid-19 infection is a legally justifiable reason to be exempted from vaccine mandates. The judge’s ruling on a plaintiff’s case against Michigan State University comes as even mainstream media outlets admit that natural immunity is not only at least equivalent, but is actually superior to vaccinated immunity. The court’s ruling was reported by the Epoch Times on Sunday: An employee at the school, Jeanna Norris, filed a lawsuit against the mandate and asked a judge to intervene on the basis that she had already contracted COVID-19 and recovered. She presented…

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Donald Trump held a record-setting rally at the State Fairgrounds in Des Moines on Saturday. The mainstream media descended on the rally’s attendees to obtain provocative soundbites from the crowd. Trump rally goers in Iowa had a sobering message for America, MSNBC reported. Some believe that “a civil war is coming.” “I can see it’s a bit of a circus there behind you,” Alex Witt snidely commented. “What are you seeing and hearing?” “You know the old proverb absence makes the heart grow fonder,” MSNBC’s Gary Grumbach reported. “That’s exactly the situation here on the ground in Iowa.” “A poll…

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The U.S. job recovery—led by President Biden—slowed down again in September with barely 194,000 jobs created, an excellent number in normal times, but not in the midst of the post-pandemic economic revival. In short, 41,000 fewer jobs were created during September than in August when new job creation began to slow sharply after robust growth over the summer. The unemployment rate fell by 0.4% to 4.8%, which would equate to about 7.7 million unemployed Americans. Although unemployment is down considerably from a year ago, it remains far from its pre-pandemic levels, when it was around 3.5%. The recovery of jobs in the United…

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Public school all across the country have abandoned prayer, rejected God, ushered in “transgender story hour”, and glorified terrorist organizations like BLM and ANTIFA. In response to this madness, Candace Owens says it’s time to get children out of these schools as fast as possible. If not, our youth could be tainted for life with some of the most disgusting, Anti-American ideals that we have ever seen. During a Sunday morning interview with Maria Bartiromo, Owens was very blunt, saying, “Pull your children out of public schools” “The time is now, remove your children from these indoctrination camps, they’re not…

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Ever since being installed into the White House, Biden has been avoiding the “Hunter Biden” conversation at every turn. Reporters have even tried asking Jen Psaki during the daily press briefings, but she also avoids the question. On Saturday, reporters caught up with Joe as he was walking out of the White House and they had the “audacity” to ask about his corrupt son. “Are you concerned about the potential corruption with your sons art?,” a reporter simply asked. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”, Biden clapped back before avoiding the question entirely. Watch below: REPORTER: “Are you concerned about…

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Southwest Airlines has become the latest major U.S. airline to mandate that employees receive the Covid-19 vaccination or lose their jobs. The airline is immediately suffering the consequences due to a reported mass ‘sickout’ that is causing severe delays and hundreds of flight cancellations. “The Dallas-based company said its workers must be fully vaccinated by Dec. 8 in order to remain at the airline. Employees can seek approval to skip the shots due to medical or religious reasons,” KDVR reported. The major airline carrier is now suffering severe operational disruption due to widespread reports. “Southwest Airlines is suffering an operational…

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Hhhmmmmm. Now, if this one doesn’t get you to at least scratch your head then you’re not doing politics right. No need to dilly dally. Let’s just dive right into this kinda, sorta, very, pretty huge report — that the American mainstream media will undoubtedly ignore. Here’s what’s up, via The Daily Wire: Communist China significantly increased the number of coronavirus testing kits that it purchased in the months right before the coronavirus pandemic erupted in Wuhan. “There was a buy-up of coronavirus testing equipment in Wuhan in 2019, with purchasing contracts increasing by more than 50 per cent from…

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This is the world that lefties wants us to live in because for some reason, they have never done anything wrong nor made a single mistake in their entire lives. Imagine what the future will hold for anyone wanting to become famous (for whatever reason), knowing all the info put out on social media platforms today. Trolls will have field day after field day, smirking as they attempt to end career after career – sometimes, before they can even begin. Here is what can happen when inmates run the asylum. From The Daily Wire: Las Vegas Raiders head coach and…

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Tonight, President Trump will continue to rally across the country in opposition to the tyrannical Biden regime. This specific rally is causing tons of 2024 intrigue since Iowa has kicked off Presidential nomination campaigns for nearly 50 years. As Kyle Becker reports on Trending Politics: “Donald Trump’s 2024 plans appear to be getting more certain by the day. The 45th president is moving beyond the many hints dropped at MAGA rallies and during interviews and he is now embarking on a rite of passage for all prospective presidential candidates: He’s going to Iowa.” Here’s the live link from the Right…

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