Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

President Trump is a terrorist leader, says ex-Obama aide Juliette Kayyem – a former Department of Homeland Security official. Obviously, that means she thinks that YOU (the Trump supporter) are a terrorist. This is how the liberal mind works, folks. Lefties are very, very bad people – there’s no two ways around it. If you needed any further evidence, continue reading… From The Daily Wire: A former Obama administration official has said that police officers should lose their pensions if they do not receive the COVID-19 vaccination because unvaccinated people need “something to be taken away from them” if they…

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This is what fascism looks like, considering the radical form of governing is all about shutting down the other side. Today’s liberals do not understand how they perpetuate fascism on a daily basis, simply because they choose to remain in the dark. The Constitution means nothing to Leftists; they make up the rules as they go along. One thing is for certain, though – this sort of nonsense cannot stand for too much longer. LOOK: More from Insider Paper: According to the Post, YouTube’s Vice President of Global Trust and Safety Matt Halprin, the company is also banning prominent…

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All throughout the 2020 presidential election, high-ranking Democrats said they would refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine because they couldn’t trust anything President Trump said. Now, Democrats can’t get shots into the public fast enough since their guy lives in the White House (when not vacationing in Delaware) – despite a whole lot of adverse reactions to “the jab.” Seem a little odd to you? Check out what Biden is planning to do to border patrol agents, because apparently they aren’t treated poorly enough as it is by this administration. LOOK: WATCH: VIDEO: Here’s a stunning report…

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The State of Florida on Wednesday announced that it is suing the Biden administration. The Florida Attorney General’s office is arguing that […] The post The State of Florida Just Filed a Lawsuit Against the Biden Administration: ‘The Government is Not Free to Ignore the Clear Commands of Congress’ appeared first on Trending Politics.

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How does this guy still have a job? Better question: how did he get to the level he’s at in the first place, considering he’s not good at what he does AND might just be a traitor? General Milley is not performing his duties with honor. In fact, the guy should probably be in jail for his actions. While Testifying in front of the Senate on Tuesday, Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn (R) asked Milley: “Did you talk to Bob Woodward or Robert Costa for their book, “Peril?” Milley said, “Woodward yes, Costa, no.” From TGP: Milley admitted he leaked information…

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Like any Democrat in power, Joe Biden has people on his team who wake up thinking of new lies to tell the American people in an attempt to cover for bogus policy issues. It seems as though Biden quite literally has no clue what he’s doing as president. He literally does not know what is going on. Good going, lefties. Big win here. While testifying before Congress on Tuesday, General McKenzie said of the Afghanistan withdrawal, “But I will give you my honest opinion, and my honest opinion and view shaped my recommendation. I recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops…

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Imagine being forced to get “the jab” to keep your job. Would that sit well with you? Also, is that the new norm in the United States of America? If something like this can be imposed, what’s next? How much further can lefties take this nonsense? How much further will Americans allow liberals to take this nonsense? From The Hill: United Airlines will begin the process of laying off roughly 600 employees — less than 1 percent of its workforce — who refused to comply with the company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, it announced Tuesday. The Chicago-based airline said that 99…

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Hunter Biden probably didn’t have the best childhood growing up, which is what most likely lead him to drug abuse and a life of debauchery. Imagine your dad being a famous politician from the day you’re born, constantly seeking to attain higher office and more power. That being said, there’s no excuse to sell out your country. From Washington Examiner: Hunter Biden still appears to hold an ownership stake in a Chinese government-linked firm that has invested in companies sanctioned by the United States despite repeated pledges from President Joe Biden that his family would not have any foreign business…

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“There is no evidence of danger whatsoever,” said John Hinckley Jr.s lawyer. And now, after 40 years in the big house (or “under supervision,” apparently), the man who attempted to murder the 40th president of the United States will be set free. There are probably some arguments to be made for Hinckley’s release. Four decades behind bars (or “under supervision”) is certainly a long time. But the guy did try to kill the most powerful man in the world. Craziness. From The Daily Wire: John Hinckley Jr., the man who attempted to assassinate former President Ronald Reagan in 1981, won…

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This is what happens when adult children are put in charge of the federal government. Almost immediately, everything turns to garbage. Everything. Not only does Joe Biden have no clue what he’s doing on foreign policy, but his stance on the U.S. border is absolutely reprehensible. Let’s all pray that a strong leader takes back the White House in 2024. From The Daily Wire: Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said Sunday that as many as 12,000 illegal migrants have been released into the U.S. after crossing into the country near Del Rio, Texas, in recent weeks. Mayorkas appeared on…

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. And right now, the ridiculously liberal state of Massachusetts is learning that the hard way. You’d have to imagine lefties are thrilled with this report. But that’s the problem. If anything, America needs more police officers on the streets to stop liberals from lying, cheating, and stealing. Check this out, via The Daily Wire: A Massachusetts police union said Friday that dozens of state troopers have resigned over the state’s vaccine mandate for state employees. The State Police Association of Massachusetts (SPAM) filed a lawsuit to delay Republican Governor Charlie Baker’s vaccine mandate earlier…

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The image below is likely to evoke memories of Benito Mussolini following his death at the end of World War II. The difference is that the Taliban wasn’t displaying a vicious dictator’s body from a crane for all to see. He was probably just a guy who spoke out against the terrorist outlet’s views. Lest we forget, this scene comes not long at all after Joe Biden praised the Taliban as “businesslike and professional.” From Reuters: Sept 25 (Reuters) – Taliban authorities in the western Afghan city of Herat killed four alleged kidnappers and hung their bodies up in public…

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The worst kept secret in America today has to do with Donald Trump once again running for president. Will he or won’t he? Time will tell. But let’s get real. He’s running. There’s no question about it. You can bet the house. 2024 will once again see Trump taking on Joe Biden. Unless… From New York Post: Only “a bad call from a doctor” could derail another bid for the White House, former President Trump said, tiptoeing ever closer to announcing his third presidential campaign. The suggestion came Friday in a radio interview when the host noted Trump has shied…

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Locating Joe Biden is fairly simple. 90% of the time he’s either at the White House or at home in Delaware. The man does not speak to reporters, though. His team won’t let him. Imagine if President Donald Trump went as long as Joe without talking to the press. Based on that alone Democrats would call for impeachment. Anyway, here’s yet another ridiculous excuse from Biden’s chief liar, Jen Psaki. From The Daily Wire: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said during Friday’s press briefing that it was not “constructive” for President Joe Biden to visit the crisis on the…

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He should really be the next big bad in an upcoming Marvel movie – following in the footsteps of Thanos – because Dr. Anthony Fauci brings nothing but bad news to the American people (and the world). It’s as if this guy goes to bed at night dreaming up ways of how he can scare more people every morning. And you know what, it’s working really well on the politically illiterate. From Breitbart: Dr. Anthony Fauci warned this week that the U.S. could be in for a “dark, bad winter” if more people do not get vaccinated — an eerily…

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Do you ever find yourself wondering if Democrats can honestly be as ignorant as they seem, or do they actually know what they’re doing? Because come on, man, can so many Americans actually be this stupid? How do these lefties sleep at night knowing that they constantly push lie after lie? How can they truly believe that America is such an evil place? President Ronald Reagan once said that if you tripled the problems the U.S. faces, we’d still be better off than any other country in the world. And he was 100% correct. It’s a shame that some people…

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What makes Joe Biden an ineffective leader, aside from his view of the world and backward political policies is that the guy is a raging hypocrite. All Democrats are hypocrites on one issue or another (or multiple, in most cases) and that’s because they can’t keep their stories straight. Even though Joe wants to raise taxes to the moon, it looks like the “president” can’t even pay his own “fair share.” Check this out, via New York Post: WASHINGTON — Republicans say a new non-partisan report indicates President Joe Biden improperly avoided paying Medicare taxes before he took office —…

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The gangs run Chicago, not the liberal politicians Chicagoans keep ignorantly voting into office. It’s as if people head to the polls in the Windy City expecting Democrat X to perform differently in office than Democrat Y. Same person, Chi-town. Here’s a shocking statistic about the pandemic virus that will absolutely not be mentioned by any of the major mainstream media outlets. From Fox News: Over the course of 2021, more minors have been shot in Chicago than have died of COVID-19 in all of the United States, according to data from police and the Centers for Disease Control and…

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Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib (D) is everything wrong with the United States today. Her values are nowhere near pro-American. Instead, the Muslim Congresswoman is focused on tearing down the U.S. because she feels the nation needs to pay for past injustices (or for being too white). On Thursday afternoon, Tlaib took to the House floor to blast Israel – pretty much for simply existing. That’s just the kind of person she is. WATCH: The funny thing is that Rashida got called out by a fellow socialist! Florida Rep. Ted Deutch (D) said, “We can have an opportunity to debate lots…

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It would be comical if it wasn’t so sad. But it is very, very sad to see. Lefties just can’t come to grips with the fact that they are and have been fascists who crave complete and utter control of society. There’s no question about it and no room to deny. In fact, these people are so much worse than even the Mussolini-style of government they don’t even know they follow like braindead zombies. At this point, they are pretty much straight up goose-stepping Nazis who want to go door-to-door. This undercover video from Project Veritas featuring an FDA employee…

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If you get the feeling that President Trump and his niece Mary Trump weren’t all that close while she was growing up, there’s a decent chance you’re right. After all, Mary was behind a 2020 tell-all book that did nothing but bash her world-famous uncle. Now, POTUS is looking to get some payback in the form of a $100 million lawsuit. And he should win. That is, if everything is on the level. From The Daily Wire: Former President Donald Trump sued The New York Times, three of its reporters, and his niece Mary on Tuesday over the Times’ story…

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Joe Biden left a lot behind when he decided to leave Afghanistan and allow the Taliban to takeover. He thinks he did the right thing, because everything is backwards in the liberal mind. Importing Afghan refugees due to a disastrous pullout from the Middle East is something that never needed to happen, especially when considering vetting couldn’t take place. And yet, here we are. From The Daily Wire: Two Afghan refugees who were brought into the United States following Democrat President Joe Biden’s disastrous pullout from the country are facing federal charges related to allegedly trying to rape a minor…

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People like Ilhan Omar don’t hear and/or understand the words that come from their lips. If they did, they wouldn’t say them. To claim that illegal aliens are the “very best” of America is like saying peanut butter and mustard make a good combo – it just doesn’t make sense. This is what goes on in the liberal mind. They love our enemies and non-citizens far more than their neighbors and their own country. WATCH: More on Omar and her anti-everything-pro-American ways, via Jerusalem Post: Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (Georgia) accused her Democratic colleague Ilhan Omar (Minnesota) of…

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The people of Vermont once decided that socialist Bernie Sanders best represents them. So, it only makes sense that radically far-left ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s would be based there. Ben & Jerry’s has a history of making ignorant political statements and this one is right up there, if not tops. How is it that some people still don’t understand that defunding the police is a bad idea? From Newsmax: Vermont ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s, which has embraced a number of progressive agenda causes, is introducing its latest flavor — to help the “Defund the Police” movement.…

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Things got pretty weird in Las Vegas on Tuesday evening. That’s probably not the first time that sentence has ever been written. But this story involves a black man running as a Republican in the liberal city. Apparently, an event about “covid misinformation” was deemed a health crisis in a 5-2 vote by county commissioners. Here’s what happened after, via Right Scoop: Below is video from GWP of the Republican candidate for Lt. Governor getting slammed through a metal detector by police after getting kicked out of the meeting, with the detector coming down around him and the two officers…

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What is it with liberal politicians? Do they honestly believe they are above the rules? It sure seems that way, considering they are constantly caught breaking the law. The radically far-left mayor of San Francisco is no exception. In her city, you have to be masked up indoors even if you got the jab. Somehow, though, London Breed didn’t get the memo. Governor Gavin Newsom would be proud, since he too was once busted for being maskless despite ordering commoners to wear one in public. From The Daily Wire: San Francisco Mayor London Breed defended herself after being caught maskless…

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is one of the worst people in America today. How she can sleep at night remains a mystery, considering she has to lie on behalf of Joe Biden on a daily basis. When asked about the flood of illegal aliens pouring into the United States and their vaccination status, Psaki gave quite possibly the worst answer imaginable. And that’s not hyperbole. From Fox News: The question came after the White House on Monday announced that the United States will now require all foreign nationals to be vaccinated, and show proof of their vaccination status,…

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Whether you were in his corner or not, you knew that Donald Trump always put America first – no matter the situation. The exact opposite is the case with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. President Trump loved his country, Joe and Kamala do not. It is really that simple. Now, despite the worst border crisis America has ever seen, the Biden “administration” is reportedly set to import a whole lot more refugees. Of course, allowing in refugees and illegals is the Democrat way of ensuring future votes in order to remain in power. From The Daily Wire: Democratic President Joe…

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Isn’t it funny, in a sense, how vaccinated people continue to come down with cases of Covid-19? How does that happen when vaccines are supposed to prevent illness? Lefties have no answer for that question, so they continue to make stuff up. Things like: Well, it’s supposed to make the symptoms less severe…or yada yada, whatever. At the end of the day, whether some people choose to acknowledge the fact or not, covid vaccines are nothing more than another way for Democrats to gain power of the lives of everyday Americans. Here’s a stunning report from “Project Veritas,” quite possibly…

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On Sunday afternoon, Joe Biden had the audacity to claim that he is a “capitalist.” If that were the case, his policies would reflect it. Clearly, they don’t. Around the world, American allies know they cannot trust Joe and Kamala. It isn’t hard to see why. Biden continues to not only show but prove that he is an incompetent leader. Thankfully, a massive tax hike failed this weekend. LOOK: Here are the thoughts of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY): “Senate rules never contemplated a majority circumventing the filibuster by pretending that sweeping and transformational new policies were mere…

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Joe Biden’s approval ratings are down across the board all over the nation, even among Democrats. That’s what will happen when you fail on literally every front, whether we’re talking about inflation, rising gas prices, Afghanistan, you name it. Far-left radicals are known for sticking together, even when they are certain that a colleague might be wildly wrong on a particular issue. Therefore, when even Democrats are calling Biden out for failing to perform, you know things are looking very good for the GOP. Biden has a lot on his plate and he remains content to do nothing about anything.…

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If a single person in America today can name just one good thing that Joe and Kamala have accomplished for the citizens of this country (and back it up with facts), he or she should be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. But it won’t happen. Because it is impossible. The Biden-Harris administration have done jack squat of value, just as we all knew would be the case. On Saturday, rather than remaining in her office to figure out how to curb the flow of illegals pouring into the United States, Kamala decided to flip a coin at an HBCU…

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Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid government employee in America. The doctor takes home more taxpayer dollars annually than even the president. Why? As head of diseases and infections, you’d think Fauci would be a straight man and tell the people the truth instead of regurgitating liberal propaganda. But we all know how that’s going. Here’s Fauci explaining during an interview in 2019 that masks are unnecessary. Reporter David Rubenstein asked, “And the best way to prevent me from getting an infectious disease and having to have you as my doctor is what – Um, wearing a mask?” Fauci responded, “No,…

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Joe Biden can’t score a win – unless he has the help of his party to rig a national election, of course. Considering this man can’t string together a coherent sentence, does anybody honestly believe he received more votes than President Trump last November? Let’s all hope and pray that audit findings are strong enough to decertify the 2020 election and put the rightful POTUS back in office. America needs Trump, whether some people understand it or not. Here’s the latest blow to Joe and co., regarding COVID-19. LOOK: VIDEO:

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This is what things are coming to. This is what can happen when Democrat politicians are allowed to run around completely unchecked with the backing of the mainstream media and Hollywood elites. Seemingly on a daily basis freedoms are being stripped from everyday Americans – and for what!? Over politics!? It has us asking ourselves what country is this” Because it is not the United States we all once knew. By the time liberals wake up and smell the roses it very well may be too late to reverse the damage they’ve caused. Imagine being told you have to leave…

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