Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Had Donald Trump remained president, Democrat politicians and mainstream media reporters would be telling the American people to never get vaccinated. No question about it. “Trump can’t be trusted!!”, they’d scream. But since Biden is currently in the White House, they feel and act completely differently. At the same time, conservative voters would maintain the same position they do now – Is this the right move for me? Have I done enough research? Do I want to be vaxxed? That’s the difference between liberals and conservatives. Hypocrisy. Here’s what CNN host Don Lemon thinks about, well probably…you! Lemon barked, “It’s…

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As an Arizona resident, I can tell you firsthand that there’s almost no chance Joe Biden won the Grand Canyon State on Election Day. Everybody I’ve talked to, from barbers to restaurant workers and everyone in between, agrees. For months leading up to November 6, all you saw were TRUMP flags and banners and MAGA hats – everywhere you went, all over the state. For every 10 Trump signs you’d see one in favor of Biden. Again, very little chance that Biden won 100% fair and square. Now, we just have to wait to see what happens with the results…

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We once again witness White House staff quickly pulling the plug on another potential embarrassing Biden press conference, marked by a sudden blackout while the president was still speaking. The abrupt feed cut is indicative of how Bidens handlers have attempted to shield the president from both the press and the public, in what appears to be a worsening condition, brought on by a progressive memory decline. On Monday in Boise, Idaho, Biden and company visited the state to see the damage caused by ragging wildfires plaguing several western states. Biden seated, had been receiving a briefing from federal and…

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For those following the political clown show in “tinsel-town,” also known as the California gubernatorial recall election. Sunday afternoon proved to be another bizarre moment, as conservative talk show host turned politician Larry Elder teamed up with leftist Actress Rose McGowan. The press conference televised live on OAN, featured the unlikely duo fielding questions from the press, along with challenging them to report accurately, rather than attempting to create their own biased narrative against the 69-year old, Los Angeles native. McGowan joined Elder on stage, to publicly vent her own allegation against Governor Newsom’s wife, claiming that the first lady…

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Joe Biden isn’t really the “president.” How can he be when it is clear, at this point, that the election was rigged in his favor? We’ve all seen the evidence – it’s out there. Biden is nothing more than a weak, beta-male puppet with name recognition who the left knew they could use to be their talking head. Heck, Joe’s own chief of staff even said that elections can be rigged. Check this out, circa November 2020 – via Breitbart: Ron Klain, the long-serving aide to former Vice President Joe Biden who was named White House chief of staff Wednesday…

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The bombshell revelation that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley may have conspired with communist China to overthrow a duly elected American president is almost unimaginable. Yet that is the claim made in new book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward. The 78-year old investigative reporter, best known for unraveling the Watergate scandal, along with his colleague Carl Bernstein in 1972, was instrumental in bringing down the Nixon White House. The upcoming book titled “Peril” was written in collaboration with political reporter Robert Costa and alleges that General Mark Milley made two clandestine phone…

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There are far too many states in the union that are becoming entirely unlivable. Off the top of the head, most people would probably name California, New York, and Washington – to start. Don’t forget about Colorado, though! The four states listed above have turned into liberal cesspools over the past few decades. Soon, it may be too hard for them to recover. Time to wake up before all your freedoms are stripped, lefties. From CBS Denver: Some parents are suing Tri-County Health Department over its mask mandate. At issue is whether teachers and administrators can be arrested, charged and…

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Alexandria O’commie-Cortez showed up to the Met Gala wearing a white dress with red letters that read: TAX THE RICH. This is a woman who earns $170,000 taxpayer dollars annually to lie to the American people – not to mention whatever else she’s making (or will make) from book deals and whatever else. She wants the rich taxed sky-high, that much is clear. But don’t include her in that group, y’all! From Daily Wire: Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Tuesday informed her Instagram followers that she’s not one of the wealthy people she wants taxed, following criticism that she…

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The mainstream media as well as know-nothing Hollywood elites are backing General Milley for reportedly telling China he’d warn them before President Trump were to attack. Obviously, if verifiably true, Milley would’ve committed treason – no if’s, and’s or but’s about it. Milley is the kind of guy that Joe Biden can get behind because both men hate their country. Check this out, via Daily Wire: President Joe Biden is standing by Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, amid reports that Milley coordinated with the Chinese and his own staff against former President Donald Trump. “I…

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Liberals will absolutely find a way to defend this criminal. It’s what they do. They prefer to side with the bad guys, simply because they feel all cops are out to get minorities. But how do you stick up for a man who opens fire on two police officers, then pistol whips one of them causing broken eye sockets? If you think it can’t be done, just wait until liberals hear about this story. Wayne Isley, sheriff of Brevard County, Florida had this to say about the monster: “Let there be no doubt. This individual got exactly what he deserved.…

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Have you wondered yet how the flu just happened to magically disappear? That’s not opinion. It is fact, apparently. In the words of Matthew McConaughey’s character from “Wolf of Wall Street,” the flu is fugazi (it’s a woozy, it’s a wazzy, it’s a…fairy dust). If you still don’t believe that people are assigned covid, then you’re not paying attention. Here’s a quick example, for ya: This author knows a person who went to get tested, the place ended up taking too long so she had to leave early (without being tested) – and later received a notice that she tested…

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If this report is accurate, it would kind of make sense. After all, people on the inside of government were absolutely working non-stop to sabotage Donald Trump’s presidency – despite all the good he accomplished for the country. And if this report does wind up being true, General Milley should face some serious prison time. Here’s what’s up, via Fox News: Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday expressed skepticism regarding the report that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley went behind his back to call Chinese officials but said such an action was treasonous if true.…

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There are probably a few smaller states with strong Republican governors, but none stick out quite like Florida’s Ron DeSantis and Texas’ Greg Abbott. Like DeSantis, Abbott is constantly standing up to the Biden administration’s lawlessness. Somebody has to. Here’s the latest big news out of Texas, via Washington Examiner: Texas may award a massive contract to begin building a barrier that stretches along more than 700 miles of the state’s border with Mexico as early as this week, according to the office overseeing the project. The Texas Facilities Commission, which oversees state contracts, said in a statement it anticipates…

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Joe Biden was doing one of these computer interview-thingy’s not long ago. When it was about to finish up, Biden asked Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) what she wanted him to do next – like, take questions or something. Pelosi was clearly heard saying, “We don’t want him to speak.” That’s what even Democrats think about this guy. They know that when Joe opens his mouth, he’s likely to create a problem. Check this out, via Fox News: The White House abruptly cut the feed of President Biden’s briefing on wildfires with federal and state officials. During Monday’s visit to Boise, Idaho,…

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We can only pray that Joe Biden serves a single term in the Oval Office. From day one in the White House, the man’s policies have completely failed the United States – and he knows it, but doesn’t care. You know things are bad when even members of Barack Obama’s failed administration are coming out to blast Joe and co. Get a load of this… From The Daily Wire: Michael Morell, former President Barack Obama’s Acting CIA Director, said during a CBS News interview on Sunday that the Biden administration’s actions in Afghanistan have “inspired jihadists” all over the world,…

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Talk about a big-time loser, right here. Not only was she a failure when running for office, but Pamela Keith is so far-left that she can’t see straight. Keith and people like her are everything wrong with America today. And she doesn’t care if you know that she’s anti-American. In fact, she probably prefers it. Pray for her. She knows not what she does (or tweets). From The Daily Wire: A failed Democratic candidate in Florida tweeted that she believes the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, was a more pressing day in American history than the terrorist attacks that…

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It’s good to be king. Joe Biden would know. How liberals and the mainstream media remain blind to the fact that Joe is acting like a literal dictator is completely beyond the pale. But that’s life in 2021, isn’t it? And we’re just forced to accept it, right? Does anybody feel a new revolution coming on in the near future? At this point, it almost seems inevitable. From Newsweek: President Joe Biden’s new vaccine mandates for federal employees don’t apply to members of Congress or those who work for Congress or the federal court system. Biden issued two executive orders…

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There are people who are ridiculously crazy and then there’s Dr. Leana Wen. This woman is a total nut. She appears on CNN regularly to offer her professional opinion. The problem is that her opinion is absolutely wrong, 11 times out of 10. That’s not hyperbole. It is fact. From Reason: Leana Wen is a visiting professor of health policy and management at George Washington University, a Washington Post columnist, the former president of Planned Parenthood, and a medical analyst for CNN. She appeared on the network several times in the past 24 hours to react to President Joe Biden’s…

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It was without a doubt another bizarre press conference, as erratic and at times angry Joe Biden, squinted, sputtered, and lied his way through another awful public statement without taking any questions. However, within this “maze of confusion” Biden did manage to demean over 100 million private citizens who for a myriad of reasons have decided not to take any of the vaccines currently available to them. The Biden gang used the press conference days before the 20th anniversary of 9/11 as a ruse to trick the public by once again using the pandemic as a pretext to distract the…

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The words “never forget” were etched into every American’s brain after the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001. Now 20 years removed from the fall of the Twin Towers, the problem is that nearly half of the population clearly misrecollects what occurred on that day. Due to extremely poor leadership from the Executive Branch, a terrorist organization once again rules in Afghanistan. And here’s what the Biden “administration” thinks about the Taliban. From The Daily Wire: Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration praised Taliban extremists on Thursday, just two days before the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks that killed thousands…

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We are reaching peak levels of absurdity when it comes to liberals turning into full-fledged communists. How these monsters can be so “pro-choice” when it comes to abortion, yet not feel Americans have the right to choose whether or not to receive a COVID vaccine is beyond belief. Here’s what White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Thursday, “There are limited exceptions, but yes, the expectation is that if you want to work for the federal government or be a contractor, you need to be vaccinated, unless you are eligible for one of the exemptions.” Is that just straight…

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President Trump spoke to reporters all the time in order remain transparent with the American people. Joe Biden, on the other hand, refuses to take questions from the press for a couple of reasons. First, Joe’s team doesn’t want him to speak. They know he’ll say something wrong – that’s a given. Second, Biden doesn’t know how to back up his positions – and that is a major problem. But why take questions when the MSM is only going to back you up anyways, right? From Fox News: President Joe Biden is announcing Thursday that all employers with more…

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Fresh off his humiliating evacuation from Afghanistan, the Biden administration is now attempting to purge 11 Trump appointees from the military academy advisory boards or be fired. White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed on Wednesday that they had been served notice to resign or be fired. “The President’s objective is what any president’s objective is, to ensure you have nominees and people serving on these boards who are qualified to serve on them and who are aligned with your values. And who are aligned with his values.” Psaki told reporters at a media briefing. The 11 members include a…

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President Biden created his own personal storm while touring several Northeastern states on Tuesday, as hecklers shouted insults. They demanded accountability for his shameful and chaotic evacuation from Afghanistan. Although the protesters were few in number they nevertheless made their feelings heard, loud and clear. One irate woman shouting off camera, however captured by C-SPAN footage yelled, “My country is going to s***t and you’re allowing it!” Adding, “And I’m an immigrant and I’m proud of this country! I’d give my life for this country. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.” While another protester shouted, “All this for a…

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When a person is caught lying after providing testimony to Congress, does anything ever really happen? You know, other than a very minor slap on the wrist? Because Anthony Fauci, the highest-paid public official in America, is so beloved by the mainstream media and clueless Hollywood celebrities, this story is likely to be swept under the rug. But facts don’t lie – unlike Fauci. From Fox News: Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., says newly public documents revealing the extent of U.S. funding of coronavirus research in Wuhan, China, show that National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) head Dr. Anthony…

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Imagine being so caught up in being “woke” that you completely ignore every other single aspect of your job. That is the situation in which Joe Biden finds himself. This entire current “administration” finds a new way to make itself look foolish on a regular basis – and the mainstream media is right there to cover for them. Here’s the latest on Afghanistan, via The Daily Wire: The Biden State Department refused to give approval to private charter planes seeking to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies from Afghanistan, according to a report from Fox News based on a leaked email.…

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Did you ever wonder how someone like Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi can amass an estimated fortune of roughly $120 million dollars, on an annual salary as Speaker of approximately $225,000? A salary that many upper middle class individuals earn annually in America today. However, few can ever dream of amassing such a fortune based on their income. The 80 something year old lawmaker, along with her mogul real estate husband has been manipulating financial transactions for decades. Using her influence as Speaker, Pelosi has been able to stay a step or two ahead of being convicted on a series…

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It appears that one of our dreaded concerns may in fact be coming true, as reports surfaced over the weekend that Taliban thugs are refusing to allow up to 6-airplanes filled with American citizens to take off from Afghanistan, raising the fear that a possible hostage crisis may be brewing. Taxes Congressmen Mike McCaul appearing Sunday on Fox News, made the startling announcement. “We have six airplanes at Mazar Sharif Airport, six airplanes with American citizens on them as I speak, also with these interpreters, and the Taliban is holding them hostage for demands right now. The state has…

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Unless he single-handedly cures cancer in the immediate future, Joe Biden’s “presidency” will undoubtedly be remembered as a catastrophic failure. The man is so incapable of doing anything right that he almost makes conservatives pine for the days of Barack Obama’s “leadership.” Almost. At the end of the day, the former vice president just doesn’t seem to care how much he hurts the United States on a daily basis. From Breitbart: Some Afghans have lied about their identities or destroyed their passports in hopes to win resettlement across the United States, the Associated Press (AP) reports. Officials with President Joe…

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If Donald Trump was still working out of the Oval Office, there’s a more than decent chance that the Taliban would not be running Afghanistan right now. Trump would’ve taken action to prevent it from ever happening. He also probably wouldn’t have asked the president of the Middle Eastern nation to make it seem as though the terrorist organization was losing, as Joe Biden reportedly did. But this is what happens when a beta male like Joe is in charge. Now, American lives are continually at risk. From Washington Free Beacon: The State Department says there is little it can…

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali used to be a Muslim, then she woke up. After coming to grips with the harsh realities of the religion, Ali turned her back on “the one who shall-not-be-drawn!” Back in August 2020, Ali appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight. She told the Fox News host something very disturbing about then-presidential candidate Joe Biden. Check this out, via Fox News: Carlson played several clips from the July 20 remarks, in which Biden vowed to end Trump’s “Muslim ban on day one” of his administration and stated, “I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith.…

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Democrats are constantly “evolving” on issues. Well, most issues – not all. For example, racism. Democrats were racist before the Civil War and they remain so today. That’s one area in which they refuse to change their collective mind. Joe Biden, a man who has the nerve to call himself Catholic, not only fights in favor of abortion, but is now openly saying he does not believe that life begins at conception. This guy is deluded. Oh, and he used to think differently. From The Daily Wire: President Joe Biden claimed on Friday that he does not believe that life…

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One in five Democrat voters now say they have regrets about their choice for president. Think about that for a minute. Now that we’re eight-plus months in and the Biden/Harris “administration” has wreaked havoc on America (and the world), some people want a do-over. These people were willing to ignore alllllllll of the warning signs surrounding Joe and Kamala, simply because they disliked the way Donald Trump tweeted. This new poll also begs the question: what in the you-know-what are the other four liberals still thinking!? From The Daily Wire: According to a recent Zogby Poll survey, 20% of likely…

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Texas Senator Ted Cruz may very well have wound up being the Republican nominee for president in 2016, had Donald Trump decided not to run. As a constitutional conservative, Ted would’ve made a fantastic commander-in-chief. Cruz, a Harvard Law School graduate, is one of those people who has forgotten more about politics and American history than most people will ever know. Therefore, his opinion is worth paying attention to. On Friday, the senator slammed Joe and co. like he got paid to do it. From The Daily Wire: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed Democrat President Joe Biden on Friday over…

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Democrats like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris don’t want to see American citizens working. No, they want to see American citizens relying on the government for absolutely everything, always. Cradle to grave, y’all. Cradle to grave. The new jobs numbers are bad news, just as everybody thought would be the case, month after month, with a socialist at the helm of the world’s most powerful nation. From CNBC: Job creation for August was a huge disappointment, with the economy adding just 235,000 positions, the Labor Department reported Friday. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been looking for 720,000 new hires.…

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He is most likely suffering from dementia, clearly incompetent and a habitual liar. He is surrounded by “yes men.” And his title is 46th president of these United States. How did we get to a point where a dope like Joe Biden becomes POTUS? Oh yeah, that’s right – because of the mainstream media constantly propping up and covering for him. The biggest threat this nation faces isn’t radical Muslims or climate change. It’s the MSM. Here’s just the latest example of Joe being caught in a big lie, via ABC News: Democrat President Joe Biden claimed on Thursday that…

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Under President Trump, things were clear: America came first, period. No ifs, ands, or buts. The message was direct and to the point and left no room for interpretation. When it comes to the “Biden Administration,” things couldn’t be more opposite. If this article doesn’t drive the point home for lefties about Joe not loving his country, then nothing will. From Fox News: The United States is helping Tajikistan secure a portion of its border with Afghanistan to help combat security threats in the region since the U.S. troop withdrawal from Kabul Monday, despite the ongoing crisis at the U.S.…

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That old adage stating; “a great civilization is not conquered from without, until it has destroyed itself from within,” is exactly where America is at in this pivotal moment within our history. Ironically, the very people and institutions that we’ve put our faith in, to protect and preserve America’s values, are the very entities that are now undermining those principles. Project Veritas, headed by James O’Keefe, is a non-profit independent undercover investigative reporting service. They uncover corruption, malfeasance, and dishonesty within both private and public institutions within America. This latest example of corruption, malfeasance, and dishonesty is currently being played…

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Within the last several weeks, when it appeared that the Biden administration would once again renege on their promise to extract every American citizen out of Afghanistan, thousands of former service members from every branch of the military, along with veterans groups and a number of veteran/lawmakers decided to use whatever means possible to rescue as many American citizens along with Afghan allies, trapped in Afghanistan. One of those brave lawmakers is Oklahoma congressman, Markwayne Mullin who had been attempting to enter Afghanistan before the Biden administration surrendered control to the Taliban, and deserted an untold number of Americans and…

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Don Lemon knows better than you on pretty much every single issue. That reason alone is why he is employed by the most-respected news outlet in the entire world, CNN. Okay, enough with the jokes. Lemon, for many reasons, is everything wrong with America today. Check this out, via The Daily Wire: CNN host Don Lemon told Americans who have not yet gotten the COVID-19 vaccination that they are “selfish” and should refrain from seeking lifesaving medical treatment if they fall ill. In a fit of pique, Lemon began shouting as he discussed the issue with fellow CNN talk show…

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