Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Joe Biden is set to spend the coming weekend in his home state of Delaware. Meaning, he’s going on vacation…again. Because of Biden’s “leadership,” 13 service members won’t ever be able to go on vacation again. And it’s almost like Joe and company don’t even care. When will the GOP grow a spine and impeach this anti-American “president?” Here’s what is now going on in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, via Business Insider: The Taliban held a military parade in the southern city of Kandahar on Wednesday, showing off American-made weapons of war captured when the group defeated the Afghan army and overran…

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Joe Biden’s short tenure in the Oval Office has been nothing short of tumultuous, just as every sane person in the political arena had predicted. Some might even go as far as to say it has been straight-up chaotic. And they’d be right. If this latest report on Biden is 100% accurate, it’s quite the doozy. Check this out, via The Daily Mail: President Joe Biden wanted the now-departed Afghan president to create the ‘perception’ that his government was capable of holding off the Taliban – an indication he knew it was only a matter of time before the US…

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When you have spent your entire adult life lying through your teeth, you start believing your own BS. Because Joe Biden is surrounded by “yes men,” he probably thinks he’s doing a great job in office. Newsflash, Joe: you’re not. In fact, you may be on track to go down as the absolute worst president in the history of the United States of America. Here’s yet another example of Biden’s feckless “leadership”… WATCH: MORE: From Fox News: President Biden appears to have broken his promise to stay in Afghanistan until every American is evacuated. Marine Corps Gen.…

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If you are going to leave American citizens behind enemy lines, there’s a decent chance you won’t have any qualms with leaving behind dozens and dozens of man’s best friend. Because at the end of the day, Joe Biden and his team don’t care about much of anything. Here’s the statement from the president and CEO of the Humane Society, via PRNewsWire: I am devastated by reports that the American government is pulling out of Kabul and leaving behind brave U.S. military contract working dogs to be tortured and killed at the hand of our enemies. These brave dogs do…

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“Semper Fidelis” (Always Faithful), is the proud motto of the United Sates Marine Corps. This weekend, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller selflessly performed another act of bravery as significant as any warrior laying down his life in a time of conflict. To save fellow Marines against a “WOKE BRASS” he refused to take responsibility for their horrendous decisions which resulted in the needless deaths of 13 young Americans on the battlefield. In what was perhaps a defining moment for many young Marines currently serving (along with the hundreds of thousands of veterans) Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller laid his 17-year military career…

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Barack Obama had no business ever being president. The only reason he won in 2008 was because of Bush and the recession. The MSM pushed for “hope” and “change” and boy did they get it, just not in the way it was meant to work out. Obama’s 2012 re-election bid should’ve been over before it started, given how awful the guy’s first term was. The problem was that Mitt Romney was too bland. Him and Paul Ryan, both. Nowadays, Utah Senator Romney (RINO) spends his time disparaging Trump like he gets paid to do it. From Politico: Sen. Mitt Romney…

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It has been nearly 20 years now since the Twin Towers went down on 9/11/2001. Nearly 3,000 lives were lost when multiple planes were hijacked and slammed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. Extremist Muslims were the perpetrators. There’s no way to get around that fact. But don’t put it past Virginia’s education department. They want to make sure that today’s youth not know the truth. From The Daily Wire: Virginia’s Department of Education hosted a speaker who instructed teachers to exclude the role Muslim extremism played when teaching students about 9/11. In a…

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It was Trump’s fault. This whole Afghanistan withdrawal debacle (which has seen over a dozen Americans killed in action) is all on Trump. That’s what Joe Biden wants you to believe. It is what 99% of the mainstream media wants the politically illiterate to believe, also. On Saturday, one MSM outlet took a stand and exposed Joe’s lies. From AP News: As President Donald Trump’s administration signed a peace deal with the Taliban in February 2020, he optimistically proclaimed that “we think we’ll be successful in the end.” His secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, asserted that the administration was “seizing…

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It is a sad sight. Liberal voters in the United States cannot see how Democrat politicians have turned into straight-up marxist/socialist/communist dictators – stripping Americans of their GOD-given freedoms on a daily basis. And the worst part is that the mainstream media is 100% complicit in the madness. It’s time these people wake up. From Washington Examiner: A Chicago mother is appealing a court order that revoked her parental visiting rights because she declined to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. When Rebecca Firlit and her ex-husband of seven years participated in a child support hearing via video call on Aug.…

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It may not be as dramatic as 1775’s “shot heard round the world” that began our American Revolution, against an oppressive regime. However, just like those colonial farmers, merchants, and ordinary folks of yesteryear today’s patriots have finally declared “ENOUGH!” America’s Governor’s, teachers, parents, merchants, healthcare workers, public servants and anyone with half-a-brain are finally ripping off the little pieces of cloth from their faces and finally breathing the free air of liberty. In the free state of Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday reiterated once again that scientific research showing that face masks actually blocks the spread of COVID…

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For many veterans, along with those brave men and women currently in uniform, yesterday was without a doubt, the worst day since 9/11. Many are asking, could the carnage that took the lives of 13 young brave American servicemen, have been prevented? That question is being debated in thousands of American homes all across the country. Concerning the competence of Biden along with his military advisors, allowing terrorist groups like the Taliban to actually run interference for us, it was unconscionable, and a blunder of monumental proportions. However, as horrendous as those deaths are incompetence isn’t a crime. That is,…

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On a day when 13 American Marines were killed in Afghanistan (making it the deadliest day of conflict since 2011), it was reported that the “Biden Administration” is sharing intelligence with the Taliban. In case you weren’t aware, the Taliban is a radical Muslim outfit that wants America to burn. And these are the people Joe Biden is putting his faith in. Check this out, via The Daily Wire: General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Commander of the United States Central Command, said during a press conference on Thursday that the U.S. Military, under the leadership of Democrat President Joe Biden, is…

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Not only did Joe Biden not really win the 2020 presidential election, but he hasn’t even been calling the shots since he was sworn-in as commander-in-chief on January 20, 2021. Somebody is in charge, but it’s certainly not the former VP. That much should be clear even to most Dems, at this point. On Thursday afternoon from the White House, Joe once again proved he has no business being the most powerful man in the world. From Fox News: President Biden raised eyebrows on Thursday as he began taking questions from reporters for the first time since the Kabul terror…

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If it seems like Joe Biden is doing everything within his immense power to tear down America one day at a time, that’s because he is – just like his former boss, Barry Soetaro. And what does he care, right? After all, Biden is and has been a multi-millionaire many, many times over for a long time now. Plus, he’s famous the world over. He’s also heavily-protected by armed security with each footstep he takes. The guy literally has nothing to lose. Therefore, by attempting to “fix” all the problems “caused” by Republicans, Joe comes off as a hero to…

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Slowly but surely, Covid-19 vaccination mandates are coming to America. They have already been implemented in many other countries around the globe, so it would only make sense that the “Biden Administration” will follow suit (or at the very least, not push back). It will start by requiring gyms to prove that members are vaccinated. It will then spread to movie theaters, airplanes, restaurants, and every other business you can think of. And all for what? Because if you catch a virus with an extremely high chance of survival you pose a threat to the community? Come on, man. Something…

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A former Marine turned missionary is working overtime to bring a Afghan Christian family out of harms way in Taliban controlled Afghanistan. Victor Marx who now heads up a nonprofit group called “All Things Possible” a Christian organization dedicated to “identifying, interrupting & restoring those affected by trauma.” Tells anyone whose listening; “Our secret weapon is prayer” Which Marx himself knows quite well having suffered abuse as a child growing up. “I was tortured, according to the experts,” Marx said. “My mother was married six times. I went to 14 schools and lived in 17 houses…I had 123 visits to…

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Does anybody in their right mind believe Joe Biden earned 80 million-plus votes in the 2020 presidential election? The guy who can’t walk or talk snagged more votes than any candidate in American history? Come on, man! Sure, President Trump was hated by millions of people because the mainstream media lied to them on a daily basis. But Trump didn’t lose that election. There’s no chance. Check out this new ad POTUS put out, blasting Joe’s numerous failures during his short time in the White House… Biden took another L to Trump on Monday. From Fox News: The United…

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He has very, very close ties to the Clintons. He was already once the governor of Virginia, plagued by scandals. He is a radically, radically far-left liberal. Now, Terry McAuliffe is letting you know that if you’re unvaccinated his administration will “make life difficult.” Is this still America, Terry, or a third-world s***hole?? From The Daily Wire: Terry McAuliffe, the former Democratic governor of Virginia who is again running for the position, said in a recently released video that his administration would “make life difficult” for people who choose not to get the COVID-19 vaccine. McAuliffe was one of the…

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Because so much attention is given to Joe Biden and his incompetence in the Oval Office, it is easy to forget that Democrats control both the upper and lower chambers of Congress. Since it has been proven that a Democrat-led government is bad for the nation (and world), you can expect the GOP to take back either the House and/or Senate during next November’s midterm elections. Until then, we’re stuck with this type of nonsensical spending. From Reuters: WASHINGTON, Aug 24 (Reuters) – The Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives voted on Tuesday to advance key parts of President Joe Biden’s…

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Nearly a decade ago, Osama bin Laden had apparently plotted to take out then-President Barack Obama. He wanted to do it so Joe Biden would be in charge of the United States. The man behind the 9/11 terror attacks felt Biden was “unprepared” to be POTUS. It really, really sucks to have to agree with him. Check this out, via Breitbart: Osama bin Laden wanted to assassinate former President Barack Obama in the early 2010s as part of a plan to plunge the U.S. into crisis through the elevation of Joe Biden, whom the infamous terrorist leader believed was “totally…

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Despite barely being able to string along a coherent sentence, Joe Biden conducted himself fairly well against Donald Trump during last year’s presidential debates. Voters who were on the fence probably saw this and figured conservative pundits were lying when they said Joe was a bumbling dope. But that’s just not true. The former VP just presented himself well, for once. Because of his decades of gaffes, Biden’s handlers will keep from from taking questions from the press on a daily basis. That’s not how a leader handles himself. From The Daily Wire: Democrat President Joe Biden ran away from…

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The crisis in Afghanistan took another disastrous and bizarre turn over the weekend as the White House, Pentagon, and the Intel community all staked out their own individual assessments concerning their handling of the ongoing crisis. First up, bemused and hapless Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin appearing Sunday with ABC News’ Martha Raddatz. They discussed the Pentagons intelligence report last month that contradicted President Biden’s claim that a Taliban takeover of the country was not inevitable or even likely. Lloyd explained, “There were assessments that ranged initially from one to two years to, you know, several months,” he said. “But…

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America’s top doctor is a far-left radical, just like everybody else working in the “Biden Administration.” Like Joe, Kamala and the rest of ’em, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy is all about vaccine mandates. If you haven’t received “the jab” just yet, you may soon be forced into it; forced into carrying around your COVID “passport.” Does this sound like the America you once knew? During an appearance on CNN, Murthy said: “There are universities and businesses that have been considering putting in vaccine requirements in order to create a safer — a workplace, a learning environment. I think this announcement…

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If President Trump mumbled a word salad, the mainstream media would be all over it in a second and they wouldn’t let up. They’d want to know what he actually meant and they’d pose the question repeatedly. But since Joe Biden is a Democrat with a lengthy history of regurgitating nonsense, he’s given a pass. Liberal privilege, folks. From ABC News: ABC is being called out for editing out portions of President Biden’s interview on the deadly chaos in Afghanistan where he made gaffes about his son Beau — the network included the lines in the transcript, but did not…

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Higher education (and all education, in general) has pretty much always been dominated by liberal radicals. But everything was much more manageable, back in the day. Nothing was as intense as it is now. In other words, seemingly ever since Barack Obama became president in January 2009, education took a hard left turn for the worse. Now, future generations are paying the price in a major way. Check out what’s happening at U of V, via Virginian Pilot: CHARLOTTESVILLE — The University of Virginia disenrolled 238 students ahead of its fall semester for noncompliance with the school’s COVID-19 vaccine requirement.…

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If only a few more radical leftist elites working in the mainstream media supported Trump over wildly incompetent former vice president Biden back in 2020, America would be in a much better place – as would the world. Donald Trump made the country better, crazy Joe is tearing her apart. Facts don’t lie. From The Daily Wire: Numerous members of the British Parliament slammed President Joe Biden this week in response to the catastrophe the president created in Afghanistan with his disastrous pullout and handling of the situation. The remarks came on Wednesday from members in the House of Lords,…

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Conservatives knew from the start that Joe Biden was unfit to lead. His decades of gaffes, racist remarks and mental errors should’ve been enough to alert lefties, also, but you never really know what’s happening in a liberal’s mind. With his latest catastrophe underway in the Middle East, things are beginning to click for the majority of Americans. Finally. It is already past time for Joe to be impeached as a detriment to American safety. From New York Post: Fewer than 40 percent of likely voters believe Joe Biden is carrying out the duties of the presidency, according to a…

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Democrats should now be able to differentiate from what took place on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol Building and what recently occurred in Afghanistan. One of those events was a true insurrection, the other was not. Ashli Babbitt lost her life not long after police officers literally ushered patriots into the Capitol Building. Now, her killer is off the hook. From The Daily Wire: The Capitol police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt during the Capitol riot on January 6 has reportedly been formally exonerated after the Capitol Police conducted an internal investigation, according to an internal document. A memo…

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With less than 2% of diners actually infected by COVID-19 at New York City restaurants, a group of small business owners along with a number of eateries filed suit Tuesday afternoon. They are challenging Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio’s executive order forcing customers to be vaccinated before entering an indoor restaurant or other indoor activities. The lawsuit filed by The Independent Restaurant Owners Association, Max’s Esca, DeLuca’s Italian Restaurant, and Pasticceria Rocco are asking for an immediate injunction against the mayors unconstitutional executive order. It’s no surprise considering the order requires diners to be vaccinated before being allowed to even…

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Has Joe Biden accomplished a single thing since taking office on January 20, 2021? Honestly, can anybody name one – just one thing!? **CRICKETS** Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? Exactly. This dope has done nothing except make more Americans dependent on government and put millions of lives at risk all across the globe. What a great start to your “presidency,” Joe. From The Daily Wire: According to a report from The Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF), the Biden administration is continuing to tell American citizens trapped in Afghanistan that if they want to be evacuated out of the country, they must pay…

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The nightmare reality of American civilians along with Afghan loyalists stranded in the capital city of Kabul, surrounded by thousands of Taliban fighters should send shockwaves throughout America. Indeed, around the world. American citizens and Afghan loyalists lucky enough to have made it to the Kabul’s Hamid Karzai Airport can at least breathe a temporary sigh of relief knowing that approximately 4,500 U.S. troops are stationed at the airport. They are helping to process their paperwork and evacuate as many Americans and Afghan loyalists as quickly as possible before the August 31st deadline. However, what about those individuals stranded in…

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It appears that the proverbial “walls of Jericho” have indeed toppled within the White House. Administration officials, military brass, an assorted number of political pundits, analysts, & media outlets who were once friendly to the Biden administration now scrabble to recover their tarnished reputation. Days following the abysmal collapse of Afghanistan the Biden team is still attempting to spin the disaster in their favor. However, they’ve got an uphill battle considering what the world is actually witnessing. Media outlets that have ignored Bidens deteriorating mental state, his whole family’s corruption, and his career-long incompetence are finally being forced to hold…

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The fall of Afghanistan had many Republicans within congress asking exactly how much weaponry was left behind. The answer in all probably will not come voluntarily from the White House. It will likely be like pulling teeth from the intensely embarrassed and cowering administration. House Republicans on the Armed Services Committee are considering legislation that would force the administration to reveal how much weaponry and equipment was left behind for the taking by the Taliban. According to the Daily Caller News Foundation, the GOP will introduce early next month a bill during the full committee markup of the National Defense…

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If you willingly voted for Joe Biden last November, don’t you at least feel a tiny bit awful for dragging America down? If not, why not? Is the most generous nation on the planet really that horrible? Was gas just too cheap and more items too affordable with Donald Trump in charge? SMH. Here’s the latest on crazy, crazy Joe, via The Daily Wire: President Joe Biden addressed the nation on the topic of the coronavirus on Wednesday, going a step further in his battle against specific Republican governors who have pushed back against mask mandates in schools. Biden said,…

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It appears even liberal San Franciscans have had enough of ultra progressive DA Chesa Boudin’s insane radical policies that reward criminals for actually being “criminals.” Boudin is facing a second recall attempt from fed up city residents who have seen their community ravaged by drug dealings and street crime, as a result of Boudin refusal to prosecute repeat offenders. Boudin’s obvious willful disregard for enforcing the law has resulted in SF experiencing more deaths last year from fentanyl overdoses than from COVID-19. According to a police spokesman appearing on Fox News, Boudin’s progressive policies including reducing bail for repeat offenders…

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It’s been a rough 48-hours for the Biden team. First was his embarrassing “mea culpa” for his utter miscarriage of leadership of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan’s. Now comes the stunning rejection on Monday from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), refusing to pump more oil to the US. They stated that it’s member countries (including Russia) “do not need more oil” on the world market. Last week a desperate Biden urged OPEC to boost oil production output, claiming that if they didn’t gasoline prices would rise worldwide and perhaps threaten the current global economic recovery. However, OPEC didn’t…

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Joe Biden can blame everybody under the sun for the fall of Afghanistan to radical Islamic terrorists, but ultimately this is entirely on his administration. The Biden/Harris ticket was never meant to “unify” the country or bring the economy roaring back from the plandemic. Nope. For Democrats, Biden/Harris was always about gaining power to ensure control over the lives of everyday Americans. Now, everybody is paying for it. From The Hill: President Biden has allocated $500 million in additional funds for relocating Afghan refugees, including applicants for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs), in response to the Taliban’s swift takeover of the…

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They control the schools, the media, Hollywood, and many other major industries in this nation. Now, quite possibly more than ever before, the radical liberal agenda has invaded the sports world in a big way. As if seeing individual athletes kneel for the national anthem wasn’t causing enough division, now whole organizations have downed the entire jug of leftist Kool-Aid. The Las Vegas Raiders have joined the New Orleans Saints in demanding all fans show proof of vaccination before entering their stadiums during home games. Check this out, via The Daily Wire: The Las Vegas Raiders will require proof of…

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Why was it that Democrats fought so hard to rig an election in Joe Biden’s favor? Could they really have hated winning so much and so often? Was Donald Trump honestly that horrible? At the end of the day, Trump was a proud American who kept citizens of his country safe. He fought, day in and day out, for their best interests. Biden cannot say the same. From The Daily Wire: President Joe Biden’s administration told American citizens trapped in Afghanistan that the administration cannot guarantee their safety if they travel to the airport in Kabul to be evacuated. The…

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The fallout from Biden’s bungled and incompetent Afghanistan withdrawal is perhaps the worst foreign policy decision since the Gulf of Tomkin Resolution, enacted by LBJ back in 1964. That decision plunged America into a bloody 15 year conflict in Vietnam that is still felt today. Bidens attempt during his emergency news conference to the nation, to blame others for his sloppy and ill-conceived exit strategy is an example of just how out of touch this administration is. A bombshell report alleges that Biden refused to listen to his top military advisors to keep a contingency force of 2,500 armed American…

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