Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Barack Obama is back in the news today. That’s right, the man Democrats consider to be the best president of all-time is making headlines – but for all the wrong reasons. The 44th president will turn 60 on August 4 and he’s planning a rather large extravaganza. As you might expect, the Biden White House doesn’t think this is a big deal. Neither does the mainstream media. The problem is that you can be certain that if Donald Trump held a 700-person party he’d immediately be called out for throwing a COVID-19 “super-spreader” event. If you’d argue otherwise, you’re out…

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His name is Jeffrey Zients and he is the White House’s COVID-19 Response Coordinator. Like all radical leftists in America and across the globe today Zients wants every single person vaccinated no matter their personal beliefs. This is despite the negative side effects (like catching COVID again). But to come out and say it is “time to impose requirements” is on another level of Orwellian. It’s downright unconstitutional. Zients said, “Last week the president called on states and local governments to use funding they have received, including from the American Rescue Plan, to give $100 to anyone who gets fully…

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Imagine voting to put a man in office who clearly doesn’t have your best interests at heart; a man who calls himself Catholic yet believes killing babies is acceptable; a man who feels that raising taxes on virtually all Americans is the right thing to do. How is it possible for any Democrat politician to earn a single vote, let alone hundreds of thousands to millions? It literally does not make sense. Anyway, here’s the latest on Joe giving away your tax dollars to cover lawyer fees for illegal aliens. From Washington Examiner: The Biden administration aims to spend millions…

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How delusional must a person be to take a Democrat politician seriously? It’s as if one must completely forego all respect for oneself and one’s country. And the biggest problems are the rampant hypocrisy and blatantly immoral nature by which lefties conduct themselves. At the end of the day, the country (and the world) seemingly becomes a little more liberal by the hour – no matter how hard conservatives push back. Situations like the one DC Mayor Muriel Bowser found herself in aren’t that uncommon, but you can always count on the mainstream media to look the other way! From…

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If you took a poll among people who follow politics on a regular basis regarding the worst governor in America, there’s little question that Gavin Newsom (CA) and Andrew Cuomo would be ranked one and two. Is it a coincidence that both men are Democrats? It shouldn’t be. Democrat policies are job killers and Cuomo’s handling of the plandemic literally cost thousands of people their lives. How is it possible that liberal voters can look past these issues and continue to vote lefties into office!? From Fox Business: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is calling for companies to end remote…

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Everything that once made sense since the beginning of man suddenly doesn’t anymore. This is what happens when inmates are allowed to run the asylum. How we got to this point where half the nation became so touchy-feely is a question that will hopefully be asked (and corrected) by future generations. Until then, do your best to stay sane! From WebMD: Sex should be removed as a legal designation on the public part of birth certificates, the American Medical Association (AMA) said Monday. Requiring it can lead to discrimination and unnecessary burden on individuals whose current gender identity does not…

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Texas Governor Greg Abbott has “thrown down the gauntlet,” on whether a sovereign state as a right to protect its citizens against an invading force of illegal criminal aliens. On Thursday the Biden Justice Department headed by Attorney General Merrick Garland sent a letter to the governor threatening to file a lawsuit against the “Lone-Star” state for interfering with federal immigration law.At issue is a new Executive Order signed by Abbott authorizing Texas State Troopers to stop and turn around suspected vehicles transporting illegal aliens across the state. Garland’s letter in part stated that Abbott’s Executive Order is “dangerous” and…

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Joe Biden chose California Senator Kamala Harris to be his vice presidential running mate, for whatever reason. The woman accomplished nothing during her time in the upper chamber, nor at any other level of public service. Years ago, Harris was accused of not taking care of a problem involving sexual harassment while serving as attorney general of the Golden State. She also asked a Catholic judge to rescind his Knights of Columbus membership. But those issues are just the very tip of the iceberg. This lady has a lot of issues. From Free Beacon: Former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown…

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The last thing America needs right now is another shutdown. Likewise, most people won’t be too pleased with being told COVID has taken over their lives once again. The problem is that Joe Biden is president. He doesn’t care what you or your doctor or even the CDC has to say. Because like all Democrats, Joe craves complete control. And the mainstream media is going to push Joe’s message 24/7. There are far too many misinformed folks out there thanks to the likes of Hollywood elites and the Chris Cuomo’s of the country. From Fox News: President Biden warned Friday…

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Joe Biden said it. Illegal aliens deserve to be taken care of by the American taxpayer. This is what he believes is a winning strategy, huh? From Daily Wire: Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said during a campaign stop in California on Wednesday that the United States has an “obligation” to give healthcare to illegal aliens. Biden noted, “I think that anyone who is in a situation where they’re in need of healthcare, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for. That’s why I think we need more clinics…

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Never let a good tragedy go to waste. Democrats take that saying to heart, no matter the issue might be. When it comes to Covid-19, these immoral monsters are making it abundantly clear that they know better than you do – and you will follow their rules. Why are liberal voters okay with having their freedoms stripped on a daily basis? Do they honestly not understand how bad life is for people in third-world countries? The answer is no. They really don’t. From Yahoo via Washington Examiner: U.S. Capitol Police officers were directed to arrest staff members or visitors who…

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First allow me to preface this article by observing, “it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.” Arrogant self-aggrandizing progressive Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has just been given an ultimatum to either cut his association with an “all white” country club, or feel the wrath of BLM. You’ll remember them as the extremist Marxist group known for causing mayhem around the country.The 65 year-old Rhode Island Democrat has until next Friday to cut ties with the prissy “all white” Newport-based Bailey’s Beach Club.The radical group has vowed if Whitehouse doesn’t sever his ties to the country club they’ll make his life…

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When we think of political prisoners being brutally beaten, stripped, hogtied and humiliated, it’s usually in a filthy, cold and dank cell somewhere in a totalitarian communist régime like North Korea, China or Russia. We never would consider that the brutal treatment of nonviolent political detainees could happen within America. Yet right here in our nation’s Capitol good men are currently being brutalized by Washington D.C. jail guards. Right alongside walls adorned by inspirational monuments and emblazoned with words that speak of one’s “inalienable rights.” That explosive information was about to be revealed publicly on Tuesday by a handful of…

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That gut wrenching decision by the Biden Justice Department to drop a federal civil rights probe undoubtedly poured additional salt on an already gaping wound. Not investigating the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents is an injury that for many New Yorker’s will never heal.On Friday Deputy Assistant Attorney General Joe Gaeta wrote; “We have reviewed the information provided by these states along with additional information available to the Department. Based on that review, we have decided not to open a CRIPA investigation of any public nursing facility within New York, Pennsylvania, or Michigan at this time.”Most grief-stricken…

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It was a good day for both the cruise-line industry along with Florida’s booming economic tourist attraction. This is thanks in part to a federal appeals court 360 degree turn-around reversing itself and siding with Governor DeSantis.The court had previously sided with the CDC’s egregious mandate and denying Florida one of its major economic assets. They selectively targeted and imposed restrictive vaccination rules against the cruise-line industry.The dust-up began in April of last year after Governor DeSantis was forced to file a lawsuit against the CDC, after healthcare bureaucrats within the government agency decided to arbitrarily punish the state, by…

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It is quite pathetic to have watched the far-left mainstream media berate President Trump’s mental health, despite zero signs of decline – yet remain completely silent for Joe’s every flub. I’m Joe Biden and I forgot this message. Aside from having a national election rigged in his favor, dementia should really be the only thing Biden is remembered for once his time in office is complete. The man is a complete and utter joke in every sense of the word. Things need to change. People need to grow up. Here’s a new video of Biden explaining the three reasons he…

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It was a performance worthy of an Academy Award as the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th riots kicked off on Tuesday. An assortment of sobs, tears, and lamenting grief from both politicians and Capitol Police members carefully hand-picked as witnesses by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Never-Trumper Rep Adam Kinzinger (one of two RINO’S seated on the committee) began weeping as soon as the camera turned in his direction. He began his opening statement saying, “Like most Americans, I am frustrated that six months after a deadly riot breached the United States Capitol for several hours on live…

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Over the weekend a concerned Ronny Jackson (the White House physician to former President Trump) took to Tweeter to voice his alarm regarding his observation of President Biden last week at a televised CNN town hall event. Jackson now a Texas congressman tweeted his distress along with a video clip of the 78-year old president’s bizarre and at times incoherent remarks, which left even CNN’s moderator Don Lemon befuddled. “He’s completely LOST it!” Jackson tweeted Saturday, after viewing Biden standing in the middle of the stage without notes attempting to answer a reporter’s friendly question about defunding the police. Biden…

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The stunning new guidelines imposed by the CDC on Tuesday afternoon recommending that both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals once again “mask-up”. This is creating a growing groundswell of resistance among critically-thinking individuals who recognize the unmitigated hypocrisy of both the Biden White House and their lackeys within the CDC.The growing backlash by everyday common sense folks who have faithfully followed “the science” as recommended by the CDC towards the virus, and are simultaneously witnessing the outrageous policies by this administration allowing tens of thousands of infected and unvaccinated illegal migrants to surge across our southern border into the United States,…

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I, like most critical thinking conservatives, weary of hearing the daily breakdown of law and order within our society, usually brought about by progressive policies. However, I couldn’t help but smirk when I heard the news that a former progressive Senator was robbed and assaulted in Oakland, California.My knee-jerk reaction to the news was an unfortunate primal response, similar to what we witness at times in a courtroom when a grieving victim suddenly goes haywire and attempts to attack the perpetrator. In this particular instance, former Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) who was assaulted and robbed in Oakland, California Monday afternoon…

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On Monday, Republican Senator Rand Paul made good on his promise to officially send a criminal referral on Dr. Anthony Fauci to Attorney General Merrick Garland for allegedly lying to Congress. The 58 year old Kentucky physician turned lawmaker and the nation’s top infectious disease official have been butting heads ever since Fauci became the official face of the White House. Under both former President Trump and President Biden he has interpreted the health guidelines from the CDC. He has had mixed reviews from other leading healthcare experts who have grown weary of Fauci’s ambiguous and obscure language concerning the…

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If you have not received a COVID-19 vaccination, you’re an idiot. At least that’s what radically far-left California Governor Gavin Newsom thinks – if anybody cares what he has to say, at this point. This guy is so far-left he can’t see straight. Aside from Andrew Cuomo of New York and Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer, Newsom is easily the worst state CEO in America today. What a title to hold, huh? From The Daily Wire: California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom compared those who are not vaccinated to “drunk drivers” during an interview on CNN — an interview that comes as Newsom…

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Quite possibly more than anything, Democrats are obsessed with race. To them, people should be placed into categories based on the color of their skin. But Republicans are the racists, right? Critical Race Theory (CRT) is fundamentally destroying the nation by brainwashing the uninformed. And what better place to start indoctrinating people than in schools? Check this out, via TheBlaze: A Minnesota fourth-grader and her mother are speaking out after a local school allegedly forced students to complete an “equity survey” and instructed them not to repeat the questions to their parents. According to Alpha News Minnesota, fourth-grade student Haylee…

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