Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

“Way back 150 years ago when I was chairman of the Judiciary committee we spent a lot of time working on setting up victim’s funds.” See those words above? They were spoken by the most powerful human being on the planet. Was Joe Biden trying to make a joke or was he serious? Does it even matter, anymore? The man is delusional. Period. VIDEO: Here’s the longer version: Back in March of this year, Joe said he began his career in the Senate 120 years ago. Maybe the man really is that old! From Fox News: President Biden…

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As a lifelong New Yorker, I recall the “bad old days” under a hapless Mayor David Dinkins who presided over a crime riddled city in the early 90’s. Incompetence and the inability to lead the “big apple” finally ended his reign in 1993 by his political rival “crime buster” Rudy Giuliani. Within weeks of taking office Giuliani re-instituted “quality-of-life-laws,” that his predecessor had abandoned. Local ordinances such as vandalism, defacing public property, public urination and intoxication, graffiti, aggressive panhandling, along with an assortment of other quality-of-life laws were once again enforced.The new mayor believed that ignoring illegal infractions although less…

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The fact that Joe Biden has the marbles to call himself “Catholic” while doing nothing but lying for a living speaks volumes. Like 11 out of every 10 of his peers, Joe has a very hard time telling the truth. And yet, still, millions and millions of Americans voted for this man to become president. What does that say about them? Shameful. Here’s a clip of Biden blatantly lying during a town hall with CNN’s Don Lemon… Biden bumbled his way through a short sentence, saying: “Just like the other question that’s illogical…and, I’ve heard you speak about it,…

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The whole “kneeling for the National Anthem” fiasco has largely subsided across the world of sports. And yet, even on foreign soil, the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team has no problem kowtowing to the radical left – and, undoubtedly, some corporate sponsors. This is the problem with the country, today. Far too many know-nothings. Check this out, via The Daily Wire: U.S. women’s soccer, ranked No. 1 in the world, lost 3-0 to Sweden early Wednesday morning in their Tokyo Olympic opener after all 22 team members took a knee in solidarity with radical leftist group Black Lives Matter before…

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It appears that Unilever, the parent company of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, has been blind sided by one of their own. Chairperson Anuradha Mittal, who runs the daily operation of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream arbitrarily decided to pull-the-plug on sales to Israel.The move sparked condemnation of the multinational consumer goods company all across the Jewish State. And on Tuesday a furious Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett warned Unilever that their decision to halt sales of the creamy dessert treat in the “occupied Palestinian territory could carry “severe consequences.” “Prime Minister Bennett spoke with Alan Jope, CEO of…

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The fireworks flew on Capital Hill Tuesday, when Kentucky Senator Rand Paul once again squared-off with a defiant Dr. Anthony Fauci. The two had battled in a previous encounter concerning both the source of the Chinese virus and Fauci’s claim that his organization the National Institutes of Health (NIH) never funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.Paul’s no-nonsense aggressive presentation at the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions hearing caught the flip-flopping chief medical adviser for the Biden administration flat-footed. When Paul asked the 80-year old healthcare government bureaucrat if he wanted to retract his May…

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We keep hearing from so called health experts to “follow the science” and yet when it comes to children one of the most vulnerable groups within our society they decide to ignore that advice. They choose to ignore the facts and willfully put them at risk by once again mandating they wear a useless rag tied around their face.Useless in that the vast majority of face coverings (unless they’re medical grade) actually don’t work, and in fact can be more hazardous to a child’s well-being.However, that didn’t stop the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) from issuing new health guidelines Monday.…

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It’s a double whammy for Democrats hoping to hang on to power in 2022 and keep the Oval Office in 2024. Two separate polls conducted roughly at the same time finds both President Biden and Vice President Harris not faring very well among Republicans and Democrats alike. The first poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group from June 23rd to June 25th found most Americans believe that Sleepy Joe isn’t running the show. Instead, that someone or an as yet unidentified group is telling Joe what to do. The poll interviewed 1,086 individuals asking each responder whether or not number 46…

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If you’re a news hound then you’re probably familiar with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley. For those not familiar with Milley, he was the short portly guy walking next to President Trump in Lafayette Park wearing military fatigues the day after rioting broke out at the park.Milley had apparently decided that walking next to his boss, the COMMANDER-IN CHIEF, was a mistake and publicly apologized in a video address to the National Defense University for accompanying then President Donald Trump on June 1st. That sickening apology by Milley, whether intentional or not, was…

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In this day and age, where nearly every person on the planet has the entire history of the world in their hands (via cell phone), how can some still choose to be so ignorant? For example, we all know that liberals hate America. We know they want to see her weakened. That much is clear by their policies and rhetoric. But the fact that some people can still vote those types of cretins into office speaks volumes. Here’s the latest on those childish Dems from Texas, via The Daily Wire: The Texas Democrats who fled their state to subvert democracy…

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