Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

We all use Facebook for the most part, don’t we? Whether we like to admit to it or not, we all sometimes do. I never intended it to be for more than just keeping up with far flung relatives. Then it morphed into old high school friends (if they were really friends, I would’ve seen them since 1985), then eventually that girl or guy from work you talked to twice. You get the picture. It wasn’t until the election cycle in 2016 that Facebook really turned ugly for me. Political arguments, clear efforts by the platform to suppress certain candidates,…

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Florida Sheriffs are just built different than most other sheriffs. Between the trend of putting up signs in shut-down drug houses that they started, the epic statements about law-abiding citizens shooting criminals, and their continual crackdowns on pedos, they know how to wield force to enforce the law in a way that few others seem to grasp so well. And now the state’s contingent of sheriffs has added another win to its record, this time with the “Wheel of Fugitive” game show that one sheriff’s department plays weekly, highlighting the crimes certain “lucky” fugitives have committed and humiliating them on…

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I miss the 80’s! I’m an 80’s baby through and through. Ok, I might’ve been born in the 60′, late 60’s, but my formative years were the 80’s. I miss everything about the 80’s. The music, the hairstyles, the fashion. I owned parachute pants! I know some of you did too! Show of hands, who else used White Rain hair spray? Come on fellas, don’t be shy! Yep, the 80’s sure were good times. They say everything comes back around. Fashion, music, it all comes back in style. The White House now says it’s only a recession if you see…

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Tampa Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, who said he has spent more time with both Trump and DeSantis “than anyone else” insists the pair will not go head-head in the 2024 presidential primary as they are “on the same side”. Speaking to Breitbart at Turning Point USA Action Summit yesterday, Gaetz, 40, said he believed it was “highly unlikely” that the popular Florida governor would put his name in to be a candidate if former president Trump decided to run. “I would go so far as to say there is no human walking around the earth that has spent more time…

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You ever heard the old cliche, “you don’t take a knife to a gunfight”? I assume that’s good advice, though better advice would be to avoid gunfights at all costs. Unfortunately, in some of our larger, progressive run cities, it’s getting harder and harder to avoid either. I suppose if I had to choose one, I’m going knife fight. At least I have a sporting chance of outrunning a knife rather than a bullet. Sadly, if I know myself, I won’t run from either. Better brush up on my knife skills! I have family in Chicago and based on recent…

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Everyone’s favorite little gay celebrity, JoJo Siwa, has decided to open up about her run-in with the “rudest celebrity” she has ever met after initially going public about it and being so vague. JoJo wanted to set the record straight and indulge those curious about her original claims that Candace Cameron Bure was the “rudest celebrity” she’d ever met. In an update, she explained that she doesn’t see Candace as an “awful human” but gives insight into the experience she had which made her say that. “You know, I had a rough experience when I was little. I was 11, and…

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Over time, we as a species have decided to put a value on many things which may or may not make sense. Shells and pasta or rice were once traded as currency, right now we use a mixture of linen and cotton to represent our money, and for many years leading up until this very day, we still put value in precious metals, such as silver and gold, but what about things that have next to no value and are just objects? Well, we can also put value into things that other people will see no value in, such as…

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More “turd-in-the-punchbowl” news! Aren’t we all tired of this by now? The protests, the acrimony, the screaming, it just gets old. I realize the Constitution guarantees our right to peacefully protest but take a break once in a while! You don’t literally have to protest everything, all the time. Don’t these people have jobs? 5 years ago my colleagues & I were attacked playing baseball—because we’re Republicans. We didn’t let it stop us then & nothing will stop us now. It’s been a long journey, but tonight we play the Congressional Baseball Game—5 years stronger. Full Video: —…

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Prominent Republicans including Ron DeSantis have voiced their concerns as huge numbers of American properties are snapped up by Chinese citizens. While most other nations including Canada, New Zealand and Australia impose taxes on foreign nationals buying property in their nations to avoid a spike in prices and the need to continually build more homes, there are no such taxes currently in place in the US. This has led to a large increase in Chinese citizens buying US property over recent years, with Chinese investors having purchased around $6.1 billion worth of American property between April 2021 and April 2022…

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Like a bunch of big babies, these democrats are throwing a fit and tantrum over the recent Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v Wade not going their way. Actually, that would be an insult to all the babies now hopefully being born to compare democrats to them. Like clockwork, when they didn’t get the results they wanted, a group of House Democrats presented a bill on Tuesday that would put term limit restrictions on both current and new Supreme Court justices. I say that if they are going to push for such measures and be sore losers, then we should…

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The iconic Los Angeles bridge featured in such films as “Grease” and “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” deteriorated to the point that it had to be replaced, but the new bridge in its spot has been shut down four times in five days after people continue to use it as their own backdrop for TikTok videos, drag racing, graffiti and other crazy stunts for social media. The new Sixth Street Bridge cost the City of Angeles almost $600 million and six years to construct it and opened July 10 only to be plagued with criminal activity and social media stunts to…

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You’d be forgiven for thinking you’re looking at stills from the latest Hollywood sci-fi flick when you see photos of the plans for Neom. The scale and design of the massive 105-mile mothership-like city is so breathtakingly innovative, it’s been dubbed the ‘pyramid of the 21stcentury’. Neom means “new” in Greek and “future” in Arabic, and it really doesn’t get much more futuristic than this! The finished city which would be located in the barren desert in Saudi Arabia would be home to 9 million people. According to the plans which were drawn up by Saudi’s Crown Prince, Mohammad bin…

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A grandmother of five was viciously assaulted by two teenaged girls in what’s being called an “anti-white” attack on an MTA bus earlier this month in New York City.  The two teens, 15 and 16, will be charged with a hate crime in addition to the assault and aggravated harassment charges, and police are still searching for a third suspect. The 57-year-old victim, Jill LeCroix, was bloodied enough to require three staples to her head, according to the police report.  While LeCroix was riding the bus three female assailants approached her and struck her on the head with an unknown…

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The City of Chicago announced in a press release that the Chicago Bears have rejected Mayor Lightfoot’s billion-dollar offer to improve their home stadium and are determined to relocate to a calmer, less crime-ridden area. According to the release, an incentive was offered by Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, with a value of up to $2.2 billion in renovations to the Soldier Field stadium in hopes of convincing the Bears to stay in the city. The upgrades included adding additional seating to accommodate an extra 8,500 fans, installing structures in both end zones that support an enclosed domed roof over the…

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A former U.S. congressional candidate and Louisiana state senator, Karen Carter Peterson, received campaign funds from the Black Lives Matter PAC through the 2022 election cycle, according to OpenSecrets financial records. OpenSecrets is the nation’s premier research group that track money in U.S. politics and publishes data on campaign contributions to Congress as well as its effect on elections and public policy. Peterson who served as the chair of the Louisiana Democratic Party from 2012 to 2020 recently faced wire fraud charges in federal court. Peterson resigned as a state senator in April, alleging gambling and mental health issues. She…

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The Biden administration plans to offer some illegal immigrants a temporary ID card that can possibly be used to travel on domestic airlines. The program, called the “ICE Secure Docket Card Program,” is funded with $10 million for the program in the Biden administration’s FY 2023 appropriations bill, which reads, “$10,000,000 for the ICE Secure Docket Card Program to allow non-citizens access to immigration records and documents.” The card will include several details such as name, nationality and a QR code. The card will apparently be offered to illegal immigrants pending a final decision on their status, two government sources…

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During a speech, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ripped into President Joe Biden, as he wished “the United States of America a speedy recovery” from his presidency. Fox News reported that, while speaking at Turning Point USA Student Action Summit, DeSantis took a shot at Biden, where, during his fiery address, he likened the president’s leadership to “a deer in the headlights” who reads from a teleprompter. Also, the Florida governor, who is currently a leading Republican candidate to make a run at the White House in 2024, slammed Biden on his approach to energy and immigration policies, saying: “He came…

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Bruce Springsteen fans were shocked by the ticket prices for 223 U.S. arena tour concerts. Springsteen and E Street Band are famous for throwing spectacular shows for the crowd, but some fans still weren’t ready to buy the tickets that cost over $4,000. The good news is that 88% of all fans were able to purchase tickets at face value. The ticket prices ranged from $40 to $399 before service fees, with the average ticket costing $202, but fans were still outraged over a guy who many called a “two hit wonder.” Ticketmaster’s “dynamic pricing” mechanism, which alters the price…

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The Lia Thomas story is never going to end. We all remember Lia, right? The courageous transgendered Penn swimmer that set all kinds of school records and was nominated as “Woman of the Year”. Nah, she’s just a dude in a one-piece swimsuit. Not the correct one-piece either, as she swam three years in college as a man. Well, former University of Kentucky WOMENS swimmer Riley Gaines has been very vocal about having to compete against Thomas. Now she is speaking out about the out-of-pool experience. The locker room. Let’s see what the New York Post is saying: A former…

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The Democrats are destroying American schools and dragging woke, regressive and divisive politics into our classrooms, and is it any real wonder with women like Randi Weingarter calling the shots? The 64-year-old millionaire has a ton of power and influence over the American school system. She’s just been re-elected as the head of the second largest teacher’s union in the country, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) which boasts 1.7 million members. A staunch supporter of the Democrats, the woke warrior who earns eight times the average teacher’s salary at $534,240 reportedly donated a whopping $12 million to the party.…

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The wheels on the bus go round and round. Or at least they are supposed to. That is, unless the bus is on fire. Democrats dream big, don’t they? Wind power, solar panels everywhere, electric vehicles. It’s a shiny, clean future under Dem leadership! At least that’s what they would have you believe. Truth is, solar is unreliable and inefficient, wind depends on wind, hydroelectric is good, but gotta have a river, and electric vehicles have to be charged somehow. Usually by coal fired electricity. Electric vehicles also have a dangerous element lurking in every one. The batteries. The lithium-ion…

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In yet another vicious, insensitive snub to his elderly grandmother, Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle have reportedly rejected the Queen’s invitation to visit her over the summer. According to insiders, members of the royal family are getting together at the Queen’s royal residence of Balmoral in Scotland for a private family gathering away from the bustling tourist hotspot of Buckingham Palace where the British monarch celebrated her Platinum Jubilee in June. Harry, Meghan and their children Archie, 3, and Lilibet, one, last briefly met the 96-year-old Queen during the Jubilee celebrations last month in a meeting which lasted…

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Dem lawmakers have angered Republicans with the released of their revised version of the Build Back Better spending package which will pump billions into ‘green’ climate policies. After a failed attempt to pass the plan last year, Sen. Joe Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer made the announcement that they had formulated and agreed upon a new, revived version of the proposal. It will include a minimum tax of 15 percent on companies worth more than $1 billion and will use huge sums of money to fund energy investments including in nuclear, renewables and fossil fuels. It is not…

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Man, I love a feel-good story. We just don’t have enough of them! Rest assured, there are still good people, doing amazing things to help other people. I coached over a dozen years of little league baseball. From age 7 all the way up to age 16. It was a passion of mine. Bear in mind, baseball, especially traveling teams can be very expensive. The parents and community don’t always have the means to pay for everything. Fundraising is huge in youth sports. Candy bars, wrapping paper, discount cards, anything to defray the cost associated with equipment, lodging, travel and…

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When it comes to children, parents will do whatever they can to ensure their kid’s safety, and success, and make sure they are fed and never go without. Good parents will sacrifice so much, just to raise their kids in a way that will impact their lives. This can take form in many ways, such as fathers going without something to put food on the table, mothers learning how to cook and improvise with what they have to feed their young, fathers spending the majority of their time working to make good money for the children, but hardly get to…

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Okay, so I have to say that this grossed me out, and I second-guessed myself writing about it. However, it is news that we need to be concerned about. The FSA (Food Standards Agency) in the UK will begin conducting an insect protein consultation, with brands being asked to submit applications before December 2023 in order to be available on store shelves. What does this mean, exactly? What it means is that the FSA has plans to allow edible insects to remain on the market while they go through what is called the Novel Foods authorization process so that the…

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Since the Covid pandemic began in 2019, scientists and the public alike have speculated and debated as to where it may have originated. At first, it was suggested by scientists that Covid had its origins in a wet market in Wuhan, in which numerous exotic species including bats, pangolins, snakes, badgers and domestic animals were kept in poor conditions and in unnaturally close proximity. The opposing theory says the virus was actually leaked from a lab in China, where it was being studied and perhaps manipulated. Now, a series of new studies have provided some further insight as to the…

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By now we have all seen viral videos or news reports featuring pro-abortion protests, right? Some pretty ugly stuff. Whatever your opinion on abortion or Roe V Wade, one thing is clear; nothing will be settled by yelling, screaming, cursing, and generally acting like a fool. From either side. Of course, the majority of the people making themselves look like horses’ asses are on the left. The shrill screaming, the bullhorns, the blue hair and nose rings. Kind of makes you wonder why some of these “ladies” are so concerned about abortion rights. I’m not being mean. Truly I believe…

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Either give her back, or just put her in the gulag already! The Brittney Griner saga has drug on, pun intended, seemingly longer than the NBA season, and still no solution in sight. Until now. Despite calling on Joe Biden to spring Britt from a Russian clink, she still sits, cooling her heals awaiting her fate. No wonder they call him “Slow Joe”. Even Lebron James, the most important and smartest black dude in the world hasn’t been able to help. Today, in a shocking move, the United States made a rare trade offer. Let’s check with MSN for the…

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It’s always something, right? Brandon and his cast of idiots just can’t seem to get right. Supply chain issues, high gas prices, a short labor market, are just a few of the factors contributing to grocery store shortages. We all remember the great toilet paper shortage of 2020. Who wants to go through that again? Thankfully there wasn’t a great sock shortage in 2020. Just kidding! I get enough junk mail from the post office that I’m set until after the election cycle! All joking aside, it was a real concern. I remember not being able to find crackers, milk,…

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The somehow long-running Samantha Bee late-night series, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, has been canceled at TBS. A spokesperson for TBS confirmed to PEOPLE that Bee’s Emmy Award-winning show will no longer be included in the current network’s programming. However, many people didn’t even realize the show was still on! This career blow could be the end of her short-lived time in late night talk shows. “As we continue to shape our new programming strategy, we’ve made some difficult, business-based decisions. Full Frontal with Samantha Bee will not return to TBS,” the spokesperson said. “We are proud to have been…

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#SueTheView has been trending on Twitter after co-host Whoopi Goldberg smeared TPUSA. Goldberg said the conservative organization allowed neo-Nazis to attend their event in Tampa, Florida. She then tried to backtrack, offering a “quick clarification” to mention that the neo-Nazis were “outside protesters.” The founder of TPUSA, Charlie Kirk, said the group was exploring legal action against the show. He said in a tweet: “Talking to lawyers. Many think we have a strong case. You cannot smear minors as Nazis and get away with it. It impacts them for the rest of their life. #SueTheView” “The View” co-host Sara Haines…

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The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, deplored the fact that “women are getting pregnant every day in America,” pointing to the desire of lawmakers to codify Roe v. Wade. During her speech filled with such obvious logic, the vice president also referred to those who get pregnant as “women,” apparently contradicting the White House’s message that men can get pregnant too, referencing the bizarre war on pronouns sparked by far left liberals. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on this issue. WATCH KAMALA HARRIS POINT OUT THE OBVIOUS ON VIDEO: “Listen,…

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Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh explained his pro-life stance over the weekend after his comments at a right-to-life conference rocked social media and some college football fans. Harbaugh told ESPN that he was encouraging his family, players and staff members to say that if they were unable to care for a baby after an unplanned pregnancy for some reason, he and his wife will take the child and assist in raising it. “I’ve told [them] the same thing I tell my kids, boys, the girls, same thing I tell our players, our staff members. I encourage them if they have…

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One student experienced an “unpleasant reaction” to her prize-winning chair that was designed to stop the “manspreading.” If you’ve ever taken a crowded trains, tube, or bus journey, you’ve probably experienced – or at least been witness to – an incident of manspreading. Defined by Oxford Dictionaries as “the practice whereby a man, especially one traveling on public transport, adopts a sitting position with his legs wide apart, in such a way as to encroach on an adjacent seat or seats,” manspreading has become a common turn of phrase among frustrated commuters. This is what prompted a so-called designer to…

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Podcaster and political commentator Joe Rogan has expressed his concerns about Americans who use the social media platform TikTok who may unknowingly be handing over their data to the Chinese government. TikTok, which is known as Douyin in China, is a video-hosting service where users can upload and share short clips and videos. It is owned by Bytedance Ltd, a major tech company based in Beijing. Although the company is not directly controlled by the Chinese government, under China’s strict laws, all businesses are required to share data with the government, including any data acquired from foreign users should they…

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When it comes to children many of us would hunt down the devil himself to protect and get our kids out of danger. The children matter so much that sometimes it doesn’t even matter if they are our own. Children are precious and most of us would do everything we can to protect them – all of them. That’s what the owner of a Maryland daycare owner believed she was doing when she shot a man who was allegedly molesting young children in her daycare. Shanteari Weems, 50, was arrested and thrown in jail after shooting the person who was…

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Every used car comes with risks. Maybe you are buying a car that’s been wrecked? Perhaps your used car was a flood victim that’s been cleaned up and resold. There are an endless number of scenarios possible. Unscrupulous used car dealers will resort to a lot of dirty tricks to move cars. Everything from physically altering the miles, to physically altering the vehicle itself to hide obvious defects is not at all uncommon. What you don’t expect however is the original manufacturer screwing you out of options. The way new vehicles are nowadays, they come packed with optional features and…

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You just have to watch every word you say these days, don’t you? You literally never know which marginalized group you might offend, after all there are so many of them! Even jokes are now off limits. I can see perhaps, if you are making fun of someone to be mean, or attempting to belittle a person because of a physical characteristic, but a joke? Come on, where does it stop? Even terminology that was once considered appropriate can now be taboo. How can you know? The rules change so quickly in the rush to be offended that we can’t…

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It used to be in America that flying was a big deal. If you see old pictures or video, you see men in suits, ladies in dresses, lots of hats and people ripping cigarettes. Hey, flying has ALWAYS had its drawbacks. What you didn’t see was people bringing their own snacks, trimming their toenails, taking their shoes off, or dressed like they don’t own a mirror. In short, it used to be considered classy to fly. I guess those days are over. Been on a Spirit flight lately? Or as I like to call them, Break-Your-Spirit Airlines. It’s sketchy at…

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