Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Kamala Harris faces loads of online mockery and jokes after she introduced herself using gender pronouns and described the color of her shirt. The mockery was so bad that even politicians from Russia were mocking her, cracking jokes about the failing, low-approval rating, talentless vice president embarrassing America once again. WATCH KAMALA on video: What did Kamala Harris say? Kamala said: “Good afternoon. I want to welcome these leaders for coming in to have this very important discussion about some of the most pressing issues of our time. I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her. I am…

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Whoopi Goldberg once made a huge mistake when she vocally suggested that Jill Biden should become the surgeon general back in 2020. This is both incorrect and hilarious because Jill Biden’s doctorate is in education, not anything that would qualify her to act as surgeon general. Her doctorate in education qualifies her to walk into a classroom and teach and maybe some administrative jobs, but it’s not like she’s out there saving lives, transplanting kidneys, or even distributing meds. She’s a bookworm with a doctorate degree, not an actual medical professional. WATCH THE VIDEO of Whoopi’s big mistake: That time…

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China launched a new space station last weekend which it says will be used to carry out biological and life science research. But are there some more sinister intentions at play? Tiangong space station dubbed Heavenly Place is China’s new permanent space-base. The structure is split into three compartments; Tianhe which includes the base’s living accommodation and opened in 2021, Mengitan, the station’s science lab and the all-new lab, Wenitan. The new module was launched into space by China’s most powerful rocket, the Long March 5B from the Wenchang Space Launch Center on the island of Hainan. The country has…

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I’m not a huge fan of flying. I suppose it’s preferable to driving 15 hours but given the option I almost always prefer to drive. It’s not that I consider air travel unsafe or anything, but it can be a pain depending on which airline you choose. If you are on a budget provider, like most of us budget minded folks would be, there are certain challenges that can arise. Delays, old planes, mechanical issues, understaffed airports, snakes in the airline food. Wait, what? Some airlines still serve food? Oh, the other part; snakes! Recently a flight attendant on a…

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Male-born UPenn swimmer, Lia Thomas has been eliminated from the NCAA Woman of the Year awards. The transgender athlete who controversially won the women’s NCAA championship 500m freestyle this year was knocked out of the contest after The Ivy League opted to have Columbian fencer, Sylvie Binder from New York as their final candidate. The winner will be announced at an NCAA event in San Antonio, Texas in January 2023. Upenn’s decision to suggest Thomas as a candidate for the award sparked outrage among the public and her teammates as many suggested the male-born athlete had already robbed biological females…

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There are certain things in life most people really want to believe in. Ghosts, UFO’s, the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, honest Democrat politicians. Just kidding! No one believe that Dems are honest! Bigfoot however, yea I’m all in on that. The naysayers, besides just saying “nay”, will point to the fact that despite countless man hours of effort, and advanced technology like night vision and heat sensitive equipment, we still don’t have a squatch in a cage somewhere being poked and prodded by government bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci. I say, stop being so negative! We are constantly discovering new species…

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We are all “sick” of Covid, aren’t we? Most of us have had it numerous times, with very minimal effects. I have had it three times, including as I am writing this. It is just a fact of life at this point. Unfortunately, some people still die. Now, let’s be real, almost all of those people have underlying issues that heavily contribute. Doesn’t make it any less sad, but a fact is a fact. Unfortunately, the government continues to attempt to push all the things that have proven NOT to work. The vaccine and boosters, social distancing, masks. Speaking of…

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The truth is out there.  Maybe. Maybe not? My assumption is we ARE being monitored and visited by forms of life not native to our planet. To assume we are the only living species in an ever-expanding universe is a bit arrogant in my opinion. Too many people have seen too much of the same thing to write it off to crazies or coincidence. If 5 people saw someone rob a bank, the robber is going to jail. Yet hundreds of people, or more see the same phenomenon in the sky and people say, ‘nah’? Sorry, that doesn’t work for…

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A man who claims he is the biological grandson of the infamous serial killer, Charles Manson has launched a new bid to prove he is the direct heir to the murderer’s estate which is said to be worth a fortune. Jason Freeman, 46, from Bradenton, Florida who runs a building contracting business and enjoys martial arts has been in a four-year-long legal battle to gain access to the late mass murderer’s estate including the rights to his music, art and writings. Freeman is not the only one to have claimed to be directly related to Manson, who died at the…

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There’s an old saying that goes something like “God works in mysterious ways”. I assume this to be true. God doesn’t really go around flaunting his enormous power, unless of course you want to count space, nature, childbirth, etc. little stuff like that, you know? #WATCH: Iced-out NYC pastor robbed of his $400k jewelry during live-streamed service — 6ixBuzzTV (@6ixbuzztv) July 26, 2022 No, sometimes God creeps around and drops subtle hints. Maybe it’s finding a 20-dollar bill on the street when you are almost broke. Maybe it’s getting a sweet parking spot close to the door right before…

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A huge suit is dropped on some big-time chicken chain producers in the U.S. by the Justice Department to try and end what it claims to have been a longstanding misleading and oppressive work environment for employees. The suit, filed in federal court in Maryland, involves Wayne Farms, Cargill, and Sanderson Farms, along with a company known as Webber, Meng, Sahl, and Co. as consulting companies and even its leader. Looks like they weren’t clucking around. In the claim, the Justice Department charges all the organizations to have taken part in a long-term lie to promote good work benefits along…

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Many of us have the same intrusive thoughts or ‘what if’ scenarios tucked in the back of our minds when it comes to our children. Good parental instincts will kick in and make you question and think things like is the car seat buckled down right, are the doors locked, is my child’s window locked, does this cookie have this ingredient that my child is allergic to, etc. Another thought you’d have when moving to a tall apartment is will my child be safe near the stairs, how can I make it safer, and as I’m sure these parents thought…

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We complain about America all the time, don’t we? The big cities are ridden with crime, there’s danger around every corner. We are rife with racism, trans and Asian violence, white nationalists, BLM, Antifa! I’m scaring myself just thinking about it. Sort of make you want to get a cabin in the wilderness, you know, get away from society. Bad idea! Bears, rattlesnakes, alligators, oh my! Well, just when you think America is the most dangerous place in the world, India says “hold my beer”. Assuming of course they drink beer in India. I have no idea. India is a…

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Most of us are aware that the lottery is nothing more than a hope to help keep the poor right where they are at and collect what little money they have. It’s a false hope that you may never win, and you have greater chances of getting struck by lightning. Some might say that you can never win if you don’t play, and while that might be correct, we can also look at those in history who’ve won big. Their life is flipped upside down and they often don’t know how to manage the money and end up broke, dead,…

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Is the International Space Station still a thing? Seems like in the last decade or so, with the advent of somewhat private “space” travel by the likes of Elon Musk and Virgin head Richard Branson that the space station has almost been forgotten about. When the space station was conceived and began in 1998, it seemed almost inconceivable that humans would be living and working in space. Now? Yawn, those guys still up there? That’s what we do. What was once a miracle of science and humanity becoming yesterday’s boring news.  This is nothing new to a society without imagination…

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A British tourist has been killed when he backed into a spinning helicopter blade while vacationing in Greece. Jack Fenton, 22, from Britain was struck by the rotor blade in Athens yesterday. The wealthy young man had commissioned the helicopter to fly him and three schoolfriends from the Greek island of Mykonos back to the mainland. After the chopper had landed, Fenton reportedly ran back onto the helipad to take a selfie next to the Bell 407 helicopter. Ground crew had shouted for the ex-public schoolboy and Oxford student to stop, but he had ignored their warnings and was unfortunately…

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Governor Ron DeSantis gave a victory lap at CPAC 2022, praising Florida as a “citadel of freedom” while portraying America as a nation under the threat of a new emerging problem: wokeness. In a speech lasting about 20 minutes at the Orlando conference at the time, DeSantis slammed the media, universities and corporations in discordant terms. They and others, he asserted, are tainted by a “new religion” of wokeness and classify conservatives as “second-class citizens.” WATCH DeSantis on video: The belief is ripping at the “fabric” of society, DeSantis stated. It is, he added, a type of “cultural Marxism.” With…

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Mayor Eric Adams is warning that a recent influx of illegal immigrants will impact every block and the daily way of life throughout the Big Apple. This is after promising on the campaign trail to keep New York City as a sanctuary city for illegal aliens rife with social benefits, Then-candidate Adams, in 2021, said to voters that he “would make sure” that “undocumented New Yorkers are being given the support they need, so that their families no longer live in the shadows of the American dream, but are part of that dream.” The Democratic mayor is imploring help from…

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Senator Ted Cruz of Texas mocked the practice of sharing individual, sometimes made-up, pronouns. Addressing the annual Turning Point USA Student Action Summit in Tampa, Florida, Cruz lashed out at “woke” college campuses and recalled an instance in a classroom where a student shared her pronouns. The summit has the purpose of offering leadership training and championing student activism. Its goal is to connect students together with political leaders such as Cruz, former President Donald Trump, Trump Jr., Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham, Rick Scott, Gov. Ron DeSantis, congressman Matt Gaetz, Sen. Josh Hawley and several other notable “right wingers,”…

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The entire North Carolina police department in Kenly has resigned from the force. The culprit appears to be a newly appointed “progressively responsible” town manager who has been accused of creating a “hostile work environment.” WATCH THE VIDEO OF IT: Josh Gibson, the Kenly Police Chief, revealed the shocking news in one of his Facebook posts. He said that a key clerk and the assistant town manager followed the same rule and resigned, in addition to him and his five policemen. “I have put in my 2 weeks notice along with the whole police dept.,” he explained. The man served…

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It’s a shame what our larger, Democrat run cities are turning into. I used to love visiting Chicago, Los Angeles; even San Francisco was ok. Just ok, kind of dirty and way too cold, but I digress. Since 2020 however, any time I have been to Chicago in particular (I have family there), it seems to be going downhill fast. Rampant crime, gunshots at night, trash on the street even in the good areas, sketchy people everywhere, drug use on the street right out in the open. It’s basically a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Nice job Lori Lightfoot! Don’t worry about Lori…

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Remember 2020? You know, burning cities, BLM, Antifa, Covid, defund the police. Good times, right? Well, for the liberal elite, it wasn’t that bad. Quarantine in your mansion, sneak out to dinner and parties unmasked with your elite friends and put Black Lives Matter on your Twitter bio. Unfortunately, the liberal elite and Hollywood set didn’t REALLY feel it like the rest of the nation. Of course, even if they didn’t feel it, they sure didn’t mind letting you know how you were supposed to act and feel! Thank God for Hollywood and their strong moral compass! Actors, late night…

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There’s so much racial division in America. Now granted, most of it is media driven. I have long maintained that America is only as racist as the media tells us it is. Sadly, too many people listen to only the mainstream media. Certainly, there is some element of racism in America, but just like trans violence, Asian violence, and homophobia, it’s simply not like it’s portrayed to us. I believe most people realize this. I think a large segment of the country, if asked would agree. Sadly, it isn’t that segment of our population controlling social media and the lamestream…

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It’s a strange phenomenon, how Democrats can’t get out of their own way, isn’t it? From bad policy, to supporting wacky, far left causes, to simply undermining the American way of life at every turn, Democrats just can’t seem to get right! Of course, in the bigger picture this is a good thing for America. As more Americans see the damage Democratic policy and leadership is doing to our country, they are taking note. The proverbial chickens WILL come home to roost, we just have to hope we still all have pots to cook them in. The Way Brandon is…

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Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg called out Sen. Marco Rubio on Sunday for his remarks that a decision on a bill safeguarding same-sex marriage would be a “stupid waste of time.” “If he’s got time to fight against Disney, I don’t know why he wouldn’t have time to help safeguard marriages like mine,” Buttigieg said angrily. With a name like that, we don’t even need to know what kind of marriage Buttigieg is referring to, but most, if not all, would be equally angry for the name alone with or without the marriage part. Recently, Rubio was among the Florida GOP authorities…

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If I’m being honest here, and I always try to be, I have to confess that I didn’t REALLY realize that other countries did things like “pride month”. Honestly, as wacked out as America continues to become, I assumed virtue signaling attempts like this were the domain of America. Glad to say I am wrong for once! I previously thought America was the only racist, sexist, transphobic, oppressive nation in the world. Just kidding of course! America is the most tolerant, progressive country in the world on MOST issues, but don’t tell the Democrats this, don’t want to ruin their…

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It seems as if since Joe Biden has taken office this great nation has been ran into the ground time and time again. Every time there is a decision to make that will affect all of America, the wrong decision has been made every single time. It’s almost as if it’s being done on purpose. We can’t even try to reason or confront Biden over the issues we’ve seen and are experiencing even now. He will just point the finger and blame someone else or just blame Former President Donald Trump – even though he hasn’t been around for quite…

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Rock and roll has long been a bastion of free speech, radical ideas, and dangerous characters. If you are of a certain age, nothing was better than pissing your parents off by blaring the newest Van Halen or Aerosmith song from your room. Politics have long played a part in rock and roll, but usually the politics were left to a select few artists and bands and were usually decrying events in American history that NEEDED decrying. Vietnam, Watergate, Civil Rights, racism, governmental overreach in the United States, all popular targets for political musicians. I was never a fan of…

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TikTok is well known among younger kids who are allowed to have social media at such a young age. Everyone seems to be into it, even the parents are watching videos with their children, and we even see older people on the platform. In the majority of the videos, people are doing provocative or inappropriate dances, even some of the grandmas. It seems to be a whole lot of people looking for attention. Sure you’ve got other videos such as cooking videos, funny videos, and trendy ones that are not dancing, but in comparison, the number of other videos doesn’t…

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From the day Donald J. Trump was inaugurated in January 2017, we the people were subjected to daily onslaughts with news of “Russian collusion” from every left-leaning news source out there. But something strange happened last week. A shifting tide, if you will. On Thursday, the very liberal-loving New York Times published a series of op-eds by columnist Bret Stephens that simply started with, “I was wrong about,” where he admitted he was wrong to label Trump supporters “appalling.”   “The worst line I ever wrote as a pundit,” he said, was the first he ever wrote about Trump: “If by…

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Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno held a news conference in the driveway of a man who had to be apprehended by SWAT after he threatened officers with a knife…while naked…after allegedly being responsible for a domestic disturbance that led to those officers being there in the first place. So the suspect, if that is indeed what happened, isn’t exactly the most upstanding or valuable of citizens, something that most people think upon hearing story about a naked guy threatening cops with a knife after doing something egregious enough to spark a domestic disturbance call, but that few are willing to…

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It’s hard being a police officer in 2022. Antifa, BLM, rampant crime in blue cities, and the still insane notion of defunding the police has made a hard job even harder. Politicians, city managers, and in many cases the general public has made being in law enforcement almost not worth it. I’m sure we have all seen viral videos of “a-holes” videotaping police, trying to bait them into losing their cool. That’s just not ok. Besides having “citizens” with cell phone cameras harassing them at every turn, in some cases the harassment is coming from WITHIN the force. What am…

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Rock legend Pat Benatar says she stopped singing one of her most famous songs – “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” – as a gesture of respect for the victims of mass shootings in the United States. “I can’t say those words out loud with a smile on my face, I just can’t,” Benatar, 69, told the newspaper USA Today in an interview published on July 21st while referring to the lyrics of the 1980 smash hit. WATCH HER VIDEO ANYWAY: Benatar, who is currently on a tour across the country, said that “Hit Me With your best shot” is…

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A man attempted to stab a Republican candidate for governor of New York, Congressman Lee Zeldin, faced felony arrest, and was released just hours after that. WATCH THE VIDEO OF IT: The attack happened at a campaign event in Perinton, New York, on July 21, 2022, according to Fox News has reported that the suspect was carrying “a sharp object.” Per, Zeldin was talking about bail reform at the VFW when the unidentified man yelled and pulled a blade out. The national director of AMVETS, Joe Chenelly, stopped the attacker and he was placed in custody, the newspaper…

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A Brooklyn Bishop just gave the sermon of his life as the service was interrupted by a ROBBERY that was caught on the live streaming video. Even worse, the robbers allegedly stole more than $1 million in jewelry, as reports suggested. WATCH THE VIDEO: The NYPD reports the crime happened on Sunday morning around 11:15am at the Leaders of Tomorrow International Ministry on Remsen Ave. in Canarsie. It was Bishop Lamor Whitehead who was giving the sermon on the live-stream when at least three gunmen in masks busted into the church and demanded the jewelry. The bishop was on his…

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There are certain things that protect us as Americans. The world’s most powerful economy, (at least it was, thanks Brandon!), the world’s most powerful military, our strategic position in terms of being bordered by vast oceans to the east and west; it would be very difficult, if not impossible to invade the United States. Let’s not forget about our advanced technology, as we are able to intercept any air bound threats, missiles included and mostly neutralize them before they reach our shores. In short, we are bulletproof. Almost. In a scenario that could come straight from a Hollywood spy movie,…

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Corn and summer go hand in hand, but you may be tired of eating corn on the cob, and just want a different way to get those sweet kernels into you. Consider this easy corn salad recipe, succotash, to be precise, which also shows off summer’s other bounty: tomatoes. “Succotash” comes to us from the […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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The Sheriff in King’s Mountain, North Carolina, isn’t going along with the “current thing” in regard to crime and fighting it but is rather standing up to the criminals in his community, shutting down the drug houses around town in an attempt to enforce the law and stop criminals from ravaging the community. But, while that step is already a good bit better than what many supposed law enforcement officials are doing in America, the ones that turn a blind eye to the rampant criminality in their communities so as to avoid accusations of “racism” or some other “ism”, it’s…

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While leftist politics and woke values continue to overtake just about every institution in the United States, there are some bright spots, the most recent coming in the form of an anti-woke song with an ironic title. Country star John Rich released “Progress,” which reached the No. 1 spot on iTunes’ country music chart after the singer promoted the single on Truth Social, President Trump’s social media platform. The song, said Rich, is “my message to the tyrants running our country into the ground,” a response to Sleepy Joe’s calamitous policies rendering the United States into something akin to a developing country.…

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