Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Country rocker John Rich has a new song called “Progress” and he’s telling progressives to “stick your progress where the sun don’t shine!” Rich tells the progressives something most of us are thinking when he dumps on them like a truck dropping 1,000 lbs of dirt on someone’s fake pronouns and burying them forever. WATCH JOHN RICH SING IT ON VIDEO: Rich said: “Stick your progress where the sun don’t shine. Keep your big mess away from me and mine. If you leave us alone, well, we’d all be just fine.” Rich also talks about the following topics in his…

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A daycare worker has shot her own husband over allegations that he had molested children at the daycare center, according to court documents. The shooting took place at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in D.C. on the eighth floor. Cops responded to a call that said the woman barricaded herself inside one of the rooms where she shot her husband in hopes to paralyze him, not kill him, in hopes to teach him a lesson and protect children, based on reports. WATCH THE VIDEO: Court documents provided even more information, saying the cops arrived and started talking to her through the…

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In a press statement issued on Wednesday, the Pentagon revealed that it would be launching a new office whose only mission will be to investigate sightings of unidentified flying objects. It will be known as the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), and its primary responsibility will be to gather and investigate the many reports of UFO activity that come from the numerous government departments in the United States. Welcome to the official Twitter account for the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office. Through this channel, we will provide updates and information relative to our examinations of unidentified anomalous phenomena across space, air,…

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The awful and demonic trend of retaliation after the Supreme Court ruled that Roe Vs. Wade was unconstitutional last month continues to mound within the circle of progressive politicians. This past week, Democrats in the House blocked a Republican resolution that would have condemned the violence by radical pro-abortion activists at churches and pro-life pregnancy centers across the country, which emerged when the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe Vs. Wade was leaked in May. Churches and pregnancy centers began to see an onslaught of attacks from radical pro-abortion activists.  One incident in Wisconsin alleged that an individual reportedly lit and…

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I’m not an overly religious man, though I do believe in God and the Bible. I also believe in the end times. You know, apocalypse stuff. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as portrayed in Revelations. Conquest, war, famine and death are the aforementioned four, but I’d submit a fifth, if I may. Honey Boo Boo. Yep, THAT Honey Boo Boo. We all remember the precocious young pageant girl from “Toddlers and Tiaras”. Surely the fact that she is back in the media spotlight is a sign of end times. But I digress. What has happened to her since the…

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It is often said that comedy is under fire. No, not like the shooting at the North Carolina comedy club where the Office alumni Craig Robinson was playing. That was bad in a different way. Rather, it’s a more insidious, subtle type of fire. Comedians are getting cancelled for being funny. If the left objects to the subject matter, unless you are Bill Burr or Andrew Schultz, then heaven help you, you might get cancelled. Even heavyweights like Louis CK and Dave Chappelle have been under fire for their material, and actions as in CK’s case. Speaking of Dave Chappelle,…

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Comedian Bill Burr absolutely shreds the “stupid a** woke white people” and cancel culture after they tried to cancel John Wayne, who’s been dead for decades. Burr points out how the woke white people are idiots and uses the John Wayne incident as an example. Burr also destroys feminism, the WNBA, and cancel culture! Bill Burr was performing a stand-up called Bill Burr: Live at Red Rocks. Burr sounds off on cancel culture, feminism, getting bad reviews from his wife and a life-changing epiphany during a fiery stand-up set. Burr said John Wayne was dead for 45 years, but that…

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Sometimes you have to ask questions. One of my favorites is “if something works, why didn’t it work”. I often throw this question out to any family and friends that continue to defend masking. Predictably they can’t answer. At least not with anything that makes sense. Most of American society is done with masking, and realizes that it did nothing to help “stop the spread”. Unfortunately, some places just refuse to follow the data and have jumped back on the failed mask mandates. My day job workplace is one of them. Didn’t help before, won’t help now. Unfortunately, school systems…

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I was a huge fan of professional wrestling as a kid and young adult. The storylines, the costumes, the personalities; all larger than life. The smaller circuits used to tour through my home region of central and northern Kentucky, coupled with wrestling magazines and local televised wrestling, and I was hooked, as were most of my friends. Macho Man Randy Savage threatened to beat the (expletives deleted) out of all my friends and me once. It left an impression! It wasn’t unusual to find my friends and myself trying to kill each other emulating our favorite moves and wrestlers on…

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The 81-year-old beloved British-Australian actress, Miriam Margolyes found her ‘End of Days’ co-star Arnold Schwarzenegger full of hot air. She said the former governor of California, Schwarzenegger “was actually quite rude” while filming the 1999 biblical horror flick, claiming he “deliberately” “farted” in her face. When asked who was her least favorite co-star, she made the gassy allegation and she explained that she “didn’t care for him” as “he’s a bit too full of himself” before launching into the unfortunate anecdote. Margolyes said: “He farted in my face. Now, I fart, of course, I do – but I don’t fart…

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Fans are seeking answers from Russian model Irina Shayk after accusations that she used the anti-Ukrainian symbol “Z” in a cryptic post on Instagram. The Instagram story of Shayk is the subject of much discussion online as she posted a photo of food with the caption “Russianzz,” and many are viewing it as support for Russia’s war effort in Ukraine. While many online suggest that Shayk approves of Russian aggression, the model has previously expressed her opposition to the war. Days after the escalation of the conflict, she posted “No To War” on her Instagram on February 28, 2022, urging…

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Fans are seeking answers from Russian model Irina Shayk after accusations that she used the anti-Ukrainian symbol “Z” in a cryptic post on Instagram. The Instagram story of Shayk is the subject of much discussion online as she posted a photo of food with the caption “Russianzz,” and many are viewing it as support for Russia’s war effort in Ukraine. This is just sad considering it was simply a photograph of food and people jumped right to conclusions, forcing her to address the situation herself. While many online suggest that Shayk approves of Russian aggression, the model has previously expressed…

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Gun-rights advocates have found another good guy with a gun. “I’m grateful a good guy with a gun was there to prevent further casualties and am praying for the families who lost loved ones in this senseless tragedy,” said Jim Banks, a Republican who is representative of Fort Wayne and the northeast parts of the state, in a tweet on July 17th. Lauding the man as a hero, Greenwood Police Chief Jim Ison released the name of Dicken at a press conference on the afternoon of July 18th. The chief also announced more information about the victims and the suspected…

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The former disgraced CNN anchor Chris Cuomo reportedly sought to become a firefighter. He was fired from the left-wing network last year in part for his role in the effort to help his brother, then-New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo, accused of s-xual misconduct. Chris Cuomo had originally applied to be a volunteer firefighter with the East Hampton Fire Department. However, he was forced to withdraw his application because he found out after meeting with fire officials that he was not able to commit the time required for the position. Sources told The Daily Beast that Chris Cuomo “backed out”…

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I’ve worked most of my adult life in automobile manufacturing. Assembly line work in a sprawling, fast paced facility can be physically taxing, mentally stressful, and downright dangerous. I have seen even the youngest, fittest people come up injured, have accidents, and develop repetitive motion injuries. It’s almost unavoidable. In the United States, unlike other underdeveloped countries, we have laws protecting workers. You have to give regular breaks, provide ample training and safety equipment, and compensate for overtime. Oh, and you can’t work if you should be in middle school. I guess that one should go without saying, right? Guess…

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I’m a music guy, always have been—especially live music. I saw my first concert when I was 12 years old. It was Kenny Loggins. Shut up; I know I’m old! Since then, I have conservatively seen close to one thousand bands live, give or take. Who can remember? For the most part, I have never really concerned myself with the cost. If I want to go and can afford it, I go. Our heroes aren’t going to live forever, folks. You have to see them before it’s too late. I have long been critical of Ticketmaster and they’re incredibly shady…

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Nancy Pelosi seems to have joined in with Biden’s relentless attack on Great Britain as she sided with Irish, socialist and pro-republic party, Sinn Fein yesterday to issue the Brits with a warning. During her meeting with the radical Irish party, which is known for its often extreme, anti-British stance, Pelosi agreed to a “no trade deal with Britain” policy pact should Britain scrap the Northern Ireland Protocol as part of its split with the European Union. The Protocol prevents a hard border between Northern Ireland, which remains part of Great Britain and has therefore left the EU, and Southern…

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If you were to capture the essence of today’s Disney through deranged performance art, it might look like the latest brawl caught on video at what was once the happiest place on earth. Earlier this week two families engaged in an extended physical altercation at Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in Orlando, Florida. Family members from each side threw punches, kicked those who fell on the ground, and dragged others down to the hot asphalt while shouting profanities in full view of other families with children. Adding to the deranged vision, the area where the brawl took place is called Fantasyland.…

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A man in New York has become the first American to contract polio in almost a decade. It comes weeks after the UK detected the virus, which has been dormant throughout most Western countries for years, in a sample taken from its sewer system. The man who is said to be from Rockland County and was not vaccinated against polio as a child is no longer contagious but now suffers from paralysis as a result of the infection. Paralysis is a common symptom of polio as it can affect the brain and nervous system. While it usually wears off over…

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Could the latest 4chan leak of all of Hunter Biden’s dirty deeds be to blame? According to Hollywood insiders, the stress of the ongoing federal investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop is putting a strain on his marriage with filmmaker Melissa Cohen. Both Hunter and his new South African bride, are frustrated because they are in lockdown while she has admitted to friends that living with Hunter is “challenging.” An individual who is close to the couple went on record saying, Hunter and Melissa never go anywhere anymore because they have been instructed to stay out of the public’s eyes while…

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Curt Schilling, a 2001 World Series MVP pitcher, is clearly fine with Brittney Griner’s detention in Russia dragging on. The former MLB star said on that he thinks the WNBA player Brittney Griner should “pay the penalty for breaking another country’s laws” as a response to LeBron James’ call to release Griner. Schilling posted the controversial statement on his Twitter page. “I know this may seem like a stretch,” the 55-year-old stated. “But something like 300 million people understand ‘OBEY THE F***ING LAW’, why is that such a challenge? And why on earth should she NOT pay the penalty for…

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Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, is on vacation! He was seen on a luxury yacht near the coast of Mykonos, Greece. Musk is about to face a lawsuit as a result of his refusal to buy Twitter. The billionaire is in the middle of a fight with former President Donald Trump. He, on the other hand, put on a plain T-shirt and swim shorts, kicked back, and enjoyed his time with a couple of friends. Musk’s latest argument with Trump began when Trump brought up Musk’s claim that he had just for Republicans for the first time…

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Following Senator Joe Manchin’s announcement that he will not vote for a climate change bill unless inflation slows next month, climate leaders are urging President Biden to declare climate change a national emergency. It seems the White House is seriously considering the move. A formal declaration will open up new opportunities for the executive branch to take unilateral action on climate change. This could include halting U.S. crude oil exports and stopping offshore drilling. Biden may even redirect military funding to build renewable energy projects. However, such creative use of the appropriate federal law would also unquestionably trigger lawsuits from…

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Brave members of the public tackled a knife-wielding army vet as he lunged towards Rep. gubernational candidate, Lee Zeldin. The attacker has been named as 43-year-old David Jakubonis from Fairport. He is reportedly an Iraq war veteran who was drunk as the Republican gave a speech about bail reform on the streets of Perinton, New York which is just outside of Rochester. Witnesses say Jakubonis had said, “Okay, you’re done” before lunging towards Zeldin, who stood on a raised platform. Shocking video footage shows Jakubonis walk up behind Zeldin, who was in the middle of his speech, before raising his…

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A story coming out of Montana sees a psychopath man who sped up in his truck to hit a family as they were minding their business strolling down in a tourist town lining Glacier National Park but doesn’t stop there. After hitting the family, the man got out and equipped himself with a shotgun, injuring a young child who was in their mom’s arms and killing one man before the mother’s sister-in-law figured out how to stop the aggressor in his tracks after he ran out of ammo. The incident happened on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in northwestern Montana where…

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Even in far-left, pro-gun control Los Angeles the general rule of repeating firearms hold true: God might have created all men equal, but it’s Samuel Colt and his repeating firearms that made them equal. Thanks to Colt and his innovations, along with all those by other gunmakers and firearm innovators that have followed Colt’s mid-19th Century revolution in firearm development, even the weak can now stand up to the strong on a somewhat equal footing. A lone, 120-pound woman in a parking lot? If she has a repeating firearm, she can stand up to any group of thugs that might…

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Shamed actress, Amber Heard has now opted to file for an appeal after losing a defamation lawsuit against her to her ex-husband, Johnny Depp. Heard was ordered by the Virginian court to pay Depp $10 million in damages after she published an article in the Washington Post which accused him of physical and mental abuse against her – allegations which Depp vehemently denied. The Pirates of the Caribbean star was awarded $15 million in total for damages to his reputation, which he said resulted in him losing his treasured part as Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates movies. The amount…

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A gigantic snake that had two dogs living within its guts was captured in the northeastern part of Thailand. The python, which measured 22 feet in length had a big stomach bump when it was discovered, and it’s believed that the large python has been snacking on local pets for the last several years. The huge snake was discovered on July 9, when a large python was seen slithering across abandoned building materials at an empty lot in the province of Sisaket. Animal rescue agents were called to attend to the python and were seen on video footage coaxing the…

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This is one case that those with magnifying glasses and thinking hats have been hammering at for a very long time, it’s the oldest homicide case gone cold in Lancaster County, Pa., and a huge piece of the puzzle just may have been found thanks to an old, discarded espresso cup. An arrest was made early Sunday morning in connection to the murder of 19-year-old Lindy Sue Biechler in 1975. The man linked to her murder is David Sinopoli, 68, who was captured after being accused of stabbing her to death in her own home. For a very long time…

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Movie star and former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger is being accused of farting in a female co-star’s face. Miriam Margolyes, who appeared alongside him in the 1999 horror film “End of Days,” claims that the “Terminator” legend, purposefully farted in her face at some point during the film’s production. During the most recent episode of the “I’ve Got News for You” podcast, “Harry Potter” actress Margolyes, 81, made a huge stink about the incident, and she also said that Schwarzenegger “was genuinely extremely unpleasant” during the film’s shoot. Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘deliberately farted in my face,’ actress claims…

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To the average American just struggling to support their family and avoid the WEF devised debt-trap, getting involved in their community seems too daunting, time consuming, and ineffective to be seriously considered.  Most envision “getting involved” to mean protesting, i.e. holding a sign for hours, or speaking out at a public meeting, and it’s just not “their thing”. While protesting and speaking are indeed ways to get involved, there are other forms community involvement can take and ways to make it “your thing”.  From writing talents to musical talents, to performance talents, to artistic/illustrative talents (where would we be without…

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There is a colossal rape allegation going on involving Hockey Canada and has been going on since 2018. The charges had originally become exposed in May after Hockey Canada settled a claim with a lady who continues to be unnamed who said she was physically attacked by eight CHL players, including individuals from the 2018 World Junior group, in London back in June of 2018. However, over time multiple hockey players have come forward saying they had no involvement in the case, and now, three more members have recently as of Wednesday come forward saying the same. Free-agent goaltender Colton…

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There are still “good guys” left in the world. Police, fire, EMS, our military; just a few examples of “good guys”. Let’s be fair, there are good ladies as well, so don’t @ me for being exclusionary. However, this example of the good guy is the story of the good guy with a gun. But wait! Isn’t the good guy with a gun just a myth? That’s what the left would have us believe, as they continue their efforts to undermine the Second Amendment. The mainstream media certainly won’t cover it with more than a passing mention, but sometimes a…

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Many in the sports world get a bad rap. However, it’s not without cause. We see stories all the time about professional athletes, across all sports, both active and retired doing sketchy things and landing on the wrong side of Johnny Law. I suppose the power that comes with large sums of money can be overwhelming. Couple that with the mindset that some of these athletes have that they can do whatever they want because of who they are, and often they end up behind bars, broke, or dead. I feel like the NFL has a larger share of ne’er…

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The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), though the top court in the Judiciary, a co-equal branch of the government, was not visible in the public eye for the first 140-plus years of its existence. It was actually not provided with a building of its own until 1935. With the nation functioning relatively smoothly under traditional values, the court operated below the radar for many years. But as progressives started working their way into the highest levels of the American government and culture, the SCOTUS was put under a spotlight, with added attention focusing on them since the 1960s.…

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Shortly after the police and firefighters learned a man and a child were trapped inside a burning house, a hero named Nick Bostic appeared backlit by flames and walking toward first responders with the 6-year-old in his arms. After entering a home engulfed in flames last week and saving the lives of five children trapped inside the house in Lafayette, Indiana, the 25-year-old Indiana man is being hailed as a hero. WATCH THE VIDEO: On a July 14 release police body-worn video, an officer can be seen taking the crying girl from his arms as Bostic, who was winded, wheezing…

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A former CIA hacker, Joshua Schulte was found guilty of stealing national defense information and then leaking it to WikiLeaks. A U.S. Department of Justice prosecutor Damian Williams called Schulte’s leak, which was dubbed Vault 7 by WikiLeaks, “one of the most brazen and damaging acts of espionage in American history,” a leak that included “some of our most critical intelligence tools known to the public and, therefore, our adversaries.” According to the New York Times, a jury in Manhattan convicted him of all the nine counts he was facing, which together could carry a sentence of 80 years in…

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Steve Bannon who previously served as a chief strategist for former President Donald Trump is on trial on July 18th for defying a subpoena from the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Bannon was charged in November with two counts of contempt of Congress after failing to appear for testimony before The House January 6 committee or provide requested documents in response to a subpoena. He has pleaded not guilty. If found guilty, Bannon faces a minimum sentence of 30 days and a maximum of one year in prison on each count. The…

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Government lawyers announced that they would not prosecute a production crew associated with “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”. The crew members were arrested on charges of unlawful entry into a congressional building last month. WATCH WHAT HAPPENED: The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia stated that prosecutors determined that it was untenable to proceed with misdemeanor charges against the nine people arrested at the Longworth Office Building on June 16. In other words, they will not face prosecution and now social media users are livid, posting tons of backlash online. “The individuals, who entered the building on…

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