Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Who amongst us has had to raise or deal with stepchildren? Show of hands? Yep, more than a couple, right? It can be hard! Even under optimal circumstances it is a challenge. Even if the baby daddy or momma is cooperative, there are still no guarantees. What is the right thing to do when the stepchild is acting up or being difficult? Tough call. I wouldn’t advise spanking a stepchild, that’s just going to breed resentment. Be their friend? How often does that work? You could push all the parenting onto the biological parent, but then it looks like you…

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Folks, the streets just aren’t safe anymore. If you live in a Republican controlled city, it’s not as bad, but if you live in a lib-controlled city, crime is rampant. It’s a recurring theme all across our country. Democrat controlled cities are weak on crime. Weak prosecutors and liberal policies most often result in more crime. Especially violent crime. Our major cities are bordering on war zones. This is not hyperbole folks; this is crime that is statistically trackable. Unfortunately, sometimes actual video is more effective than statistics. It’s disturbing and disgusting, but cameras show what we are up against…

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The war on drugs never ends, right? It seems we are losing, due to a number of factors. Cartels keep getting more creative, technology keeps advancing, and the Biden administration has basically opened the borders, allowing a flood of fentanyl and other illicit drugs into our country. So many families have been devastated by meth, heroine, fentanyl, and other drugs smuggled though our wide-open southern border. It’s truly sad, and a problem the Biden administration simply doesn’t care about. Thankfully we have hero agents monitoring the border as best they can, considering the lack of support from Washington. It’s a…

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Dave Chappelle is an unstoppable force of nature, isn’t he? You can’t cancel this dude, no matter how hard you try. And trust me, the woke mob has tried. Tried, and failed. The problem the woke left has, is Dave tells the truth. The truth is something the left isn’t well acquainted with. Whether it be the narrative that men can be girls, cops are hunting black people, or Joe Biden is the best and most popular president in American history, the truth and liberals aren’t even on speaking terms. Netflix, despite airing a bevy of far-left content, refuses to…

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We’ve all experienced the pain of loss. This could be from us having a bad breakup, losing touch with someone we held dear to our hearts, or someone losing their life and leaving us behind. However, for some, this usual heart-twisting, tear-jerking goodbyes are different. For some, they are moments of relief, moments where they can finally exhale after holding their breath for so long. Goodbyes that come with good riddance. That’s exactly how this son felt about his father after he kicked the bucket. While most obituaries are personal tributes and heartfelt moments to remember their lost loved one,…

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A lawsuit has been filed against Pfizer by whistleblower Brook Jackson which alleges that Pfizer and two of their contractors falsified data and committed other acts of fraud during Pfizer’s Covid-19 clinical trials back in 2021.   Robert Barnes, who is representing Jackson, said Pfizer is arguing that the lawsuit should be dismissed because the government was aware of the fraud conducted during the trials, but that the government continued to allow Pfizer to produce the vaccines which have been the subject of controversy since they started being administered, and as such, have been the cause of many adverse effects…

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When any conversation comes up about WWE, you might think of Vince McMahon. The two are inseparable, Vince has been around for a long time and has been the promoter, executive, and even the media proprietor. He has served as the chairman and chief executive officer or CEO of WWE. However, Mr. McMahon is climbing down his seat from way up high due to a handful of sexual misconduct claims. Trying to keep things from going public, he’s paid upwards of $12 million cooking up some hush puppies to keep four ladies from hounding him throughout the course of recent…

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All over the world in different fields of service, there are people whose job is to oversee the workings of everyone else. They give the green lights, the red lights, adjustments, and manage entire crews. These individuals are vital to many job fields all around be it in the transportation field, law enforcement, trucking companies, and many others. I’m talking about our all-so-important dispatcher role. These guys and gals are responsible for making sure things run as smoothly as possible, and when things get rough, they excel at adapting and thinking on their toes. Not only do they give commands…

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Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was pressed by the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, for information on the shady foreign dealings of first son Hunter Biden, accusing the White House of thwarting the panel’s probe in order to protect the president. The Biden administration may be preventing the release of suspicious activity reports related to Hunter Biden, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) claimed in a letter to Yellen. Banks that flag suspiciously large transactions and are meant to guard against money laundering are generating the reports, known as SARs. “The Biden Administration is restricting Congress’ access to SARs, and Committee…

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The new Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition is Sam Brinton, who announced the position on social media and was mocked and criticized horrendously. Some of the criticism stems from accusations from Brinton’s past and because he wears dresses and lipstick like many women do. For example, he made the announcement and posted a photo of himself wearing heels and lipstick. It’s obvious that Joe Biden’s entire administration should be mocked at this point, as it appears they are simply making a mockery of their positions and have no intent on making anything great with America. Just…

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I’ve never found snails to be particularly appealing. Not as a pet, not as a food, not at all. Kind of gross actually. Now I’m sure the slimy arthropods serve a purpose in the ecosystem. Most everything does. except wasps. Wasps can burn in hell. I digress. Invasive species are another issue. Some critters just aren’t intended to live in certain places. Gators shouldn’t be in the New York City sewers, pythons shouldn’t be in the Everglades, Ohioans shouldn’t be in Kentucky, you get the picture. Well, one Florida county is dealing with a slimy, invasive problem (I’m not talking…

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President Joe Biden made a crucial teleprompter mistake when he read the directions that were telling him what to do, not what to say. Joe Biden said “repeat that line” when it he wasn’t supposed to read it, but to repeat the line he was saying. He was mocked horrendously for this on social media, as it was all caught on video. WATCH JOE BIDEN’S teleprompter gaffe: “repeat that line” was a direction for him to follow, but Joe Biden read it out loud by accident. derp! — Frank Bojazi (@RawDogFrank) July 9, 2022 Elon Musk saw the video…

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We all love Anchorman, right? The first one, Anchorman 2 was meh. But the first one? Our introduction to Ron Burgundy? Gold, just absolute gold. Burgundy is a stiff, clueless face just intended to smile, read, and be charming. That’s how tv anchormen were in the 70’s and 80’s. They weren’t the opinionated, serious “journos” that they pretend to be now. You know, the fake news. As entertaining as Burgundy is, that type of cluelessness in real life is disconcerting at best. Would anyone feel truly confident in their boss or company, if the face of the company was simply…

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Some things you just don’t do, right? Or shouldn’t at least. Pet stray dogs, pick at scabs, scratch it, run from the cops, smuggle hash oil into Russia. Ok, the last one is new to the list, but JUST as obvious as the others. Former WNBA star Brittney Griner found out the hard way about the last one. I say “former” because it’s looking more and more like Griner will be cooling her Jordan’s in a Russian jail cell for about a decade, potentially. While many in the sporting community have been outspoken about Griner’s justified detention, the White House…

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No one told me life was going to be this way. My job’s a joke, I’m broke, my love life is DOA. Sound familiar? It should, as that is part of the theme to the super popular 90’s show “Friends”. The show is still super popular on streaming formats, and has spawned a full line of clothing, mugs, paraphernalia and launched Jen Aniston’s career into the stratosphere. Recently the show’s co-creator Marta Kauffman, in one of the most surreal virtue signaling moves of recent memory apologized and donated 4 million smackers to her alma mater for African American studies. Why…

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Executive Director of the New Jersey Gasoline Convenience Association Sal Risalvato joins Jesse Watters to respond to disparaging comments by President Biden towards gas station owners on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’ President Joe Biden tried to blame gas station owners for the high prices at the pump, but Risalvalto and other business owners responded, calling out President Joe Biden for his remarks. WATCH him reveal all to Jesse Watters: Sal Risalvato is the New Jersey Convenience Association executive director and a former gas station owner. He went on Fox News to tell them that Joe Biden has it wrong and the…

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Vice President Kamala Harris is once again called out for another incoherent “word salad” as critics are putting it. Fox News’ Jason Chaffetz slammed Kamala Harris for remarks to Highland Park shooting victims as she uttered some things very repetitively. Kamala Harris has been called out for ‘word salads’ very often since becoming vice president under President Joe Biden. WATCH KAMALA HARRIS GET RIPPED ON VIDEO: Here is what Kamala Harris said, according to the transcript posted by the White House: 7:18 P.M. CDT THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, to the community of Highland Park: I bring you condolences from President…

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Fox News contributor Lara Trump weighs in on the death of the former Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, and discusses his relationship with former President Trump. Shinzo Abe, 67, was shot in the neck twice, with one bullet going far enough to penetrate his heart and cause massive blood loss. This took place while Abe was giving a campaign speech in Nara, a location that’s about 20 miles away from Osaka. Former President Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden responded. Biden was criticized for politicizing the tragedy by connecting it to crime in America. WATCH the news video: Trump…

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Fox News’ Sean Hannity slammed President Joe Biden and big city Democrats and wants to know where they’re at when it comes to crime surges. Hannity wants to know when Joe Biden will visit cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, DC, and several others where senseless violence is out of control and the mayors appear to be highly ineffective. Hannity questions why Democrat-run cities have the highest homicide rates and why President Biden is not doing anything to combat the issue. Hannity says there appear to be no solutions, no answers, and Democrats keep politicizing things but don’t ever seem to fix…

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Fox News contributor Lara Trump weighs in on the death of the former Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, and discusses his relationship with former President Trump. Shinzo Abe, 67, was shot in the neck twice, with one bullet going far enough to penetrate his heart and cause massive blood loss. This took place while Abe was giving a campaign speech in Nara, a location that’s about 20 miles away from Osaka. Former President Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden responded. Biden was criticized for politicizing the tragedy by connecting it to crime in America. WATCH the news video: Trump…

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European Union regulations have real-world consequences, and farmers in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe are in an uproar about it. Will the left’s globalistic agenda continue to plunge ahead despite the few brave farmers putting up a fight, or will the world see that the left is orchestrating a colossal power grab from the people? A lot is riding on this little know protest propagated by ordinary people driving tractors. Netherland policymakers are serious when it comes to climate change. They are pushing farmers to reduce the amount of nitrogen oxide and ammonia emissions that come from fertilizers…

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When I was young, the word vaccine meant one thing; you’d be protected and immune from whatever the vaccine was for. Growing up, we got vaccines throughout life that provided true immunization, and the only time you didn’t need the vaccine is if you had already caught the illness. When that happens, your body creates antibodies to fight off the virus it was meant to treat, so there was no reason to be vaccinated. Vaccines were tested thoroughly for years to ensure they would work with as few side effects as possible, but all that seemed to go out the…

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When we look at famous people who act or are in bands or sing or rap we sometimes forget that they are just like us. Many famous people have felt pain throughout their careers. Some have had to deal with sickness or disease, some have had to deal with the pain of losing a loved one or the pain of divorce, and some have had to deal with the pain of violence or the aftermath of an attack, and that’s what the family of rapper Nipsey Hussle is going through right now. Nipsey was born on August 15, 1985, in…

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Based on the new study, neighborhoods that have more dogs being walked by their owners have fewer crimes thanks to more eyes being on the streets. Potential criminals may be less likely to commit a crime if someone is walking with a dog, or there are dogs in the area – because those dogs could alert people with loud barking, or even react by biting or getting in the way of the suspect trying to break the law. Lead author of the study and a doctoral student in sociology at The Ohio State University Nicolo Pinchak mentions, “People walking their…

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Another crazy day in the divided and very poorly governed, United States of America. Since President Joe Biden took office on January 20th, 2021, the federal government is on its way to adding an additional $3 trillion dollars to the national debt. Bloomberg is reporting that “Biden’s 10-year outlook would rack up $14.4 trillion in deficits,” increasing the federal debt to $44.8 trillion. So, what is the party with majorities in the Congress and White House working on to address the economy etc.? In reality not too much, instead, they are working on passing a massive $500B dollar spending bill…

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A Georgia district attorney has officially responded to the explosion that caused the eventual destruction of the Georgia Guidestones. It was Northern Judicial Circuit District Attorney Parks White who referred to it as “an act of domestic terrorism” and said he will prosecute anyone who was involved in the alleged bombing. The Georgia Guidestones were bombed on Wednesday, around 4 in the morning, and then a destruction crew had to dismantle the rest of it due to safety concerns. The Guidestones are just a random bunch of monolith granite panels about 90 miles to the east of Atlanta. It seems…

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President Joe Biden was speaking with a small crowd of people when he appears to start imitating a fish and it was all captured on video. This took place after President Biden gave a speech in Cleveland, at the Cuyahoga Community College. He was looking at a child when making the faces. WATCH BIDEN IMITATE A FISH ON VIDEO: What did Biden say during his remarks? A partial transcript is below: THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, all. Thank you. Thank you. Please, please, please, please sit down. Shilaah, thank you very much for sharing your story; it’s impressive. Dr. Johnson,…

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Until recently, those involved in political campaigns, even on the Democratic side, would occasionally provide constructive criticism of their own party. Former Senior Obama Advisor David Axelrod is one on the left who mastered spinning the facts to provide cover for his candidate and employer. As President Biden hits the 18-month mark of his failing term in the Oval Office, news outlets are now asking tough(er) questions from those like Axelrod. The problem for those on the left is Biden’s policies, which many of them support, are not being rolled out/managed well, resulting in confusion and a growing drumbeat for someone…

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The education system was invaded by radicals in the 1960s with progressives intentionally going into teaching and school administrations in schools, junior colleges, and universities nationwide. They used the underlying principle of Marxism and early versions of what would become social justice activism, Critical Race Theory, and the overtly racist concept of white frugality. These anti-American educators rolled out the updated curricula for their unsuspecting students and their parents. The teacher’s unions, which have received outside funding and “donations”, fully embraced the left’s social justice doctrine and are requiring all their teachers to fall in line with their national organization’s…

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James Caan, the “macho man” of Hollywood that is known for his tremendously good performances in movies like Godfather, in which he played Sonny Corleone, and as a rough-and-tumble athlete in Rollerball, has died. He was 82 years old when he died. That was announced on Twitter by his account, which said: It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Jimmy on the evening of July 6. The family appreciates the outpouring of love and heartfelt condolences and asks that you continue to respect their privacy during this difficult time. End of tweet The Hollywood Reporter provided a…

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What is the deal with the government being hellbent on taking rights away from us? The “my body my choice” people in particular. I wonder where those same people were when it came to the vaccines. That issue should have united us as one since it affected us all, but no, it was still a tool that was used to divide us yet again. The “my body my choice” group should have agreed with those who refused or didn’t want to get vaccinated if they truly believed in their logic. However, they were instead on the side of the government…

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Legendary actor Denzel Washington was one of those chosen by President Biden to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest honor that can be awarded to a civilian, on Thursday. Also included was leftist soccer player and America-hater Megan Rapinoe. While Rapinoe showed up to get a medal that she didn’t deserve, Denzel did not: he did not attend, with his absence being quite noticeable during the awards ceremony. Biden commented on that during the ceremony, saying: “There’s a man who couldn’t be here today but wanted to be: Denzel Washington, one of our greatest actors in American history.…

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Stephen King really needs to stop tweeting and focus on writing a book. I know, it’s been a while, but I’m sure he has one more left in him if he could just get over the Trump Derangement Syndrome that has dogged him since 2016. That’s not looking likely, sadly, as TDS is quite a vexing problem for lefty loony birds like King. Often times they will develop symptoms RELATED to their TDS, like DeSantis Derangement Syndrome. It appears King is flush with a raging case of DDS along with his TDS. It is certainly a good thing that King…

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We have all seen Tom Cruise jump from rooftop to rooftop, right? How hard can it be? Spider-Man does it, with the aid of CGI of course. Unlike Tom Cruise, Spider-Man doesn’t do his own stunts. Sissy. The circumstances would have to be pretty extreme to make a leap like that. Roof to roof, off a train platform onto another roof. Heck, I’m not sure I could jump off the roof of my car without getting mortally wounded. However, sometimes the circumstances are so dire, so extreme that extreme action is required. Or maybe it’s just a dumb criminal that…

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According to newly obtained documents, there are nearly 22,000 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) employees that are seeking exemptions to the U.S. government’s federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate. However, none of these requests have been granted as of yet, and the issue still remains undecided. If these requests remain unresolved, the agencies which fall under the DHS could face a mass exodus of workers according to the watchdog agency, Functional Government Initiative (FGI). There are an estimated 8,100 employees who work for Customs and Border Protection which include Border Patrol agents, who have requested medical and/or religious exemptions from taking the…

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A television anchorman in India was arrested for allegedly spreading “fake news” by misquoting opposition leader Rahul Gandhi who had commented on student demonstrators targeting his home for vandalism. Rohit Ranjan of India’s Zee News was taken in by police, but not before he had had the opportunity to actually watch his own arrest unfold and post about it on social media. In a comic “Keystones Cops” moment, local authorities had tried to arrest Ranhan, but because they hadn’t informed Uttar Pradesh provincial authorities of the intention to arrest beforehand, they were prevented from actually going forward, and everything was…

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is notorious for campaigning to tax the rich and middle class and now we know why. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat who represents New York in the United States House of Representatives, has been fined by the state of New York for evading tax warrants that were issued against the company she formerly owned five years ago. According to a report in the Washington Examiner, the state issued a tax warrant against Brook Avenue Press, a publishing business geared toward children that Ocasio-Cortez created in 2012. The warrant sought to recover $1,618 in outstanding corporate taxes from…

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A handwritten letter from Brittney Griner was handed over to the White House on the morning of July 4th, according to the Griner family, which supplied excerpts to reporters. In the letter, the imprisoned WNBA star implored the president not to forget her and expressed that her already deep appreciation for Independence Day had acquired a new meaning this year. “I’m terrified I might be here forever,” wrote Griner, who has been detained in Russia since mid-February. “On the 4th of July, our family normally honors the service of those who fought for our freedom, including my father who is…

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More than five million barrels of oil that were among a historic release of U.S. emergency reserves to lower domestic fuel prices have been exported to Europe and Asia in the past month, according to figures and sources, despite the fact that U.S. gasoline and diesel prices have hit record highs. Why does the US import and export so much crude oil? WATCH THIS: The export of crude and fuel is softening the impact of U.S. President Joe Biden’s moves to lower record prices at the pump. On July 2nd, Biden renewed a call for gasoline suppliers to cut prices,…

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More than 100 people were arrested at an abortion rights protest in Washington, DC, and Democrat Rep. Judy Chu of California was also among them, according to a statement from her office. Chu once supported former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton back in 2015/2016, posting on her own Facebook page: “It was great to welcome Hillary Clinton to East LA College, located in the 27th District, earlier this week. #ImWithHer.” Now Chu is out there getting arrested by Capitol Police. WATCH JUDY CHU GET ARRESTED: “When I first heard Roe was overturned, I immediately thought of who would be…

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