Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

If you’ve got a pot-luck dinner coming, or just want a satisfying and crowd-pleasing munchie to serve at your next BBQ, then go no further than this 7-layer dip.  It’s easy to make, a meal in itself, really, and is a perfect companion for tortilla chips.  Are you trying to get your kids to eat […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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You have 15 minutes to get dinner in the oven and you don’t know what to do! This meal takes approximately 33 minutes from start to serving. Plus, let’s face it, tuna casserole is a very inexpensive meal, and most people love it. You can save money and time with this dish. So, if you’re […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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If you’ve ever been in the woods and heard the characteristic grunt and stomp of a skunk, you know what’s coming next. Anybody that is seasoned in hiking will try to get away, but just in case you didn’t, here are a few tips on how to get avoid a skunk encounter and to get nature’s “stinkiest kitten’s” essence off of you. Skunks are cute, little pouncey animals with black and white coloring. Some people keep these little critters as pets, but only after their scent glands have been removed. A wild skunk isn’t going to be like a pet…

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To say the current news cycle has been turbulent would be a massive understatement. Donald Trump got pissed off in a limousine 18 months ago, so that’s big news. A ski resort in Vermont is just the latest business venture to bow to the woke mob and is changing its name to something less “insensitive.” And major American newspapers are explaining that drag queens entertaining kids are no different than clowns or Teletubbies. There’s too much important stuff to report on without focusing on trivialities such as NATO extending formal invitations to Finland and Sweden, which could change the course…

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It’s a crazy world right now people! Head on a swivel out there! Violent crime is on the rise, the economy sucks, gas is higher than a giraffes business end, and we can only laugh at Joe Biden so much before we want to cry and curse. Thank goodness for the wacky folks in Vermont. I’ve never been to Vermont. I don’t even know the state capital right offhand. Montpelier? Maybe that is correct, I ain’t looking it up. Either way, the fine law enforcement of the Vermont State Police got a load more than they bargained for while trying…

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Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s girlfriend and the woman who used her wealth, power, and status to “groom” young girls for Epstein, was just sentenced to twenty years in prison in a sentencing hearing that followed her December, 2021 conviction on five counts related to her sick relationship with Epstein. Well, according to The Mirror, a British publication, it’s Prince Andrew, the pedo prince that allegedly had sexual relations with Virginia Guiffre, who was underage at the time and had been brought to Andrew by Epstein. That outlet reports that: Lawyers representing victims of Maxwell and paedophile Jeffrey Epstein urged US…

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Another day, another act in the hilarious drama that is America-hating athlete Brittney Griner’s attempts to get out of serving time in Russia for smuggling hashish oil in with her. Now her efforts to get out of having to spend up to ten years rotting in a Russian prison have been stepped up to the next level, with her agent, , imploring President Biden for help on Twitter and describing the drug-smuggling Griner as a “political pawn”, saying: Today’s hearing was administrative in nature and not on the merits. That said, the fact remains that the U.S. Government has determined…

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Here we go again with Colin Kaepernick! Could someone PLEASE just give him a job already! At least then anyone that has watched any NFL football featuring Kaepernick’s “elite” level of play can feel vindicated. Folks, don’t be fooled here. It’s never REALLY been about race, his America-hating antics, or his misguided views, even if all of those things played a tiny role in his unemployment status where NFL football is concerned. Colin Kaepernick isn’t good. At the end of the day, NFL fans and teams want their respective organizations to win. If any franchise had thought Kaep could do…

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It’s a crazy world right now people! Head on a swivel out there! Violent crime is on the rise, the economy sucks, gas is higher than a giraffes business end, and we can only laugh at Joe Biden so much before we want to cry and curse. Thank goodness for the wacky folks in Vermont. I’ve never been to Vermont. I don’t even know the state capital right offhand. Montpelier? Maybe that is correct, I ain’t looking it up. Either way, the fine law enforcement of the Vermont State Police got a load more than they bargained for while trying…

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Ophelia Nichols, better known as “Mama Tot” to her adoring fans asked for assistance on June 25th. Mama Tot is very famous on Tik Tok for giving loving and motherly advice. She refers to her fans as her little “tater tots”. She tells people that sometimes just getting out of bed in the morning is a monumental achievement. Mama Tot says the reason that she gives this loving advice freely on Tik Tok is that when she was growing up she didn’t have it. She has explained a little bit about her early life and how her mother told her…

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From December 2018 to January 2019, Joe Biden wired his son Hunter, the smartest man Joe knows, a total of $100,000. The wires took place while Hunter was on a  3 1/2 month, $30,000 spending spree on Eastern European and Russian women that appear to be linked to a prostitution and human trafficking ring. There is no indication that Joe Biden knew what the money was being spent on, according to information reported by the Washington Examiner, which obtained the information from a backup copy of Hunter’s iPhone that was found on his laptop. From November 2018 to March 2019,…

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The world now knows that the Hunter Biden laptop is real information and not the “Russian disinformation” that it was purported to be by Democrats, Rinos, and their partners in the mainstream media (MSDNC) before the 2020 election. The “Laptop from Hell” is turning out to be the gift that keeps on giving, revealing the debauchery and business dealings of America’s “First Son”, Hunter Biden. We should all recall that we were told repeatedly by Joe Biden that he never discussed Hunter’s business dealings with him.  Sleepy Joe took the Sgt. Schultz approach when it came to discussing his son…

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Consistent with their mindset of “America Last,” our friends on the left would have us follow the lead of other countries on virtually every issue. Our elections? Do away with the Electoral College and implement the popular vote like they do in Mexico and Brazil. Health care? Let’s be like the Scandinavians and switch to socialized medicine. Gun control? Let’s take away everyone’s guns as they did in New Zealand. Democrats in America love other countries almost as much as they love abortions. Almost. But there is nothing Democrats love more than abortions – with the possible exception of Drag…

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[The Supreme Court in Roe] “ventured too far in the change it ordered and presented an incomplete justification for its action. … It stopped a democratic process that was already in motion.”  Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1984) “I do not view abortion as a choice or a right.  I think it’s always a tragedy, … [W]e should … limit the number of abortions … [We] ought to be able to have a common ground and consensus to do that.” Senator Joe Biden (2006) As Tammy Bruce just said on Fox News, “I haven’t seen the Democrats this mad since…

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Here we go again with Colin Kaepernick! Could someone PLEASE just give him a job already! At least then anyone that has watched any NFL football featuring Kaepernick’s “elite” level of play can feel vindicated. Folks, don’t be fooled here. It’s never REALLY been about race, his America-hating antics, or his misguided views, even if all of those things played a tiny role in his unemployment status where NFL football is concerned. Colin Kaepernick isn’t good. At the end of the day, NFL fans and teams want their respective organizations to win. If any franchise had thought Kaep could do…

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It’s a crazy world right now people! Head on a swivel out there! Violent crime is on the rise, the economy sucks, gas is higher than a giraffes business end, and we can only laugh at Joe Biden so much before we want to cry and curse. Thank goodness for the wacky folks in Vermont. I’ve never been to Vermont. I don’t even know the state capital right offhand. Montpelier? Maybe that is correct, I ain’t looking it up. Either way, the fine law enforcement of the Vermont State Police got a load more than they bargained for while trying…

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Now that Dobbs has returned the abortion issue to the states, some of which are now using that power to end the abortion regime within their borders. Or, at least, they’re trying to do so. As red states struggle to act in the way their votes want, Democrats are already plotting to usurp that power and use the massive tracts of land owned by the feds to provide abortion access in red states, at least so long as a Democrat is in charge. Particularly, AOC and Elizabeth Warren, both of whom have melted down over the recent Dobbs decision, are…

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Coach  Joseph Kennedy is the Seattle-area football coach behind the recent Supreme Court decision that ensured religious liberty is protected, finding that Bremerton High School, the school in which he worked, was wrong to fire him for silently praying on the fifty-yard line of the football field after games with those players that voluntarily chose to join. Justice Gorsuch, who wrote the opinion, was scathing in his rebuke to the school district and strident in his defense of religious liberty, saying: “Here, a government entity sought to punish an individual for engaging in a brief, quiet, personal religious observance doubly protected…

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Pro-abortion women have been enraged by the Supreme Court’s decision that overturned Roe v.Wade. The women are calling for a sex strike to get back to the men who backed the landmark decision. The strike should apply to all men, according to the activists. They state that women need to stop having sex, and one tweet claims that all ladies should stop having sex with their spouses. During a protest in New York City, a 24-year-old woman told the New York Post that she would not have intercourse with any men unless they were prepared to have a vasectomy. “If…

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A county judge in Texas put a temporary stop to the Texas pre-Roe v. Wade abortion ban from taking place across the Lone Star State, proving that he is absolutely no lover of the innocent, unborn children that will die as a result of his stay. According to Just the News, the judge, based in Houston, has issued a temporary restraining order in response to a request made by the American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit that was filed on Monday according to a post from the organization on Twitter. “Abortion up to six weeks of pregnancy will resume at some…

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According to a brand new poll, the vast majority of American citizens are opposed to expanding the Supreme Court, despite calls from progressives who really, really want to see that happen so they can pack the court with liberal justices and keep their agenda in place forever. The Supreme Court voted last week to overturn Roe v. Wade due to the bench featuring a conservative majority. The idea to expand the number of justices in the court, in order to make it more balanced — which is what the left claims they want to do, but come on now, we…

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Vice President Kamala Harris was on record back in March suggesting that then-record high and surging gas were part of the price Americans pay for democracy – echoing President Joe Biden who made the original comment on this. And that right there should tell you that the cumulative intelligence quotient of the leadership of this country is actually in the negative. What’s actually responsible for the gas prices being so high is President Joe Biden being tied to the Green New Deal folks so he had to appease them by shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline and then refusing to…

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Conservative commentator Mark Levin, appearing on FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures” to discuss the Supreme Court’s recent Dobbs decision, made an interesting point about what the decision really shows. Pushing back on the idea of the Supreme Court being an all-powerful entity, Levin instead suggested that the court’s decision represented a return to only deciding cases based on what the Constitution actually says, rather than on the personal preferences of the justices. Making that point, one that flies in the face of leftist screeching about the Supreme Court abrogating power for itself and attacking a fundamental right in the Constitution, Levin…

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A significant number of those serving in the leadership of the Democratic party, including President Joe Biden and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi(D-CA), claim to be practicing Catholics, yet also proudly promote pro-choice policies. How is it, that the same two people who can claim to follow the teachings of the church are also two of the most radical, pro-death politicians in the U.S? This hypocrisy seems strange considering the Catholic Church’s very clear position on abortion. “The human being is to be respected and treated as a person from the moment of conception; and therefore from that same moment…

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There have been several pro-abortion protests held since the Supreme Court’s much-needed decision was announced on Friday, overturning the flawed, long-standing,1973 Roe v. Wade ruling. The court’s conservative majority rejected the previously “found” right to an abortion in the text of the U.S. Constitution, sending the decision if babies can be killed in the womb back to the states, as required by the 10th amendment. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Many radical media influencers have reacted via…

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Back in the late 1990s, I was a frequent listener to the Mark and Brian show and of Radio shock jock Howard Stern’s daily broadcast on KLOS-FM, which was broadcasting out of the Los Angeles metro area. This was prior to Stern heading over to satellite radio, and during a time when he could get away with pushing the FCC to its breaking point without the radio station, which was making a fortune from his ratings, being forced to give him the boot in lieu of losing their very expensive broadcast license. Stern who back then was a vocal libertarian…

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As the dust settles from Friday morning’s Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which overturned both Roe v Wade and Casey; the loss of a national Constitutional right to abortion has millions of unhinged pro-abortion activists freaking out in the streets and online. Roe, which was the law of the land for 49 years, was considered by many legal scholars to be full of errors and was judicial activism. The justices in 73 created a right for abortion even though it did not exist in the text of the Constitution. Justice Harry Blackmun, writing for the majority opinion in Roe v. Wade,…

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Progressives have been very successful in advancing their causes throughout the United States. By working their way into leadership positions in the public unions, and big tech companies and by funding campaigns of candidates who support Marxism, nearly every aspect of Americans’ lives is influenced by their anti-American talking points. The two main areas that the left has not been able to control, are talk radio and following President Trump’s 3 seated Justices, the Supreme Court. Talk radio because of the efforts of the late, great Rush Limbaugh is the last remaining open media source donated by those espousing conservative…

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60-year-old Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison for helping Jeffrey Epstein, a sex offender financier, sexually abuse teenage girls. She faced conviction back in December for trying to recruit and groom at least four girls to have scandalous sex-based encounters with Jeffrey Epstein between the years of 1994 and 2004, when Maxwell was reportedly dating Epstein. Reuters stated that “the monthlong trial was widely seen as the reckoning that Epstein – who killed himself in a Manhattan jail cell in 2019 at age 66 while awaiting his own sex trafficking trial – never had. It was one…

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60-year-old Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison for helping Jeffrey Epstein, a sex offender financier, sexually abuse teenage girls. She faced conviction back in December for trying to recruit and groom at least four girls to have scandalous sex-based encounters with Jeffrey Epstein between the years of 1994 and 2004, when Maxwell was reportedly dating Epstein. Reuters stated that “the monthlong trial was widely seen as the reckoning that Epstein – who killed himself in a Manhattan jail cell in 2019 at age 66 while awaiting his own sex trafficking trial – never had. It was one…

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The actress from “Full House” Jodi Sweetin was shoved by Los Angeles Police Department officers this weekend as she lead a ‘peaceful’ protest onto a busy highway, disrupting the public and causing mayhem. She was protesting a Supreme Court decision that overturned the abortion decisions in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, thereby kicking abortion restrictions back to each of the states – giving each state the power to make their own decision. The partial video, caught by photographer Michael Ade, shows Sweetin being shoved by officers and falling to the ground as she was demonstrating on the…

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After going 14 months without a Senate vote, President Joe Biden’s nominee to run U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has withdrawn his name from the confirmation process. Sheriff Ed Gonzales of Houston’s Harris County announced that he had informed the White House that he was no longer interested in leading the Department of Homeland Security agency, which he was nominated to head in April 2021. Gonzales wrote in a tweet: “I arrived at this decision after prayerfully considering what’s best for our nation, my family, and the people of Harris County who elected me to serve a second term as…

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Vice President Kamala Harris was on record back in March suggesting that then-record high and surging gas were part of the price Americans pay for democracy – echoing President Joe Biden who made the original comment on this. Now the bewildered, failing, low-approval rating VP Harris is admitting that the record gas prices ARE a problem and said during a CNN interview that “we have to do something” about it. However, during this interview, she offered little to no reliable solutions that would impact Americans in a positive way immediately. WATCH the snippet video from Kamala Harris’ interview with CNN:…

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Police in San Antonio, Texas, encountered a horrifying scene inside a tractor-trailer where at least 46-50 alleged illegal migrants were discovered dead in the back, prompting a call for a mass casualty evacuation ambulance. The death toll might rise. The 18-wheeler was discovered in a remote part of the city’s southwest at Quintana and Cassin roads. Around 6 o’clock, at least 20 emergency vehicles were dispatched to the scene, according to local news sources. According to several San Antonio Police Department sources, 16 new people were discovered alive and taken to hospitals. A mass casualty evacuation ambulance was also recorded…

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Jeffrey Epstein’s girlfriend and accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, was just sentenced for her role in his sickening activities, for charges stemming from her involvement in the sex trafficking operation and the other charges she faced in connection with her recruiting and grooming minors on Epstein’s behalf. A judge, recognizing those crimes and sentencing her accordingly, just sentenced her to twenty years in prison for them, a sentence that means, given Ghislaine’s 60 years of age, she will be spending most if not all of her remaining years in prison. And that’s before considering whether she too will mysteriously “commit suicide”. The…

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The number of prosecutors fleeing New York City’s district attorneys’ offices has spiraled in the wake of criminal justice reforms that have created what one ex-top prosecutor called “insanity.” Sixty-five assistant district attorneys, or approximately 12 percent of the staff, have resigned this year from Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s office, up from about 44 through the end of March. Throughout 2021, 97 ADAs resigned from their jobs at the District Attorney’s office in New York City. On Bragg’s third day in office, he called for prosecutors not to seek prison sentences for a number of crimes and to downgrade their…

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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and failed presidential candidate, spoke with “CBS Mornings” about the Supreme Court’s abortion ruling and suggests it could lead to other decisions being turned back – despite no evidence any other decisions are being turned back. She’s being criticized on social media for fearmongering and trying to strike fear in people, particular women who may find themselves debating an abortion. Hillary Clinton was on CBS Mornings speaking specifically about the Supreme Court overturn of Roe v Wade, but tried to link in other topics as if they were coming up next week – but…

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Police in San Antonio, Texas, encountered a horrifying scene inside a tractor-trailer where at least 46-50 alleged illegal migrants were discovered dead in the back, prompting a call for a mass casualty evacuation ambulance. The death toll might rise as new information is released. The 18-wheeler was discovered in a remote part of the city’s southwest at Quintana and Cassin roads. Around 6 o’clock, at least 20 emergency vehicles were dispatched to the scene, according to local news sources. According to several San Antonio Police Department sources, 16 new people were discovered alive and taken to hospitals. A mass casualty…

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More than one half of all U.S. consumers lived paycheck to paycheck last month, says a new LendingClub report released this week. LendingClub, a peer-to-peer lending company, is reporting that 58% of U.S. consumers were basically living paycheck to paycheck last month, an increase of 4% over last year. With rates of inflation at a 40-year high, taxpayers are still struggling financially as the economy starts to slow, as reflected in the latest decline in retail sales last month. “Consumers have experienced a tough last couple of years as different factors have affected their financial lifestyle and there seems to…

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Vice President Kamala Harris was on record back in March suggesting that then-record high and surging gas were part of the price Americans pay for democracy – echoing President Joe Biden who made the original comment on this. Now the bewildered, failing, low-approval rating VP Harris is admitting that the record gas prices ARE a problem and said during a CNN interview that “we have to do something” about it. However, during this interview, she offered little to no reliable solutions that would impact Americans in a positive way immediately. WATCH the snippet video from Kamala Harris’ interview with CNN:…

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