Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Following the presidential campaign of Joe Biden, in which he spent most of it down in his Delaware home’s basement, the team of handlers assembled to serve the newly elected President, knew they would need to put systems in place to try to prevent Joe from making a fool of himself. Well, in spite of their efforts, President Biden has misspoke while reading off note cards, butchered prepared teleprompter speeches, and their worst nightmare has lied, exaggerated, and misrepresented the administration’s positions when speeching contemporaneously to questions asked by the news media. Biden once again mispronounced the name of the…

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Don’t have time to make dinner tonight because the kids are headed to the game, you’re going to be at the pool all day, or you have a really busy evening planned? Try making this crock pot roast pork. It’s easy to set in the morning before you leave, especially with the new digital crockpots, […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Here in Texas, and especially within the Hispanic community we’ve got a favorite soda. This soft drink was the official first ‘red cream soda’ and is now called Big Red. The cream soda is very smooth and while it’s great on its own – it can be used in a unique cake that’ll be sure […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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A deaf and mute boy, 10, has been rescued from a 200-foot well filled with poisonous snakes and scorpions after having been trapped for over 80 hours. 500 emergency personnel worked around the clock to save Rahul Singh who had fallen into the deadly pit which was infested with various venomous creatures in the backyard of his home in an East Indian village. The boy’s father, Lala Ram Sahu had begun to dig the well earlier that week but abandoned his efforts when it became clear the ground was dry. Sahu and his wife Greeta were at work on Friday…

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Traditionally when we talk about self-defense tools, the first item that will pop into your head is a gun.  Whereas guns are the most effective tool, there are some people who aren’t comfortable using them, so we will be covering other items that can be used to protect ourselves as well.  Hopefully, you won’t ever be in a situation to have to use these tools, but it’s always good to be prepared. Stun gun– Any stun gun that can deliver 1,000,000 volts is enough to stop an attacker. Sometimes it’s hard to conceal a stun gun though, and in those…

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There are seven parts to camouflage that need to be taken into consideration if you want to be successful in hiding yourself. Camouflage isn’t just for wartime, hunting, or playing games like a manhunt. It can be essential to primitive camping and bugging out. Silhouette- The silhouette is something that needs to be broken up so that you cannot see the human form or shape. Not only must you break up the human form by wearing a ghillie suit or some other camouflage but think about the environment. If you’re running on top of a hill in a ghillie suit,…

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According to SPCA, there are over three million dogs that enter the the U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year, and every year there are nearly 400,000 dogs euthanized. However, when animals get adopted or they are found to belong to someone and the owner and pup are reunited – that can bring the numbers down by 2 million for adoptions and over 700,000 pups who are reunited with their owners. That certainly brings the number down, and I’m sure it’s no easy task. I’m sure the employees or volunteers work around the clock to make this happen – and at…

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As the United States struggles with skyrocketing inflation, gasoline prices, housing/rents, etc., the Biden administration has stretched itself by sending a massive amount of aid to [redacted], while there is a baby formula shortage at home, overwhelming its low-skilled staff. China, on the other hand, has been very focused, growing exponentially via rapidly expanding its industrial base, and by stealing intellectual property. The Red Dragon has now positioned itself, as a world power challenging the United States for supremacy. Taiwan which has been a leader in chip manufacturing has a unique relationship and understanding with China and United States. Because…

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For decades, The New York Times, similar to a pre-Musk Twitter, has been the place for liberals to get and expound the left’s talking points. As strictly partisans, they act as kingmakers within the Democratic party. If you have been identified as the candidate they want to support, they will only publish supportive articles while suppressing negative information, even if true. But, if the establishment wants a change in direction, the Times staff can reach unlimited politicians to help build a hit piece on anyone. On Saturday, a New York Times report revealed that many Democratic Party officials have little faith that…

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During the 2016 presidential campaign, I can remember speaking with hundreds of millennials, from China, India, and the United States, working in Silicon Valley, who all shared their concerns about the ages of those who were running, Hillary Clinton and former President Donald J.Trump. In addition, some told me they believed the aging baby boomers and Gen X, their parents’ ages, were the problem, and that when they could finally get in power, they would fix the world’s problems. On Monday, Axios, whose target market is the same demographic that I spoke with, raised concerns about President Joe Biden’s 2024…

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The United States is considered “the oldest democracy” in the World. The oldest existing nation with a constitutional government in which the people elect their own government and representatives. Those who fought for independence from the British Crown, and established our Constitution and Bill of Rights, did so at the risk of their very lives and fortunes. In line with Biblical teachings, being a sluggard was looked down and if you did not work, you should not expect to eat, common expectations. The nation, after ending the inherited evil of slavery, took off economically right after the turn of the…

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One of the most informative and entertaining movies made concerning the 2008 U.S. Housing collapse, which led to the government bailing out the major banks, is called “The Big Short”. In it, Michael Burr the founder of Scion Asset Management, a quirky hedge fund manager, played by Christian Bale in the movie, made several astute but primarily discredited observations, ostracized at the time, about the economy. He identified the overheated national real estate market, and the risks banks were taking with their customer’s investments. While dodging investors and lawsuits, Burry helped his company by negotiating and navigating until the moment…

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Paris Hilton was invited to DJ at a President Biden event, but she declined because she had other commitments. Paris and her mother attended the wedding of Britney Spears and Sam Asghari that threw a fairytale-like ceremony and reception in their LA home. According to various sources, Hilton was alluding to President Joe Biden’s banquet inviting foreign leaders as part of the ninth Summit of the Americas. This event was held the same night as the pop star’s wedding. After returning from Spears’ wedding last week, Hilton explained her decision in a “This is Paris” podcast episode headed “This is……

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announced that she will consider backing President Joe Biden in a presidential run in 2024. She didn’t specify whether she’d vote for President Joe Biden or not, indicating that progressives are still weighing their options for the following election. Ocasio-Cortez is not alone in her skepticism toward Joe Biden. Recent poll results show that US citizens are less willing to support Biden due mainly to the country’s staggeringly high inflation. When asked if she plans to support Mr. Biden if he runs for a second term on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Ocasio-Cortez said, “I think we…

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Gun control laws will only be changing in the United States “once black people start getting guns,” said Joy Behar, co-host of The View, during a recent episode of the show. She faced backlash quickly. Behar was addressing a direct response to an anecdote shared by guest host Lindsey Granger about a black man in Connecticut who she claimed built his own AR-15 assault rifle because the law in the state doesn’t allow him to buy such a weapon. She argued that it was “odd” that he was black, adding that “most AR-15 owners are ex-military, over the age of…

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A Chicago-area police officer was forced to use his firearm to eliminate a man who pulled up in a car, jumped out, and ran at the cop with a hatchet as seen in the newly released video. It can be seen in the video that a man driving the silver car pulls up unexpectedly, gets out of the vehicle holding the hatchet, and begins to rush towards the police officer. That’s when the cop springs into action, whipping out his piece and firing shots to take down the man who is now an armed suspect attempting to cause bodily harm,…

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As the row over transgender kids continues to spark fury around the nation, some level-headed transgender people have begun to speak up against the disgraceful agenda the liberal left are pushing on our children. Speaking to the author Matt Walsh for part of his new book, What Is a Woman?: One Man’s Journey to Answer the Question of a Generation, transgender man Scott Newgent hit out at medical professionals for targeting “most vulnerable kids” and feeding them the “illusion” that they really can choose their gender. In the extract from his book, Walsh described Newgent as looking “almost like a…

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Jerusalem is the holiest city in the world, for Christians when we read the Bible we get to learn that this area was the historical region in which Jesus was born. He also ministered, worked miracles, and was likewise crucified and resurrected here as well. In addition to these historical moments, much of the Bible was written and took place here both in the New and Old Testaments. Most Christians make it a life goal to visit the place just to see Holy artifacts, pray at the wall, and see sights such as the mount of olives. This is one…

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Following the presidential campaign of Joe Biden, in which he spent most of in his Deleware basement, the team of handlers assembled to serve President Biden, knew they would need to put systems in place to prevent Joe from making a fool of himself. President Biden once again mispronounced the name of the main figure in a teleprompter-guided speech. This time, Biden incorrectly addressed Asian civil rights activist Karen Narasaki as Karen Nagasaki. Yes, he replaced the activist’s last name for the Japanese city that was hit with a nuclear bomb in World War Two. Biden was speaking at the White…

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Breakfast can often be boring. We easily fall into the rotation of cereal, eggs, yogurt, cereal, eggs, yogurt, cereal…you get the idea. And when you want to spice things up, the awesome-looking recipes you see on places like Pinterest can be intricate in process, or require an obscure hard-to-find ingredient that without it the recipe […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Il breve variazione: Questa natale, Tinggly potrebbe offrire amanti a significativo presenta di un altro tie spilla, collana o pallina. Tinggly invita persone a fornire regalo di un’esperienza personale un altro area o country. Tuo presente potrebbe suggerire quella persona speciale andare fiume rafting, bungee bouncing, riding, o scuba in many of the earth’s many iconico macchie. Non appena dai un Tinggly regalo scatola, la persona amata può scegliere l’abilità la persona vuole avere, e Tinggly tende a che abbia luogo. Passionate people love this excellent present dato che dà loro possibilità di creare ricordi e ridurre il loro carbon…

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Ever come across a story that’s hilarious, sad, and dangerous all at once? Welcome to America, 2022! A country where it’s NOT ok to sometimes point out the obvious, even if it IS to save a horse, and not ride a cowboy. (Best wishes Toby Keith). Look, there is a reason professional jockeys weigh about 75 pounds. The end goal isn’t to kill the horse. This also is true of the recreational horse-riding industry. The folks that stable, own and care for these animals rely on them to make a living. You don’t want to break one because a customer/rider…

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Democrat Chuck Schumer once stood in front of a gas station selling $3.89 gas and blamed then President Donald Trump on the soaring prices. Fast forward to today and gas prices are hitting record highs in some locations, but Schumer doesn’t appear to be on the same warpath against fellow Democrat, President Joe Biden. Watch the video of Schumer slamming Trump: Schumer yelled, while at an Exxon gas station on Capitol Hill: “Gas prices will roughly cancel out the 2018 consumption boost from the tax cuts… That’s right, whatever meager benefit working families may have seen from Trump’s tax scam…

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It’s a weird, wild world we live in, isn’t it? This isn’t your granddad’s America. This isn’t even your father’s America. Unless your father became your mother or vice versa. Then, MAYBE it’s your America. Before we get ahead of ourselves here, let’s just be clear. People are free to spend their money on what they want, live their lives how they see fit, insomuch it’s legal and hurts no one else. Right? Personally, I don’t see that as too high of a bar. If you are feeling pretty, want to undergo reassignment surgery? Go wild big guy (girl)! Just…

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ESPN used to tout itself as the “worldwide leader in sports”. Boy, are those days gone or what? These days ESPN seems to be intent on using their ever-shrinking platform to focus on almost anything BUT sports. This isn’t surprising considering ESPN is owned by that pervy little mouse in Florida. Disney can’t help but dabble its little grooming fingers in the sports world. A world, by the way, that is supposed to be a respite from the douchebaggery going on in the real world. Thanks for nothing, mouse. What’s the latest spewing from the genius mouths at ESPN? Check…

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Bank runs happen when people scramble to withdraw cash from banks in fear of collapse, much like they did during the stock market crash of 1929 and again in 2008 when the banks needed to be bailed out by American taxpayers.  In the worst cases, banks’ liquid cash reserves are exhausted,  not everyone gets their money,  and the bank defaults. Anyone else hearing about this?China’s bank run is the biggest threat to markets right now. Get ready for it to hit the MSM.— BourbonNotScotch – Self Admitting Asshole (@ScotchNot) June 13, 2022 In Asia, bank runs are also rare.…

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A remarkable rescue sees two young girls and their father saved after their boat hit an obstacle of a bunch of fallen trees. The event occurred in the Lewis River, Washington rescuers revealed. A Fireman answered a mistaken emergency call about a drowning family near Ridgefield and found the dad with his 8-year-old girl holding on for dear life to the riverbank around 1:00 p.m. Saturday, on June 11, a Clark Cowlitz Fire Rescue news release revealed. The rescue group of Firemen had to battle their way through cliffs, overgrown bush, and other troublesome territories to arrive at the pair,…

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Governor Ron DeSantis has signed six bills that will support nearly 1.5 million active and former military personnel and their families living in Florida, he said during a press conference in Fort Walton Beach on June 9. “Florida is the most military-friendly state in the nation, and I am proud to continue that commitment to our military members and their families by signing these pieces of legislation,” DeSantis said. “Providing military families with the resources they need to receive a high-quality education and find good jobs is the best way that we as a state can show our appreciation for…

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Investigating the Capitol riot after it held its first prime-time hearing, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) raised trust issues with the House committee. The congressman insisted, during an interview, that the hearing showed nothing new and cast the Jan. 6 committee itself as a “one-sided” endeavor that has demonstrated it cannot be outright trusted. Last year, the panel admitted to altering a text message between Jordan and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, he reminded the viewers. — Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) June 12, 2022 “This committee has altered evidence and lied to the American people about it,…

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Halfway through the 2022 primary season, multiple Democratic lawmakers and party officials are voicing their frustrations with the struggle of President Biden to advance his core agenda, questioning his ability to safeguard the party from a projected midterm crash and increasingly considering him an anchor that should be let go in 2024. As the challenges confronting the nation escalate and weary base voters show little enthusiasm, Democrats within union meetings, Capitol Hill back rooms and party rallies from coast to coast are silently worried about the leadership of Mr. Biden, his age, and his ability to handle the challenge of…

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Texas police shot and killed an armed man who was firing shots at a gymnasium hosting a summer-camp like event that had about 150 children inside, according to authorities. This took place in the Duncanville section of Texas and no children, staff, or police were injured during the incident that took place at about 8:45 in the morning on Monday. USA Today reports that “The man entered the field house lobby with a handgun and fired a shot at a staff member during a discussion, Duncanville Assistant Police Chief Matthew Stogner said. The gunman then tried to enter a classroom…

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Oh Peppermint, why have you forsaken us? I know the gig at MSNBC gave you the perfect excuse to abandon that sinking ship of a White House, but what about us? You left all of your “fans” behind. What did you leave us with? Karine Jean-Pierre, a houseplant. Actually, that would be an intellectual insult to houseplants. Karine is often unable to string together a half dozen words that make sense, despite having shuffling papers in front of her. I have literally seen high school kids that do their school news that are more polished, professional, and prepared than this…

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Infamous jihadi bride Shamima Begum who left Britain to marry an ISIS terrorist in Syria has said she fears she may be sentenced to death as she faces trial for terror offenses. Begum abandoned the UK in 2015 at the age of 15 with two female friends to join the Islamic State in Syria. Begum said she was groomed online by ISIS propaganda before boarding a plane to the Middle East with her teenage friends Amria Abase and Kadiza Sultana to become Jihadi brides. Ten days after arriving in the war-torn country, Begum married ISIS Dutch-born ISIS terrorist Yago Riedjik…

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Anyone at this point knows exactly who Lebron James is. No, I’m not talking about James the player (Jordan was better), I’m talking about James the person. Lebron has shown himself, plenty since 2020. James is nothing more than a race-baiting huckster, more worried about profits from a murderous Chinese regime than anything of real consequence going on in the United States. Not only has Lebron claimed that police are hunting black men when they leave the house (wrong), but he has spread disinformation about Kyle Rittenhouse, and even lied about racist graffiti being spray-painted on his house. Lebron is…

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Hunter Biden’s ex-wife has revealed that she was embarrassed by her husband’s controversial financial deals but said she turned the other cheek because she “liked nice things”. Kathleen Buhle, 52, opened up about her life with scandal-ridden Hunter to Good Morning America hosts on Tuesday as she promoted her new book If We Break. Buhle married the (now) president’s son in 1993, and the couple divorced in 2017 after Hunter’s affair with his deceased brother’s widow Hallie. They have three daughters together and Buhle now receives $37,000 a month after the breakdown of their marriage. Wearing a navy-blue button-up shirt-dress…

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The undisputed Prince of Darkness, Ozzy Osbourne has faced numerous battles in his life and storied career. From crippling alcohol and drug addiction to the musical landscape constantly changing, Ozzy has managed, overcome, and come out the other side a bigger legend than before. Recently, however, Ozzy faced the biggest challenge of his life. Potentially life-altering surgery. What’s the story? Per Ozzy Osbourne is set to undergo grueling surgery Monday to remove and realign pins in his neck and back, Page Six is told. The Black Sabbath star’s wife Sharon Osbourne has flown from London to be by his side. There…

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In a  world where we are now facing a rise of suspect food shortages, natural disasters, and any other kind of apocalyptic disaster, you’ll be relieved to know that just about anything you’ll need for your survival — at least for an intermittent period of time — can be found at your local dollar store.  Kinda nervous to buy my emergency supplies from the dollar store. Just saying 🤷🏻‍♂️ — John (@john37724782) July 29, 2021 While many people believe rescue efforts after hurricanes, tornadoes, forest fires, and floods come only from FEMA and the Red Cross who seemingly ship…

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If you read your bible, you know that Matthew 7:7-8 says “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” However, let’s not stop there, we can also remember James 4:3 where it reads: “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.” Some people may read the chapter and think that this has no correlation to this story. However, if you…

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis just keeps winning. Throughout the whole of the pandemic, blue state, lockdown crazies criticized DeSantis for keeping Florida open, because science, you know? Not only did Florida not have mass graves, death, and pestilence, much to the left’s chagrin I might add, but the state thrived. Florida became a shining beacon for what free America USED to be. Many on the left were also caught on the down low, vacationing in the sunshine state. Hypocrites, no? Of course, why would anyone NOT want to be in Florida? Pristine, warm waters, sandy white beaches, bikini-clad babes. Where…

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A small medication trial is having a seismic effect in the realm of oncology: After a half year of an experimental treatment, growths evaporated in each of the 14 patients who completed the trial and had early-stage rectal cancer. Scientists in the field of colorectal malignant growth are hailing the study, distributed Sunday in the New England Journal of Medicine, as a huge improvement that could prompt new therapies for different cancers as well. “I don’t think anyone has seen this before, where every single patient has had the tumor disappear,” said Andrea Cercek, an oncologist with Memorial Sloan Kettering…

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