Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Virtue signaling is nothing new. We see it in the social media posts of our friends as often as we see it from celebrities, influencers, and even worse, in politicians. In politicians who are making crucial decisions with our laws in the hopes of impressing the Hollywood “Elite”. In Hollywood the virtue signaling has gotten so intense and so ugly that to falter for even a moment may get you canned and cancelled. Look no further than Ken Jeong when one of the Masked Singer’s was revealed to be Republican Rudy Guiliani. Before Hollywood lost their minds, the former mayor…

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On April 19th, 2022, in Dufur, Oregon, Azure Standard headquarters facility goes up in flames.  Azure Standard is one of the largest independent, family owned, managed farms and independent distributor of natural, organic, non-GMO foods.  This is just the latest in a long list of food processing plants to be utterly destroyed. In an email to all of their members, CEO David Stelzer issued a statement. He said, ” While the headquarter facility is a total loss, and a few product lines will be affected for the short term, other Azure standard facilities are operating as close to normal as…

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President Joe Biden’s Administration said that it would appeal a judge ruling ending a mask mandate on airplanes and public transportation if the CDC deemed it necessary in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that they will continue to study whether or not the mandate was actually still needed. The mandate had applied to planes, trains, and other public transportation before the ruling on Monday. The mandate was expected to expire by May 3rd, 2022. The Justice Department said it would appeal the ruling on Monday by U.S. District Judge Kathryn…

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Threats of a recession looms as powerful forces threaten US economy. Jamie Dimon CEO of JP Morgan Chase has recently begun saying there is a chance of a recession hitting. He cites the federal reserve’s stance on monetary policy as a factor in a significant increase in the risk of recession. The Federal Reserve has said that it intends to fight high inflation by sharply raising interest rates and shrinking its balance sheets recently. In Europe, expensive energy markets are making it harder for consumers and factories to use energy or produce things. In China, COVID-19 has prompted authorities to…

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Three U.S. Navy sailors from the USS George Washington aircraft craft carrier have been found dead in less than a week’s time span the Navy said. Currently the USS George Washington aircraft carrier is being overhauled at Newport News, VA at Newport News Shipbuilding. According to the navy’s chief medical examiner on Wednesday Communications Electrician third class Natasha Huffman and Retail Services Specialist third class Mika’l Sharp both died of suicide. The specific cause of death and identity of the third sailor has not been released yet by authorities. The Navy says that they do not believe the deaths are…

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A major row has exploded as Donald Trump has accused Piers Morgan of editing their sit-down interview to make it look like Trump walked out in anger. Brexit politician Nigel Farage revealed today that he had warned Trump about Pier’s bad intentions prior to the interview. The 30-second trailer issued by Murdoch Media was released yesterday to advertise the launch of Piers’ new show Uncensored next week. It features a fiery exchange between former president Trump and Morgan and ends with Trump apparently saying “turn the cameras off” and “very dishonest” before storming out – an exchange Trump insists was…

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As the end of Trump-era migration policy Title 42 draws nearer, experts say the Democrats are set for a tough mid-term election. Biden has come under fire from members of his own party in recent weeks as he has consistently failed to provide any follow-up strategy to deal with the influx of migrants waiting on the US-Mexico border as Title 42 is set to end next month. The policy was put in place by Donald Trump as a means of protecting the country during the Covid-19 pandemic and allowed authorities to disregard asylum claims if the individual had passed through…

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Prince Harry has once again sent social media into meltdown after he made some truly bizarre statements about the Queen, his late mother and his role in the Royal Family going forward. The Prince, who not long ago famously said he and his wife Duchess Meghan Markle sought a private life away from the media, gave yet another sit-down, tell-all interview last night, this time with NBC’s Today Show. During the interview, which aired earlier this morning, the embattled Prince claimed to have a good relationship with his grandmother, the Queen, who he praised for having a good “sense of…

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NOTE: This is satire, not fact. Treat it as such. Dr. Fauci, the gravel-voiced tyrant that has become so famous in the wake of the devastation wrought by his response to the CCP virus, is reportedly fuming over a Florida judge lifting the airline mask mandate. A source within his office, speaking anonymously in an attempt to stab Fauci in the back said: “I know I’ll be judged for talking, but I need to. Not out of any sense of the national good, nah, F*** THAT! That’s not what we’re about. Nah, this place is like Italy in the 15th…

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NOTE: This is satire, not fact. Treat it as such. Dr. Hans Rudolph Lickenschlipter (hereafter: Dr. Hans) is the leader of the world’s preeminent “cow fart research” team, a team of the top climate scientists that examines the effects of the methane released in cow flatulence on the world climate. Dr. Hans was giving a speech at the recent climate conference in the French Riveria, which he of course reached by private jet (a Gulfstream G6 jet) and planned on leaving on the Climate Science Society’s 170-foot, diesel-powered yacht, on Tuesday the 19th of April when the weirdest thing happened:…

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NOTE: This is satire, not fact. Treat it as such Following a White House staffer dressed as an Easter bunny’s success in stopping Joe from talking about Afghanistan during the White House Easter Egg roll event, former President Trump realized how effective he could be if dressed up as an imaginary rabbit in taking over the US government. So, dressed as the Easter Bunny, Trump headed to the White House on Wednesday, 4/20, and was shocked to discover that no one even tried to stop him, but instead just waved him through the security gate, laughing at the idea that…

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NOTE: This is SATIRE, not fact. Treat it as such. Though he’s busy with other things, namely redesigning his massive dacha, a palace that some report cost over $1 billion to construct, Putin took time out of his busy schedule to talk with his FSB (modern KGB) officers about the danger posed to their intelligence-gathering operations by the amount of attention focused on one agent by American media. Speaking anonymously to the media after the meeting, only talking to us out of spite because he was jealous of the size of Putin’s dacha compared to his, one high-level official said:…

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Note: This is satire, not fact or a statement of fact. Treat it as such. An anonymous source within the White House, refusing to speak on anything other than a condition of anonymity because “the Bidens know the Clintons” and s/he does not want to be “Epsteined”, reports that Biden has been in a bitter fight with the top military and Secret Service personnel over whether he can fully repurpose the nuclear bunker underneath the White House into a dedicated nap room. Speaking on that situation and Biden’s demands, the anonymous source said: “Yeah, so Biden’s been disappearing for like…

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Cottontop Tamarins are one of the most critically endangered primates in the world. They have a large puff of white hair on the top of their heads which is where they get their name from. It looks like they have a cotton ball on top of their head. They can raise this hair up into a crust whenever they get excited or feel afraid. It makes them look bigger and more intimidating to a predator. There are only about 2000 wild breeding Cottontop Tamarin miniature monkeys. They are highly intelligent and social animals that can live up to 25 years.…

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The modern-day political landscape consists of a growing number of progressive governors promoting radical policies, moderates going along with the flow, and a small group of alpha anti-federalists fighting federal government overreach into their sovereign states. Corporate news networks spend a large amount of their time promoting the Biden agenda and taking shots at former President Trump and his supporters. What they still struggle with is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ aggressive and effective leadership in the Sunshine state. Unlike President Trump, DeSantis has a supportive and unified legislative majority behind him allowing for significant legislation to make it to his…

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Did you ever just want to eat your omelet with chopsticks? This is a favorite in my house. There’s nothing quite as fun as eating with chopsticks, especially when it’s a simple meal. The Korean egg roll is unique in that it’s basically an omelet that the cook rolls up and slices so that it […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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An Adams County sheriff deputy in Colorado is being credited with saving lives on I-70 by using his patrol car to stop a wrong way driver. Just after 11:00 PM Monday Adams County deputies responded to a request from the Colorado State Patrol about a wrong way driver in the eastbound lane of I70. Deputies stopped traffic ahead of the speeding vehicle. They hoped to avoid a collision as the wrong way driver continued to barrel towards the Adams County Deputies. One deputy decided to put himself in between his fellow police officers and innocent lives on I-70. He got…

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Alarm bells are ringing for some analysts over the Shanghai lockdown. They say that investors don’t realize how much of a threat these lockdowns in China are to the United States economy and the global economy at large. In China, there are nearly 400 million people in at least 45 cities under at least a partial lockdown due to China’s strict zero COVID-19 policy. This represents nearly 40% of the gross domestic product in the world’s second largest economy. For a total of almost 7.2 trillion U.S. dollars. “Global markets may still underestimate the impact,” said Lu Ting, chief China economist…

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Monday a federal judge in Florida has reversed the Biden administration’s mask mandate for public transportation saying that it was not lawful. U.S. District Judge Kathryn Mizelle said that national public health agencies had exceeded their power in issuing the mandate. As a result of this ruling, US transit authorities said they would no longer enforce the mask mandate. Just last week the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had extended the mask mandate to May 3rd. White House press secretary Jen Psaki called the decision “disappointing” and noted that the CDC still recommends travelers cover their mouths and…

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The freedom-loving locomotion of Ron DeSantis never runs out of power. This guy is an absolute freight train when it comes to fighting back against leftist insanity, corporate brainwashing, and cancel culture everywhere. He turned a purple state decidedly red in the span of just a few years, but more importantly he set a standard for all future conservative leaders. A few days after bringing the fight to Disney, revoking their special exemptions under the half-century-old Reedy Creek Act, DeSantis once again proved that the formula to defeat leftism in America is by going on the offensive. This time, the…

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Note: This is satire, not fact. Treat it as such. With the Biden family finances hurt by Hunter Biden’s inability to sell any of his mediocre paintings now that Joe isn’t all that popular and his impotence as a president has been discovered, Biden decided to take a major step and make “the smartest guy” he knows, Hunter, drug czar. He also seemed a bit confused over what the position would entail. Here’s how he began his statement on the decision (we did our best with the transcript, some of his words were indecipherable): “As many of you know, the…

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Note: this is satire, not fact. Treat it as such. Already embarrassed over the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping scheme and the revelation that it set the men involved up, the FBI suffered a dramatic blow to its prestige on Tuesday when a lack of communications between the agency and other government authorities led to a snafu where all its agents were arrested. FBI Director Wray, the sole member of the FBI not arrested during the nation-wide dragnet conducted by National Gaurd units, local police departments, and even a few SWAT Teams, spoke about the incident in a press conference last night,…

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NOTE: This is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. According to anonymous sources within the White House, President Joe Biden was not happy that a rabbit surprised him during the recent White House Easter egg roll event. Walking around the White House for the rest of the workday (until his 4pm dinner and bedtime) after the event, Biden vowed that he’d never let a rabbit sneak up on him again and kept screaming at the Secret Service agents for daring to let a monstrously large rabbit get so close to him. The Secret Service officials, according…

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Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the dreadful day two student shooters stormed into their high school on a murderous rampage, massacring 12 fellow students and a teacher before taking their own lives. The shooting sent shockwaves all over the world, as horrified parents and members of the public watched live footage as events unfolded in Columbine High, although the true extent of the terror wasn’t revealed until later on, and the debate about how we deal with school violence goes on to this day. On April 20 1999, news outlets waiting outside the school interviewed students who had witnessed…

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The state of Florida is governed by a very focused and talented group of politicians and administrators who are aware of the plans of the radical left, especially in education. Instead of jump rubber-stamping the updated curriculum proposed by publishers and teachers’ unions, which appears to be the norm nationwide, the Florida Department of Education announced on Friday that they playing by a different set of rules. The FDE announced that after a recent review, 41% of proposed K-12 mathematics books intended for use during the 2022-2023 public school year did not meet state academic standards due to their apparent…

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White House press secretary Jen Psaki has not been at her job very long. After getting off to a very tough start, she has learned the political tricks of her former liberal press secretaries, such as not answering questions, and pushing administration talking points, even if not true. On Thursday, Psaki showed she has gone to the dark side of journalism. Psaki was interviewed for the podcast “Pod Save America,” during which a reference was made to a January hot mic comment in which President Joe Biden, irked by a Doocy comment, called the reporter a “stupid son of a…

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Once again there is a conflict between the United States’ Chief Executive Officer’s statements and others actively doing the bidding of the radical left-wing of the Democratic Party. This includes the Department of Justice under Attorney General Merrick Garland and several other branches of the federal government. On Tuesday, President Joe Biden’s administration said it would appeal a Florida federal judge’s ruling ending the CDC’s mask mandate on airplanes if public health officials deem it necessary. This announcement though came just hours after Biden, during a trip to New Hampshire, answered a question from a report, about whether travelers should…

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Once again the Biden administration is getting attacked by both political parties. With the U.S. continuing to have punishing energy prices, especially gasoline, the democrats’ poll numbers are universally heading south. You would think Biden would have already opened up energy production again trying to turn the tide and save the Democratic majority in Congress this November. The one thing that keeps President Biden from re-opening the U.S. energy sector has been, the “up and coming” in his party, who are radical social and environmental justice activists. They want zero emissions yesterday and will fight any effort to increase energy…

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In a possible huge change in direction, a report is out that the Biden administration, which has been ignoring our national immigration laws and forcing our southern border wide open, might not end one of former President Trump’s immigration policies after all. The progressive news site Axios is reporting: President Joe Biden is considering backing down on plans to end the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Title 42 — the public health authority that has doubled as a border control measure — as Republican lawmakers head to the United States-Mexico border to sound the alarm on illegal immigration.…

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In the middle of the Lone Star state of Texas, is the city of Austin. It’s a booming tech community with campuses located around the huge University of Texas, home of the Longhorns. The college town that has always been known for its bohemian artsy culture, has gone full out San Franciso tenderloin distinct over the past decade. Just last month, in defiance of Attorney General Ken Paxton, Austin’s school officials dedicated an entire week to promoting LGBT week, actually instructing the kids to not tell their parents about some of the school activities. “Respect privacy: ‘What we say in this…

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Have you been volunteered to get cookies for the kid’s school play or maybe just for snack time? Nowadays, you can’t have peanut butter anything at school, can you? What are you supposed to do now? You don’t have time to cook. The kids have ball practice, not to mention you have a proposal tomorrow […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Potash is a very important fertilizer for plants. Potash allows plants to flower and fruit more productively. It also provides for healthy roots which allows plants to gather more water which is necessary for their survival. The potassium in potash helps to boost disease tolerance in plants. It also helps plants to synthesize sugars which provides the energy they need to grow. Potash was the first patent ever issued by the United States government signed by President George Washington on July 31st of 1790. That patent was granted to Samuel Hopkins for the making of potash with a new process…

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The likelihood of becoming panicked when in a water survival situation is very high, and roughly 70% of all people live within an hour of a body of water. This is why it’s so important to practice basic water survival training techniques before finding yourself in a water survival situation. The likelihood of experiencing a water survival situation is higher than most people expect. In the year 2000, over 3,400 unintentional drownings occurred in the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here are some basic ways that you can prevent drowning through practicing water survival…

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Having a survival kit on you at all times is extremely helpful and very convenient. Most of the time, survival kits are big or bulky or just plain useless. Unless a Survival kit can fit inside of your pocket, chances are you’re going to forget it or not have room for it. Let’s face it, those pre-made survival kits which are small enough to barely fit in your pocket don’t really have the things you need to survive. They might have a little bit of wire, string, maybe a blade that’s really small and breaks easily, and a few other…

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The desert is a beautiful, exotic, and enticing place, but it can also be deadly. Many unsuspecting and uninformed people who go out to explore the desert end up having more of an adventure than they expected. Annually helicopters can be seen flying overhead searching for someone who was unlucky enough to go out into the desert and not return. News stories tell of people who went up a cliffside that could not get back down, people caught without water, and people caught during flash floods in monsoon season. Many of these misadventures could have been avoided by taking some…

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With almost 75% of its citizens registered as Democrats, it’s safe to say that Detroit, Michigan, is a bastion of Democrat power. One would imagine that the city is a land flowing with love, diversity, and unicorns. The truth is that the city is the total opposite. Five years ago, the city admitted that it had illegally overtaxed homeowners by close to $600 million between 2010 and 2016. #map of every #Detroit property that reached Wayne County tax foreclosure auction from 2002 – 2016: #maps #dataviz — cartogeek (@cartogeek) July 11, 2017 The city inflated the property assessments…

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Left-wing Twitter founder Jack Dorsey has posted an online rant about Twitter’s board of directors as outspoken billionaire Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, continues to attempt to buy out Twitter. Jack Dorsey seemed to blame Twitter’s board of directors, accusing its members – which Dorsey himself is one – of pursuing “plots and coups” that were “consistently the dysfunction of the company”. Political polar opposites, Dorsey and Musk both posted Tweets over the weekend seemingly in an indirect spat against Twitter’s board of directors, with Musk teasingly posting the lyrics to Elvis’ ‘Love Me Tender’ in relation to shareholders accepting…

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Starting in February of 2021 with the Texas Arctic blast and continuing through August of 2021 with Hurricane Ida, US fertilizer production was disrupted. Shortly after, in November of 2021, record natural gas prices halted the production of nitrogen fertilizer in most of Europe. One disaster after another since 2021 has impacted fertilizer production and fertilizer distribution.  Now we sit on the precipice of a possible global fertilizer shortage which will inevitably lead to food shortages worldwide. Back in November of 2021, farmers were withholding purchasing nitrogen fertilizer due to record prices. This is unusual because applying fertilizer before winter…

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I have no empirical data to support this claim, but I have a strong suspicion that the people most fearful – and yes, fear is the correct descriptor – of relaxed mask mandates are also the same people that are current on their boosters, are the type of people that wear masks while driving alone and walking outside, test weekly, and probably even tested positive for Omicron this winter. Call it a hunch. Therefore, when the Clarence Thomas-clerking, Donald Trump-appointed patriot judge cracked down on the CDC’s defenseless and arbitrary mask mandate on public transportation (those were essentially her words),…

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Hat tip to American Thinker’s Thomas Lifson for bringing a local Arizona story national prominence. In the uber-wealthy and racially white enclave of Scottsdale, corporate male hacks and wine moms without meaning in life failed in their virtue signal on a grandiose scale. Lifson writes: “Two diversity advocates in the Scottsdale, Arizona school district were so eager to find racism lurking in a (highly successful) fundraiser that’s [sic] they accused a black DJ hired for the event of wearing blackface. Evidently, the costume and/or hairstyle of the SJ at the 70s-themed event triggered them somehow to accuse Koko Hunter, second…

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