Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

On Monday as expected, the Democratic leadership ran to the closest microphones they could find, reading the lefts’ approved script, condemning the new FL Parental Rights Bill signed into law by Governor Ron Desantis. From their responses, they did not read the bill, yet still made public declarations, as false as they were, to their constituents. This has typically worked out for both sides of their Kool-Aid drinking party. With neither the leftist leadership nor voters bothering to read the bill, the masses instead, blindly trust their leadership to tell them the “truth”. In a prime example, loony House Speaker…

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The Holocaust was one of the most horrific events in human history, so it’s no wonder that those whose fate brought them together at Nazi slave labor camps feel a brotherly connection with each other that will last a lifetime – even for those who have never met since. Sam Ron and Jack Waksal faced the hardships together in a forced labor camp in Pionki, Poland 79 years ago. Many Jews and prisoners of war were sent to work for the Germans, often having to do grueling or dangerous work on behalf of the Nazis. Those deemed to be unusual…

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Nobody watches the Oscars anymore. Last night’s airing of the whatever number we’re on achieved abysmal lows, on account of the humorless and simply mean host (Amy Schumer), the moral corruption in Hollywood (i.e. letting Harvey Weinstein do his thing and the whole pedo thing), and for the basic fact that regular, hard-working Americans have lost interest in listening to and celebrating clueless, out-of-touch millionaire brats pontificate on issues of global and political importance.  It’s all too much. In case you were wondering how much pandering would happen, just consider the fact that Ukrainian flags were everywehere (meaning nationalism is…

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Former president Donald Trump went to Georgia this weekend for the first time in 2022 in a bid to provide a boost to former-Senator-turned-gubernatorial-candidate David Perdue and his trailing campaign to incumbent Brian Kemp. Ever since the 2020 election results were finalized, Trump has soured on Kemp.  As Fox News put it, the current Georgia governor “earned Trump’s ire starting in late 2020, after Kemp certified Joe Biden’s narrow victory in Georgia in the presidential election following two recounts of the vote.” Bloomberg reported some additional details about the event: “Donald Trump tried to rouse Georgia Republican voters to back…

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Aging and increasingly irrelevant actress Sally Field is clinging to hope that someone will listen to her. Fading fame has that effect on self-entitled losers. Does anyone younger than 40 know who Sally Field is? What has she done lately? And by lately I mean decades? Even Breitbart, which covers her violence-fueled rant below, could best connect its readers to her appearance in 1994’s Forrest Gump and 1977’s Smokey and the Bandit. She’s a washed-up joke.  She’s also apparently cool with political violence. Some might call that terrorism. As reported by Breitbart, here is Sally Field threatening violence against two…

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As a handful of noisy Jamaican protesters heckle after Prince William and Kate Middleton to apologize for Britain’s role in the slave trade during the Royal couples’ Caribbean tour, it was inevitable that mouthy super-woke celebrities like Whoopi Goldberg would soon begin a tirade of anti-British abuse. Although the Royal visit was designed to strengthen relationships between Jamaica and the British Commonwealth, Will and Kate faced a small but headline-grabbing backlash as they visited Jamaica this week. A group of organized protesters assembled outside the Jamaican British embassy waving placards assigning princes and princesses to “fairy tales” and demanding the…

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As many as 170,000 migrants, including Russians, are reportedly waiting to cross the US-Mexico border at the end of this month as Trump-era Covid restrictions on immigration will come to an end. The policy, known as Title 42, was laid down by President Trump during the start of COVID-19 pandemic. It allowed immigration officials to immediately disregard migrants’ asylum claims if the individual had passed through a country where COVID was endemic. During Biden and Trump’s presidencies, the policy has been used over a million times to turn migrants away at the border, resulting in a huge mass of hundreds…

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Many leftists (incorrectly) claim that the right’s fixation on what is being taught in schools is just a cynical culture war play, a way of using an emotional issue to garner political support. While it is true that the right’s crusade to kick radical lesson plans and pornographic or otherwise objectionable books out of schools has proven politically popular, those leftists who savagely attack the right for getting involved in schools are misrepresenting the impetus behind the right’s crusade. Far from just being a concern about current politics, the battle over the schools is a battle over America’s future and…

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In late February, lots of rain and a rising Mary River in Conondale, Australia, washed away the road leading to 79-year-old Margaret Allen’s home. Vehicles were unable to traverse the treacherous road, and residents trekked for miles each day to get into town. This left Margaret Allen or “Nan” in a precarious situation. There was no way she could get to town for supplies or in case of an emergency. The city council responded quickly, saying that it would “mobilize equipment” to help with repairs, but after reviewing the costs, the machinery never made it out to Nan’s house. The…

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Due to the recent stress in her life, Democrat hopeful Abby Broyles has said, “On the morning of March 2nd, I made the attempt to take my life, but thankfully, God had greater plans for me. I am currently undergoing mental health treatment for severe anxiety and dependency on alcohol to cope.”  Democrat Abby Broyles was running for the 5th District congressional race. That is until she was at a young girls’ slumber party last month. While at the slumber party, Ms. Broyles allegedly got drunk and started yelling at the girls. At one point, Ms. Broyles allegedly called one…

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Jose Manuel Perez was indicted on Thursday, March 24th, 2022. The feds charged and accused him of smuggling reptiles across the U.S.-Mexico border. On February 25th, 2022, Perez was arrested at the San Ysidro Port of Entry. The 60 reptiles, including dozens of lizards and four snakes, were hidden in his jacket, pants pockets, groin area, and pants legs. The reptiles were kept in cloth sacks tied off at the end. One can only imagine the discomfort for Mr. Perez if a lizard in his pants got hungry. From turtles, crocodiles, Mexican beaded lizards, and snakes, Perez had quite the…

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Once again, the Democrats are pushing legislation to remove all traces of the founding of the United States. Democratic Reps. Mike Friberg and Peter Fischer are pioneering an effort to redesign the Minnesota state flag. The bill passed the House panel on Tuesday, March 22, 2022. The vote passed along party lines, with 8 Democrats for the bill and 5 Republicans against it. The bill will now move on to the Republican-controlled state Senate. The future of the bill is uncertain. In a time where alt-left Democrats are tearing down as many foundational elements of the United States of America,…

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On election night 2020, a handful of states were still considered as toss-ups, aka swing states. Although Georgia has recruited and brought in several companies from blue states, thus bringing their liberal employees with them, the Peach state was still expected to go in Former President Donald Trump’s column on election night. As history now shows though, Georgia and actually all the swing states, were awarded to Joe Biden as millions of votes came in, the day after the election, leading the large lawsuits alleging systemic voter fraud.  President Trump asked the GOP leadership to investigate the claims, but they…

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On election night 2020, a handful of states were still considered as toss-ups, aka swing states. Although Georgia has recruited and brought in several companies from blue states, thus bringing their liberal employees with them, the Peach state was still expected to go in Former President Donald Trump’s column on election night. As history now shows though, Georgia and actually all the swing states, were awarded to Joe Biden as millions of votes came in, the day after the election, leading the large lawsuits alleging systemic voter fraud.  President Trump asked the GOP leadership to investigate the claims, but they…

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The United States federal government has the responsibility of protecting the 340 million citizens of our nation, enemies from within and from afar. Unfortunately in their efforts to increase tourism and for radicals, such as DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, to promote open borders, the loosening of protections previously put in place by Congress, is allowing Americans from sea to shining sea to fall victims to foreigners misusing our nations VISA programs. Some foreign nationals, primarily from South America, are using their B-2 tourist visas to fly into the United States, for the sole purpose of burglarizing rich Americans in California,…

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The woke public education system is misunderstood by many parents in today’s United States of America. In what started out as centralized locations where taxpayer-funded staff and facilities were established to educate children in essential subjects, equipping them to compete and succeed during their working years. Soon though, radicals started advancing their agendas, including pushing sex ed and other deviant lesson plans. As far back as the 1940s, the U.S. Public Health Service strongly advocated sexuality education in the schools, labeling it an “urgent need.”  In 1953, the American School Health Association launched a nationwide program in family life education.…

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This video has been making the rounds on Twitter recently but, in case you haven’t seen it yet, give it a watch here: Gun rights are women’s rights. — Some Welder (@SomeWelder) March 24, 2022 What you see in that video is the best defense ever of the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense. A big, burly man, sat waiting in a car for a potential victim to walk close by enough to assault. A young woman, just going about her business, was walking nearby, so he tore our of the car like a flash and rushed…

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The question for many conservatives is why are there are only a handful of Republican governors leading the fight against social justice activism. Fortunately for those living in the Sunshine State, their state’s Chief Executive Officer is leading the way. Last year, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) signed into law a bill banning transgender athletes from female teams. It was one of the most controversial bills of the 2021 legislative session, making female athletes’ eligibility for sports teams contingent on their “biological sex” on birth certificates issued “at or near the time of the student’s birth.” “I can tell you…

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For the past decade, leftists whose organizations have affected nearly all of our lives, have worked collectively to change the thoughts and actions of Americans nationwide. The newest branch of this radical mob includes what is known as, the cancel culture. A group of activists who spend endless hours trying to destroy careers and/or businesses of those the mob has decided needs to be canceled out. Of the businesses that acquiesced to the cancel mob, was Harry’s razors, who in response to the pressure, pulled their sponsorship of The Daily Wire. In a statement given to, Jeff Raider, co-founder, and…

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Stormy Daniels, the adult film “actress” who claims she was paid hush money by former President Donald J. Trump over an alleged sexual hook-up, from 2006, just found out she lost her appeal of being required to reimburse Trump’s legal fees. The US Circuit Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit’s ruled that it had no jurisdiction over Daniels’s appeal of the attorneys’ fees she was ordered to pay former President Donald Trump’s attorneys since she failed to file a notice within a 30-day deadline of a federal judge granting the fees to Trump, CNBC reported. The appeals court also…

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The trans row continues as male-born swimmer Lia Thomas continues to snatch big wins away from her teammates and competitors. Now female swimmers are opening up to reveal their true feelings about having to compete against an athlete who was born a man. Last week, Thomas, 22, from Upenn beat Virginia freshman Emma Weyant by 1.75 seconds in a 500-yards freestyle swim event. Upon winning, Thomas became the first transgender athlete to become national champion in any American sport. Since competing in the women’s category, Thomas has continually broken swim records including the 100m women’s freestyle record which she set…

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Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom is one of the worst elected state officials in California’s history. Under his reign as Governor California’s homelessness rates, drug overdoses, abortions, and crime all skyrocketed. Well, now Newsom has just signed a law that makes abortions free and as many of you know nothing is free from the state but rather it comes out of tax payer’s pockets. Senator Lena A. Gonzalez of Long Beach brought Senate Bill 245, often known as the Abortion Accessibility Act, into the California legislature early last year. They were one of just six states that required health insurance carriers…

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If you’re a landowner, particularly of rural hunting land, you’ve probably had to deal with trespassers and poachers. They batter down the gates, drive over the fences, and otherwise make nuisances of themselves getting onto your property all while the government does very little to actually deal with them. It’s a huge pain, one that many landowners have to deal with. One hallmark of that infuriating trespass is that poachers will often leave trail cameras scattered around your property, either hidden or out in the open, so that they can kill your game. As such, it seems reasonable to remove…

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So, you have thought about your food, water, & shelter survival preparation. But have you decided which firearms you will choose to keep your family safe and well-fed? There are a few reasons why you will need a firearm. The possible unrest and a breakdown in the government scenario. Hunting – If there are food shortages on a massive scale, you will need a rifle for hunting rabbits, squirrels, deer, and other wildlife. Daily Protection – You won’t want to keep a large firearm with you at all times. A handgun with a holster is perfect to have in case…

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Globalism is more than just the moving of factories to sources of cheap labor, the financialization of the West, and (now) the ability for viruses to plague not only the country of origin and those close by, but all countries within the vast web of the globalist network. No, globalism isn’t just economic and medical in nature, it’s also a homogenizing force. With globalism and the nature of the globalist system comes a pressure system that forces nations to conform and adopt whatever the standard of the day is. Hence why France is suddenly afflicted with the American plague of…

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Following the furore around Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson’s statement that she was “not a biologist” when asked by a Republican senator to define what a woman is, woke celebrities have been clambering over each other to express their support for the candidate. In a bizarre chat-show segment on Wednesday, comedienne and television personality Joy Beher said Jackson reminded her of former President, Obama because he was “also perfect”. Teaming up with woke Queen Whoopie Goldberg on ABC’s show The View, Behar was part of a discussion about Jackson’s confirmation hearing on Tuesday, during which critical Republican senators fired…

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In a latest assault on the minds of America’s children, a junior high school in Arizona has come under fire as it assigned kids as young as thirteen math problems which used child sex abuse as part of the question. The math problems had already sparked controversy in 2017 when a high school in Pennsylvania was forced to apologize for issuing students with the inappropriate material. Despite this, Jennifer Qualls, an eighth-grade teacher at Mesquite Junior High in Gilbert, Arizona sent her students the same math problems which mention child sex abuse, prostitution and drug dealing. The assignment was based…

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What’s the dirty little secret about Teslas and other electric vehicles? That no matter how sleek they look, how funny of a guy Elon Musk is, or how much leftists praise them, they take forever to charge. They might look cool, might have great acceleration, and the left might act like they’re better for the environment than gas-powered cars, However true that is and however cool of cars they are, that doesn’t change the main problem: if you don’t charge your Tesla overnight, it’s going to take a while to charge during the day, something very inconvenient when lots of…

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Supreme Court Nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is facing major backlash from Republican lawmakers for being very weak on crimes involving pedophilia such as child pornography. During Wednesday afternoon’s confirmation hearing Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina slammed Biden’s Supreme Court Justice nominee for being weak on charging pedophiles for distributing child pornography. Senator Graham called out Jackson for saying as a judge she previously promoted that pedophiles face substantial supervision. Sen. Graham immediately shot back they don’t need substantial supervision but rather they need to be in jail! Watch the two of them go back and forth here:…

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I am convinced that Ketanji Brown Jackson did not expect to be nominated for the Supreme Court, at least this early in her legal career, but life is funny like that. Now as a Supreme Court Justice nominee, Jackson’s 1992 Harvard University thesis is being used in vetting her. In it, Jackson argues that court officials, including judges, have “personal hidden agendas,” Jackson’s thesis, “‘The Hand of Oppression”: Plea Bargaining Processes and the Coercion of Criminal Defendants,” argued that defendants sometimes are “being coerced into relinquishing their constitutional rights as a prerequisite for sentencing consideration” through the use of plea bargains. The…

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Will and Kate delighted crowds in Jamaica this week as they shook hands with the locals and were greeted by members of the military and national dignitaries as they touched down on the island as part of their Caribbean tour. But it appears Jamaica has not been sparred a noisy handful of woke spoil-sports who demanded the couple to apologize to Jamaicans for the British involvement in the slave trade. Kate wowed Royal fans as she stepped out of the private jet at Kingstown airport in a stunning, flowing yellow dress in honour of the country’s flag. The pair had…

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In China, one is not free to do whatever one wants (obviously). Though the days of Mao’s Red Guards are gone and with them the millions sent to camps to starve, random victims beaten in the streets, and the vast destruction of everything that wasn’t communist, the totalitarian oppression brought about by the communists is still in place, just in a different form. Business Insider, describing the social credit system, notes that: The “social credit system,” first announced in 2014, is “an important component part of the Socialist market economy system and the social governance system” and aims to reinforce…

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As soon as you think you have seen the last of the man reportedly behind the research and development of COVID, you have to think again, because he just keeps coming back, usually appearing on one of our electronic devices’ screens. Back on January 17th, 2022, the man, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci, spoke several times at the kick-off of the World Economic Forum, the promoters of the Great Reset. This is the group that publicly admits they used the COVID pandemic to kick off their multi-year plan to reset nations worldwide into…

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Not so fast New Yorkers, your fascist Democrats leaders still want you in masks. Dr. Ashwin Vasan, New York City’s new health commissioner, announced that kids under five should wear masks indefinitely. The reason? They’re not vaccinated, so he is going to leave the pressure on, trying to force them to do so, even though the data says they are statistically not at risk. During his first press conference, Vasan made the case for maintaining mask mandates for young children. The Daily Mail reported: New York City’s new health commissioner sparked outrage after announcing that children aged five and under should…

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Capital punishment has been around since the fall of man, as retribution, justice, against those who have usurped God’s sovereignty by taking an innocent person’s life from them. Genesis 9:5  Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image In the United States, capital punishment has become less popular, especially in liberal states, as they tend to be much more lenient in punishing criminals. In conservative states though, this is typically not the case. The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) announced Friday that it is now ready…

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For anyone questioning how radical Joe Biden has shifted, or at least his handlers, look no further than his SCOTUS Nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. The judge is so radical that you could check off every item on the most anti-God, anti-Americas’ list of must reform. She believes the U.S. was founded on racism, the Constitution is a flawed living document, white systemic racism exists, defends late-term abortion and the silencing of pro-life activists, etc. In addition to her radical views, Judge Jackson is the first Supreme Court nominee to be selected explicitly because of her race and gender. President…

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As soon as you think you have seen the last of the man reportedly behind the research and development of COVID, you have to think again, because he just keeps coming back, usually appearing on one of our electronic devices’ screens. Back on January 17th, 2022, the man, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci, spoke several times at the kick-off of the World Economic Forum, the promoters of the Great Reset. This is the group that publicly admits they used the COVID pandemic to kick off their multi-year plan to reset nations worldwide into…

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Why is it that you were locked in your home, unable to leave except perhaps to buy groceries, while judges like Biden’s Supreme Court nominee did their best to let criminals out of jail? Why is it that BLM and Antifa rioters could roam free, burning and looting seemingly at will, but you had to close your business and stay home. Why is it that a rioter was more or less let off the hook for burning down a building with a man inside it but Kyle Rittenhouse was put through the wringer for daring to defend himself from the…

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If you are like me, you may wonder how to prepare if you were to survive a few years of fuel shortages. The most common fuel for generators and vehicles is gasoline. I currently live in a part of the world where we experience electric power outages every day. Our electricity is off more than it is on. I became concerned with long-term gasoline storage when word came that power was to shut off for an entire week. Of course, solar power would be an excellent option for situations like this. We haven’t installed them on our property yet, so…

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A Boeing 737 operated by China Eastern Airlines flying from Kunming to Guangzhou crashed in a mountainous area in southern China on March 21, 2022. There were 123 passengers and nine crew members aboard the flight. A video taken by local villagers has circulated on social media and has since gone viral. According to the Daily Beast: The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) said the aircraft, with 123 passengers and nine crew aboard, had lost contact over the city of Wuzhou. Earlier reports from Chinese state media had said there were 133 people on board. “The CAAC has activated…

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