Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

After the victim came forward with the claim of being raped in a female ward in a UK hospital, she had to endure nearly a year of opposition from the hospital staff. Despite CCTV evidence, the hospital maintained that the victim could not have been raped as no male was in the ward. They neglected to mention that the perpetrator was a male, believing himself to be a trans-woman. After a year of ridicule, the victim herself has been pushed towards the capacity of her own mental state. The hospital continued to push its narrative until, facing an insurmountable mountain…

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A soldier and a Vietnam veteran both met at the Appomattox River last week. The circumstances were not optimal, but their meeting saved the one man’s life. Mike Goodwin, a 75-year-old Vietnam veteran, was fishing on the Appomattox River when disaster struck. Reaching back for his anchor rope, Goodwin fell off his boat and right into the chilling Appomattox River. He clung to his boat for as long as he could. With his grip tireing and the cold river lowering his body temperature, Goodwin said that he was close to letting go of the boat a few times. Still, he…

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Not so fast New Yorkers, your fascist Democrats leaders still want you in masks. Dr. Ashwin Vasan, New York City’s new health commissioner, announced that kids under five should wear masks indefinitely. The reason? They’re not vaccinated, so he is going to leave the pressure on, trying to force them to do so, even though the data says they are statistically not at risk. During his first press conference, Vasan made the case for maintaining mask mandates for young children. The Daily Mail reported: New York City’s new health commissioner sparked outrage after announcing that children aged five and under should…

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Capital punishment has been around since the fall of man, as retribution, justice, against those who have usurped God’s sovereignty by taking an innocent person’s life from them. Genesis 9:5  Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image In the United States, capital punishment has become less popular, especially in liberal states, as they tend to be much more lenient in punishing criminals. In conservative states though, this is typically not the case. The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) announced Friday that it is now ready…

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A new video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has gone viral and for all the wrong reasons too. During one of her most recent press briefings, Pelosi completely butchered her speech in such a way that made it appear as if she was under the influence of alcohol. The 81-year-old lawmaker was delivering a speech about how Putin is violating human rights on a daily basis but was completely unable to make any intelligent utterance at any point during her speech. Just take a look at her speaking here: “I did good with words” -Drunk Pelosi — Tim Young…

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For anyone questioning how radical Joe Biden has shifted, or at least his handlers, look no further than his SCOTUS Nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. The judge is so radical that you could check off every item on the most anti-God, anti-Americas’ list of must reform. She believes the U.S. was founded on racism, the Constitution is a flawed living document, white systemic racism exists, defends late-term abortion and the silencing of pro-life activists, etc. In addition to her radical views, Judge Jackson is the first Supreme Court nominee to be selected explicitly because of her race and gender. President…

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As most Americans have moved on from the Democratic party’s fake news, such as the Russian Hoax, 2 failed impeachments of former President Trump & Trump’s tax returns, the fall out from the January 6th riots appears to be the Democrats, last hurrah, still hoping to stop the GOP from taking back the U.S. Congress in November. With Biden’s poll numbers in the tank and with Americans upset at the inflation rate, fuel costs, the southern invasion, and the administration’s mishandling of the COVID vaccine mandates, the left will not get a bump in support from the sitting President, instead,…

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Remember early on in the pandemic when Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer became one of the most hated governors in America because of her draconian approach to dealing with COVID? When a plot to kidnap her was exposed, it sent shockwaves through left-wing media who used it to paint opposition to lockdowns and mandates as positions taken by violent extremists. Almost two years later, the trial of Whitmer’s alleged would-be kidnappers is well underway, and some fascinating details are coming to light. As it turns out, one factor that helped the group move forward was a little help from an FBI agent…

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Right now, inflation in America is roaring out of control. The CPI (the Consumer Price Index) is at a stomach-churning 7.9% right now, with other measures of inflation even higher. One such higher measure of inflation is the Producer Price Index, which currently sits at a massive 10%. While higher gas prices, higher food prices, and car prices so ridiculous they make your skin crawl are dominating the news, there’s another, potentially more pernicious effect of the current inflation regime: it’s wrecking small businesses, the traditional backbone of the middle class and thus economic liberty. Senator Rand Paul highlighted that…

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In a nation under attack by social and cultural deconstructionists, those in leadership who choose to take a stand against them, are immediately moved to the cancel-cultures’ political crosshairs. Florida Governor Ron Desantis has been one of the most vocal advocates for traditional American values and thus a fighter for maintaining liberty. Back in February, the Biden administration spent a lot of energy deflecting responsibility for the rapidly climbing inflation which was financially hurting American pocketbooks. In a strange tweet, the White House press secretary took to Twitter trying to make light of the stress Americans were feeling. “My advice…

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Once again a famous person is getting preferential treatment. Empire actor Jussie Smollett, who was just convicted of perpetrating a hate hoax based on mounds of evidence, is getting released from jail. An appellate court ordered Jussie Smollett released on Wednesday pending the appeal of his conviction. The ruling came after a Cook County judge sentenced Smollett last week to immediately begin serving 150 days in jail for his conviction on five felony counts of disorderly conduct for lying to police. Smollet was also sentenced to 30 months probation, ordered to pay $120,126 restitution and a $25,000 fine. The appeals court…

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Following the Democrats picking up both Georgia U.S. Senate seats, there were a lot of concerns on the right side of the aisle. These two seats brought the senate to 50 members on each side, but with Vice President Kamala Harris as the president of the Senate, she could vote for the Democrats to break any 50/50 votes for the left. With this being said, the reason President Biden has not been able to get his major agenda items passed, is because of two centrists inside his own party. One of them, Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, will once…

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On July 13, 2021, former Treasury Secretary under President Bill Clinton, Larry Summers, was contacted by the White House amid inflation fears. Though sometimes a critic of President Joe Biden’s economic policy, the White House hosted the meeting with Summers and two of the president’s top economic aides. reported – As Biden and Democrats in Congress plowed ahead with their plan to pass a $1.9tn fiscal stimulus bill the first week of February, they faced an unwelcome roadblock from within their own political sphere. Mr. Summers warned that Biden’s plan was excessive and that it might trigger “inflationary pressures…

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From the first announcement that the rushed COVID vaccines were available for the public to start taking, around 25+ % of Americans nationally made the decision to not be vaccinated, and for parents, to not have their children vaccinated either. The CDC has spent millions of dollars, in marketing alone, trying to encourage parents and their children to take the vaccines. Other medical professionals, including doctors at MedPage Today, are recommending to: Think Twice Before Giving the COVID Vax to Healthy Kids. Based on the data to date, there’s no compelling case for it right now. The extremely low chance…

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From the first announcement that the rushed COVID vaccines were available for the public to start taking, around 25+ % of Americans nationally made the decision to not be vaccinated, and for parents, to not have their children vaccinated either. The CDC has spent millions of dollars, in marketing alone, trying to encourage parents and their children to take the vaccines. Other medical professionals, including doctors at MedPage Today, are recommending to: Think Twice Before Giving the COVID Vax to Healthy Kids. Based on the data to date, there’s no compelling case for it right now. The extremely low chance…

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A gang of phone scammers got more than they bargained for when they tried to con a savvy grandma out of $8000. They really were not expecting the elderly lady to be one step ahead! Jean is a 73-year-old grandma from Seaford who, on January 20, received a mysterious phone call from a man who claimed to be her grandson. The caller said he had been arrested for a drunk driving offence and needed her to help to bail him out of jail. But Jean instantly suspected a rat. While she did have a grandson, she knew he couldn’t drive…

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So, I have a bone to pick with a few conservative reviews of the Pixar/Disney film Turning Red. Once again, the mental gymnastics we have to perform just to try and say that a kid’s show is leaking some kind of leftist agenda is as grating as it is humiliating. It would be one thing if it were true or if there was some credence to these claims. Yes, I know. Disney is leftist. Disney is evil. Disney is also proof of the American dream, proof that capitalism is the way, and they have lately produced very family-oriented films without…

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Two BLM activists are charged with an 18-count indictment including wire-fraud associate with another charitable group, conspiracy and making false statements to a mortgage company. It comes after BLM has faced on-going controversy over a worrying lack of financial transparency. Monica Cannon-Grant, 41 and her husband Clark Grant, 38, allegedly used chunks of the funds they collected for their non-profit organization Violence in Boston, which amounted to around $1m in total, to splash out on meals at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., hotels, car rental, nail salon treatments, and vacation travel. Cannon-Grant’s yearly salary mysteriously sky-rocketed from $25,000 in 2020 to…

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In the 246 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Dr. Anthony Fauci possibly has wielded the most power over the American population, even as a non-elected official, then anyone else in U.S. history. With having unfettered control over the White House COVID-19 Response Team’s handling of the pandemic, Fauci forced the nation to close, then instituted ongoing mask and vaccines mandates until the current. Since the GOP is expected to take back at the least the U.S. House in November, most pundits believe there will be immediate investigations into Fauci, starting in late January 2023. With this…

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is one of most device members of the U.S. House of Representatives.  A neophyte in her position, “AOC” has already made several blunders in her attempt to prove her detractors wrong, but in the process is proving them right. Ocasio-Cortez has had the opposite effect on young far left, green new deal Marxists, who have just recently been openly accepted in the Democratic party. As extremists though, the squad’s leftist mob has caused several issues for Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as she attempts to keep their majority in the House united. AOC recently claimed that fossil fuel…

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As COVID was first discovered in China, progressive politicians from New York to California downplayed the risk, asking their constituents to continue living their normal lives. These actions actually lead to the increased spread of COVID-19 through the tens of millions of residents entrusted to them. In one of the most egregious errors committed by a politician, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered infected senior citizens to be moved into assisted care facilities, which had zero recorded cases of the virus. As a result, hundreds of the residents were also infected, leading to a spike in deaths. In a…

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In these contentious times that the world is experiencing, those who are pushing for change in cultural norms and economic systems – self-proclaimed progressives – tend to be in lockstep, unlike many traditionalists. Through their concerted efforts, they have advanced gay marriage, the #metoo movement, and recently social justice causes. One area though that the left has apparently overplayed their collective radical hand has been issues around transgenderism. In response, one very famous feminist has been publicly challenging their views, getting flack for doing it, and now warning those throwing the bombs. Harry Potter author JK Rowling sent a stern…

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It is amazing how politicians respond to election-year calendars. They don’t appear to have any problem blowing off necessary projects, constituents’ concerns, and things they deem a nuisance, for several years, but as soon as they get a year out from their re-election, things tend to start getting done at almost lightning speeds. As COVID-19 took root in the U.S., people on the street were largely left on their own — with many cities halting sweeps of homeless camps following guidance from federal health officials. One major issue, homelessness, has become so common in progressive cities that tourists and convention…

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A district judge has placed a temporary block on the state of Texas investigating the parents of children who receive gender-altering medical treatment. Gov. Greg Abbott called on the Department of Family and Protective Services to “conduct a prompt and thorough investigation” into parents who seek trans treatment for their kids. He added that the state law “provides criminal penalties for failure to report such child abuse.” On Friday, district judge Amy Clark Meachum put a temporary state-wide injunction on the law and said it would remain in place until a final decision was made. A trial will begin on…

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President Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence have made it very clear that they are no longer on the same page, and in a recent interview with the Washington Examiner Trump put all speculation away and officially announced Pence will not be his running mate in 2024. In an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner Trump was asked whether or not he would choose Pence as his running mate in 2024, to which Trump replied “I don’t think the people would accept it“. The Washington Examiner would go on to report: President Donald Trump is effectively ruling out tapping…

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Last year, Melinda and Bill Gates shocked the world when the billionaire couple announced that they were filing for a divorce. After the initial divorce announcement, there were several reports about Bill Gates having an affair with a Microsoft employee and Melinda also stated that Bill’s previous relationship with Epstein also added to the decision to divorce her husband of 27 years. Well, now in an exclusive interview with Gayle King, Melinda has given more details about her ex-husband’s relationship with convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein. In the interview, Melinda described the day Bill brought her to a meeting where Epstein…

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This one is just painful and embarrassing. We’ve long known AOC was devoid of meaningful ideas and played up hackneyed talking points. Trump Bad! Capitalism Evil! Workers Good! (Oops, except truckers and people that don’t want their boss telling them to get a vaccine…but workers…yeah, the workers!). Baseline idiocy aside, however, she enters a new realm of generic vacuousness in her latest Instagram post. Perhaps the most frightening realization is not AOC’s own stupidity, but the collective stupidity of anyone that actively follows her and agrees with what she’s saying. (Unless they’re mostly Russian bots or internet trolls, she actually…

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When it rains unvetted, possibly recruited terrorists, it now pours, under the far left President Joe Biden administration. In line with the Great Reset and United Nations 2030 Sustainability goals, over 3+ million illegal aliens crossed our southern border last year alone. Now Biden’s DHS Secretary Mayorkas just designated citizens from Afghanistan to be eligible for Temporary Protected Status protections. TPS serves as a quasi-amnesty for foreign nationals, created under the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990 (INA), that prevents deportations for those from countries experiencing famine, war, or natural disasters. Since the Clinton administration, TPS has deviously morphed into a…

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President Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence have made it very clear that they are no longer on the same page, and in a recent interview with the Washington Examiner Trump put all speculation away and officially announced Pence will not be his running mate in 2024. In an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner Trump was asked whether or not he would choose Pence as his running mate in 2024, to which Trump replied “I don’t think the people would accept it“. The Washington Examiner would go on to report: President Donald Trump is effectively ruling out tapping…

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Normally, politicians of both parties tend to support at least some measure of gun control in the wake of a horrific shooting. While the true conservatives can be generally trusted to stand true and fight for the 2nd Amendment, all too often the RINOs and Conservative, Inc. Republicans try to appease the screaming Democrats by asserting that they’d be for “common sense” gun control proposals. That rarely comes to anything but, still, it’s important and unfortunate that they’re willing to accept gun control just because a tragedy has enraged the other side. The Constitution is, other than in the case…

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Drew Holden’s Twitter account deserves some sort of accolades for the compilation of the colluding, corrupt media and political narrative that squashed the Hunter Biden laptop story circa October 2020.  Everyone in corporate media, social media, and in the orbit of Establishment favorite Joe Biden acted in harmony to make sure the truth never got out before the election. Recall that linking the New York Post story in a tweet caused your account to go dark – a la Kayleigh McEnany. Here is how the series begins. 🧵THREAD🧵 I don’t know if folks remember how bad the smear campaign was…

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As the 2020 presidential election drew near, a bombshell story hit the newswire, showing massive corruption in the Biden family. The timing of the release of the article could have been damaging for the Biden campaign. It is very likely though, that the suppression of the contents of Hunter’s laptop swayed the results of the elections, allowing Joe Biden to win the presidency by around 45,000 votes. If just a small number of voters in GA, AZ, PA, MI, and WI had been told the truth, former President Trump probably would have won his re-election bid. Instead of journalists industry-wide…

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As the culture war continues to escalate, the main advantage the anti-American left has is, they control most of the education centers around the United States. With this influence and ability to control what is taught and to insert their radical worldview into the curriculum, is there any wonder why TikTok and other social media platforms are full of their students freaking out against anything traditional? Radical groups for the individual schools form on social media, which helps them organize to target anyone on campus who disagrees with them. In a recent example, more than 100 Yale Law School students…

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As expected the man swimming in the women’s NCAA championships crushed the field on Thursday evening. Will Thomas, a middle-tier male swimmer, now swimming as Lia, after declaring himself a woman, is a gold medalist against those with XX chromosomes. Lia become the first transgender athlete to win a National Collegiate Athletic Association swimming championship – with her controversial victory attracting a mixed reception. Thomas is one of more than 300 swimmers who qualified for the NCAA championships this week, after securing a trio of records at the Ivy League Championships last month in the 100, 200, and 500 yard…

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Representative Michael Cloud (R-TX) is raising awareness on a growing problem within America: The State’s violation of God-given, natural rights to protect life, liberty, and property. Representative Cloud made a recent appearance on NTD’s Capitol Report and shared some alarming news about the encroachment of the federal government to monitor, track, record, and potentially act upon knowledge of gun sales and purchases. It seems obvious that in the wrong hands, information about gun ownership could quickly turn into a bloody mess. Would guns be outrageously taxed? Confiscated? To what end would they pursue goals of civilian disarmament? There are no…

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In a series of tweets yesterday, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) raised some serious concerns over the history of sentencing practices on the part of Joe Biden’s black, female SCOTUS nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson. From what he could gather, Brown Jackson’s judicial philosophy mirrors the increasingly common trends to treat pedophiles with compassion and not for the predatory monsters they are. As reported by Fox News, the extensive history of both her writings from law school and from the bench are worrisome. “Republican Sen. Josh Hawley posted a lengthy Twitter thread Wednesday containing several examples that he says demonstrates an ‘alarming’…

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Yesterday, March 15, 2022, the United States Senate unanimously approved a bill for ending the bi-annual changing of the clocks. If Congress passes the bill, it will be sent over to President Biden to be signed. The Sunshine Protection Act was introduced by Marco Rubio (R-FL). Today we passed out of the Senate my bill to make Daylight Savings Time permanent Now it’s up to the House to help us #LockTheClock — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) March 15, 2022 To further explain why we started the time-change in the first place, the Independence writes: Why do we do this? Benjamin…

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The United States kind of stumbled into the COVID lockdowns as the nation was asked to follow the instructions from the White House Covid task force, starting on January 29th, 2020. The leaders of the group, Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, eventually convinced former President Donald J. Trump to direct the nation into the “15 Days to Slow the Spread” period, starting March 16, 2020. In what was a series of bad and possibly nefarious decisions by Fauci and Birx, the 15 days turned into almost 2…

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Whether it’s the thought of Quasimodo swinging from its famous bell tower, grotesque gargoyles grinning down on the city or the vision of the famous gothic towers that stand watchful over Paris, Notre Dame cathedral sparks awe and wonderment the world over. But as the ancient landmark is undergoing major reconstructive work after the devastating fire which tore through its frame in April 2019, archaeologists have uncovered numerous tombs dating back to the 1400s mysteriously hidden beneath the cathedral’s floor. Before renovation workers were able to erect scaffolding to begin repairs on the cathedral’s 100 meter high wooden roof-bridge, archaeologists…

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Late yesterday, the Senate voted in favor, by a margin of 57-40, of Rand Paul’s bill that would put a permanent end to the federal government’s insane masking policy on airplanes and public transportation. This policy has been in place for two years and affects people as young as two years old. The Daily Caller quoted Rand Paul as he laid out his reasoning for the bill that shouldn’t be needed, but unfortunately has to be needed, right now: “Today, the Senate said enough is enough, and sent a message to unelected government bureaucrats to stop the anti-science, nanny state…

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