Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

There is something really fishy about the Jeffrey Edward Epstein story. Epstein was a very wealthy American financier and convicted sex offender, born and raised in Brooklyn, New York City. It was unknown by most of his associates and “friends” how he acquired so much wealth, almost like the Great Gatsby, except in Epstewins’s case, an evil version of the movie character. Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ jet would fly powerful people to his private island, Little Saint James, U.S. Virgin Islands.  Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, and more—these are just some of the high-profile figures who allegedly flew aboard the notorious aircraft.…

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A video clip making the rounds on social media within the last few days, shows a masked-up President Biden strolling on a deserted beach with First Lady Jill Biden and their dog Commander. Footage posted on Twitter by C-SPAN shows a fully vaccinated Biden wearing his signature black face mask during a brief outing on Rehoboth Beach, where there were only a few people. The First Lady, who’s also fully vaccinated, chose not to follow her husbands lead and went without a face mask for their brief stroll on the beach. Biden has worn the face mask at almost every…

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When 11-year old Davyon Johnson of Muskogee, Oklahoma, left for school on the morning of December 9th, he was unaware he would be responsible for saving the lives of two people. The first incident occurred shortly after Johnson got to class at Muskogee Public School, when he noticed that a classmate at the 6th and 7th Grade Academy began making a strange sound. Immediately, Davyon realized the other kid was chocking after he accidentally swallowed a water bottle cap while attempting to pry it open with his teeth. Davyon sprung into action, sprinting over to the choking classmate to begin…

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In the United States Of America, there are thousands of people, influencers, who work daily to try to make a difference for various causes. All of them run into obstacles, with only a handful of them who are willing to lay it all down when it counts. Their convictions are so engrained in their being that anything short of going all-in is a foreign idea. An estimated 75 plus million Americans voted for Donald J. Trump on November 3rd, 2020, well above what the consultants ensured him he would need to be re-elected. Following the voting machines shutting down, then…

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The COVID-19 pandemic will go down in U.S. history as a confusing, divisive, and culturally changing series of events and decisions by elected and un-elected individuals. Michigan has taken some of the most extreme lockdown measures over the past 20 months including shutting down small businesses. The state attorney general in a sign of police state resolve actually ordered the arrest of at least one restaurant owner who tried to stay open in violation of the harsh COVID restrictions. The governor, Gretchen Whitmer (D), has used an iron fist on the citizens of her state while showing a lack of…

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“He reallocated $2 billion of money that should have gone towards COVID testing but instead sent it to house illegals at the border.” That quote above comes directly from Republican Congressman Jason Smith of Missouri. And what reason does he have to lie? Let us never forget how liberals love them some illegal aliens more than Americans. If Dems cared for their fellow citizens, they’d take care of homeless veterans (for starters). To Democrats in power, illegals are easier to give handouts to which ensures future votes headed their way. It’s all about power. That’s it. If you voted for…

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The Chinese (and probably a few anarchists like Fauci) are directly responsible for plaguing the entire world with covid-19. Every single illness, hospitalization and death is on them, whether or not that’s what the mainstream media wants people to believe. If they were honest, the Chinese Communist Party would pay restitution to every person within every country for interfering with all of our livelihoods. But that will never happen. And with a “leader” like Joe Biden at the helm, the issue won’t be pressed. Here’s yet another example of China thinking it can take on the United States in a…

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Without a doubt, the United States Of American is no longer “United”. Progressive governors in California, New York, and Illinois, to name a few, are under the impression that because their states have large economies and populations, they can govern as separate Marxist nations. Since these states don’t want to function as part of our union, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and others have renewed calls for a “national divorce” between red and blue states. Greene is arguing that Americans who move to conservative states from California and New York should have a “cooling off” period before being allowed to…

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As noted by, the term “Deluded” is defined as “entertaining a false belief or opinion; mistaken or deceived in mind or judgment.” If that single word doesn’t describe Joe Biden to a T, then nothing does. Imagine having the audacity to claim that what you’re doing is working extremely well when inflation is sky-high and your poll numbers are in the dumpster. This guy, SMH. From The Daily Wire: On Wednesday, President Joe Biden was widely mocked online after he posted a tweet describing his economic track record as the “strongest” of any Commander-in-Chief in the past half-century. LOOK:…

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Imagine that. You know, it’s almost as if the Biden administration is looking to punish states (and people) with whom they don’t agree politically. Go figure, right? Could it be that the Biden administration is “actively preventing” Florida from getting monoclonal antibodies due to strong conservative leadership from Governor Ron DeSantis? And how Florida’s covid numbers were far lower than the rest of the country (pre-end of year spike)? No question about it. Think about how pathetic that is. This goes to show that bad things can happen when the mainstream media convinces the politically uninformed that Republicans like Donald…

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Doctor Omar Atiq is an oncologist who has been treating cancer patients since 1991 when he first opened his doors to the Arkansas Cancer Clinic, in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Since then, thousands of patients have been treated at his clinic. The clinic provides an array of cancer treatments ranging from chemotherapy and radiation therapy, to diagnostics such as CAT scans. Unfortunately, all that changed last March when the clinic after nearly 3 decades closed its doors for good. The clinic still had over $650,000 in outstanding bills from their patients. That’s when the Doctor Atiq thought maybe there was a…

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For a lot of conservatives, the nine people on their wish list to run for president in 2024 are Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, etc. And it makes sense. The man and his administration did wonders for the United States in just four short years. Sadly, Joe Biden has managed to undo everything in just one. But let’s say Trump doesn’t run in 2024. After all, he’s not exactly a young man. Most likely he will run, don’t kid yourself. But what if he doesn’t? Who are you backing then? From Newsmax: [Florida Governor Ron] DeSantis, 43,…

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By the time lefties wake up, it might just be too late. They are so intent on destroying America that nothing else matters. To Democrats, tradition means nothing. The Constitution, Bill of Rights, 10 Commandments, nothing, nothing, nothing. And if proud Americans continue to remain silent, more and more rights and freedoms and traditions will be stripped on a daily basis. That’s just the truth. It’s time for a reckoning. Liberals are literally destroying the United States with pride. From Washington Examiner: An elementary school in New York is banning the popular holiday classic “Jingle Bells” due to a discovery…

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Wow, millions of Americans heard President Biden express his concern for their health and his promise to send out 500 million COVID test kits right away. Last week President Biden told ABC News’ David Muir in an interview; “I’ve ordered half a billion of the … test kits that are going to be available to be sent to every home in America if anybody wants them,” “But the answer is,” Biden continued in response to Muir’s question if the absence of testing kits during the omicron chaos was “a failure.” “I don’t think it’s a failure,” Biden claimed. “I think it’s — you could…

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For many, the speed at which the COVID vaccines and subsequent boosters were developed and approved for use is concerning and a major reason why 60 million of them are refusing to be vaccinated in the US. alone. In another sad story, “A New York Times editor who worked on Pulitzer-winning pandemic coverage has died of a heart attack just one day after he shared on Instagram that he had received the COVID-19 vaccine booster”. In a December 17 tweet, Tejada’s wife Nora announced on Twitter (in an account that is now locked) that the 49-year-old journalist tragically died of a coronary-related…

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Americans have grown to trust technology such as clocks, search results, and mapping services available on the iPhone or Android. Unfortunately, the artificial intelligence (AI) running most of the applications is still developing, and at times can actually lead to physical and psychological harm as a result. “Amazon issued an apology this week after one of their voice assistant devices equipped with Alexa challenged a 10-year-old girl to a potentially fatal TikTok trend– to put a penny on an exposed plug prong that was half inserted into an electric outlet. Thankfully, the young girl — whose identity has not been…

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Have you ever broke anything and thought that it was too much of a hassle or just too expensive to fix?  I think many of us have been there.  Your vacuum breaks down.  Now you have to find a box that will fit the giant contraption and pay to get it shipped out to the manufacturer, which isn’t cheap.  From there, you wait, for God knows how long, for them to fix it and have them ship it back to you on your dime.  By this time months have gone by and the dust and dog hair has accumulated so…

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In the midst of all the political and cultural debates, the United States is changing into a Marxist nation behind the scenes, with the far left celebrating the traditional Americans’ passivity. As 2021 draws to a close, here are some trends that many Americans could not have imagined taking place, just a decade ago. 1. President’s Mental Abilities Doubted Following a contested electoral college challenge to the 2020 elections, basement Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.  Throughout 2021 Biden has misspoken regularly, lied, zoned out, fell down multiple times, to the point that…

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When people like Kamala Harris’ far-left activist niece is found mocking the Center for Disease Control (CDC), even the most radical Democrats have to know that things are bad. The problem is that, because the mainstream media is on their side, high-ranking libs like Pelosi and Biden will continue to press forward with their America-destroying agenda. Something needs to change and fast. From The Daily Wire: Lawyer, author, and Democratic activist Meena Harris, the niece to Vice President Kamala Harris, posted and then deleted a tweet ripping the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Tuesday evening. LOOK: Tweeted and…

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Faced with the specter of a red-wave in 2022, Democrats are bailing out in record numbers. The latest to call it quits before the midterm elections are Reps. Stephanie Murphy of Florida, Lucille Roybal-Allard of California, and Albio Sires of New Jersey. Each one announced their retirement last week from the House of Representatives. This brings the total number thus far to 23 House Democrats who are either retiring from congress or bidding for another office, rather than run for reelection in 2022. The party attempts to hold on to a razor-thin majority in the House, amid predictions of…

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The man who mocked Joe Biden to his face by saying “Let’s go, Brandon” during a live TV interview is now considering a run for office. The best part of said interview was when Biden agreed with the man, errantly repeating the “Let’s go, Brandon” line. Watch the clip below, if you haven’t seen it. From The Daily Wire: The dad who called President Joe Biden on Christmas Eve and ended the conversation with “Let’s Go Brandon” has revealed he is considering a run for political office. Jared Schmeck, an Oregon resident and former police officer, shared the news during…

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Anderson Cooper, just like the rest of his colleagues at CNN, has zero credibility when it comes to reporting the news. He is not a journalist, so much as an opinionist. Cooper is merely a talkinghead for the liberal agenda and the Biden administration. From BizPac Review: Social media exploded after a clip of CNN anchor Anderson Cooper appearing to suggest that the vaccine-hesitant could be denied Social Security was posted on Christmas Eve and drew a fierce response from Twitter users worried about the lengths to which the government might go to enforce compliance. But don’t be mad. He…

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Here we go again America, failing progressive mayors just got bailed out after failing miserably. Their policies are causing increasing crime, driving budgets into the red. Out here in California, we have watched our state government disparage the police, shift funds from law enforcement to benefits for illegal aliens, and start construction for a high speech rail to nowhere. In reality, these mayors knew in advance they would be bailed out by the Biden administration, which took place in the first COVID stimulus bill. Cities such as San Francisco and Los Angles partially defunded their police departments, resulting in out-of-control…

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Hypocrisy is a terrible trait for anyone to have. When mixed with social justice causes, it screams out for intervention, but not in today’s upside-down progressive cities. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is directing hospitals to blatantly discriminate against white individuals when prioritizing which patients receive monoclonal antibodies. They have decided to give extra points for those who are Black, Indigenous, People of Color. The more points you have, the higher on the priority list you go. Monoclonal antibodies are made in a laboratory and mimic natural antibodies a person’s body makes to fight diseases. They’ve been used to…

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Because the liberal media has everyone and their mother scared to death over the Wuhan Flu, the world has seen Gestapo-like tactics implemented in every social setting imaginable. What is it these leftists want, exactly? Do they not want people to be free; to be able to live their lives in peace; to be able to enjoy time with loved ones, especially during the holidays? At this point, vaccine enforcers are the bad guys. Period. Check this out… What a lovely new world we are living in when you go out for a meal and a squad of police barge…

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Why? Why would charges not be filed against disgraced New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, even when said charges are confirmed to be credible? Hmmm. In what world does that make any sense? Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was found to have sexually harassed multiple women, AG Letitia James announced in August after a 4-month investigation into the accusations. According to NY AG Letitia James, Cuomo violated state and federal law. James added that Cuomo created a hostile work environment, while harassing employees of the state. And yet, no charges? Via statement, District Attorney Mimi Rocah noted: Our investigation found…

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Remember when Joe Biden was running for president and said Donald Trump was racist for banning certain people from high-rate COVID countries from coming into America? Now that he’s president, Biden doesn’t feel the same way (since he’s continued to use many of Trump’s policies). Shocker, right? This is exactly why liberals cannot be trusted. They always say one thing and then do another. Oh, and what is it with those never-ending moving goalposts? Shouldn’t they be firmly planted in the ground by now? The problem is that lefties keep giving guys like Biden and Fauci pass after pass, no…

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Classic Joe Biden. The former vice president of the most corrupt, but least transparent administration in American history can’t seem to escape his gaffe-prone ways, continuing to remain in the public eye. Check out this unearthed clip of Biden sounding eerily similar to Trump when it comes to Mexico – and it’s not from that long ago. LOOK: VIDEO: Apparently, members of Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign are physically blocking reporters from asking the former vice president any questions. Sounds like a typical leftist move, doesn’t it? From Free Beacon: A freelance reporter covering Joe Biden’s presidential campaign launch…

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Recently resigned USA Swimming Official, Cynthia Millen, doubled down Monday in her condemnation of transgender swimmer Lisa Thomas, a “biological man” competing with woman within the sport. Millen, who had officiated for over 3 decades, resigned in protest before Thomas shattered another woman’s record at the U.S. Paralympics Swimming National Championships in Greensboro, North Carolina, earlier this month. Appearing on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight”, Millen argued that 22-year old Thomas has an unfair advantage over female athletes, regardless of how many feminizing hormone shots he took. “The fact is that swimming is a sport in which bodies compete against…

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What are the odds that a physician would be riding his mountain bike in the remote Cuyuna Lakes Mountain Bike Trails in Crow Wing County, Minnesota, at the exact same moment that another biker a few miles ahead, was fighting for his life after taking a nasty spill? Biker Jesse Coenen usually rides the rugged Cuyuna Lakes trail to unwind after spending his shift as an emergency physician at the Hayward Area Memorial Hospital in Wisconsin. “Mountain biking is an activity that I enjoy, which is why I happen to be in that spot that day,” Coenen acknowledged. Ironically, that…

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During an interview on Tuesday, future NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Aaron Rodgers dropped some truth bombs about Covid-19. Not long ago, the leader of the Green Bay Packers was banned for a game for testing positive (and being unvaccinated). And don’t forget, Rodgers isn’t exactly a conservative. In fact, the man is a liberal – for all intents and purposes. Then again, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Aaron noted, “Publicly I don’t understand why we can’t talk about treatments. Because I think it needs to be not just talked about with NFL players, but with…

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Joe Biden has never been the most popular politician on Capitol Hill, which is confirmed in his low polling numbers coming out with voters being asked to evaluate our nation’s Chief Executive Officer’s job performance. President Biden’s dismal job approval rating just sunk below his top deputies including Vice President Kamala Harris and Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, a poll for the 79-year-old commander-in-chief and his team revealed Monday, with the public seemingly scoring a combined ‘F’ for the Democrat leadership. With his embarrassing low 43 percent approval rating, Biden is the ninth-highest ranked out of 11 federal leaders,…

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Once again “We The People” are reminded that dangerous criminals, drugs, and terrorists are pouring across our southern border. A new drone video captured the images of a group of six illegal aliens crossing the U.S. border from Mexico into the Laredo Sector. Agents using the technology found the criminals carrying large bundles of marijuana into the U.S. Laredo Sector Acting Chief Patrol Agent Carl E. Landrum tweeted a video from a Small Unmanned Aircraft System (SUAS). When agents responded to the area, Landrum said they found 300 pounds of smuggled marijuana. Laredo West Station agents operating a SUAS spotted…

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Even for the left, the idea that men can have babies and menstrual cycles is considered out of touch with a supermajority of Americans. Yet, for the far-left news and entertainment website BuzzFeed, they published an, on its face racist article right before Christmas, featuring the headline “Deplatform White Parents.” The article is a very long social justice rant against two major pushbacks against the woke agenda, one from Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling who has been calling out transgender activists, the other against those opposed to the racist doctrine of critical race theory (CRT). The author, radical Alessa Dominguez,…

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From the time President Biden took office, over 75 million Americans had zero confidence that the disputed, aging politician would be able to lead the U.S. through re-opening using the new COVID vaccines. Joe took to Twitter trying to express his determination, that he was going to “shut down” the virus. I’m not going to shut down the country. I’m not going to shut down the economy. I’m going to shut down the virus. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 30, 2020 After 11 months in office, Biden unexpectantly announced there is no federal solution to combat COVID. Joe Biden, who…

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A week before Christmas, in Spokane, WA, the Christmas Bureau food assistance program turned away needy people who could not show proof of Covid-19 vaccination or proof of a negative COVID test no more than 72 hours old. The Christmas Bureau is an annual holiday assistance program coordinated by Catholic Charities Eastern Washington, Volunteers of America, and the Spokesman-Review.  The program is made possible by generous monetary funds and volunteer hours donated by community members and organizations. In response to the Christmas Bureau’s actions, a group of Christian patriots launched a “No Vaccine Canteen” to feed everyone — regardless of their…

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Lori Lightfoot is a very bad public servant. As mayor of Chicago, the openly gay elected official has done nothing to benefit the citizens of her city. Yet, Lightfoot remains intent on bashing police officers and banning white reporters from pressers (among other highly notable issues). Think about those things for a second. They are kind of a big deal. From GP: There were 22 shootings in Chicago over Christmas weekend, including two that were fatal. WATCH: More from The Daily Mail: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was slammed on Twitter after she and her wife, Amy Eshleman, posted a…

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When it’s all said and done, Kamala Harris will not be remembered favorably. “First female vice president” or not, this is a woman who slept her way to the top. Literally. If you don’t know the story, go check out former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown’s thoughts on the issue. Not only has Harris accomplished nothing aside from failing her way to the top, but she has to be one of the least-liked politicians in American history. Her witch’s cackle can’t help matters much, either. From Breitbart: Vice President Kamala Harris repeatedly lied about the botched Afghanistan withdrawal during her…

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In an apparent 360 degree turn around on Monday, “cognitive challenged” Joe Biden admitted “there’s no federal solution” to ending COVID-19. In a rare moment of lucidity (or more likely finally telling the truth), Biden candidly told GOP governors he agreed with them that federal mandates don’t work, and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to ending the pandemic. Despite the fact that’s exactly what has been going on for almost a year under the Biden administration. The stunning “about face” comment was made after Arkansas Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson, who is the chair of the National Governors Association, warned…

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Being incarcerated after committing a heinous crime is a bleak existence, without a doubt. For many, the likelihood of returning back to prison as repeat offenders is almost assured. According to a recent government study conducted in 2021, the United States releases approximately 600,000 former inmates annually. Within 3 years of their release, 2 out of 3 people are rearrested, and over 60% are incarcerated again within a state or federal prison. A bleak, revolving door, without any hope of redemption. Unless, of course, you’re one of the fortunate inmates housed within Maine’s prison system encouraging inmates serving long prison…

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