Author: will

As Biden prepares, or at least pretends to prepare, for war with Russia, Russia is preparing to fight what it sees as anti-white discrimination in Nike’s advertising. Yes, really. Putin, or at least his minions, is doing what “conservatives” have refused to do for decades and is actually fighting back against so-called “reverse racism,” which is more accurately known as anti-white racism. Most in America believe that racism of any form is unacceptable and that we should judge each other based on the content of each other’s characters rather than the color of our skin. Unfortunately, CRT-obsessed leftists, both in…

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As Canadian PM Justin Trudeau goes on the warpath to take down the Canadian Freedom Truckers by starving them of funds, one of America’s best-known patriots is under a similarly existential financial threat. That patriot is Mike Lindell, one of the few Americans left willing to speak honestly in all circumstances. Because he’s so outspoken, the leftist jackals are circling and trying to bring him down, with his banking service provider taking yet another stab at him, something Jack Posobiec announced on Twitter: BREAKING: CEO Mike Lindell says he has been served the papers that his bank is shutting…

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Special Counsel John Durham dropped a major bombshell when he filed a court document claiming that a Clinton Campaign lawyer worked with a tech executive to bug Trump Tower and the Executive Office of the President, among other locations. According to the shocking filling, those bugs collected internet data, which then was framed in a dishonest way and sent to the FBI, used to frame Trump as being a Russian agent. Those allegations were, of course, entirely made up. The data collected didn’t show Trump to have Russian handlers or contacts or whatever else they claimed, it was just framed…

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If there was a phrase that defined 2021, especially the second half of it, what would that phrase be? Probably either “F*** Joe Biden,” the original chant, or “Let’s Go Brandon,” the later deviation that managed to attack the president and media in a mere three words. So, seeing it during the Superbowl was a pleasant surprise; somehow, Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dave McCormick, a Republican, was able to sneak it past the MSM censors and into an awesome commercial that ran during the Superbowl. Effective for his campaign or not, it reminded all of America just how terrible Brandon is.…

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Leftists claim that there are few, if any, deleterious effects of illegal immigration that we need to worry about. In their minds, illegals need to be welcomed into the US because the “global south” has been oppressed by America for far too long, and only by letting in masses of millions can we atone for all the damage we’ve done. Hence the “no human is illegal” pearl-clutching, AOC’s crying at the border stunt, and Biden’s bizarre willingness to let millions of illegals rush into the US in the first year of his presidency alone. But reality shows that there is…

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Nancy Pelosi’s stock trading precipitated so much outrage that she, after defending Congressional day trading as one of those blessings of the “free-market,” had to backtrack and call for an end to the practice. But, while she’s now starting to say the right thing when asked about why members of Congress should be able to buy and sell stocks based on information that only they know, she’s holding out on one major part of such a bill, a part that, without which, a stock-trading ban wouldn’t be all that effective. That’s the ban on spouses of members of Congress trading stocks. Without…

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Many laughs were had when RINO Mike Pence’s people started going around bizarrely claiming that the milquetoast former VP had a chance to win the presidency in 2024, even if a heavyweight like Trump or DeSantis won. Where he got the idea that average Americans, many of whom are still furious, rightly or wrongly, with him for not using his power as VP to send the election back to the states, is unknown, but the contention is laughable. Milquetoast Mike has no chance in a primary against either Trump or DeSantis. But, at least Mike has name recognition. Thanks to…

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Special Counsel Durham has been investigating the Russiagate scandal for a while now, digging deeply into all the evidence that Hillary Clinton’s campaign, or at least affiliated lawyers, spies, and tech personnel, worked to frame Trump as having Russia connections. He finally dropped a massive bombshell in a court filing related to Sussmann, a lawyer affiliated with the Clinton campaign. In a court filing, Durham alleged that: “As set forth in the Indictment, on Sept. 19, 2016 – less than two months before the 2016 U.S. Presidential election – the defendant, a lawyer at a large international law firm (‘Law Firm-1’)…

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Is our president in the deep pocket of the Chinese Communist Party? He’ll say he’s not, of course, but many Americans don’t believe him. Between his soft on China policies, all the information that was on the Hunter Biden laptop, and the history he has of profiting off of Chinese companies, many Americans think Biden is involved with China and have good cause to think so. What’s more is that they deserve to know who, if anyone, owns their president. Is Biden a man of the people, or a pawn of Xi? Whatever the case, we have a right to…

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Much has been made of China’s “genocide games.” Taking place as they are in the authoritarian hellhole that is Red China, many are upset that our athletes are even participating and are even more furious that we’re granting legitimacy to the CCP by flocking to the communist nation and abiding by its laws, saying nary a word about its crackdown on Christians, war of genocide against the Uighurs, or use of slave labor in factories. But it gets worse; prominent figures, rather than using their influence to step in and criticize Red China, are seemingly competing to see who can…

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What is the World Economic Forum (WEF) up to when it’s not pushing Klaus Schwab’s now-infamous Great Reset? Pushing Critical Race Theory, apparently. It did so in a recent video it started pushing on Twitter, one which frames itself as an unbiased “explanation” of the critical race theory ideology but then quickly morphs into a full-throated defense of the pernicious ideology. Watch it here: This is what you need to know about critical race theory. Learn more about racial equality: — World Economic Forum (@wef) February 8, 2022 The almost two-minute long video is utterly insane and, as…

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Democrats have latched onto the “climate change” narrative, insidiously using it to push their woke agenda, defending various bans, crackdowns on conservative-leaning industries like oil production, and even attacks on Bitcoin as necessary to “protect the environment.” President Biden is no different. In fact, he quickly proved himself just another one of the climate apparatchiks as soon as he entered office, with one of his first acts as president being a radical climate change-focused action. In fact, on Biden’s very first day in office, he signed a climate change-focused executive order that radically increased the cost per ton of carbon…

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What’s the January 6th Committee, that gang of hyena-like Democrats and RINOs interested only in bringing down the “bad orange man,” up to? Nothing good. Most obviously, it’s trying to smear Trump and everyone who voted for him or protested on his behalf as an “insurrectionist.” Hence why they’re playing up an event in which a few people, some of whom were likely FBI agents, wandered around the Capitol and took selfies. According to the hacks on the committee, that’s way more important than the billions in damage done and dozens killed by BLM and Antifa-affiliated thugs and rioters during…

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What is Liz Cheney, the RINO representative from the great state of Wyoming? Many in the GOP would call her a Quisling, one willing to side with a bad-faith, evil-hearted enemy and join in persecuting its enemies for her own gain. At the very least, they’d say that she’s a RINO that seems to get a kick out of hammering Trump and siding with Democrats. Rep. Klobuchar, the Minnesota Democrat that tried and failed to be president, has a different word for Liz Cheney, one that’s utterly absurd given what she’s been up to. That word is “patriot.” That comment…

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A shocking aspect of the modern left’s dialogue is an overt hatred of Israel, one that blisters to the surface at every opportunity. Whether it takes the form of pushing the BDS (Boycott, Divest, and Sanction movement), support for the Palestinian terrorists in Hamas over Israel, or overtly anti-Semitic rhetoric, it’s clear that many Democrats have an Israel problem. AOC, for example, attacked Israel for defending itself from Palestinian attacks after Biden gave a statement supportive of Israel, saying “Blanket statements like these w/ little context or acknowledgment of what precipitated this cycle of violence — namely, the expulsions of…

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Outgoing Democratic Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN) must be the one Democrat left with a brain; he, in an interview with a local paper, The Nashville Scene, perfectly described the Democrat problem and went on to give a dire warning for his party, especially in ruby-red states like Tennessee. He began his warning when asked about redistricting, with the reporter seemingly wanting him to say that Democrats in New York and other states should work hard to redistrict in a biased way and balance out “gerrymandering” in red states. He refused to do so and gave a warning instead, saying: “As…

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The internet was outraged last week when details leaked out that the Biden Administration was planning on distributing “safe smoking kits,” to crack addicts. Those kits, at least according to what information was available before the outrage, included free crack pipes for addicts. Last week our reporter @PatrickHauf reached out to HHS about its plan to fund “smoking kits,” and the spokesman both confirmed and defended them as effective at stopping spread of disease. — Brent Scher (@BrentScher) February 8, 2022 After the story broke, Jen Psaki denied it and Snopes labeled the story outdated, as the kits now…

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President Biden did not have a good go of it during his recent interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt, during which he was asked about the potential pitfalls of leaving Afghanistan. Rather than lie or sound at all intelligent, Biden snapped when asked about the problems of leaving Afghanistan and what might result when we did so. Watch that meltdown here: Biden gets testy w/Lester Holt during interview, rejects Army report critical of administration’s Afghanistan withdrawal #LyinBiden #ShortTempered #Dementia *WeWon’tForgetAfghanistan&TheDeathsBidenIsResponsibleFor,AlongWithAllThePeopleHeLeftBehind!#Evil — 🌺🍀🌴jacoo🌴🌿🌺 (@pjkate) February 11, 2022 As you can hear in the interview, it begins with Holt asking Biden…

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Whenever the deplorables get angry, whenever those the MSM apparatchiks view as proles start to revolt, the left absolutely loses its mind. It labels them racist, sexist, or fascist, slandering anyone and everyone that dares to stand up to the regime. It did that to the Tea Party patriots that stood up to the Obama regime, certainly did that to the brave Americans that proudly and vocally supported Trump during the 2016 election and his tumultuous presidency, and is now trying to do it to the Freedom Convoy truckers in Canada. Of course, those that are used to dealing with…

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It’s oft-remarked that socialist leaders live in splendor while their subjects live in squalor. For every palace of a Stalin, Che, or Castro, for every golf course the Chinese Air Force officers play on or beautiful limo a CCP apparatchik is carted around in, many millions live in utter poverty, ground beneath the heel of the socialist leviathan. Importantly, that isn’t because those who live in splendor have earned it, as was the case with the titans of industry during the Gilded Age. Rather, it’s because they manage to find a way to leech from the system and fund their…

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Don’t think that Biden’s brain is working as well as it needs to be for him to be an effective leader of the free world? Well, you’re probably right: from his gaffes to his inability to even read off of a teleprompter, it’s obvious that Biden isn’t “all there” mentally. But now, there might be more than just idle speculation regarding his inability to speak to hint that something is wrong with Brandon’s brain. That evidence comes from Biden himself, who let a key detail of his medical history slip when he appeared with Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) on Thursday,…

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Don’t want to deal with record-high levels of inflation eating away at the dollars in your wallet, pushing the costs of groceries higher and taking a hammer blow to small businesses that already have razor-thin margins? Well, too bad. Brandon’s too senile to grasp the issue and the money printers, though slowing (supposedly), are still pumping out fresh new dollars like there’s no tomorrow. As a result of the money printers and the massive amount of federal spending they’re meant to fund, supply chain issues, and all the other little areas of concern that Team Biden obviously can’t deal with,…

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While his counter-part in the Senate, Minority Leader McConnell, continues to be a RINO and dismiss the conservative base in a seeming attempt to reconcile with the left, House Minority Leader McCarthy is tacking to the right and, in his rhetoric, at least, embracing the conservative base in the run-up to the 2022 election. Whether he actually believes it or not is unclear, but it is clear that McCarthy is at least trying to ingratiate himself with the right by speaking out on issues in a way that shows his views are similar to those of the base. He did…

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How well is Biden doing in the polls right now? Not well, not well at all. In fact, he’s doing so badly that even a CNN-sponsored poll, one you’d expect to at least boost him a little, is showing him as in dire straights. That poll, which surveyed over 1500 people and was conducted for CNN by SSRS over January 10-February 6, 2022, found that a massive, whopping 58 percent of those Americans polled disapprove of how Biden is doing in his job as president, with 41 percent bizarrely approving of the job that he’s doing, saying that they approve…

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I’ll admit that Russell Brand confuses me, to a degree, at least. I thought of him as the funny but seemingly degenerate comedian that starred in such movies as “Get Him to the Greek” and “Bedtime Stories.” Funny movies, to be sure, but not necessarily think pieces. Then, all of the sudden, he became a political philosopher that has some incisive, quite interesting takes on current events, politics, and philosophy. Though still a liberal, his positions are obviously thought through and he defends them as well as anyone can. Frankly, his turnaround has been as surprising as it is impressive.…

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Psaki had one of her moments during a press conference on November 9th, absolutely losing her professional demeanor, a demeanor always on the edge of disappearing. That happened when she freaked out after Fox News White House Correspondent Jacqui Heinrich asked her about CDC mask policy, snapping at him angrily and refusing to give an honest answer to her question. It was entirely unprofessional, and shows just how much of a joke administration is. The fiery back and forth began when Heinrich pressed her to answer a question on a topic the left hates answering now: masks. Trying to get…

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Right now, thousands upon thousands of migrants are rushing across the border, coming here because they’ve heard good things about how our senile president is treating illegal immigrants that show up after breaking our laws to cross the border. Once they get here, they aren’t turned away, locked up, or collected and shipped back to their country of origin. No, rather, Biden’s team hands them a cell phone to “track” them and then puts them on a plane or bus and ships them around the country, foisting a mob of illegals on unsuspecting communities that don’t have the resources or…

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Biden’s cognitive decline is incredibly obvious. Though he’s always been gaffe-prone and has struggled with a speech impediment since childhood, something he managed to overcome, it’s become obvious that those things aren’t to blame. Rather, his mental slide is to blame, and that slide from 0 to…negative brain cells is continuing. As a result, many in the GOP are using Biden’s mental collapse to their advantage, demanding that he prove his brain still works by submitting to a cognitive test. That’s according to Fox News, which reports that more than 40 GOP lawmakers in the House are pressing for Biden…

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Last week, Fox News Channel again demolished the radical leftist mainstream media channels from MSNBC to CNN, blowing them out of the water and winning by a massive margin of average viewers. That would be the 25th week in a row that Fox News Channel has absolutely destroyed the competition. News on that comes from Fox, which reports that it averaged about 1.5 million viewers. While some of its top shows, such as Tucker Carlson tonight, receive far more viewers and push its primetime viewership up closer to 2.5 million. In fact, outside of primetime, where USA and MSNBC managed…

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When asked about the problematic oil prices during a recent press conference, prices so high that the cost of a barrel of oil is nearing $100, far above what it was during the Trump Administration,  Paski not only gave her typical non-answer but also tried to play it off as not a problem because of “green energy.” It began when a reporter pressed her on how Biden is dealing with oil prices by releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, something that so far hasn’t been effective, asking: “So, President Biden said with oil prices, that he released the Strategic…

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The old socialist phrase was “workers of the world, unie!” Unite they never did, as many prefered the blessings of capitalism to the suffering, tyranny-filled wages of socialist government. However, now truckers of Canada are uniting in opposition to the tyrannical Trudeau, and might as well paraphrase the call to action: “Truckers of Canada, Unite!” And uniting they are. Now, in Ottawa, the truckers behind the wheels of tow trucks are refusing to help the city government shut down a peaceful protest by towing away the trucks of the Freedom Convoy protesters. That’s according to Global News, a Canadian news…

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Montez Terriel Lee was caught on video lighting a pawn shop on fire. He can be seen pouring accelerant over the property, sparking a light, and igniting the blaze, a roaring fire that burned the building to the ground. In the ashes were the remains of a 30-year-old man, an almost certain victim of the blaze Lee sparked. So, what sentence was the Antifa rioter given? Was he charged with murder, or at least manslaughter, and locked up for years? Nope, at the insistence of the  U.S. Attorney’s office, he was given an unbelievably light sentence: just 10 months in…

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At a time when Biden should be on the retreat and Republicans should be attacking, attacking,  and attacking to push him farther into the corner, what is Senate Minority Leader McConnell doing? Backing the most notorious RINO in the House and smearing the January 6th political prisoners, that’s what!  Watch him here: As you can hear in the video, McConnell begins by smearing the January 6th political prisoners, declaring that: “We all were here. We saw what happened. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately…

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At a time when Biden’s weakness and terrible policy choices have presented an open flank against which the GOP could attack and win major political victories, or at least score some big points before the midterms to help boost their reelection chances, what are the RINO members of the party doing? Are they temporarily growing a spine, if only so that they can trick voters into letting them keep their cushy Congressional jobs? Nope. Instead, the Congressional RINOs have spent time working on an “amnesty for illegals” plan that they’re now pushing. At a time when the country is furious…

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Just how crazy has the modern left gotten? So crazy that now they want to assault you for not doing enough to protect yourself from the cough. James Carville, a Democrat strategist, said so on an episode of his most un-listened to podcast, “Politics War Room with James Carville & Al Hunt”. After a listener asked why Biden wouldn’t pass a bill blocking unvaccinated Americans from interstate travel, Carville and his cohost, Al Hunt, let their pro-tyranny flags fly proudly. Hunt began the duo’s response, saying: “I wouldn’t be against that at all. I’d be for it actually, as long…

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Rubio went off on AOC recently, tearing her to pieces on Hannity for championing the evil ideology of socialism and claiming that it is good but capitalism is “irredeemable.” Speaking on her, Rubio said: “hose comments are the mainstream of the Democratic Party. They woke up and decided that Marxism is right and the Cold War should not have ended. I don’t understand why they don’t move to it another country. In the real world and I neighborhood I grew up in and my family, capitalism is not big corporations… Hannity responded by further tearing into AOC and the ridiculous…

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Sen. Kennedy, the rock-ribbed conservative from Louisiana that’s become known for attacking Biden’s soft on crime policies and tearing into Biden’s far-left nominees during Senate hearings, launched an epic attack on Biden’s open border and crack pipe distribution plan during his appearance on America’s Newsroom. During the appearance, Senator Kennedy was asked what he thought about Biden’s plan to distribute free crack pipes as a way to advance health equity, whatever that means. Watch him here: “Unless you have the IQ of a garden pest, you know you can not order a civilized society based on that worldview.” Senator Kennedy…

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Joe Rogan issued an apology on Saturday for his past use of the word that must not be said, a word he used when quoting others or song lyrics on his podcast. Speaking on his use of the word in what amounted to an apology video, Rogan said “that I wish I hadn’t said, or had said differently” and then went on to add: “There’s nothing I can do to take that back. I wish I could. Obviously, that’s not possible. I certainly wasn’t trying to be racist, and I certainly would never want to offend someone for entertainment with…

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Rep. Kat Cammack, a quite conservative representative from Florida, has a message for both Republicans and those who have acted corruptly and gotten away with it: “people need to go to jail” and she’s ready to start putting them there. That comment, one of her many comments on accountability, came during an interview with Breitbart, one in which she spoke on what the GOP should do after regaining control of Congress in a 2022 red wave. She began that series of comments on what needs to be done by describing who she’s coming for and saying that locking them up…

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Rep. Boebert has a massive idea about how to take on illegal immigration, one it seems like Congress should have come up with a while ago. Better late than never, I guess. In any case, her plan is this: cut off the tax dollars flowing to help out illegal immigrants, particularly for legal services. Fox interviewed Boebert for its exclusive report on the topic of her plan to tackle illegal immigration. As it reported on the plan and how she described it: The Colorado Republican authored the “No Taxpayer-Funded Lawyers for Illegal Aliens Act” with support from other House conservatives…

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