Author: will

Is discrimination on the basis of race wrong? Most normal people, trained from a young age to judge their fellows on the basis of merit rather than melanin, would say “yes, of course, it’s wrong to discriminate on the basis of race.” Not leftists, however. Remember, a key component of “anti-racism” is discriminating against certain groups of people in the present to make up for past discrimination against other groups. And that brings us to yesterday, when one of Brandon’s judicial nominees, Kenly Kiya Kato, refused to say that racial discrimination is wrong when being questioned by Ted Cruz during…

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Brandon isn’t the best of public speakers. When he’s not creepily whispering into the microphone, making some very cringey statement about whatever is on his dementia-addled mind at the time, he’s either running from the press or yelling about something, and not in the inspiring sort of way. He chose that last tactic when giving a speech about insulin in Pennsylvania, erupting from a whisper to a bizarre roar when discussing the price of insulin. Watch him here: Biden erupts during Pittsburgh infrastructure speech. — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 28, 2022 As you can hear in the video,…

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One of the tools the Conservative, Inc. crowd uses to stay in power is fundraising. Whereas their more serious, conservative colleagues focus on fighting for conservative values, the Conservative. Inc. crowd is much more worried about drumming up more funds from donors. That money then becomes their weapon, a bludgeon they can wield to force conformity and obedience to disliked figures like Mitch McConnell. If you step out of line, you risk missing out on all the funds collected by the GOP and its various money-raising PACs. While the populist, MAGA crowd does well on social media and needs less…

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Can Slow Joe and his team of not-so-talented, not-so-smart, and certainly not-so-moderate political hacks find a way to push through their far-left Build Back Better bill now that the idea of killing the filibuster is dead and buried? According to Joe Manchin, the man they need to seal the deal and push the radical spending plan through Congres, no. No, they can’t. He said as much when speaking to CNN reporter Manu Raju, saying “What Build Back Better bill? I don’t know what you guys are talking about. No, no, no, no. It’s dead.” Raju promptly took to Twitter to…

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Justin Trudeau, the embattled PM of Canada, has had a rough go of it recently. Between the trucker convoy picking up a massive amount of public support as it rolled across the country, its ability to shut down the nation’s capital, Ottowa, and his ignominious retreat from Ottawa before the truckers got there, he’s been savaged on the internet. Well, Elon Musk just tossed more wood onto the already-roaring bonfire of anti-Trudeau sentiment and did so in hilarious fashion. The famed CEO and Twitter troll just turned his sites one Trudeau, and the results of what that man’s creative genius…

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What does an America that’s tens of trillions of dollars in debt, a nation that’s running trillion-dollar a year deficits, need to do right now? If your answer wasn’t “spend billions of dollars on restricting the rights of ordinary Americans,” then, well, that just means you and Crazy Chuck Schumer aren’t on the same page. Turns out, that’s exactly what the beady-eyed New Yorker wants to do. In fact, Schumer called on Congress to spend 1.5 billion taxpayer dollars on funding New York’s new anti-gun task force, a task force that he claims will help combat “the scourge of gun…

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Brandon’s border policies have been an utter disaster. Thanks to his soft on crime, soft on illegal immigration policies, policies that many in the “global south” have taken as an invitation to run across the border at their pleasure, we’ve experienced a multi-million person invasion. That invasion has overrun border communities, placed a strain on local law enforcement and Border Patrol, and been an utter disaster for those that want to keep drugs, human trafficking, and the other wages of cartel activity out of America. Well, Arizona’s AG, Mark Brnovich, has had enough. He appeared on Fox News to rip…

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Americans are highly concerned about violent crime right now. After watching the BLM and Antifa criminals prey on businesses for years, after watching cops get ambushed and murdered, average citizens shot by rampaging thugs, and crime in cities skyrocket, they’re fearful and want something done about it. Well, Jen Psaki doesn’t care. She, during a weekend podcast appearance, said “‘Soft on crime policies.’ What does that even mean? There’s an alternate universe on some coverage. What’s scary about it is lots of people watch that.” Jen Psaki mocks people discussing the “consequences” of “soft-on-crime” policies: “What does that even mean?”…

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Recently, a small group of what must amount to the seven or so real Nazis in America and the undercover FBI agents that keep their organizations running held two, small rallies in Florida. Taking place in Orlando and Orange County, the rallies weren’t exactly Nuremberg 2.0; rally, they were an example of a few detestable people rallying around a destable cause. As you can see, it was just a few people: “The Jew is the devil””Jews rape children and drink their blood””Jews brought slaves here” A horrific antisemitic, anti-black rally is happening right now in Orlando, FL orchestrated by white…

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President Trump wasn’t wrong when he famously said “everything woke turns to sh*t.” Indeed, that might have actually been an understatement; companies that go woke don’t just turn to sh*t, they also go broke. That’s especially true if the woke companies aren’t a massive tech company that has the level of resources to power through conservative rage and boycotts. Those smaller, woke companies are vulnerable if they infuriate their consumers, as Penzey’s Spices, a Milwaukee-based spice company, just found out. That company, as the Federalist exposed, decided that a “Republicans are Racist” sale over MLK weekend would be a great…

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What should you do if you’re frustrated with the path America has taken under our senile vegetable in chief, if you’re tired of all the disasters, all the humiliations, the complete lack of progress made by Team Brandon on any issue? Should you do something productive, something like organizing a rally, writing about issues for your local paper, or convening a group of like-minded citizens to discuss how to make things better for your town? Nope. According to Jen Psaki, you should drink a margarita or maybe take a kickboxing class. Yes, really. She wants you to just have a…

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Right now, California is wilting under the burden of the Covid-19 mandates put into action by greasy-hair Gavin, their horrendously terrible governor. Small business owners have had to suffer under mandate after mandate, unjust rule after unjust rule, watching as their finances drop into the red and their shops are boarded up in the name of “fighting Covid.” Apparently, Covid dies when the middle class suffers. In any case, as we saw when he visited the French Laundry, a massively expensive restaurant, and dined maskless with his ritzy friends while Californians stayed at home with their businesses shuttered, Greasy Gavin…

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It was widely rumored that Nasty Nancy was planning on retiring before the 2022 race begins. Between the utter unpopularity of Democrats right now thanks to Joe Biden’s disastrous policies, reports of the millions her family has made in suspicious-looking stock trades, and the fact that she pledged to only stick around for two terms, people thought she was ready to leave. Apparently not, she’s running again and, because it’s California, she’ll probably win. This isn’t Crocodile Tears Chuck’s reelection year, so he’ll be in office too. As such, the two are probably hoping to remain in leadership positions after…

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What would you call the people that still trust CNN after its years of lies about Trump, Russia, and any conservative brave enough to stand up to the leftist elite rather than bending the knee and accepting leftist talking points? Is there a word or phrase you’d use for those that still listen to the network with a shocking number of pedophilia-related scandals? You probably do and it’s probably not “more enlightened.” However, that’s how CNN referred to its audience when it slammed Joe Rogan fans on a recent, insulting segment. Remember, this is the network that accused Joe Rogan…

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Liz Cheney, the nasty, Trump-hating Congresswoman from Wyoming, might not be able to keep her cherished seat on the January 6th Commission much longer. That’s because her Trump-backed primary challenger is not just dominating in the polls, but raising mountains of money with which Cheney can be taken down. Previously, it was reported that Hageman was dominating polling, beating out Cheney by about 20 points in a survey of voter preferences, a massive polling loss for the current Congresswoman from Wyoming. Now, according to Fox, Hageman is dominating the fundraising field too, raking in cash with which she can humble…

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What would you call reports that sailors are spending more time in diversity training than warfighting, General Milley’s famous rant about wanting to understand “white rage,” and the Soviet-like investigations the military is conducting to ensure that no troops are “extremists.” I would call those things concerning, to say the least. It’s bad news if the military is focused on wokeness and politics rather than warfighting and defeating our nation’s enemies. The Pentagon, however, is denying such reports, calling them “ridiculous.” That denial came when Pentagon press secretary John Kirby appeared on “Fox News Sunday,” and made the ridiculous argument…

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During murdered New York police officer Jason Rivera’s funeral, a leftist actress just couldn’t keep her mouth shut and not go on a vulgar, abrasive tirade. So, because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut, she went ahead and said the worst thing she could, ranting about why she thought that the city didn’t need to be shut down for “one f—— cop.” Yup, she really said that, and more, as you can watch here: An actress posted this disgusting video complaining about slain officer Jason Rivera’s funeral: — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) January 30, 2022 As you can…

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Now that America is about $30 trillion in debt and is running deficits over a trillion dollars each year, a level of fiscal irresponsibility that would make our ancestors roll in their graves, what has the government decided to do? If your answer was “spend money on ridiculous programs in Pakistan,” you’d be right, because that’s exactly what America is doing. After all the outcry over the decision to spend millions on gender programs in Pakistan (I’m sure that was money well spent), the government decided to double down and spend a million more in that backward nation, this time…

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The Armed Forces haven’t taken kindly to religious exemption requests for the vaccine. Whether because they doubt the faith of those troops that apply or because they have such a single-minded focus on forcing troops to take the jab that they couldn’t care less about their religious beliefs, the military chiefs aren’t in the habit of granting religious exemptions. In fact, they’ve started punishing those troops that ask for them, even when the faith of the soldier asking for one should be beyond doubt. For example, the Air Force just reprimanded a chaplain for asking for a religious exemption to…

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Arizona and West Virginia are leading a grand coalition of twenty-five total states pushing the Supreme Court to hear the case Bianchi v. Frosh and overturn Maryland’s highly restrictive Firearms Safety Act of 2013. The 4th Circuit upheld the restrictive law last year. So, if it’s to be overturned by the court system, that means the only hope is the Supreme Court, which is why the states are throwing their support behind the case and attempting to push it, and a victory for gun rights, through. The Bianche v. Frosh petition for certiorari, which the court must accept if it’s to hear…

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Why are conservatives praising Bill Maher all of the sudden? He’s still a liberal, still openly supports liberal positions, and certainly doesn’t stand for conservative viewpoints, even if he’s sometimes reasonable about political issues on his show. But that reasonableness is why he’s praised. Though he’s still on the other side about most issues, he, unlike most of the rest of the leftist talking heads, hasn’t gone completely insane nor is he so far left that he doesn’t understand what problems there currently are in America. Hence why, in what would have been a bizarre segment not too long ago,…

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A $1,500 check to a rugby club might bring the whole Pelosi empire crumbling to the ground, or at least put a significant dent in it. That’s because the check was allegedly a bribe paid by Nancy Pelosi’s son, one that the Feds are investigating him for. Pelosi’s son, Paul Pelosi Jr., was recently outed as being involved in 5 companies that have been investigated by the Feds for various shady actions. He’s never been arrested or fined for any of it, but he was connected to far more companies involved in corruption or thievery than the average person. Now…

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Lindsey Graham, the “Republican” Senator from South Carolina, likes to pretend that he’s one of those rock-ribbed conservatives fighting for our rights. Whenever he has time to prepare an act and make ready an excuse for not taking real action, he’ll be the loudest-mouth conservative there it, jabbering on and on about how he’s just around the corner from really taking a hammer to the left. Of course, it’s all an act, as Lindsey shows us whenever he speaks off the cuff or sees an opportunity to flash his “bipartisanship” or “diversity” credentials. The diversity opportunity came up recently, when…

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The question of which MAGA candidate should run in 2024 is one that’s currently bedeviling the conservative right. On one hand, there’s Trump, who revived the right in 2015, should have won in 2020, and is a proven enemy of Red China and the globalist elite. He’s a bit volatile and doesn’t focus as he should, but he’s also all in on fighting the culture war and making America great. On the other side is DeSantis, who is calmer and more focused than Trump, but hasn’t had as much time to prove himself an enemy of the elites and show…

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Every day under the woke regime, one has to ask “can things really get more insane from here?” The answer is always “yes,” as Apple recently proved when it decided to add a “pregnant man” emoji to the iMessage emoji options. Yes, really. Fox Business announced as much, reporting that a “pregnant man” emoji and “pregnant person” emoji will come to iPhones with the iOS 15.4 update. Emojipedia first announced the pregnant man emoji in a September 2021 blog post, saying: Released this week by the Unicode Consortium as part of Emoji 14.0, the new pregnancy options may be used for…

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Those brave Americans tasked with defending the border against the cartels, their drug mules, and the hordes upon hordes of illegal immigrants they traffic across the border are furious with how Brandon is handling the illegal immigration crisis. That’s because while they sweat and bleed in the arid, dusty land separating America from Mexico, Team Brandon seems to be actively encouraging illegal immigrants to attempt to enter the US. Even worse, once they get here Brandon is shipping those illegals all over the US. Rather than swiftly arresting and deporting them, it’s sending them to live in communities that don’t…

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President Trump has never been one to pull punches or side with sissies like Justin Trudeau over real men like the Canadian truckers composing the Freedom Convoy. So, it should come as no surprise that he praised the freedom convoy during his Saturday rally in Conroe, Texas. During that rally, one well-attended by thousands upon thousands of patriots and Trump supporters, he praised the Canadian truckers for defending freedom and attacking lawless mandates in a way America’s leaders haven’t, saying: “The Canadian truckers, you’ve been reading about it. Who are resisting bravely these lawless mandates are doing more to defend…

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Do you trust Big Business to act in a responsible way? Do you think Big Tech, Walmart, and the other massive companies that dominate the American economy will act as they should? If not, you’re not alone. According to a recent survey of how people around the world feel about the social responsibility of businesses, more than half of America thinks that businesses can’t be trusted to “do the right thing.” In fact, as Martin Armstrong reported on Statista, while some nations like India and China generally trust businesses to act as they should, Americans generally don’t. In his words:…

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Appearing on hit FNC show “Hannity,” comedian and “podfather” Adam Carolla ripped into the mainstream media. Furious with their calls that hit podcast host Joe Rogan be censored for pushing what they call “misinformation,” he attacked them with a question, asking, “What have you guys been right about?” Watch him blast the liars in the MSM here: Comedian @adamcarolla defends Joe Rogan: “Think about what all these idiots are saying. They’re worried about misinformation … What have you guys been right about? I’d put Joe Rogan’s batting average up against CNN’s batting average any day of the week.” 🔥🔥…

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Want to have a nice, pleasant retirement? Well, then you might want to take a look at personal finance website WalletHub’s list of the best states to retire to in 2022. Unsurprisingly, the top two states are red states and two of the bottom three are blue states. The top two states are Florida and Virginia. Though neither scored best in WalltetHub’s affordability, quality of life, or healthcare factors, their total scores were the highest, as they have quite a few areas they do well in rather than just one area and are generally pleasant and affordable places to live.…

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Is the US economy about to enter a contraction period? Well, Jen Psaki and Brandon continue to insist that everything is awesome, but the Atlanta Fed and other economic watchers have a far different perspective. From their point of view, the economy isn’t in a healthy spot right now, with the variables trending in a highly negative direction and GDP likely following those negative variables. In fact, the Atlanta Fed, in its January 2022 GDPNow forecast, had much lower expectations for how much the economy will grow than the more optimistic initial estimate predicted. In its words: The initial GDPNow…

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What does Xi Jinping want? Why is he sending warships to encircle Taiwan, fighter jets to test its air defenses, and satellites to potentially grapple with and take out enemy surveillance satellites? Why is China spending huge amounts of money each year to build up its blue water navy, develop 5th generation fighter jets, and develop a stealth bomber? What is the intent behind its world-spanning Belt and Road debt trap? According to Mike Pompeo, CIA director under Trump, who said during an appearance at the Argus Americas Crude Summit 2022 that the answer is “global domination.” Xi, in the…

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Brandon, during a 2020 campaign stop in South Carolina, pledged that if elected he would appoint a black woman as a Supreme Court justice if the had the opportunity to do so. When Justice Breyer’s retirement was announced, Brandon stood by that pledge to base his pick for one of nine justices in the highest court in the land not on merit, but on the diversity credentials that are most valuable at the moment. He said he’d pick his diversity candidate by the end of February. Unsurprisingly, most Americans aren’t particularly thrilled with Biden’s pledge to create some reverse version…

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Brandon’s immigration policies aren’t popular. Whether it’s people calling for his impeachment because of those policies, slamming what he’s up to as a dereliction of duty, or suing him for the utter lawlessness and harms inflicted by his policies, Americans are so sick and tired of the left’s far-left immigration policies that they’re starting to take action to stop them. Most recently, that’s taken the form of Texas, Arkansas, Alaska, Florida, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, and Oklahoma suing Brandon over his use of the Obama-era Central American Minors (CAM) Refugee and Parole Program to shuttle in the family members of those…

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A common tactic of the Israel-hating left is pressuring companies, schools, and other organizations to boycott Israel. Claiming that the embattled state is somehow the aggressor in wars against the Arabs, they relentlessly push for a total boycott of it. Normally, the right simply dismisses such calls with scorn, labels them anti-semitic, and then moves on, doing little to actually push back against the leftists and their absurd claims. Now, the state of Georgia’s legislature is finally pushing back and setting an example for how to strike back against the left and its corporate minions. The House of the Georgia…

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Hot off the heels of releasing his hilarious, brilliant “We the People” song, one which attacks Fauci and Brandon for their policies, Kid Rock is striking another blow for freedom. Now, in addition to going after the jab policies of the Covid tyrants in music, he’s going after them in reality too, pledging that he won’t perform in any venue that requires the jab. That pledge came in the form of a four-minute video that he shared on his Facebook page. During the video, he made the pledge that he wouldn’t perform at any venue that requires the jab and…

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Chris Wallace, the former Fox News Sunday host that many contended was extremely biased towards Biden in the first Trump-Biden debate, showed his true colors when he announced that he was leaving Fox for CNN, a move many said was for ideological reasons. As the AP reported at the time: But [Wallace] had grown privately frustrated with the overall tenor at Fox, where conservative opinion hosts have been elevated and amplified, particularly after the network’s ratings took a brief hit following the 2020 election… Wallace had expressed his concern about the strident opinion programming to Fox executives multiple times, including…

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What is racism? According to most people, it would be discrimination or dislike of some form or another premised on the basis of the discriminated against or disliked party’s race. Or, as Websters puts it, “a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” Either of those definitions is probably accurate enough, even if they do have their little flaws, to grasp what racism means. It’s not that hard of a concept; the name says it all. Unfortunately, the more leftists drone on and…

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Dan Crenshaw might not always be the most rock-ribbed of conservatives, he certainly has a conciliatory streak that leads to him consorting with the left and attacking his most conservative allies from time to time. However, he does occasionally let his conservative colors shine through and says the things that America needs to hear. He recently did so on the topic of crime and the left’s soft-on-crime policies, pointing out that the left, in its defense of the career criminals and gangsters, is showing that it cares only for criminals and couldn’t care less about the victims that those thugs…

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What is the term for using legitimate forms of the American republican system to exercise power, or at least prevent the other side from doing so? That’s using the courts, the filibuster, the rules of the House and Senate, and action in the states to achieve political ends? To a normal, reasonable person, that’s just called “republican government.” Frustrating at times, it’s meant to be slow and use of the systems within it is fair game; it’s what’s been done since the Constitution was ratified. To MSNBC’s Joy Reid, however, someone who is certainly neither reasonable nor normal, it’s “Hitler…

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