Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Is Hillary Clinton ramping up early for a 2024 presidential run? The twice-failed presidential candidate appeared on the Today show, Sunday, December 11th. She read the 2016 acceptance speech, she would have read, if she would have won. Hillary Clinton Chokes Up Reading Victory Speech She Never Gave Clinton choked up as she finally read the victory speech she never got to deliver. The former first lady would have paid tribute to her late mother had she won the 2016 presidential election. “I dream of going up to her and sitting down next to her, taking her in my arms…

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Dr. Killjoy, White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, has been busy this fall discouraging Americans from celebrating together in person. Even with his previous assurances that those who take the COVID jabs(s) could go back to living pre-pandemic lifestyles, then recently added the booster shot, is now asking everyone to stay away for large gatherings On Monday, Fauci recommended Americans “stay away” from large New Year’s parties this year due to a spike in COVID-19 cases caused by the highly transmissible Omicron variant. “When you are talking about a New Year’s Eve party, where you have 30, 40,…

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The deranged woman who was in a video that went viral over the Christmas holiday, after she attacked an older male passenger during a Delta flight has reportedly been taken into custody by the FBI following the altercation that took place while the plane was in the air. WATCH – Woman Attacks Man On Flight For Not Wearing His Mask – After He Tells Her: ‘Sit Down Karen!’ A google search identified her as Cornwall who also goes by Patty Cornwall, 50, who works as a real estate agent at an upscale vendor, Coldwell Banker Realty, near Pacific Palisades, California.  “Police say they were called…

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CNN medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen said Wednesday on CNN’s “Newsroom” that President Joe Biden should “go further” in placing restrictions on Americans who have not gotten COVID vaccines. Wen said, “I think what we will see with Omicron is a very large number of infections due to Covid-19.” “The question, though, is, are we going to see a decoupling of infections with hospitalizations and death? That would be ideal, the entire point of vaccination, the main point of vaccination, I should say, is to reduce severe illness. And so, if we’re able to avoid overwhelming our health care systems,…

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Charles Dickens, as one movie proclaims, was the man who invented Christmas as we know it today. FG Kitton, who wrote the original essay titled “The Man Who Invented Christmas”, appears to be wrong. A simple enough search will teach you very quickly that that the author of some of the greatest stories of the Victorian Era did not come close to inventing the holiday and if you think about it, that makes sense. Afterall, if the holiday wasn’t still recognized and celebrated during his era, then what exactly were Scrooge’s employee and nephew doing on Christmas day? The truth…

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According to satellite imagery accompanied by U.S. intelligence reports, Saudi Arabia, with the help of China, is building its own ballistic missile system. They didn’t even bother to at least inform the Biden administration of its intent. Not exactly a comforting thought, coming from one of our supposed allies in the Middle East. The intel was gathered after our satellites captured imagery at a site to the west of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, which indicated that several facilities had already been converted to facilitate the process required in constructing a ballistic missile system. “The key piece of evidence…

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A decision rendered just before Christmas and released on Friday by state Supreme Court justice Charles D Wood in Westchester County, caught many court watchers napping. The New York Times attempted to publish Project Veritas “privileged” attorney-client memos that were illegally leaked to the newspaper by Biden’s DOJ, and may now be considered a violation of the First Amendment. Friday’s decision, ruled that the NYT must immediately relinquish, and more importantly not publish confidential legal memos it obtained. The issue stems from an FBI raid in mid November by Biden’s Justice Department against Project Veritas and it’s founder, James O’Keefe.…

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A disturbing trend seen during the 2 years of COVID-19, is self-imposed permissions by radicals, to force others to submit to the “will of the collective”, by any means necessary. Their fascist actions are similar to those brainwashed in the dystopian movie 1984 and by citizens who lived under Adolph Hitler and Mao Zedong’s dictatorships. Last Wednesday a COVID Nazi, this time a woman, was taken into FBI custody after she verbally and physically attacked a man onboard a Delta flight from Tampa Bay, Florida, to Atlanta, Georgia, according to the Daily Mail. The mid-flight confrontation allegedly escalated over an…

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Late December 22nd, 2021, The Daily Wire received word that their motion to challenge the Biden Test or Vaccine Mandates for private companies would be heard by the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Their oral arguments are scheduled to begin January 7th, 2022. Said arguments will be heard by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and may only last up to an hour in length. It all began on September 9th, 2021, when Biden ordered OSHA to require a vaccine or test mandate on all business in the private sector that had 100 or more employees working for…

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With the abundance of food produced in America, have you ever wondered why so many of our fellow citizens go to bed hungry? According to a recent study, “food waste makes up about 25% of all material in landfills, more than any other single source of waste.” That stark reality hit home during the airing of a popular food show that now dominates the airwaves. The theme of the show was to pit several celebrity chefs against each other using thousands of pounds of “surplus food”. Surplus food, also known as “discarded food”, is considered degraded because it doesn’t look…

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With more than 3 years left in office, Bidens approval rating continues to plummet to historic lows with a majority of Americans in almost every category disapproving of Bidens job performance. Even among black Americans, Biden’s strongest supporters, the president’s approval rating has dropped nearly 25% since taking office. Much of it due to the vaccine mandate, in which a majority of black voters continue to reject. In a recent survey conducted by the Marist Poll, a stunning 65% of Hispanic respondents disapprove of the presidents job performance, compared to 56% of white voters. The poll also found only 33%…

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Once again the citizens of the United States Of America viewed their feeble president, this time with his wife directing him, throughout a visit to a hospital for children. President Biden and first lady Jill Biden on Friday made a Christmas Eve visit to the Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., where the first couple met with and read a story to hospitalized children and their families. Jill pointed, guided, and spoke for Joe during the visit. At times Jill grabbed his arm, pulling him over to his appropriate spot, similar to what we have seen through Joe’s eleven months in office. In…

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In an attempt to “increase diversity”, AKA reject white and straight people, among the Democrat Party, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) will now place staffers in senior campaign positions based on race, gender, and sexuality, not by qualification for the positions, Politico reported Thursday. The DCCC is partnering with the Blue Leadership Collaborative for the 2022 election cycle specifically recruiting and retaining “people of color, women, and people who identify as queer as senior staff.” Executive Director Justin Myers said the program will establish “cultural competency” among campaign managers and with lead to more “diverse” party committee leaders in the future.…

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Of all the Marxist legislation Speaker Pelosi’s majority has forced through the U.S. House, HR1 is considered to be the most crucial for the Democratic party. It is their attempt to pass an unconstitutional nationalization of federal elections. With multiple Democratic representatives retiring and polling showing multiple other seats up for grab, the left knows HR1 is their only chance of keeping the Congress after the 2022 midterm elections. In a desperate move, President Biden says he supports creating an exception to the legislative filibuster in the Senate in order to pass voting rights legislation over Republican opposition. This “exception” would remove…

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President Joe Biden reportedly received 81 million votes in 2020, with an approval rating of around 55% but less than a year into his term, the progressive polling company FiveThirtyEight, says Biden’s approval rating has plunged nearly 12 percentage points since May to just 43%. Biden ran on returning civility to the White House. At his inauguration, Joe emphasized the need for restoring unity. To the dismay of most Americans, Biden is instead trying to jam a partisan costly legislative agenda down America’s collective throat, further to the left than what most Americans can tolerate. As a sign of how…

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Was it a simple act of kindness that motivated a Good Samaritan, or “divine intervention”? In the wee hours on December 10th, Kentucky native Jim Finch became inspired to load up his truck with food, water and a BBQ grill, and head to Mayfield, where the devastating series of deadly tornados tore into the heartland. Like many across the nation, Finch watched in disbelief as mother-nature ravaged rural communities and small towns along a 200 mile path of destruction, spewing over 69 tornadoes across multiple state lines, including Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Kentucky, however, experienced what…

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We’ve all heard that popular metaphor “what goes around comes around”. Democrats around the country, especially within the blue states run by other Democrats, are feeling the wrath of their defund the police policies as crime across the nation progresses. On Wednesday afternoon, South Philadelphia Congresswoman Mary Gary Scanlon (D-PA), an outspoken advocate of defunding the police, was carjacked at gunpoint after touring FDR Park in South Philly. The 62 year old Democrat voted for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which would significantly reduce the budget of every police department in the state. The brazen gunpoint attack took…

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One thing liberals should have learned in 2021 is to not defund the police, or even attempt to. It caused a spike in crime, in cities like LA and Minneapolis, by letting the criminal elements know that their government officials are in denial of their activities and thus were working to remove the police from the city streets. In a perfect example, a U.S. Congresswoman from Pennsylvania who voted for a “defund the police” bill, was the victim of an armed carjacking incident in Philadelphia. Police say Mary Gay Scanlon was carjacked at about 2:45 p.m. on Wednesday after attending…

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This is exactly what happens when inmates are allowed to run the asylum. When children are in charge, the country falls apart. It is really that simple. How Joy Reid has her own show on any channel is a question that may never be answered. From Mediaite: Hyperbole is among the most frequently used rhetorical devices, maybe the most in fact. Intentionally using exaggeration or for emphasis for the effect to make a point is a tricky bit of sophistry consistently used across the political media spectrum, but there are times when one can go so far as to enter…

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When people started demanding $15 an hour to be the minimum wage, many conservatives warned that it would bankrupt and destroy small businesses, or worse; it would require something inhuman to take their place.  They argued the increase could potentially damage and destroy even larger companies as well. No one listened. Stores and restaurants closed when they couldn’t afford to meet those demands. Places like McDonalds doubled down and purchased kiosks to make everything as automated as possible. Waiters, waitresses, and even some hostesses naively believed that they were exempt from this situation. Well, Ottawa, Canada, has a big surprise…

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On December 17th, 2021, Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illionois signed a bill that essentially allows young women of any age to undergo a significant, life altering medical procedure, without notifying their parents. The bill repeals a law that required providers of abortion to contact the parents or legal guardians of minors under 17 years of age at least 48 hours prior to the procedure. Those in support of the new bill claim that it protects “vulnerable” young women (children) who may have been raped or abused. That’s a noble sentiment of course, but doesn’t it also protect the men who…

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Earlier this week CNN falsely reported that an unvaccinated Texas Man became the first American to die from the Omicron variant. Unfortunately, it appears the Fake News network reported false information again, which in this case, has caused a lot of Americans undue stress as families are scheduled to celebrate Christmas together. Health authorities in Texas are rejecting the story, saying instead the man died with, not because of the COVID variant. According to The Blaze, Harris County, public health officials did not say that the patient died from the Omicron variant of COVID. Rather, he died after testing positive for…

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Former President Donald J. Trump is a proud, white man, who has been pounded on and lied about, by the mainstream media, starting in 2015 to the current. Former Vice President Mike Pence, who is also a white man, has also been taking hits from the media during the same time period. Yet in spite of all of the abuse these men are taking, Vice President Kamala Harris is reportedly complaining about the news coverage surrounding her performance as the Vice President, citing her race and gender. According to a piece by The New York Times, Harris has been privately complaining…

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I can remember the disappointment many Americans had when they were not able to publically celebrate News Years Eve, 2020, an exclamation mark for a year of COVID restrictions. Even with the 2020 elections still being contested by millions of Trump supporters at the start of the year, the overall hope for a majority of Americans was 2021 would be much better than 2020. Well, following a year of a Biden administration, half of Americans are calling 2021 the “worst year of their lives so far.” The survey of 1,000 adults — conducted by OnePoll on Dec. 13 — aimed to get…

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As 2022 approaches, Democrats are privately and publicly expressing their frustration with two of their U.S. Senators who continue to back crucial legislation from passing. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) recently wrecked President Biden’s hopes of destroying federal election integrity laws by not supporting HR1 or ending the Senate filibuster. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) just crushed Biden’s hope of getting his Build Back Better (BBB) massive spending bill passed. Biden has been pushing to radically federalize elections, in spite of the Constitution. “If we can get the congressional voting rights done, we should do it. … There’s nothing domestically more important…

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Chemistry Professor Charles Lieber was found quality on Tuesday of lying to federal investigators regarding his illicit ties to the communist regime. The former Harvard professor was the chairman of the Ivy League school’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, and was recruited by the Chinese government back in 2012, engaging in a clandestine operation without the knowledge of the university. The 62-year old educator became a paid “strategic scientist” for the communist regime, specifically for the Wuhan Institute of Technology in central China, and participated in Beijing’s “Thousand Talents Program” from 2012 to 2015. The program was designed to recruit…

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We knew this day would come, more sooner than later. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguments on President Biden’s vaccine mandates. On Wednesday, the US Supreme Court announced it will hear oral arguments on two of President Joe Biden’s COVID vaccine mandates – one for private businesses and the other for healthcare facilities – on January 7, 2022, after justices Alito and Kavanaugh considered requests to stay the mandates. Justice Kavanaugh was petitioned by the challengers to the employer mandate to reverse an appeals court ruling that said the administration could enforce its vaccine-or-testing rules for large companies.…

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Two young siblings who were separated during childhood and placed within the Oklahoma foster care system have finally been reunited after 40 years. Their heartwarming reunion began in rural Oklahoma 1984. 5-year old Kitt Wakely and her little sister Tasha were forcibly removed by the state after family, friends, and neighbors reported severe child abuse and emotional trauma taking place within the home. “Even at that young age, we had to have each other to get through it,” Kitt said. “It was haunting, horrific times.” Together, they survived unspeakable abuse. Their ordeal, although painful, would eventually become even more distressing,…

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When you think of terrible court decisions the state of California should top your list. The progressive judges, who activists “shop” when wanting to advance a radical law, expecting to get a positive ruling from them, hope in the post ruling challenges, can appeal their case all the way up the U.S. Supreme Court The following pending lawsuit could have huge national ramifications. A California state appeals court ruled on Tuesday, that a candymaker must face a lawsuit by an employee who says she caught COVID-19 at work and gave it to her husband, resulting in his death. This appears…

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In the midst of the political chaos, one thing that appears to be a constant is the growing expectation of the “Red Wave”, in the 2022 midterm elections. It’s is so bad that in my previous article, Nervous Donkeys – Democratic Party Leaders Are Panicking, Preparing For Probable Red Wave In 2022 Midterms, Democratic party leaders are debating, not if they will keep the congress, but instead on how bad the loss might be, especially in the U.S. House. On Tuesday, Tucker Carlson, the host of Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight, said the low polling numbers of the Democratic party…

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Once again those who are responsible for maintaining law and order, via the judicial system, have used their authority to not punish criminals, once again using COVID as the excuse. The Department of Justice, per a Biden Executive Order, is already using prosecutorial discretion by preventing the border patrol from arresting and deporting hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who have crossed our U.S. southern border since Biden took office. In response to their findings, DOJ officials announced Tuesday, that thousands of federal inmates who were let because of the spread of COVID-19 in the prisons, will not have to…

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During a Fox News interview on December 21st, 2021, Ted Cruz was discussing Big Tech. He was being mostly serious when his Apple phone’s host, Siri, interrupted him. The Senator wasn’t really caught off guard and handled the moment like a pro used to taking jabs and swipes from Donald J. Trump. (Seriously, that was probably the best thing for the entire Republican party about Trump stepping into politics, being forced to learn how to take a public lashing and come back stronger). What did Siri find so offensive about Cruz’s speech that she just had to speak up? Ted…

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It remains to be seen what will happen in the case of Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, but the national attention given over his 110 year sentence isn’t dying away. There are petitions, tweets, Facebook posts, Tik Tok videos and more doing all they can to keep the attention on Colorado’s legal system in an effort to reduce if not commute the young man’s sentencing altogether. Even celebrities are beginning to take notice and whether we like it or not, that’s bound to heat things up for better or for worse. Despite the fact that our legal system really shouldn’t rely on the…

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In a rare Q and A exchange, President Biden was asked if he was partly responsible for the rise of the COVID-19 Omicron virus currently sweeping the nation. That pointed question was asked by CNN reporter Phil Mattingly, after Biden’s scheduled address to the nation on Tuesday attempting to explain-away the recent surge of the virus across the country. Mattingly questioned whether this would qualify as a “failure” on the administration’s part to adequately prepare for the latest variant. “On testing, you said we have to do better, but public health officials have been saying for months you need to…

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Joe Biden has surrounded himself with a lot of very, very ignorant human beings, starting with Kamala Harris on down. From Psaki to Buttigieg to Kerry to Levine to Lloyd Austin and everybody in between, this administration is a complete train wreck. With the omicron variant now making headlines, liberals are seemingly more freaked out than ever before. Biden’s secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin, recently told active duty military personnel that they will not be paid unless they get the jab. Think about that for a second. Now, merely liking a social media post can get you punished. From Townhall:…

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Lori Lightfoot is a very bad public servant. As mayor of Chicago, the openly gay elected official has done nothing to benefit the citizens of her city. Yet, Lightfoot remains intent on bashing police officers and banning white reporters from pressers (among other highly notable issues). Think about those things for a second. They are kind of a big deal. From The Daily Wire: On Tuesday, Chicago Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot followed in the footsteps of Boston’s Mayor Michelle Wu (D) and Washington, D.C.’s Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) by announcing a slew of new COVID-19 rules specifically aimed at making…

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Joe Biden initially said the jury system worked and Americans should abide by the decision of the jurors to let Kyle Rittenhouse walk free on all five counts. Later in the day, Joe’s handlers released a statement saying he was disappointed in the outcome. Clearly, the man has no clue what he’s saying half of the time. Now, the MSM (and hopefully Joe, himself) are likely to pay up – big! From Newsmax: Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager acquitted for two fatal 2020 shootings in Wisconsin, is warning media outlets that he might be filing lawsuits. At a gathering of conservatives…

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If his lips are moving, there’s a more than decent chance he’s lying. Such is the life for a liberal who has made a career out of being a politician. Joe Biden is among the worst people ever elected to high office. The results of his policies prove it on a regular basis. Once again, President Trump will correct Biden by delivering remarks in early 2022 about the one year anniversary of the “insurrection” at the Capitol Building. From Daily Caller: Former President Donald Trump will hold a press conference from his Mar-a-Lago mansion in Florida on Jan. 6, he…

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Former Republican congressmen Lou Barletta, if elected as the next governor of Pennsylvania, has vowed to implement Governor Ron DeSantis’ ingenious plan of busing illegal aliens out of the Keystone State to President Biden’s home state of Delaware. In an exclusive interview on Saturday with Breitbart News, the 65-year old Pennsylvania native revealed that he would take similar action to that of Gov. Ron DeSantis, using his executive powers as governor to rid the Commonwealth of illegal aliens smuggled into Pennsylvania in the dead-of-night by the White House. Several weeks ago, the Florida governor announced 6 key proposals, along with…

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Is there anything more delightful to hear on Christmas day than “Show me your vaxx card or get the hell out?” Maybe not to men and women avoiding their in-laws this holiday season, but otherwise, I am sure that’s going to cause some issues at home. What else do we do on Christmas but gather with our loved ones? According to Health Czar, Nicolas Fauci, those of us who are unvaccinated are in for a season of severe illness and death. But even with doom looming on our horizons, we’re not allowed to go see our family because those super…

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