Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Former President Trump filed a lawsuit against New York’s Attorney General Letitia James in federal court. Trump is attempting to halt the continued witch hunt which has become an obsession with the emotionally deranged Democrat ever since he announced his candidacy for the Oval Office back in June of 2015. James has a long and sordid history of vilifying the former president, dating back to that famed escalator ride at Trump Tower. The 63-year old progressive Democrat began waging a disinformation campaign while campaigning for attorney general, insisting that then President Trump was an illegitimate president and, if given the…

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President Biden’s 30-minute tough guy, mumble session on Tuesday was embarrassing for those who love the U.S.A. It was supposed to be an encouraging speech introducing free COVID testing kits and news about the government adding extra testing locations, to help those who want to take the COVID jabs, do so more easily. Instead, most of Joe’s rambling included lies, character assassinations against those choosing to pass on the vaccines, calling them unpatriotic and a danger to the nation, and telling those asking questions about the vaccines to Stop It! President Biden blamed alternative media sources for convincing Americans to…

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A disability can literally be in the “eye of the beholder”. Take Anthony Ferraro for example, who has been virtually blind nearly all of his life, yet hasn’t let that stop him from achieving his desired goals. Visually impaired since kindergarten, Ferraro learned how to adapt to his disability by mastering and using other heightened skills. By learning how to utilize these tools, not only was he able to begin wrestling, but went straight to the varsity team at his elementary school. After graduation, Ferraro attended St. John Vainney High School in Holmdel, New Jersey, where he continued excelling at…

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When I think of world leaders, the idea that they would have to get permission from their staff to speak seems absurd. The most powerful person in their individual nations would of course never answer to administrative hirelings. On Tuesday, President Biden announced new steps his administration is taking to combat the Omicron variant. He said in his prepared speech, the federal government will be sending out free Covid tests to anyone who requests one. “The federal government will purchase one half billion…additional at-home rapid tests with delivery starting in January. We’ll be getting these tests to Americans for free,”…

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Until the COVID lockdowns and edicts started in the U.S. in 2020, Americans would typically only see people, primarily in Asian nations, walking around wearing the non-effective blue masks in their day-to-day life. Probably unnoticed by them as all most every aspect of their lives is also controlled by their tyrannical governments. Dr. Anthonly Fauci, because of his tenure at the NIH, was given the responsibility by former President Trump to lead our nation through 15 days to stop the spread. Well, as we get ready to enter 2022, Fauci recently did the Sunday morning news rounds, still pushing compliance…

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Men receive a lot of flack when it comes to objectifying women in nearly everything they do, but let’s be honest ladies…Jason Momoa was what made Aquaman a massive success. Aquaman was one of the worst movies DC and Warner Brother’s has ever put out. Okay, so maybe not the worst, but of all the DC films, it really wasn’t that great. Its success was because of us. The millions of ladies around the globe that gathered in theaters to oogle, stare at, salivate over, drool, or fantasize about Aquaman, which led to the majority of the cast being resigned for…

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In 1997, JK Rowling changed the entire literary world when she wrote the first installment of her Harry Potter series. The left-leaning, progressive authoress has been making more money than she has headlines with her tale of a young boy who discovers that not only is he a wizard, but he’s the chosen one meant to take on the most evil wizard of all time. So immersive was the world that Rowling created, that she even invented a completely new sport for her wizarding world called Quidditch. In the story, wizards and witches fly on brooms while trying to throw…

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Ever since that fateful day when NBC reporter Kelli Stavast lied on air about the “F*** Joe Biden” chants being bellowed about her, the winner and interviewee Brandon Brown has been worried. Worried because he has sponsors to maintain. If he doesn’t keep or gain new sponsors to replace those that drop him, he can’t afford to race. If he can’t race, he certainly can’t win another Xfinity Series or any other series. The Republican had never really bothered to talk about politics and did his best to stick with what he knew. Driving. I would imagine that Brown is…

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On December 5th, 2021, at Kroger grocery store in Lemon Township, Ohio, an elderly woman’s purse was snatched. After calling for help, a young man came to her aide. He chased down the thief and laid a pretty good whoopin’ on the man before performing a citizen’s arrest until cops could arrive to take him into custody. It all started when 89-year-old Pat Goins was making conversation with 27-year-old Deshawn Pressley as they were each standing in a checkout line. The father and his one-year-old moved onto one cash register, while Goins went to another. Suddenly, Goins cried out for…

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On December 19th, 2021, former President Donald Trump sat down with Maria Bartiromo during an exclusive interview. You won’t find a lot of videos on it because Sunday Morning Futures is something you need to have a Fox subscription for, or at least a cable subscription. That’s not counting the fact that Trump isn’t allowed on most social media anymore. There’s even some question as to how long a video depicting him will even stay on Twitter before the social media Oligarchs pull it down. Several issues were mentioned, including the massive Infrastructure Bill that was allowed to pass. Trump…

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On Monday, December 20th, 2021, both the prosecution and the defense made their closing arguments in the trial of 59-year-old Ghislaine Maxwell. The charges brought against Maxwell could bring a maximum sentence of 70 years in prison; basically, she would spend the remainder of her life in prison if she’s convicted of the sex trafficking of minors, enticing a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts, transporting a minor with the intent to engage in criminal sexual activity and three counts of conspiracy. Some have felt that Maxwell is simply a stand-in for Jeffrey Epstein, who may or…

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The repercussions continue to mount in Washington since Joe Manchin’s epoch announcement on Sunday that he could not, in good conscience, support Biden’s massive social spending bill. “I have always said, ‘If I can’t go back home and explain it, I can’t vote for it,'” the West Virginia Democrat said in a statement following the Fox interview. “Despite my best efforts, I cannot explain the sweeping Build Back Better Act in West Virginia and I cannot vote to move forward on this mammoth piece of legislation.” Manchin’s heartfelt rational seemed to resonate favorably among West Virginians across the state.…

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Globalists for decades have pushed for open borders and a global governmental system. During this time the Communists in Bejing have been infiltrating nations like the USA, through purchasing assets such as companies & land, plus sending millions of their students through the universities, who share communist propaganda with their peers. One of their biggest supporters has been Joe Biden who has for years deflected concerns about and supported the development of the CCP.   In direct conflict with Biden, corporate news media, professional sports, and Hollywood, a few prominent men in Florida are taking a stand against the CCP…

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This article is syndicated with licensed permission from Although social media platforms have been censoring conservative content since before the 2016 election, the stark reality about the threat Silicon Valley poses to free speech only fully materialized in January this year, when Twitter, Facebook, and other major platforms took the extraordinary decision to ban a sitting president from their platforms. After Donald Trump was banned, it appeared inevitable that Parler, a free-speech-focused platform already used by millions of conservatives, would become the main competitor to Twitter. This writer even penned a column following Trump’s ban from Twitter arguing that the former president should…

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Michael Myers wasn’t even this cruel. Sure, the fictional Halloween serial killer enjoys slicing up people like he gets paid to do it, but the guy didn’t drug dogs and stick their heads in cages so they’d be eaten alive by insects. Look it up, if you can stomach it. Remember, the “man” behind this operation is none other than the highest-paid public official in America, and boy, does the media love them some Dr. Fauci or what!? You know, despite the fact he may have committed perjury and has been wrong on pretty much everything regarding COVID. From Fox…

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Democrats. Always on their best behavior. Except when in public. Or at rallies. Or on social media. Or on the internet, in general. Strike that: Dems are hardly ever on their best behavior. Senator Warren (D-MA) learned the hard way not to mess with Elon Musk, Tesla founder and richest man in the entire world. Check this out, via The Daily Wire: Elon Musk blasted Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) for arguing that he freeloads off others by benefiting from a “rigged” tax system. Invoking Musk’s recent designation as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, Warren suggested on Twitter that the…

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To Democrats, money literally grows on trees. They just keep printing and printing and inflation continues to climb, and they can’t see how the value of the dollar decreases. It is criminally insane. They should all be locked up. On Tuesday, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives voted to raise the debt ceiling by trillions. The Democrat-controlled Senate is likely to follow suit. Then, it’s off to Biden for a final signature. From Fox Business: Lawmakers expect the increase, which raises the debt ceiling to roughly $31.5 trillion, to last beyond the upcoming midterm elections and into 2023. Treasury Secretary Janet…

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It’s as if Biden wants conservatives to hate him, ya know? And this guy ran on being a “uniter”, right? SMH. Here’s what Joe said on Wednesday about Americans who have yet to get vaccinated, “And so everybody talks about freedom and not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about making sure that you’re vaccinated so that you do not spread the disease to anybody else. What about that? What’s the big deal?” Yep. That’s your commander-in-chief, America. WATCH: From Fox News: Five Republican governors have sent a letter to…

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Congresswoman Liz Cheney is a Republican, like pizza is a healthy dietary option: it’s just not true. Unlike her father, the Wyoming Rep. is not a patriot. Cheney can run for president, that’s her right. It would be futile, but sure, go have some fun, Liz. Check out the Tucker Carlson clip below. From Right Scoop: If she’s really planning a run for president, I can tell you right now that there’s no way she’ll win the Republican nomination. She’s got as good a shot as Jeb Bush and you know how quickly he fizzled out. But she’s not an…

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On December 20th, 2021, Senator Ted Cruz led seven other senators along with House Republican Conference chair Mike Johnson of Louisiana leading 38 House Republicans in signing an Amicus Brief with the lawsuit filed by the Navy SEALS against the Biden Administrations over the Vaccine Mandate that is being forced on military personnel. About 26 Navy SEALS and several other Naval servicemen have made claims that their First Amendment rights to freedom of religion have been trampled on as their exemptions were denied. They believe that under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and the First Amendment, they have a…

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Joe Biden will most likely run for president again in 2024. Unfortunately, that means Kamala is coming with him. But Joe has 99 problems and Harris is definitely one of them. With Donald Trump, who is all but certain to seek office in three years time, Biden more than has his hands full. Now, even Democrat voters are making it known they regret voting for Joe in 2020. From The Daily Wire: Democrat President Joe Biden’s White House reportedly hung up on a U.S. senator who called the administration seeking to get help for an activist who is being tortured…

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If you believe Joe Biden received over 80 million clean votes last November, we have some oceanfront property in Arkansas we’d like like to sell you – private boat dock and all! Let’s get real. The election was tipped in his favor, plain and simple. The heralded American voting system is now forever tainted. What a legacy these Democrats will leave behind, from wanting to keep slavery in place to implementing trans surgeries on children, and everything immoral in between. From Savage Takes: President Donald Trump appears to be dominating the 2024 Republican primary field among Republican voters, according to…

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When it’s all said and done, Kamala Harris will not be remembered fondly. “First female vice president” or not, this is a woman who slept her way to the top. Literally. If you don’t know the story, go check out former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown’s thoughts on the issue. Not only has Harris accomplished nothing aside from failing her way to the top, but she has to be one of the least-liked politicians in American history. Her witch’s cackle can’t help matters much, either. Rather than focusing on real problems that affect every single citizen of the United States…

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When it comes to the great divide in our country, nothing stirs up voters on either side of the aisle like the topic of abortion. It doesn’t matter if you are for it, against it, or somewhere in the middle. It’s a subject that should rile us up, too. This isn’t something menial or unimportant. For most Americans, abortion is as crucial, if not more so than almost any other topic facing us. Why is it so important? I’m not sure why for the Democrats, to be perfectly honest. I can’t find a single good reason they have for wanting to…

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On December 17th, 2021, I reported on the Liberty Leader that a young and fairly new truck driver had been convicted of some 27 charges, including reckless vehicular homicide. Sentencing from the judge was 110 years to be served consecutively.  The sentence is extreme, even the judge himself commented that he would not be giving such a sentence if he didn’t feel it was mandatory or written in Colorado law that it was a required sentence. People convicted of pre-meditated murder rarely see so harsh a punishment. Truckers all over the country are upset about the sentencing. So much so…

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The electric car revolution will stall in the West if supplies of crucial battery elements like lithium fail to keep up with the forecast huge increase in demand. As with most manufacturing and industry, China currently dominates the battery processing market too, and it is responsible for about 80% of global battery chemical refining capacity. A possibly overlooked supply problem by the Biden administration especially considering President Biden just outlined a plan for 50% of new car purchases to be zero-emissions by 2030. Lithium is a mineral that is key for electric car batteries. The pricing for it continues to…

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It is amazing how one decision can blow the lid off of Capitol Hill. The political blame game was everywhere inside the Democratic party on Monday, one day after Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) announced he would vote no on President Biden’s “social infrastructure” legislation (BBB). This loss for Biden, who has already seen his national job performance poll numbers tank, leaves his domestic agenda stalled heading into the 2022 midterm election cycle. “I think what Sen. Manchin did yesterday represents such an egregious breach of the trust of the president,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “It’s an outcome we had…

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It’s hard to imagine that every 11-minutes someone in America takes their own life. Over 12 million adults have seriously thought about committing suicide, and even more disheartening, 1½ million individuals have actually attempted suicide. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for individuals between the ages of 10-34 years, and the 4th leading cause of death among people 35-44. One miraculous June evening in 2015, divide intervention changed the outcome of what would have been another tragic statistic when God placed two emergency nurses at the exact location and moment a troubled, young woman was about to jump…

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Last week, President Joe Biden gave a dire warning for all unvaccinated Americans stating that they are “looking at a winter of severe illness and death if you’re unvaccinated. For themselves, their family, and the hospital they’ll soon overwhelm,” Joe Biden: “For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of SEVERE ILLNESS and DEATH, if you’re unvaccinated. For themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.” — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 20, 2021 During Sunday’s interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Dr. Anthony Fauci tried to tell Americans where the COVID situation is heading. Near the end, Fauci was…

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Millions of MAGA supporters would love to see former President Donald Trump in a rematch with Hillary Clinton, in the 2024 presidential race. Mr. Trump has been teasing his supporters concerning making a political comeback since losing the 2020 presidential race but has come short of officially entering the ring. The recent resurfacing of Mrs. Clinton has only added to the rampant speculation about what comes next for “the Donald”. Some in the media have taken Hillary’s renewed energy and the increasing number of appearances on news networks as confirmation she is running in 2024. In an interview with Fox…

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Just over 48 hours ago, I had posed a question on whether Senator Joe Manchin had the courage of his conviction to vote against Biden’s Build Back Better bill, withstanding the ensuing onslaught from irate progressives that would surly follow the fiasco. On Sunday, Senator Manchin appeared on Fox News Sunday (minus Chris Wallace) and after months of speculation and negotiations, a measured and subdued Manchin had finally come to a final decision. The West Virginia lawmaker, when asked by interim host Bret Baier if he would be able to support President Biden’s Build Back Better bill, responded that he…

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On Sunday, radical Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar had an unhinged meltdown after Democrat Senator Joe Manchin refused to back President Joe Biden’s multi-trillion dollar Build Back Better plan. “And you know, my concerns I had, and I still have these concerns and where I’m at right now, the inflation that I was concerned about, it’s not transitory, it’s real, it’s harming every West Virginian,” Manchin said to Fox News. “It’s making it almost difficult for them to continue, to go to their jobs, the cost of gasoline, the cost of groceries, the cost of utility bills — all of these things are…

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The interesting thing about humans is they are prone to make the same mistakes as those who preceded them. Even though history is replete with examples, of the ramifications of citizens giving up liberty, personal autonomy rights, and free speech, as new technology is released, people today are increasingly doing the same thing as those who suffered for their decisions in the past. A recent example is people in Sweden are allowing a microchip technology, in the form of a large grain of rice, to be implanted under their skin as a means of storing one’s COVID-19 vaccine passport, according…

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As 2021 comes to a close, many new outlets and consultants have already started sounding the alarm, a “Red Wave” is probably coming in the 2022 mid-terms. This reality would be quite significant considering the abuse Democrats have exerted during two failed impeachment attempts of former President Trump, the fake Russian investigation, and the Biden administration directing the DOJ to investigate parents who objected to CRT being taught to their children. In addition, the viciousness towards conservatives during the ongoing January 6th commission is ripe for retribution if the power shifts back to some of these same people under scrutiny.…

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Well, we just finished and are getting ready for another week of dealing with the flip-flopping and outright lies coming from Vice President Kamala Harris and Dr. Anthony Fauci. Considering the conflicting messaging coming out of the White House, CDC, and NIH concerning COVID, this old saying came to mind. “What We’ve Got Here is Failure to Communicate”   Vice President Harris said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, which published last Friday, that the Biden administration saw neither the delta nor the omicron COVID-19 variants coming in advance. “We didn’t see Delta coming. I think most scientists did…

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Since the election victory of now President Joe Biden, the far-left has been gleefully tweeting and hitting the news-speaking circuit bragging about all the social engineering that would take place under the new president. With the Democrats enjoying small majorities in both chambers of the U.S. Congress, it appeared the U.S. was slipping into Marxism without any way to slow the train. Throughout the summer and fall progressive Democrats, most notably the Squad, held up the passage of the infrastructure bill, demanding they would only join the majority if the 3.5T Build Back Better (BBB) bill was passed at the…

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According to newly released data cited by the Wall Street Journal, former President Donald Trump was good for the mainstream media’s bottom line. Without “the Donald”, establishment media outlets like The Hill, Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, Wall Street Journal, CNN, MSNBC and others have lost almost 50% of their monthly viewership. “Newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there,” Trump predicted in 2017, “because without me, their ratings are going down the tubes.” Trump of course was correct about his predictions, in that almost everything the former president forecast came to pass in time,…

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Historically, the sitting U.S. President’s political party performs poorly In the first midterms after taking office. Since 1946, the average midterm loss for the president’s party is 25 seats. Not only is history against the Democrats running for office in the midterm elections next November, President Biden is polling very low as a result of his poor performance during the Afghanistan withdrawal, COVID mismanagement, open borders, and skyrocketing inflation numbers. Based on history and Biden’s poor performance, Democratic Party leaders are already lowering their expectations for the 2022 midterms and bracing for the possibility of the Republicans controlling both the…

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With millions of former service workers not returning to the job market, some choosing to retire, others blaming Covid-19, ETC., industries including restaurants are having an increasingly tough time staying staffed — according to the National Restaurant Association. Three out of every four restaurant owners can’t retain enough servers — but demand for in-person dining is returning. What are restaurateurs supposed to do? How about hiring robots running on artificial intelligence (AI)? Small up to national restaurant chains can now fill their openings via the huge advancements in robotics and software created specifically for their industry. McDonald’s just announced it will…

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In spite of the FACT that as of Friday evening there have only been 830 cases of the Omicron COVID-19 variant confirmed by DNA sequencing across the United States, with no US deaths reported, President Biden will announce on Tuesday more actions the federal government will be taking to combat it. Biden will reportedly also “issue a stark warning”, again, for those who have rejected the vaccine for personal, religious, and/or medical reasons. NBC News reported: President Joe Biden will deliver a speech Tuesday to address the omicron variant and unveil new steps the administration is taking to help communities in need of assistance,…

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