Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Progressives from the Oval Office down to radical local school boards continue mandating unwanted vaccines shots, mask mandates, and accusing parents, who want a have a say on what their children are taught at public schools, of being domestic terrorists. The Biden administration in a knee-jerk reaction, in response to a formal request from the National School Board Association to stop parents from protesting at school board meetings, especially in Loundine County, VA, called for the DOJ to investigate the parents in order to silence them. When the GOP’s leading governor, Ron DeSantis (R-FL) was asked about the Florida school…

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Ilhan Omar’s characterization of Jews as ‘all about the Benjamins’ and AOC’s labeling of all Republicans as members of the KKK, make Boebert’s words seem almost tame and reserved in comparison. Omar has never put America first, plus she’s highly anti-Semitic and hates cops – it’s all documented, go look it up. AOC is coming to Omar’s defense, as usual, claiming the KKK Party (Republicans) are A-Okay with allowing attacks to take place on “women of color.” In short, Ocasio-Cortez takes stupidity to another level whenever she speaks or tweets. From Right Scoop: So it’s not ok for Boebert to…

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You know how guns magically fire even when nobody pulls the trigger!? Yeah, I didn’t think so. That’s because it doesn’t happen. In most cases (and this should go without saying), the person holding the gun is generally the one who fires off the round. In other words, one plus one equals two. Alec Baldwin was holding a gun on the set of the film Rust. Why there was a live round in the chamber makes zero sense. But now, it seems like the story is changing. Here’s some of what he had to say to ABC… GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: “You’ve…

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Joe Biden has surrounded himself with a lot of very, very ignorant human beings, starting with Kamala Harris on down. From Psaki to Buttigieg to Kerry to Levine to Lloyd Austin and everybody in between, this administration is a complete train wreck. With the omicron variant now making headlines, liberals are seemingly more freaked out than ever before. Biden’s secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin, is now telling active duty military personnel that they will not be paid unless they get the jab. Think about that for a second. From Washington Times: National Guard troops refusing the COVID-19 vaccination won’t be…

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The legacy of former President Donald Trump is alive and well through his appointments of conservative federal judges who are abiding by the Constitution, temporarily halting Biden’s overreaching vaccine mandates. On Monday, Missouri-based U.S. District Judge Matthew Schelp, granted an injunction on Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates targeting essential healthcare workers in 10 states. The temporary court ordered injunction applies to Medicare and Medicaid-certified medical staff in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, New Hampshire, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Alaska, and Arkansas. The injunction halts Biden’s vaccine mandate targeting healthcare workers associated with the two largest federal healthcare providers in the country,…

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On Wednesday, failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams announced that she is running for governor again in the state of Georgia. “I’m running for Governor because opportunity in our state shouldn’t be determined by zip code, background or access to power.” Abrams said. Check out the announcement on Twitter: I’m running for Governor because opportunity in our state shouldn’t be determined by zip code, background or access to power. #gapol Be a founding donor to my campaign: — Stacey Abrams (@staceyabrams) December 1, 2021 She also changed her bio on Twitter to say “Candidate for Governor.” Check out what the…

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Some would call this another 1984, “Big Brother” moment, in the U.S. Government’s failing attempts to deal with COVID-19 and its variants. In a possible overreaction to the spread of the new omicron variant of the coronavirus, the Biden administration is now considering enhancing the testing requirements for all international travelers to the U.S., for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Yes, with only one documented case in the U.S., and with the administration not requiring testing of illegal aliens streaming across the U.S. Southern border, these draconian policies are sure to enrage and mess up the plans for tens of…

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The U.S. Supreme Court, which started out as a respected, non-partisan, and crucial protector of the Constitutionality of laws passed by legislatures, has become highly partisan, as former U.S. presidents, from both parties, have only nominated potential justices who reflected their world views. Following decades of Democratic President’s nominees getting confirmed, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Roe v Wade, on January 22, 1973, that abortion was a Constitutional “right”. This ruling was front and center in today’s opening arguments concerning the legality of  Mississippi’s controversial 2018 law banning abortion, including in cases of rape and incest, before 15 weeks…

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House Transportation Chair, Oregon Democrat Rep. Peter DeFazio is planning on retiring next year making him the 19th Democrat who has announced plans to retire. “OREGON DEMOCRATIC REP. PETER DEFAZIO, house transportation chair, is retiring, several sources tell us,” reported Punch Bowl News founder and NBC News contributor Jake Sherman. 🚨OREGON DEMOCRATIC REP. PETER DEFAZIO, house transportation chair, is retiring, several sources tell us. Me and @bresreports — Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) December 1, 2021 The news comes as Democrats’ chances in 2022 continue to plummet. Even Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s future is in question considering in 2018, she…

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In 2018, U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), in her attempt to serve as Speaker, again, struck a deal with far-left members in the Democratic party, which paved the way for her to reclaim the gavel she lost eight years ago. Pelosi, who previously served as Speaker from January 4, 2007 – January 3, 2011, agreed to not seek the speakership again after four years while also announcing support for a three-term limit for Democratic leadership that never materialized. After nabbing another term in 2021, despite party infighting, the 80-year-old Pelosi noted that the term limits never happened but stated, “what I said…

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The United States Attorney (AG) is the highest judicial official in the land. “The principal duties of the Attorney General are to: Represent the United States in legal matters. Supervise and direct the administration and operation of the offices, boards, divisions, and bureaus that comprise the Department.” As with the Supreme Court, all aspects of the federal government appear to have become infiltrated by political activists. The current AG has a history of left-leaning opinions as a circuit judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit from 1997 to 2021. After reviewing Attorney General Merrick…

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With less than one-half of one percent of Americans currently serving within the Armed Forces, we sometimes forget this infinitesimal population of patriots protects the remaining 99.5% of the population. Perhaps even more concerning, many within the roughly 19 million veteran population (less than 10% of the adult population), suffer from a variety of issues directly related to their service. While many veterans haven’t suffered the catastrophic and debilitating injuries due to actual combat, we’ve come to witness within the mainstream media or on social media they, nevertheless, suffer with homelessness, addiction and mental illness. Many are simply regarded as…

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It didn’t take long for the worldwide Christian charity to do a complete “about face” concerning their controversial “Let’s Talk About … Racism” CRT inspired guide.  It suggested that white folks actually apologize for the color of their skin, after those same white folks generously dropped a few bucks in the emblematic red pot, during the Salvation Army’s annual Yuletide Red Kettle Campaign. The backlash was swift, after news outlets across the country (yours truly included), reported last week that the iconic charity suddenly turned WOKE.  The controversial new directive was compiled and approved earlier this year by such leftist…

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To bean or not to bean, that is the question! Honestly, I have never understood the big debate here. Chili isn’t a chili without chili beans, but that’s probably just me. Anyhow, in case you didn’t read the title, this is going to be a chili-dawgs recipe. Yes, I know I am spelling dog, dawg, but honestly, […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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The Cuomo family has a long history in New York. The father, Mario served as the New York Governor for three terms, from 1983 to 1994.  His son Andrew also served as the governor of New York from 2011 until resigning in 2021 and his son Chris has (had) been with CNN since February 8, 2013. Unlike their father, the Cuomo boys have gone off the rails bring shame and legal problems upon themselves and the family name. CNN announced that their political anchor Chris Cuomo was suspended on Tuesday following the release of new details about his efforts to…

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With only razor-thin advantages in both chambers of the U.S.Congress, President Joe Biden has still been able to push through some of his radical Marxist policies. The problem for the left is the American people, after seeing the results of open borders, tax increases, inflation, spikes in murders, and overt crime in broad daylight ETC, are telling pollsters they want a change in direction in 22. Instead of almost assuredly losing their jobs, more and more Democratic House members are announcing they are not running for re-election next November. Republicans only need to net five seats to pick up the…

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The far left has been freaking out ever since Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges on November 19th, stemming from the Kenosha riots in which the 17 year old teen at the time, was forced to defend himself against a marauding mob of thugs, fatally shooting two and wounding one on the evening of August 25th, 2020. However, ever since he was found not guilty by a jury of his peers, a constant and pervasive drumbeat by disgruntled left-leaning media outlets, along with dysfunctional Democrats and progressive action groups, have continued to demean and vilify the teenager. Most recently,…

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And some people wonder why conservatives don’t trust the mainstream media, huh? Still, really? Haven’t we all seen enough stories like this one, where the MSM blatantly refuses to tell the whole truth in order to further its agenda? It’s criminal, really. And so was the mass murderer who plowed through a Christmas parade crowd in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Oh ya, the killer was black, too. Check out this very real tweet from CNN… REACTIONS: VIDEO: H/T: Right Scoop

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Kyle Rittenhouse will never be able to live a normal life. There’s really no chance, considering how he’ll constantly be crucified by the press. The fact that he even considered attending college in-person is almost a head-scratcher, given how historically violent and hostile far-left radicals are toward those with differing opinions. On Monday, it was reported that students are already looking to get Rittenhouse expelled from school. They must not have heard that he was acquitted by a jury of his peers. Shame on them! From Breitbart: Student groups led by Students for Socialism are planning a Wednesday rally calling…

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If you looked up the word buffoon in the dictionary, you’re unlikely to find a portrait of Joe Biden. Clearly, this is an oversight. Like any good politician, especially a liberal one, Joe knows exactly what to say to get people on his side. He uses emotion. However, when it comes down to it, Biden is simply another raging hypocrite who will do anything to get and maintain power – period. From Business Insider: Former President Donald Trump on Friday blasted President Joe Biden over what he described as his successor’s ineffective handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite his own…

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Piers Morgan has been outspoken for years, but even as a liberal who has been battling lingering Covid symptoms, has tired of Fauci too. In his most recent op-ed, he used colorful language to express his frustration with the infamous NIAID Director. The Former Good Morning Britain host called out Dr. Anthony Fauci over his spate of increasingly partisan media appearances. After exploring the many instances where Fauci got the science wrong during the pandemic, from his initial downplaying of masks to his sudden acceptance of vaccine mandates after previously dismissing them, Morgan advised Fauci to “put his ego away” and…

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Without any recorded deaths or even hospitalizations, the hysteria over the new COVID-19 variant is spreading like wildfire anyway. Dr. Angelique Coetzee, the South African doctor who first alerted the scientific community to a new SARS-CoV-2 — B.1.1.529, which the World Health Organization has dubbed “Omicron” — has described symptoms of the variant as “unusual, but mild.” Even with Dr. Coetzee’s comments and limited data, the WHO is stirring up fears by warning that omicron contains several genetic mutations on the virus’ spike protein, worrying scientists about the variant’s ability to bypass infection-blocking antibodies, and specifically, vaccines. Despite the U.S. not having confirmed…

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Yesterday, November 29th, 2021, marked the beginning of opening arguments in one of the highest profile criminal cases brought to trial in Manhattan, New York. Despite the seriousness of the federal charges being pressed against Ghislaine Maxwell, there are many who don’t even know who the woman is or what she’s being charged with. Of course, the press knows who she is, politicians and Hollywood elites know who she is, but most of your everyday men and women in the country are a little lost. I personally asked eleven different people who Ghislaine Maxwell was or if they knew about…

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On November 29th, 2021, the lawyer for the alleged Waukesha Parade murderer has withdrawn from representing his former client. Joe Damask cited a conflict of interest when it came to defending the 39-year-old Darrell Brooks Jr. who is now accused of intentionally running an SUV into the Waukesha Christmas parade on November 21st, 2021, killing six and injuring 62. The lawyer was originally set to represent Brooks in two other cases against the convicted felon, but shortly after news of the attack last Sunday, Domask “notified the court that he planned to withdraw from two open cases in Milwaukee, records…

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Back in 2016, Arizona grandma Wanda Dench and husband Lonnie sent out their annual invitation by text to family members in celebration of Thanksgiving, inviting them all for dinner. The text read; “Thanksgiving dinner at my house on Nov. 24th at 3:00 p.m. Let me know if you’re coming. Hope to see you all. Of course that includes Amanda & Justin.” However, unbeknown to Wanda, her text message was also sent by accident to 17 year old Jamal Hinton, who instantly knew that it couldn’t be his grandmother, because his grandma didn’t know how to send a text message. When…

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Santa’s appearance at the 97th annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on Thursday has officially kicked off the holiday season, and with it time-honored Yuletide traditions. Most of us will no doubt take a trip at some point to our favorite mall, perhaps as a change of pace from purchasing Christmas gifts online. And if you live within a fairly large city, you’ll more than likely come across those recognizable Salvation Army volunteers, dressed in their classical midnight blue uniforms, ringing their bells as part of the annual Red Kettle Campaign. For the record, the Christian charity didn’t begin in America,…

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Shepherd’s Pie Okay, so traditionally, you are supposed to make this with ground up lamb’s meat. Hence the name. We shepherd sheep, we don’t really shepherd cows. But honestly, I’ve eaten lamb. It mostly sucks. I don’t know why it doesn’t taste good, but it doesn’t. I tried these really expensive lamb chops once and […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Hate is a powerful all-encompassing emotion; it can rob the heart and infect the soul. It can blind us from reasoning and compassion, turning individuals into fanatical extremists. This is a true tale of one such individual, a young Muslim boy named Yassir, who was born in Sudan. A country located in northeastern Africa, and within perhaps the most radical Islamic sects on the entire continent, where children as young as 5 years old are indoctrinated to hate Christians and Jews, leading perhaps into producing some of the world’s most infamous Muslim extremists on the entire planet. Yassir’s family, like…

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A mental condition popped up during the 2020 GOP presidential primaries and is still affecting tens of thousands of radical leftists today; Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Their unhealthy disdain for President Trump, MAGA supporters, traditional values, and nationalism, has the far left in the Democratic Party freaking out about Joe Biden’s poor performance resulting in very low approval numbers. With Trump expected to run again in 24, coupled with President Biden’s poor performance, especially over the past six months, the left has moved up the timetable for them to find alternatives to Biden, whom they could start backing after the…

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The constant attack against President Donald J.Trump, during his four years in office, confirmed to many the existence of a “deep state” operating in our government. Starting during the Obama administration, leadership in the FBI, CIA and a fake dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton, eventually lead to a $40 million bogus investigation, two fake impeachments in the U.S. House, and disputed 2020 election results. In spite of the failed investigations and removal of Trump by the U.S. Senate, no one in a position of power has been convicted for the failed coup d’etat On Friday’s episode of “The Joe…

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Enes Kanter plays basketball in America for the Boston Celtics currently. As a lover of sports, the recent bouts of activism have been super obnoxious and none more so than in basketball. Mostly because we don’t get to hear much about conservative b-ballers or even players who love and respect America. (You know, the country that pays them to play a game). One player has begun to make some major headlines and it has nothing to do with his sport. Like Lebron James recent behavior off the court, it’s all about his tweets, his op-eds, and most importantly his politics.…

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Since being acquitted of all charges against him on November 19th, 2021, speculation about whether or not Kyle Rittenhouse will sue anyone has been running rampant. We know Nick Sandmann, another young man who had been defamed by the media as a teenager, gave his two-cents on the matter in his own op-ed written for The Daily Mail. Not only did Sandmann offer some sage advice, but he explained why he felt the need to sue and why if Rittenhouse chooses to do so, he’d be in his corner 100% of the way. Sandmann wasn’t the only one who expressed…

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Ironically, while AOC, along with far left Democrats, push their New Green Deal Climate Change agenda, the Biden clan headed by frontman Hunter Biden, worked a lucrative deal with the Chinese government, using papa Joe’s influence as Vice President to expand China’s energy business around the world. According to New York Post columnist Miranda Devine’s new book Laptop from Hell, details how the Biden family’s involvement with the Chinese communist party enriched the entire family, netting them millions of dollars in just one lucrative deal. The infamous Hunter laptop, left in a Delaware computer repair shop and forgotten by an…

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Whomever winds up following in the footsteps of Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) will have some big shoes to fill. The second largest state in the nation has many troubles, including, obviously, illegal immigration. Far-left radical Beto O’Rourke has tossed his hat in the ring, despite recently failed runs for senator and president. However, Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey, who had toyed with the thought of running for a little while, is declaring that he is out. From The Daily Wire: Actor Matthew McConaughey announced on Sunday that he will not run to be the next governor of Texas, a…

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Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid government official in America today. Nobody knows why, considering the guy has been wrong at nearly every single turn regarding Covid-19. On Sunday, Fauci thought going after Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) would be a good idea. It wasn’t. And Cruz had some backup in the form of fellow GOP Senator Rand Paul (KY) when he came back at Fauci. First, listen to this complete imbecile blabber away… Enter Paul… And here’s Cruz…

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You know things are bad for Democrats when Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama are their top picks to run for president in 2024 if Biden hangs it up. First of all, Kamala is completely loathed – even by people in her own party. She’s literally the worst. Secondly, Michelle Obama!? What kind of sick joke is this!? From Fox News: Vice President Kamala Harris is the top choice for Democrats if President Biden chooses not to run again in 2024, according to a new poll. The vice president received support from 13% of respondents in The Hill/HarrisX poll despite her…

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Former NBA star Ron Artest changed his name to Metta World Peace back in the later stages of his playing days. Most sports fans figured it was just Ron being Ron, given his large personality, similar to when ex-NFL star Chad Johnson switched his moniker to Chad Ochocinco. But this athlete’s name change is different. NBA center Enes Kanter, now Enes Kanter Freedom, just became a citizen of the United States. He knows what it’s like to live in a third world country (under a murderous dictator) and he calls out ingrates like LeBron James when they say stupid things.…

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Wow, Jack is out. After starting Twitter on July 15, 2006, the bohemian, absent CEO, is leaving, being replaced by an SJW anti-white board member. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is stepping down as the chief of the social media company, effective immediately. Parag Agrawal, Twitter’s chief technology officer, will take over the helm, the company said Monday. “I’ve decided to leave Twitter because I believe the company is ready to move on from its founders,” Dorsey said in a statement, though he didn’t provide any additional detail on why he decided to resign.” With Dorsey’s announcement the spotlight moved onto…

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Todd Bensman, a Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies recently traveled to Mexico where he is reporting on the tens of thousands of illegal aliens heading to the open US Southern Border. Mr. Benson witnessed a compilation of globalist organizations, including the United Nations, proving all the resources illegal immigrants will need to help them enter the U.S.A on bogus Asylum claims. In Reynosa, Mexico, at a migrant camp, Mr. Bensman witnessed the United Nations IOM handing out free debit cards to aspiring US border crossers while providing free schooling. The UN’s International Organization for Migration (IOM) hands out…

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The education system in the U.S. is a mess, even though more money is spent per student than any other industrialized nation in the world. Instead of trying to improve the horrendous amount of students dropping out, turning around failing students, and stopping on-campus violence, the progressive administrations and staff are instead focusing on advancing the LGBT agenda, hyper-sex education, social justice, and Critical Race Theory (CRT). A growing problem in many of these failing schools is they are not getting approval to teach CRT from their local school boards. Instead, the teachers’ unions are having them implement the anti-white…

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