Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Ever since White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced that she had a case of Covid-19, despite being fully vaccinated, she has been absent from the public spotlight. This week her role was taken by Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who just might be the least credible person on the planet. Psaki disclosed on October 31 that she had a “breatkthrough case” of Covid-19 in what she characterized as an abundance of transparency. “Psaki, who is fully vaccinated, said she has experienced only mild symptoms,” NPR reported. “In a statement, she said she had not had contact with senior White…

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A Federal Court of Appeals has just put a halt to Biden’s vaccine mandate. The victory for Americans seeking temporary relief from the onerous law was announced by Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced on Saturday. The court’s order pertains to the OSHA regulation that was just issued under the Biden administration. Three court justices issued the following decision. “Before the court is the petitioners’1 emergency motion to stay enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s November 5, 2021 Emergency Temporary Standard2 (the “Mandate”) pending expedited judicial review,” the order said. “Because the petitions give cause to believe there are…

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Commentary by Josh Hammer Tuesday night’s GOP electoral romp in Virginia, headlined by Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin’s victory over former governor and longtime Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe, ought to be a watershed moment for the trajectory of American conservative politics and the Republican Party. The sweep of the Old Dominion’s governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general positions, making for the first statewide GOP victories in the once-solidly red commonwealth since 2009, amounts to a repudiation of the decades of pablum dished out by Republicans’ well-paid, but myopic, K Street consultant class. That conventional wisdom, best encapsulated by the Republican National Committee’s…

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After the GOP voters showed up in droves to stop the Democrat socialists on Election day, many conservatives said that this was all done “without Trump”. The Biden-loving “conservative” Meghan McCain even went as far as to say “we can win in 2024 without Trump”. In response, former Rush Limbaugh producer James Golden aka “Bo Snerdley” set the record straight. After playing a clip of James Carville lamenting over the heavy Democrat losses, Snerdley said Carville “does have a point”. “Wokeness is actually putting Democrats to sleep, their electoral chances anyway. Because what you have is a radicalism that can’t…

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You might call truck driver Edward Durr’s incredible win Tuesday evening a “twofer”, defeating longtime Democratic powerhouse Senate President Steve Sweeney, while also driving former Lincoln Project adviser and contributing writer for the Atlantic, Tom Nichols into a tizzy. The two-for-one package delighted Durr’s supporters who flocked to the Raymour & Flanagan truck driver, giving him a stunning win over the second most powerful politician in New Jersey.  It is still sending shockwaves throughout the state and especially within Trenton, as stunned Democrats attempt to ascertain the fallout. According to the Associated Press, Durr, a Republican, officially won the race…

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Another Thanksgiving favorite of mine is green bean casserole.  It’s quick, it’s easy and it has only a few ingredients. Three of my favorite things in a recipe.  It’s so easy that you can actually make this the day of Thanksgiving and not even break a sweat. You can find this recipe on the can […]

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The first evidence of “Russian Collusion” has been found in Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation and it had nothing to do with former President Donald Trump and had everything to do with failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. In Durham’s indictment on Thursday, “dossier” source Igor Danchenko was revealed, showing Russian collusion with Hillary Clinton’s associates. Check out what Breitbart reported: Danchenko, a Russian-born, U.S.-based researcher, had worked from 2005-2010 at the Brookings Institution with Strobe Talbott, a former official from Bill Clinton’s State Department. He later became the main “Russian” source for former British spy Christopher Steele, who compiled the…

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Think the CRT-peddling nonsense had reached a turning point with the election results in Virginia? Think again, schools are still pushing that nonsense down the throats of their students. One university, in particular, seems to have gone above and beyond in its quest to indoctrinate students with critical race theory and fund those pushing the toxic ideology. That university is the University of Michigan, which apparently paid both Ibrahim X. Kendi and Beverly Daniel Tatum $20,000 for Zoom lectures on CRT. Kendi’s lecture took place in November of 2020 and Tatum’s talk took place this November. Their fees, when prorated…

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The U.S. Congress and White House leadership remind me of a sitcom or dysfunctional family you might know who has pathological liars in their midsts but the family runs interference for them so they don’t have to ever face the consequences. The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania will reportedly issue a study Wednesday that reveals President Joe Biden’s reconciliation package will not be free, although the White House has claimed it would cost “zero” dollars. The study reportedly estimates the net cost of the legislation will plague taxpayers with an extra $2.42 trillion in debt. Punchbowl News reported Wharton analysis…

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The Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, had a difficult time with a direct question at her Congressional hearing on Thursday. Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) grilled Walensky over what should have been a layup for an agency head that has put itself in charge of America’s Covid response. “What percent of CDC employees are vaccinated?” Rep. Cassidy asked. “We’re actively encouraging vaccination on all of our employees and doing a lot of education and outreach in order to get our agency fully vaccinated,’ she said, completely dodging the question. “And the — but the…

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“Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is vowing to fight President Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for large companies,” Fox 13 reported. “Hours after the Biden administration set a January 4 deadline, the governor and state attorney general Ashley Moody announced plans for a lawsuit against the federal government.” Moody called the vaccine requirement “unlawful” and “unconstitutional” and she says she will be filing the lawsuit against the federal government as soon as possible. “OSHA has never used its authority like this and it’s absurd,” Moody said. “This rule requires employees to get vaccinated or be weekly tested and wear a face covering.…

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House Republicans will introduce legislation on Thursday to block a plan by the White House to payout millions of dollars in taxpayer money to illegal immigrants allegedly separated at the border during the Trump administration. Congressman Tom McClintock, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship, has announced he will introduce a bill which will amend the current law 18 USC 2414 that allows the attorney general to enter into settlement agreements with illegal immigrants. The amended legislation called the “Illegal Immigration Payoff Prohibition Act,” would block any attempt by Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland,…

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“US regulators finalize rule requiring Americans who work at big companies to get vaccinated by Jan. 4 or test weekly,” the AP reported on Thursday without providing further details. “The Biden administration ordered U.S. companies Thursday to ensure their employees are fully vaccinated or regularly tested for Covid-19 by Jan. 4 — giving them a reprieve over the holidays before the long-awaited and hotly contested mandate takes affect,” CNBC reported. “The administration on Thursday also pushed back the deadline for federal contractors to comply with a stricter set of vaccine requirements for staff from Dec. 8 to Jan. 4 to match the…

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced he aims to create a new police unit to pursue election crime full-time.  DeSantis urged the legislation and told lawmakers to increase the penalties for election fraud. The Office of Election Crimes and Security would find, apprehend, and punish criminals who interfere in the state’s elections. “I guarantee you this: The first person that gets caught, no one is going to want to do it again after that,” DeSantis promised. “You look at the things going on. You see Big Tech. You see corporate media. They weren’t very happy with Virginia last night,” DeSantis said…

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Glenn Youngkin had never run for public office before winning the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election. That’s a pretty big deal. The GOP almost pulled off another major victory in the New Jersey governor’s race, but somehow Phil Murphy managed to win. If Virginia truly serves as a bellwether for future elections, it means that Democrats are in big trouble down the line. Check this out, via The Daily Wire: Sabato’s Crystal Ball — a political newsletter published by the University of Virginia Center for Politics — called the results “horrible” for Democrats in a Wednesday newsletter. […] Citing the Biden…

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Meghan McCain, TV personality and “conservative” political commentator, is, like her late father, a RINO that’s always willing to find enemies to her right and friends to her left. Though she has mostly faded into irrelevance, Meghan popped back into the news this week when she set off a Twitter firestorm. What’d she do? She made the typical RINO mistake and attacked Trump without provocation, claiming that the GOP could win without him in 2024: We can win 2024 without Trump. — Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) November 3, 2021 The tweet quickly sparked outrage, with conservatives in the Twitterverse attacking her,…

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If you have read some of my previous recipes you already know how much I love the Instant Pot.  It saves time, it’s perfect for lazy cooks like myself, and most importantly, it saves my sanity!  Who here has lost there ever-lovin’ mind when trying to peel boiled eggs without them looking like a porcupine […]

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In response to Democrats’ enormous defeats in the elections on Tuesday evening, celebrity Cher had a total meltdown on Twitter where she accused Republicans of being Nazis. The tweet was absurd to say the least considering it was written in all caps and had emojis littered throughout the tweet. Here is the translated version. “HELD MY TONGUE,LONG ENOUGH,BUT FK IT!! DO DEMS NEED A HOUSE 2 FALL ON THER SISTERS, BEE 4 THEY C WHATS COMING?! GUESS “AMERICAN TERRORISTS”YELLING HANG PENCE,KILL PELOSI, ISNT ENOUGH.IF GOP TAKE POWER IT’LL BEE “TOTAL POWER”.ITS “WHITE’S”ONLY CLUB,& BLM,LGBT,JEWS,ASIANS,MINORITIES,R IN NAZI STYLE PERIL.” HELD MY…

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For one night, the smirk was wiped off of radical Democrats’ impudent faces as they had to come to grips with the political reality that most American voters now view them as ‘the bad guys.’ This narrative played out metaphorically on the visage of Rachel Maddow, whose expression is the divining rod of leftist political sentiment in the country. “What do you think the story is tonight thus far?” Maddow asked. “The story is — I’m not going to call it a blowout because we don’t have the final numbers. But I will tell you somebody high up in McAuliffe’s…

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Kitchen table issues, like education, the economy, and COVID-19 mandates, drove the agenda Tuesday night, as voters in both Virginia and New Jersey flocked to their polling places to cast their ballots. Both Democratic candidates Terry McAuliffe and Phil Murphy nationalized their respective campaigns, purposely ignoring local issues, while also invoking the name of former president Donald Trump at almost every campaign stop. They latched on to big name political Democratic heavyweights like Obama, Biden, Sanders and Harris, while also out spending their Republican rivals, in some instances by a whopping 7 to 1, in New Jersey. Although the race…

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She works in Washington D.C., where masking up is mandated. She’s surrounded by people who are vaccinated everywhere she goes 24/7. It didn’t matter. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki still, somehow, came down with the Coronavirus. Go figure. It’s almost like these masks don’t work. But don’t tell Jen, because she’s going to pretend they do. From Fox News: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Sunday she has tested positive for COVID-19 despite being vaccinated. “On Wednesday, in coordination with senior leadership at the White House and the medical team, I made the decision not to travel on…

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If you took stupid and multiplied it with dumb and added just a tad bit of imbecile, you’d have the makings of a CNN “analyst.” It’s as if these far-left hosts and talking-heads have nothing better to do with their lives than spew hate. From The Daily Wire: After a Southwest Airlines pilot reportedly ended an address to passengers with the words “Let’s go, Brandon” on Friday, a CNN analyst likened the man’s remark to the equivalence of something an ISIS terrorist might say. Colleen Long of the Associated Press said that the incident took place Friday morning on a…

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Joe Biden will most likely run for president again in 2024. Unfortunately, that means Kamala is coming with him. But Joe has 99 problems and Harris is definitely one of them. With Donald Trump, who is all but certain to seek office in three years time, Biden more than has his hands full. Now, even Democrat voters are making it known they regret voting for Joe in 2020. From Marist Poll: President Joe Biden’s approval rating is upside down. 44% of Americans approve of the job he is doing as president, and 49% disapprove. This compares to 45% approve and…

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New York City is in a world of hurt with Bill de Blasio at the helm. Thankfully, but also unfortunately, a new liberal mayor is set to take over NYC very shortly. How is it that people, like Bill, don’t see the damage they are causing? Pandemic’s over, de Blasio. Move on. From New York Daily News: Mayor de Blasio on Monday attacked city firefighters for feigning illness to protest vaccination mandates — and promised consequences for those who don’t report to their jobs. De Blasio employed the threatening rhetoric on the first day that city employees who’ve refused to…

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American voters are signaling yet another rejection of the radical Democratic agenda in Biden’s America, based on yet another election night result. Republican Mike Carey has won the special election for the House seat in Ohio’s 15th Congressional District, NBC News projects. The 2021 election victory would be yet another Trump-endorsed candidate to win a House race. “Republican Mike Carey, a coal lobbyist endorsed by former President Donald Trump, defeated Democrat Allison Russo in a special election for Ohio’s 15th Congressional District around Columbus,” Reuters reported, based on MSNBC projections. “The Ohio seat was held for a decade by Republican…

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Virginia’s most populous country, Fairfax County, will be re-scanning ballots and announcing the vote totals later tonight, Fox News reported during its live election coverage. There is a reported delay and the county is re-scanning ballots, a Fairfax County election official announced earlier on Election Day. NEW INFO: @TerryMcAuliffe’s campaign says a portion of the early votes in Fairfax County need to be rescanned and there is no set timeline for that yet. His staff says that could delay the results. — Jackie DeFusco (@Jackie8News) November 2, 2021 “Terry McAuliffe’s campaign says Fairfax County will not meet their self-imposed deadline…

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Despite the CDC’s assurances that all three COVID-19 vaccines are relatively safe, along with the tentative approval by the FDA, studies and reports have determined, after collecting numerous data, that all three vaccines pose some substantial risks along with dangerous side effects. A new study just concluded found that the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine increases the risk of blood clots. That is according to the new data conducted by researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, looking at cases with a specific type of blood clot called “cerebral venous sinus thrombosis” (CVST), within Olmsted County, Minnesota. Researchers studied…

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Fox News analyst Juan Williams is a typical Democratic activist always looking for opportunities to blame any resistance to the far left’s “progressive” agenda, on “white Americans”. With the state of Virginia at risk of flipping back to the red column, Williams took the DNC approved talking points yesterday and has been screaming from the rooftops, using racism as the warning sound to anyone who listens. Yes, Williams is insisting the reason parents want to know and have a say in what books their children will be required to read and who object to CRT, is because they are racists.…

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Oh my word!  This is by far the best dessert recipe I have ever had!  It’s better than chocolate chip cookies, better than chocolate cake, and I dare say, it’s better than butter pecan ice cream.  Yep, I went there.  Ice cream is my kryptonite but I would kick it to the curb if I […]

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As the New Jersey governor’s race goes down to the wire on Election Day with Republican candidate Jack Ciattarelli make a strong late push to keep incumbent Phil Murphy from becoming the first Democratic governor to win re-election in over 40 years. But as New Jersey voters head to the polls on Tuesday morning, there were reports of major disruption to the electronic voting system reported. The concerning development was reported by 101.5 FM in New Jersey. “A new system being used at polling places around the state that cost $68 million is to blame for voting problems in the…

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A majority of Florida voters believe their state is headed in the right direction and that Gov. Ron DeSantis deserves re-election, a poll released Friday by the state Chamber of Commerce indicated. The survey data indicates that 48% of respondents believe Florida is “headed in the right direction,” compared to 42% who believe the opposite is true. In addition, the margin of difference is much greater among Hispanic voters. The poll results indicated that 57% of Hispanics believe Florida is going in the right direction, versus 31% who believe it is going in the “wrong direction,” a margin of 26 points.…

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Former Democratic governor and ex-DNC chair Terry McAuliffe made a last minute pitch to Virginia voters to get him across the finish line: Vote for him and there will be fewer white teachers. Terry McAuliffe closes his campaign with the message that there are too many white teachers in Virginia schools. He wants to reduce the number of white teachers in order to “make everybody feel comfortable.” — Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) November 1, 2021 “I promise you, we’ve got to diversify our teacher base here in Virginia,” McAuliffe said on Monday. “Fifty percent of the students at schools…

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This is exactly what happens when inmates are allowed to run the asylum. When children are in charge, the country falls apart. It is really that simple. How Joy Reid has her own show on any channel is a question that may never be answered. From The Daily Wire: The legacy media spent the weekend continually conflating criticism of the Biden administration with terrorist propaganda. In three days of nearly identically worded attacks, CNN and MSNBC likened FNC programming to ISIS recruiting films, accused 90-year-old Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch of being a “threat to democracy,” and mused about revoking…

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US Secretary of State Blinken, when discussing if Iran will return to the Obama-era nuclear deal with CBS News’ “Face the Nation” program host Margaret Brennan that: “We were also looking at, as necessary, other options if Iran is not prepared to engage quickly in good faith​ ​t​o pick up where we left off in June when these talks were interrupted by the change in government in Iran, and to see if we can get back to mutual compliance – both countries coming back into the agreement as quickly as possible​,”​ When she asked if “other options” meant war with Iran,…

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According to a former CIA officer, Red China is stealing American technology and using it to design and build an America-defeating military. That CIA officer is named David Sauer and the Epoch Times reports that he “served as chief of station and deputy chief of station in multiple overseas command positions in East Asia and South Asia prior to his retirement.” In an interview that won’t surprise China hawks and those who have been raising the alarm about Chinese industrial espionage, he told The Epoch Times’ sister media outlet NTD that: “U.S. security officials estimate that the Chinese steal between…

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At country music star Jason Aldean’s most recent concert, “F*** Joe Biden” chants broke out which seemed to be supported by Aldean who holds many conservative beliefs. “You said it!” Aldean was heard saying as the chants broke out. WATCH: Country Music Fans chant “FJB” at a Jason Aldean Concert. #FJB#LetsGoBrandon — 🍁Katrina Stuck in Newsom Purgatory🍁 (@BeachyKeenBabe) October 31, 2021 Aldean and his wife, Brittany have been very vocal in recent months as Democrats continue to ravage America with their oppressive agendas. “So let me get this straight! It is no longer our decisions as parents (or free…

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If you are a baseball fan then you know that the Tomahawk Chop is the salute given at the Brave’s games.  Just like when we place our hand over our hearts as the National Anthem is playing, the fans do the Tomahawk Chop when the Brave’s take to the field. During Game 4 of the World Series in Atlanta between the Braves and the Astros, President Trump and First Lady Melania made an appearance.  And guess what? They got caught doing something racist – in the eyes of the left, of course. From Newsweek: During Saturday’s World Series baseball game…

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When college football players get drafted (or signed) to an NFL team, they first go to the NFL combine. It is here where coaches can finally see these athletes up close, while getting to know them on a personal level. In other words, it’s a job interview. Nothing more. If you are a coach or general manager or team owner, wouldn’t you want some one-on-one time with a kid that you’re about to turn into a multi-millionaire overnight? Yeah, I thought so. But anthem-kneeling race-baiter Colin Kaepernick sees things differently.  Of course he does. From Breitbart: Netflix gave Colin Kaepernick…

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Elon Musk once again proved himself king of the trolls when he told the UN that he’d be happy to donate the $7 billion if they claim to need to end world hunger if they could tell him how they’d spend it and open their books to the public. Bloomberg reports that, when he made his offer, “Musk was responding to comments by David Beasley, director of the UN’s World Food Programme, who repeated a call last week following an earlier tweet this month asking billionaires like Musk to “step up now, on a one-time basis.” Here’s that tweet: Congratulations to @elonmusk for passing…

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On Monday, Joe Biden lived up to his nickname of “Sleepy Joe” when he appeared to fall into a deep slumber during a speech at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. In the beginning of the video, Biden closes his eyes but then reopens them after a few seconds. However, 20 seconds into the video, Biden appears to take a cat nap for about 30 seconds before an aide comes over to wake him up. Watch below: Biden appears to fall asleep during COP26 opening speeches — Zach Purser Brown (@zachjourno) November 1, 2021 The speaker was…

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